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Elementor Extras v2.2.51 NULLED – widgets & extensions for Elementor


Elementor Extras – Các widgets và tiện ích mở rộng (addons) hữu ích cho Elementor.

Elementor Extras là một plugin WordPress cao cấp dành cho Elementor mở rộng các tính năng với các tiện ích mở rộng mới hữu ích. Nó mở rộng khả năng của nhà thiết kế nhờ vào nhiều tiện ích độc đáo khiến Elementor trở nên mạnh mẽ hơn.

Các tiện ích như Switches, Timeline, Hotspots, global tooltips, parallax elements, và sticky elements sẽ giúp bạn có lợi thế khi phát triển trang web WordPress của mình.


Tính năng Elementor Extras Addon for Elementor — Over 30 widgets and extensions for Elementor

widgets Extras Addon Elementor

  • Addon Elementor Extras dễ dàng cài đăth và tùy chỉnh, làm trang web của bạn đẹp hơn.
  • Bên cạnh các tiện ích bổ trợ mạnh mẽ cho Elementor, bạn có thể tìm thấy các tiện ích mở rộng khác bằng Elementor và phù hợp với các điều khiển phần tử hiện tại.
  • Extras Addon Extensions

Extras Addon Extensions

Elementor Extras - widgets & extensions for Elementor v2.2.51 Nulled Free Changelog

= v2.2.51 =
* Fixed: Gallery Slider — JS error

= v2.2.50 =
* Fixed: Gallery Slider — Issue with multiple widget instances on same page
* Fixed: Gallery Slider — Error when using Conditional Asset Loading together with thumbnails carousel
* Added: Posts Extra — Make widget Query ID available in the $post object as $post->query_id

= 2.2.49 =
* Added: Gallery Slider — Option to not stretch single thumbnail
* Added: Gallery Slider — Option to hide thumbnails if only one image is present
* Added: Search Form — Filter for search input html attributes
* Added: Slide Menu — Ability to add a custom icon for the arrow
* Added: Sticky Elements — Offset sticky in percentage of window height
* Fixed: Gallery Slider — Async loading of Swiper causing JS error
* Fixed: Slide Menu — Separator stretch on multiline menu item text

= v2.2.48 =
* Fixed: Gallery — Bug with repeater conditions default values
* Fixed: Google Map — JS error for undefined zoom when route is enabled

= v2.2.47 =
* Fixed: Display Conditions — Compatibility with Elementor 3.1.1

= v2.2.46 =
* Fixed: Previously introduced breaking bug

= v2.2.45 =
* Added: Posts — Option to display template as nothing found message
* Fixed: Google Maps — JS error when disabling fit to locations
* Fixed: Image Comparison — jQuery Mobile incompatibility with jQuery 3.0
* Fixed: Switcher — Bug with jquery appear script preventing entrance animation
* Fixed: Video Player — Bug with jquery appear script preventing autplay on scroll into view
* Fixed: Swiper compatibility with Elementor's conditional asset loading
* Fixed: Circle Progress — Bug with jquery appear script preventing entrance animation
* Fixed: Circle Progress — Wrong progress displayed when value position is set to hide
* Tweak: Update Elementor deprecated functions
* Tweak: Calendar — Default URL to empty

= 2.2.44 =
* Added: Audio Player — Start with the playlist hidden and show it via the playlist button
* Added: Scroll Indicator — Link sections to custom urls if click to scroll is disabled
* Fixed: Hotspots — Replace deprecated 'ready' event in jQuery
* Fixed: Audio Player — Separator selector color bug
* Fixed: Tooltips — Outside click on mobile opens tooltips in edge case
* Fixed: Posts Extra — Using a featured image dynamic tag for background images in sections causes posts with no featured image to wrongly inherit background images from other posts
* Tweak: Calendar – Update clndr plugin
* Tweak: Update jquery appear plugin version and fix jquery 3.0 deprecated shorthands

= v2.2.43 =

* Added: Calendar — Options to show, hide calendar or display message in case no events are found
* Added: Breadcrumbs — New 'elementor_extras/widgets/breadcrumbs/crumbs' filter for crumbs array
* Fixed: Breadcrumbs — Hierarchical crumbs not showing more than one parent crumb
* Fixed: Scroll Indicator — Dynamic tags not working on titles
* Tweak: Buttons — Don't show button if not label is present on frontend

= v2.2.42 =
* Added: Calendar — Option to order events list in compact mode
* Fixed: Calendar — ACF start and end date controls not retaining values after being set
* Fixed: Display Conditions — Warning when using multiple terms in post term condition
* Added: Display Conditions — Wysiwyg field type of ACF Text condition
* Added: Video Player — Option to disable context menu on fullscreen video
* Fixed: Offcanvas — Anchor navigation glitch after last update
* Fixed: Search Form — Height bug with Hello theme when filters titles are enabled
* Fixed: Display Conditions – Warning on no term set for post term condition
* Tweak: Posts — Responsive order controls

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