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Booster Plus for WooCommerce v5.5.6 NULLED – Booster for WooCommerce


Booster Plus for WooCommerce là một plugin WordPress cho phép bạn thực hiện tinh chỉnh WooCommerce (trước đây là WooJetpack). Bạn không còn cần phải nhập mã và chỉnh sửa mọi thứ bằng tay! Chức năng của plugin đủ để tùy chỉnh công cụ cửa hàng trực tuyến phù hợp với nhu cầu của bạn.

Nhiệm vụ chính của mô-đun là mở rộng chức năng cơ bản của nền tảng WooCommerce được sử dụng để tạo cửa hàng.


Tính năng nổi bật Booster Plus for WooCommerce plugin – Booster for WooCommerce

Booster Plus for WooCommerce

  • Giá cả và tiền tệ.
  • Nút và huy hiệu.
  • Giỏ hàng và thanh toán.
  • Tùy chọn thanh toán.
  • Hàng hóa.
  • Chức năng dành cho phần sản phẩm
  • Vận chuyển Giao hàng và đặt hàng.
  • Hóa đơn PDF và phiếu đóng gói.
  • Email bản tin và linh tinh.
  • Cổng thanh toán

Booster Plus for WooCommerce v5.5.6 Nulled Free Changelog

= v5.5.6 30/03/2022 =
* Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - Fixed add-on issue with add-on by variation feature.
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Fixed IP detection issue with Booster method.
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency - Fixed the input field addition on saving the changes.
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Fixed edit issue of custom field with text-area.
* Fix - PRODUCTS - Related Products - Changed the query for manually related products.
* Fix - PRODUCTS- Product Tabs - Added WPML compatibility in product tabs Module.
* Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Removed cron schedule for fonts when module not activated.
* Feature - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Added Shortcode to show custom message for 0 VAT order [wcj_order_vat_func vat_exempt_text='add Custom Text Here'].
* WooCommerce 6.3.1 tested
* WordPress 5.9.2 tested
= v5.5.5 08/03/2022 =
* Fix - Added improvement for site key validation process.
* WooCommerce 6.2.1 tested
* WordPress 5.9.1 tested

= v5.5.4 28/02/2022 =
* Fix - PRODUCTS-Product Addons-Fixed Quantity issue with PHP 8.0
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES-Global Discount-Fixed issue with showing discounted price on product page for PHP 8.0.
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT-One Page Checkout-Fixed Stripe gateway js comaptibility.
* Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS-Gateways Fees and Discounts-Changed transalation text for WPML.
* Fix - PRODUCTS-Product Price by Formula-Change transalation text for WPML.
* WooCommerce 6.2.1 tested
* WordPress 5.9.1 tested
= v5.5.2 31/01/2022 =
* WooCommerce 6.1.1 tested
* WordPress 5.9 tested
= v5.5.0 29/12/2021 =
* Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Options- Fixed Priority issue for most expensive and product tag based shipping methods.
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Fixed the exception country setting issue.
* Fix - PRODUCTS -Fixed wcj_product_tags shortcode was showing invalid argument error for products without tags.
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT -Checkout Custom Fields- Fixed the select option to show the original label instead of database values.
* Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS- Reduced the frequency of call from an hour to daily basis.
* Feature - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS- Added Base64 encode image shortcode [wcj_encode_img srcs=''] to support QR Codes.
* Feature - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Added GeoLocation based get currency option.
* WooCommerce 6.0.0 tested
* WordPress 5.8.2 tested
= v5.4.9 30/11/2021 =
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES- Currency per Product - Fixed shipping price convert issue with exchange rate change wcj_get_option to get_option.
* Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Fixed nulled circle exception showing when shipping module not found.
* Fix - PRODUCTS -Cross-sells- Fixed product is not in stock error on cart page.
* Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS- Fixed XSS reflected injection on fields without sanitization.
* Fix - PRODUCTS -Products XML Feeds- Fixed XSS reflected injection on fields without sanitization.
* Fix - EMAILS & MISC-General- Fixed XSS reflected injection on fields without sanitization.

= v5.4.8 27/10/2021 =
* Feature - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - Added shortcode to display product visibility by country. Use [wcj_product_visibility_by_country] to apply.
* Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Fees and Discounts - Fixed klarna payment fees issue for checkout page.
* Fix - PRODUCTS - Related Products - Fixed include/exclude hide option issue for products.
* Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Fixed bulk pdf invoice download issue with include and exclude billing country
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES- Currency per Product - Fixed shipping price convert issue with exchange rate.

= v5.4.7 29/09/2021 =
* Feature - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Price by Formula - Added Compatibility with WoocommerceBooking plugin.
* Feature - CART & CHECKOUT - One Page Checkout - Added Compatibilty with woocommecce check out custom feild plugin.
* Feature - CART & CHECKOUT - Mini Cart Custom Info - Added Peachpay payment gateway installation steps.
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Frequently Bought Together- Fixed variable product add on module.
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Fixed PHP warning array_key() expects parameter 1.
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - Fixed Error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined.
* WooCommerce 5.7.1 tested
* WordPress 5.8.1 tested

= v5.4.6 27/08/2021 =
* Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Fixed order number sequential bug for a new order for different PHP versions.

= v5.4.5 25/08/2021 =
* Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Fixed table border is not being shown when we use a background image.
* Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Fixed page break not working when extra header css is being added.
* Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Fixed refund extra fee and shipping value not being shown on item table.
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Fixed Category rules of checkout were not being reflected on email.
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Fixed EU vat number required notice when the field is empty.
* Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Fixed order number sequential bug for a new order.
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Fixed closure error when widgets are being used on shop page.
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Fixed per product price issue with the multicurrency switcher.
* WooCommerce 5.6.0 tested
* WordPress 5.8 tested

= v5.4.4 11/08/2021 =
* Fix - Emails & Misc.- Email Verification - Fixed security issue for Authentication link.

= v5.4.3 28/07/2021 =
* Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS- Order Quantities - Fixed Steps issue on product detail page.
* Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - Fixed issue when "Enable AJAX on Single Product Page" option, Prices of Related products are also change while changing varition of variable product.
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Fixed meta key issue for input type select.
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Fixed Compatibility issue with WooCommerce Attribute Swatches by Iconic Plugin
* Fix - Fixed error WP_Scripts::localize was called incorrectly. The $l10n parameter must be an array
* Feature - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Quantities - Show notice while add to cart, if the Maximum order quantity limit reached.
* Feature - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Quantities - Allow any quantity if the product is lower than the minimum quantity.
* Feature - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - Added options to choose All countries or WooCommerce Selling Locations for For [wcj_selector selector_type="country"]
* WooCommerce 5.5.2 tested
* WordPress 5.8 tested

= v5.4.2 24/06/2021 =
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Fixed duplicate meta key issue.
* Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Fixed hashid dependency issue.
* Fix - PRODUCTS - SKU - Fixed hashid dependency issue.
* Feature - CART & CHECKOUT - One Page Checkout - you can add product to one page checkout globally or product id wise or you can just checkout option in relative product single page.
* Feature - CART & CHECKOUT - Frequently Bought Together - Add Frequently Bought Together section with suggest items usually bought together with the product watched by your customer.
* Feature - CONTACT SUPPORT - Quick link to reach us for technical support or suggest an idea.
* PHP 8.0.6 tested
* WooCommerce 5.4.1 tested
* WordPress 5.7.2 tested

= v5.4.1-dev 27/05/2021 =
* Feature - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Added new feature to add paid stamp to PDF invoices for particular payment gateways.
* Display product image using shortcode like “product_thumbnail” in order item table
* Display product addons on PDF: You can add Product addon title using "item_product_addons"
* Subscription Order: If you are using subscription type product you can easily display For example : [wcj_order_subscription_get_date subscription_date_type=”start”]
* Display checkout custom fields on pdf Using [wcj_order_checkout_field] shortcode. You can display checkout custom fields on PDF Invoices.
* Display product input fields on pdf: Find wcj_order_items_table shortcode on Template code. Using “|” separator add “item_product_input_fields_with_titles” on “columns” argument. Add column title with product input field column title on “columns_titles” argument.
* Display WooCommerce order’s meta on pdf using Using [wcj_order_meta] shortcode you can display WooCommerce order’s meta on pdf. For example : [wcj_order_meta meta_key="_your_key"]
* PHP 8.0.6 tested
* WooCommerce 5.3.0 tested
* WordPress 5.7.2 tested

= v5.4.0 29/04/2021 =
* Feature - PRODUCTS - Product Extra Fees - Added new module to allow store owner to charge extra fees on particular product.
* Dev - Add Tooltip & Suggestion for fields
* Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - Add `[Wcj_order_shipping_price_without_html_custom]` shortcode.
* Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - Add `[Wcj_order_total_without_html_custom]` shortcode.
* Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - Add `[Wcj_order_total_fees_incl_tax_without_html_custom]` shortcode.
* Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - Add `[Wcj_order_total_tax_without_html_custom]` shortcode.
* Dev - Shortcodes - Product - Add `[wcj_product_regular_price_without_html_custom]` shortcode.
* Dev - Shortcodes - Product - Add `[wcj_product_purchase_price_without_html_custom]` shortcode.
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - Fix "Checkout Field arragement & Lable for required field" issue.
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Price by Formula - Quick edit issue fixed
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Quick edit issue fixed
* PHP 8.0.3 tested
* WooCommerce 5.2.2 tested
* WordPress 5.7.1 tested

= v5.3.8 - 24/02/2021 =
* PHP 8.0.2 tested
* WooCommerce 5.0 tested
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Stock - For a Variable product, the custom stock message should be shown before option selection, if stock management is set at the product level.
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Stock - Show product availability message on shop/loop/search etc.
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Global Discount - Discount conflict when we enable global and wholesale both discounts.
* Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Minimum Amount - Compatibility issue has been resolved with Woocommerce Blocks plugin
* Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Custom order number search is not working when the date parameter is set
* Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Add addition, subtraction, division attributes to shortcodes like multiply_by
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Shortcodes - Exclude Item_total from order total and order subtotal if the product has been excluded by tag, category or attribute name in invoice pdf.

= v5.3.7 - 28/01/2021 =
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - Fix "Checkout Field arragement not working" issue.
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Fix "Woocommerce store base currency Exchange rate" issue.
* Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Added feature to export new column for 'allowed_user_roles' and 'not_allowed_user_roles'.
* Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - PDF Invoicing - Fix "Order total after refund" shortcode with new attribute.
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Fix "EU VAT Number" should be required for EU countries only.

= v5.3.6 - 30/12/2020 =
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Fix "Datepicker/Weekpicker: Current day time limit" timezone.
* Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Currency Converter - Call to undefined function `is_cart()`.
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Fix "conflict between include/exclude product and include/exclude categories".
* Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Fixed the Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).live is not a function error
* Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - Fixed the product visibility by category. Remove the woocommerce_product_is_visible filter and added woocommerce_product_query.
* Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - Add `[wcj_order_total_in_words]` shortcode. "Fixed issue for Lithuanian characters (LT) lang paramater.
* Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Round the amount added precision to amount values for export the csv file
* Dev - Classes - `WCJ_Module` - Add "hide_on_free" parameter allowing to create a feature hidden on free version.
* Fix - PDF Invoicing - Numbering - Fixed the numbering counter issue for bulk pdf generation.
* Fix - PDF Invoicing - Numbering - Fixed the numbering counter issue for pdf delete.

= v5.3.5 =
* Fix - PRODUCTS - Product by Condition - Fix shipping removing algorithm.
* Fix - Improper replacement of `get_option()` by `wcj_option()`.
* Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Custom Shipping - Created custom shipping name as `null`.
* Fix - Undefined index: weight_table_total_rows.
* Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Default currency - Add 'Currency' and 'Force' options.

password: xem hướng dẫn bên dưới

4 bình luận
  1. Thu Nguyen đã bình luận

    Admin có upload nhầm file ko nhỉ, file download lại ra divi-booster ạ

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      tks nhé. Fix link rồi ne

  2. Vũ Ba đã bình luận

    Pass hotrowordpress sai rồi Ad ơi, Cho mình xin lại với nha. Tks Ad

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      xem hướng dẫn cuối bài viết nhé

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