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Directories Pro v1.3.91 (+Addons) – Plugin thư mục WordPress


Directories Pro là một plugin WordPress cho phép bạn tạo bất kỳ loại thư mục nào, chẳng hạn như thư mục kinh doanh dựa trên forum, diễn đàn, chẳng hạn như, Google+ hoặc Yahoo Local, thư mục người dùng, thư mục trang web, thư mục thuộc tính, v.v.

Directories Pro là plugin thư mục linh hoạt nhất mà bạn có thể tìm thấy cho WordPress.

  • Gợi ý tương tự: Directory Pro – Plugin Thư Mục WordPress


Tính năng nổi bật Directories Pro plugin for WordPress

Tính năng nổi bật Directories Pro plugin for WordPress

  • Quản lý thư mục
  • Hoàn toàn tùy biến, tùy chỉnh
  • Tìm kiếm và bộ lộc
  • Kiếm tiền: hỗ trợ WooCommerce
  • Quản lý danh sách / đánh giá / khiếu nại / phiếu bầu thông qua bảng điều khiển thư mục frontend
  • Tạo lượt xem
  • Nhận xét, thống kê, đánh giá
  • Tương thích SEO: Yoast SEO, All In One SEO
  • Tương thích WPML, PolyLang
Directories Pro plugin for WordPress Nulled Free Changelog

v1.3.91 - Mar 16, 2022
- Bug fixed: PHP warning error with filter form since v1.3.90.
- Bug fixed: Search custom "Number" type field values using keyword search not working properly.

v1.3.90 - Mar 7, 2022
- Bug fixed: Invalid "for" attribute for "label" HTML element in search form fields.
- Bug fixed: PHP memory size not being detected correctly in system information if over 1G.
- Bug fixed: Unable to upload .dotx/.docx files using "File" type field.
- Bug fixed: Payment plan selection not working when using PolyLang.
- Bug fixed: Several display issues with "Reference" type field.

v1.3.89 - Feb 15, 2022
- Added: Option to disable merging overlapping intervals for "Opening Hours" field renderer.
- Added: Option to use URL of another field for custom buttons in "Button" display element.
- Added: Option to show child terms as dropdown for "Child Terms" display element.
- Bug fixed: Several PHP errors (Notice/Warning/Fatal).
- Bug fixed: Error saving content containing emoji.
- Improved: Added bestRating/worstRating to aggregateRating property.

v1.3.88 - Feb 5, 2022
- Bug fixed: Compatibility with certain themes and its settings.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with displaying currency.

v1.3.87 - Feb 1, 2022
- Added: Taxonomy display elements for displaying taxonomy term content on listing displays.
- Bug fixed: Fix several PHP errors.
- Improved: Show lost password form in modal window.
- Improved: Allow specifying descendant terms in conditional rule by appending "+" after term ID.
v1.3.86 - Jan 7, 2022
- Bug fixed: Review criteria options were not translatable.
- Bug fixed: Generate translations tool not working properly with PolyLang.
- Bug fixed: File upload field not working properly when field label empty.
- Bug fixed: Some routing issues with taxonomy views.
- Improved: Allow 
 and  tags in field description text.

v1.3.85 - Dec 16, 2021
- Bug fixed: Some display issues with buttons when setting primary color to black.
- Bug fixed: PHP warning error in backend.
- Bug fixed: Some URL rewriting issues with PolyLang.
- Bug fixed: Listings with subscription payment plan not being deactivated after expiration on certain occasion.
- Bug fixed: Post slug could not be updated through CSV import.
v1.3.84 - Nov 21, 2021
- Added: Option to update listings when map dragged.
- Added: Option to configure time step interval for "Time" and "Opening Hours" type fields.
- Added: ”Year range picker” filter for "Date" type field.
- Bug fixed: Old URL routing data causing 404 errors on certain occasion.
- Bug fixed: Some display issues on backend taxonomy term pages.
- Removed: Option to show display elements to item author only added in v1.3.83 which was redundant.
- Updated: Leaflet.js (v1.7.1) and its associated JS/CSS files.
- Updated: Bootstrap CSS/JS framework to v4.6.1.
v1.3.83 - Oct 29, 2021
- Added: Option to set custom zoom level for "Map" field renderer.
- Added: Option to show display elements to item author only.
- Improved: Option to update view on same page when bookmark button clicked by guest.

v1.3.81 - Sep 24, 2021
- Bug fixed: Listing status stays pending even after successful payment if initial payment attempt failed.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with map markers on single location page for listings with multiple locations.
- Improved: Allow displaying "Number" type field values on backend admin listings page.
- Improved: Allow sorting by "Listing Description" field values.

v1.3.80 - Sep 10, 2021
- Bug fixed: WordPress Media Manager not allowing attaching WebP image files.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with language files (de_CH/de_DE/it_IT/tr_TR).
- Bug fixed: Some issues when using Bootstrap library loaded from outside Directories Pro.
- Bug fixed: Conditional rules for "Location" field not working properly on certain occasion.
- Added: "Redirect to suggested item page when clicked" option for taxonomy terms in "Keyword Search" field.
- Improved: Erase author name from listings/reviews/claims when GDPR data erasure requested.

v1.3.78 - Jul 26, 2021
- Bug fixed: Several compatibility issues with PHP 8.
- Improved: Add support for WebP image files for WordPress 5.8.
- Updated: German language file (thanks to Patrick Baumann).

v1.3.77 - Jul 20, 2021
- Bug fixed: Some URL formatting issues with filter form.
- Bug fixed: PHP warning when Button display element displayed in frontend on certain occasion.
- Bug fixed: Error when generating locations for listings on certain occasion.
- Improved: Hide add listing button in frontend if submission restricted.
- Improved: Allow sorting listings by review count in backend.

v1.3.76 - Jul 1, 2021
- Bug fixed: Several compatibility issues with PHP 8 and up.
- Bug fixed: Some unrelated fields being exported on certain occasion.

v1.3.75 - Jun 17, 2021
- Bug fixed: Some URL routing issues with WPML and PolyLang.
- Bug fixed: Invalid CSS generated with custom primary/secondary color settings.
- Bug fixed: Cache and URL routing issues with reviews on single listing page.
- Added: Option to specify screenshot image width for "Screenshot" field renderer.
- Added: Option to specify custom label text color for "Labels" display element.
- Improved: Allow entity tags in display element heading text.

v1.3.74 - May 30, 2021
- Bug fixed: Some issues searching listings by location when "Google Maps Place Autocomplete" enabled.
- Bug fixed: Conditional rules for "Location" type field in "Manage Displays" not working with "is empty" or "is not empty" option.
- Bug fixed: "Hide empty terms" setting for taxonomy term field filters not working on certain occasion when "Hide count" setting enabled.
- Added: "Icon" field renderer support for "Number" and "Price" type fields.

= v1.3.73 - May 16, 2021 =
- Bug fixed: Some issues with redirection on certain occasions since last update.
- Added: Options to allow username or e-mail address only for login.
- Added: Server-side geolocation for detecting current user location without page reload.
- Updated: French language files (thanks to Eric Petit).

= v1.3.72 - May 10, 2021 =
- Bug fixed: Compatibility with PHP version 5.
- Bug fixed: Several issues with Italian/Spanish language files since one of recent updates.
- Bug fixed: Issue configuring slider step setting for "Range" and "Number" type fields.
- Bug fixed: Import using WP ALL Import not working correctly since one of recent updates.

== v1.3.71 - May 6, 2021
- Added: Allow setting color for each option in "Choice" type field.
- Added: "Exact match" match type option for "Keyword Search" search field.
- Added: New "Query by field" setting for filtering items when exporting.
- Added: New "Range List" field renderer for "Number" and "Price" type fields.
- Bug fixed: Custom label texts could not be translated.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with conditional rules for display elements.

= v1.3.70 - Apr 28, 2021 =
- Bug fixed: Possible XSS vulnerability in backend.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with "Required" field setting for "Location" type field.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with conditional rule settings for "Location" type field.
- Bug fixed: Error when saving Primary/Secondary color settings on certain occasion.
- Bug fixed: Sort listings by "Exp. Date" in views not working since one of recent updates.
- Added: Option to show Google Maps place rating and review count.
- Added: "Clear map" button for "Location" type field.

= v1.3.69 - Apr 23, 2021 =
- Bug fixed: Some fields could not be updated on certain occasion since one of recent updates.
- Bug fixed: Payment plan could not be unassigned from certain listings after expiration.
- Bug fixed: Icons not showing correctly with custom taxonomies.
- Added: "Image" and "File" type fields to conditional rule options for display elements.
- Added: Option to customize "All day" label for "Opening Hours" field renderer.

= v1.3.68 - Apr 12, 2021 =
- Added: "Show claimed only" filter for "Author" type field.
- Added: Options to set custom log directory and disable error logging.
- Added: Option to inverse filter results for boolean type filters.
- Improved: Allow using entity tags for custom button "External URL" setting.

= v1.3.67 - Apr 2, 2021 =
- Bug fixed: Fatal error when generating dummy field values for "Location" type field since v1.3.66.
- Bug fixed: Some display issues with map marker infobox.

= v1.3.64/1.3.65 - Mar 22, 2021 =
- Added: Dummy field value generator for "Opening Hours" type field.
- Added: Option to remove trailing zeros for "Range" type field display element.
- Added: Option to include content item title in search for "Paragraph Text" type and WordPress post content field filter.
- Bug fixed: Error when importing location taxonomy terms by term ID.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with caching facet counts in filter form.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with sorting by field with multiple values.
- Improved: Show distance for all locations in each listing for listings with multiple locations when sorting by distance.
- Improved: Use lat/lng coordinates fetched by Google Maps Places API instead of Geocoding API if places autocomplete enabled.

= v1.3.56 - Feb 11, 2021 =
- Added: New "Appearance" settings section in backend for configuring primary/secondary colors and custom CSS.
- Added: Option to set space between listings and map in view settings for "List" and "Masonry" view modes.
- Added: "Monday - Friday", "Saturday - Sunday", "All week" options for "Opening Hours" field
- Bug fixed: Some checkbox options being unchecked on form submit error.
- Bug fixed: Enter key stopped working with search form since v1.3.54.

= v1.3.50 - Dec 29, 2020 =
- Bug fixed: Some PHP errors with PHP 8.0.0.
- Bug fixed: Add display element button not showing available elements in modal window after adding "Card" display element.

= v1.3.48 - Dec 8, 2020 =
- Fixed: 3rd party vendor library requiring PHP 7.2.0 or up instead of PHP 5.4.0 since v1.3.47.

v1.3.43/1.3.44/1.3.45 - Nov 20, 2020
- Bug fixed: Listings being deactivated when expired even when "None" selected for "Action after payment plan expiration" setting.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with Contact Form 7 special mail tags.
- Bug fixed: Custom "Location" type field could not be exported.
- Bug fixed: "Price" type field could not be exported/imported.
- Bug fixed: Conditional rules for default "Listing Description" field not working properly on certain occasion.
- Added: Option to specify decimal point character when importing "Number" type field.
- Added: Option to choose currency symbol position for "Price" type field renderer.
- Improved: Enable usage of tags for "Tab" display element label.

v1.3.42 - Nov 14, 2020
- Added: Option to specify date format of date values in CSV file when importing "Date" type field.
- Added: New "Reverse geocode address" system tool.
- Added: Option to query posts/terms by slugs in view query settings.
- Bug fixed: "Click Search my location button automatically on page load" setting for "Location" type field filter not working since recent updates.
- Bug fixed: "Require location on map" setting for "Location" type field could not be disabled on certain occasion.
- Bug fixed: Address in map marker infobox not showing correctly on certain occasion.

v1.3.40/1.3.41 - Nov 6, 2020
- Added: Option to hide map on small screen for "List" and "Masonry" view modes.
- Added: Option to change "Appointment only" label for "Opening Hours" field type.
- Bug fixed: Guest user bookmarks being reset after closing browser.
- Bug fixed: "Hide empty" setting not working when "Hide count" setting enabled for "Choice" type field filter.
- Bug fixed: Filters from other filter groups showing up in conditional rules setting for filters.
- Improved: Compatibility with Avada theme page settings.

v1.3.39 - Oct 30, 2020
- Bug fixed: "Range" type field filter showing invalid field prefix/suffix text since v1.3.38.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with "Range" type field filter when using Safari browser.
- Improved: Compatibility with Avada theme layout builder.

v1.3.38 - Oct 28, 2020
- Bug fixed: "Require location on map" setting for "Location" type field not working since recent updates.
- Bug fixed: Several issues displaying filter form and button since recent updates.
- Improved: Show map on mobile devices if map enabled in view.

v1.3.37 - Oct 17, 2020
- Bug fixed: "Autofill title from another field" feature not working on certain occasion.
- Bug fixed: Fatal error with "Number" type field filter since v1.3.36.
- Improved: Allow using "Price" type field value as number dynamic tag in Elementor Pro.
- Updated: Bootstrap CSS/JS framework to v4.5.3.

v1.3.36 - Oct 10, 2020
- Added: "Text input", "Slider input", "Range list" filters for "Price" type field.
- Added: Option to set gutter width of images displayed with "Default" field renderer for "Image" type field.
- Added: Option to disable auto scroll after submitting filter form.
- Bug fixed: Some CSS/JS issues in backend when Email verification feature of Directories Frontend plugin enabled.
- Bug fixed: YouTube video controls not displayed with "Video" type field default renderer.
- Improved: Allow guest checkout not only when user registration but also login enabled on WooCommerce checkout page.
- Improved: Some display issues with "Photo Slider" view mode.
- Improved: Add "_current_" support for "Choice" type field in "Query by field" setting of view.

v1.3.35 - Oct 5, 2020
- Added: New %%user_username%% tag for reset password email.
- Added: Option to change default slug for each content type.
- Added: Option to set number of cached auto-suggest items for "Keyword Search" field.
- Bug fixed: Required field setting not working when "Enable hierarchical dropdown" setting enabled for taxonomy term field.
- Bug fixed: "Do not link" option for taxonomy term field display element not working since recent updates.
- Improved: Compatibility with Themify themes.

v1.3.34 - Sep 29, 2020
- Added: HappyForms plugin support for creating contact us forms.
- Bug fixed: Guest users not able to continue as guest when submitting content if no guest info required since recent updates.

v1.3.33 - Sep 24, 2020
- Added: Option to select default color field for taxonomies.
- Added: Option to enable Google Maps like gesture handling for OpenStreetMap maps.
- Bug fixed: Custom map marker cluster color not working since one of recent updates.
- Bug fixed: Some compatibility issues with WPML.
- Improved: Link "Author" field to Ultimate Member, BuddyPress, or PeepSo profile page.

v1.3.32 - Sep 17, 2020
- Bug fixed: Taxonomy term (category, location, tag, custom taxonomies) filters not displayed on single term page when choosing "Select list" filter type.
- Bug fixed: "Clear all" vote ratings from backend not working properly on certain occasions.
- Bug fixed: Filter button stops working on certain occasions.
- Bug fixed: Filter label for some filters not displayed in filter form

v1.3.31 - Sep 9, 2020
- Bug fixed: Map markers requiring double click to show content when marker clusters enabled in Google Maps.
- Bug fixed: Error with BuddyPress, Ultimate Member, PeepSo profile page integration feature since v1.3.29.
- Bug fixed: Frontend submission restriction feature related log messages appearing in error log even when feature disabled.

v1.3.30 - Sep 7, 2020
- Bug fixed: Some issues loading JS and CSS files since v1.3.29.

v1.3.29 - Sep 5, 2020
- Bug fixed: "Open Now" label not showing up correctly on certain occasions.
- Bug fixed: Some compatibility issues with WPML and WP ALL Import.
- Bug fixed: Some CSS issues when native Bootstrap mode enabled.
- Improved: Merge and reduce number of CSS files.
v1.3.28 - Aug 28, 2020
- Added: Options to display overlay labels and buttons for "Columns" and "Column" display elements.
- Bug fixed: [drts-entity] shortcode not working on single term page when using certain page builder since v1.3.26.
- Bug fixed: Some display issues with voting (Bookmark, Upvote, Downvote) buttons.

v1.3.27 - Aug 22, 2020
- Bug fixed: Some caching issues showing review submission form and claim listing forms in modal popup window.
- Bug fixed: Modal window not showing properly on certain pages in backend since v1.3.26.
- Improved: Submit currently active form when Enter button is pressed on login/registration page.

Danh sách Addons Directories Pro plugin for WordPress

  • Directories – Faker v1.3.91
  • Directories – Frontend v1.3.91
  • Directories – Payments v1.3.91
  • Directories – Reviews v1.3.91
  • Xem thêm: Tổng hợp WordPress Plugin cao cấp miễn phí, cập nhật hàng ngày

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