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ElementsKit v2.6.10 NULLED – The Ultimate Addons for Elementor Page Builder


Hãy xem ElementsKit , tiện ích bổ sung cho trình tạo trang Elementor

Với trình tạo tiêu đề, trình tạo chân trang, trình tạo menu mega, hơn 50 gói bổ trợ tùy chỉnh, 20 gói làm sẵn cho trang chủ của bạn, hơn 500 elements. ElementsKit cũng đi kèm với thư viện SVG. Parallax nền, animation, hiệu ứng di chuyển chuột, parallax cuộn và hoạt hình CSS.

Addon tất cả trong một cho Elementor! Bạn không cần lãng phí thời gian và tiền bạc nữa.


Tính năng nổi bật ElementsKit – All In One Addons for Elementor Page Builder

  • Hơn 50 tiện ích widgets & extensions: tất cả tiện tích đều có thể bị vô hiệu hóa! Nếu bạn không cần thứ gì đó, chỉ cần vô hiệu hóa nó và sẽ không có tệp lệnh nào được tải.

widgets & extensions ElementsKit

  • Các khối được thiết kế đẹp: Nhận thiết kế mới đẹp cho trang web của bạn trong vài giây bằng cách sử dụng bố cục được tạo sẵn
  • Thiết kế sáng tạo, độc đáo và hợp thời trang: Bạn sẽ nhận được hơn 20 trang chủ hoàn chỉnh và tổng số hơn 450 khối trong thư viện
  • Các widget cực kỳ tùy biến với mọi tùy chọn có thể
  • Xây dựng footer – header tùy chỉnh dễ dàng, không cần cài đặt phức tạp
  • Xây dựng nội dung megamenu trong Elementor với khả năng không giới hạn
  • Một số điều khiển Tùy chỉnh như khu vực Multi Widgets, AjaxSELECT2 và Image-picker có thể được sử dụng bất kỳ chủ đề và plugin nào bằng các hook riêng.

Extendable custom - ElementsKit

Elements Kit - The Ultimate Addons for Elementor Page Builder v2.6.10 Nulled Free Changelog
** Note: Install both Nulled Free & Pro **

Version: 2.6.10 (17 Jul 2022)
Added: Facebook Feed widget's demo in Template library
Added: Style for Breadcrumb widget
Added: Text field in Woo Mini Cart widget
Fixed: Code Optimized.
Fixed: Vendor conflict issue
Fixed: Advanced Tooltip background not changed when upload image
Fixed: Conflict css issue with twenty twenty one theme
Fixed: Pinterest share is not working in Facebook Feed widget
Fixed: Advanced tab issue for OceanWP Theme
Fixed: Woo Mini Cart css issue for OceanWP theme
Fixed: Timeline widget's title, subtitle and anchor color not changing
Tweaked: Table Widget css issue in OceanWP Theme
v2.6.6 (25th April 2022)
Fixed: Advance Tab widget issue.
Fixed: Advance Accordion widget issue.
Fixed: Advance Toggle widget issue.
Fixed: Advance Slider widget issue.

v2.6.4 (24th March 2022)
Added: Subcontinent and Image in Advanced Tooltip widget.
Improved: Added Advance tooltip subtitle, image, and many controls.
Fixed: Body alignment issue in Table widget.
Fixed: HTML content issue in Advanced Tooltip widget.
Fixed: Instagram widget caption and others issues
Fixed: Elementor 3.6.1 conflicts for deprecation.
Fixed: Elementor responsive control devices compatibility issue
Fixed: Tweak border radius issue of advance tooltip widget
Fixed: Advanced tab issue ( specially with OceanWP theme )

v2.6.3 (15th February 2022)
Improved: Parallax doesn't work on tablets & mobile devices.
Fixed: Table widget issue ( Editor output style not work & HTML print with image).
Fixed: Video widget issue.
Fixed: Conditional content module has a conflict with the Russian language.
v2.6.2 (30th January 2022)
Added: Integrate google sheet inside table widget.
Added: WYSIWYG control for table body text.
Fixed: Table widget fopen function warning.
Fixed: Table widget image issue.

Version: 2.6.1
Fixed: Icon missing & replaced font Awesome icon with Elementor icon.
Fixed: Advanced Tab issue with OceanWP Theme.
Tweaked: CSS and JS improved.
v2.6.0 (9th January 2022)
Added: Ajax Loading support for Advanced Tab Widget.
Improved: Improved data attribute.
Improved: Update paralax library version(Jaralax).
Improved: Mini cart & ajax loading support for Advanced Tab.
Fixed: HTML tag does not work into table widget cell text.
Fixed: PHP notice and warning when username is not exist in pinterest feed.
Fixed: Limiting instagram feeds causes shrinking of columns in instagram feed.

v2.5.0 (20th December 2021)
New: Hover option added for Vertical Menu Widget.
New: Russian language for translation.
Fix: Sticky Offset support for Smooth Scrolling.
Fix: Background Image rendering issue for Parallax Module.
Fix: Table widget missing controls.
Fix: Instagram Feed Fatal Error.
Removed: Comment and like count from instagram feed widget.
v2.4.1 (2nd December 2021)
Fix: Script defer loading issue for Copy-Paste Module.
Tweak: CSS and JS improved

Version: 2.4.0 (25th November, 2021)
Improved: Bundled Modules js for avoiding multiple request to increase the performance.
Tweak: CSS and JS improved
Version: 2.3.7 (7th November, 2021)
Fix: Woo Product Carousel issue.
Fix: Advanced tab nested issue fixed.
Fix: fixed grid compatibility issue.
Tweak: CSS and JS improved

v2.3.6 (26th September, 2021)
Fix: Woo Category widget grid issue with Astra theme
Fix: Woo Product List widget grid issue with Astra theme
Fix: Hover behavior issue for Woo Mini Cart Widget.
Fix: Responsive support for Chart Widget with large data.
Fix: Horizontal style content alignment for Timeline Widget.

v2.3.5 (19 August, 2021)
Fix: JS conflict when first load for Parallax Module.
Fix: Responsive controls issue for Woo Category List Widget.
Fix: Removed deprecated Elementor PHP Methods from Widgets.

v2.3.4 (2 Auguest, 2021)
Fix: Advanced Accordion and Advanced Tab widgets conflict with OceanWP theme.
Fix: Advanced Toggle widget Indicator Global color issues.
Fix: Unfold widget title alignment issue.
Fix: Timeline widget content alignment issue.

v2.3.3 (15 July, 2021)
Fix: Swiper Slider conflict issues fixed with other theme.

Version: 2.3.1 (13 July, 2021)
Fix: Multiple placeholder image upload issues when importing widget.
Fix: Background color delay loading issues fixed on Table widget.
Tweak: Improved W3validation.
Tweak: TweenMax JS Library updated to the latest version.
Tweek: Converted widgets slideshow from slick to swiper.
Tweak: Optimized Images.
Tweak: Removed Trustpilot widget support.

= v2.3.0 (8 June, 2021) =
New: Refined Layout Manager with Tabs, Categories and Search filters.
New: Modern and Creative Template Kits, Pages and Section Ready Templates.
Tweak: Manual cache clear button for Dribbble Feed widget.
Tweak: Getting access token made easy for Dribbble Feed widget.
Tweak: Bring unfold widget into viewport while closing the content.
Fix: Mobile scrolling issues for Hotspot Widget.
Fix: Undefined variables for Twitter Feed Widget.
Fix: Limit for Facebook Feed API.
Fix: Reaction Icons for Facebook Feed.
Fix: Minor spelling issue.

= Version: 2.2.3 (10 May, 2021) =
New: Hover Trigger on Advanced Tab Widget.
Tweak: Improvements for the Instagram API.
Tweak: Improvements for the Faceebook Feed API.
Fix: Profile Picture issue for Instagram Widget.

= Version: 2.2.1 (14-04-2021) =
Fix: Compatibility issues with Elementor 3.2.0.

= Version: 2.2.0 (02-03-2021) =
Improve: Minor bug fix and code improvements.
Improve: Minor escaping and validation improvements.

= Version: 2.1.7 =
New: Image Size control for Gallery Widget.
New: Option to Show/Hide Facebook Messenger Dialog Box.
New: Image Comparison support for Advanced Tab Widget.
Fix: Responsive glitch in Timeline Widget.

= v2.1.6 (07-02-2021) =
New: Introducing Image Swap Widget - show a different image as the user hovers.

= Version: 2.1.5 (27-01-2021) =
Fix: Sticky Module conflict with latest Elementor.
Fix: Slick Library update support for Latest Elementor update.
Fix: Woo Category List widget featured style minor CSS grid issue.

v2.1.4 (25-01-2021)
Tweak: Support W3C validation when using Facebook Messenger.
Fix: Blog Posts Widget default image size changed to provide clear images.

Version: 2.1.3 (18-01-2021)
Fix: Instagram api expire time extended.
Fix: Editor live changes support for Advanced Tooltip.

Version: 2.1.2 (12-01-2021)
Fix: Advanced Tooltip js conflict in the Elementor editor.

Version: 2.1.1 (10-01-2021)
New: Introducing Advanced Tooltip - add tooltip to any Widget.
Fix: Improved Advanced Toggle Widget toggler btn.
Fix: Missing string translations for Table Widget.
Fix: List style reset for Gallery Filter.

= Version: 2.1.0 (24-12-2020) =
New: Advanced Tab Widget now has option to enable URL hash routing capability.
New: Option to set popup alignment for Woo Mini Cart Widget.
Fix: Popup Modal Widget content editor showing same content for multiple widget in the same page.
Fix: Minor CSS broken issues fixed on Hotspot Widget.
Fix: Some css broken issues fixed on hotspot
Fix: added featured category link field 'Woo Category List' widget
Fix: Buttons white-space are reset to default.
Fix: Woo Product Carousel and List Widget compatibility with TwentyTwentyOne Theme.
Fix: CSS ul and ol list style wasn't visible inside widgets.

= Version: 2.0.6 (06-12-2020) =
- Fix: JS conflict issues fixed with 'Rank Math' plugin.
- Improve: CSS and JS improved.

= v2.0.5 (01-12-2020) =
New: Added 'Popup Modal' widget.
New: Added new instagram widget with Instagram official API.
New: Added control for keeping one dot always active.
New: Added Iframe and shortcode support on content.
Fix: Clicking pointer issues fixed.
Fix: "Non property" notice in instagram widget.
Fix: Fixed the line issues when increasing the pointer size.
Fix: Minor responsive issues fixed.

v2.0.3 (16-11-2020)
New: Advanced controls for Conditional Widget.
New: Cross domain copy-paste module (the long waited feature).
New: Added default color scheme on Facebook Messenger widget.
New: Added Locale on Facebook Messenger widget.
Fix: Carent image missing for Advanced Tab.
Fix: Ekit button js error when "add section" is clicked.
Tweak: Instagram feed widget.
Tweak: Improved CSS & JS.

password: Xem hướng dẫn cuối bài viết

2 bình luận
  1. Nguyen Tu đã bình luận

    có 2.3.5 ad up giúp em ạ

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      Mai nhé, hnay fix link nên ko có thời gian update

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