Thông báo: Hotrowordpress sẽ tiến hành cập nhật lại toàn bộ plugin-themes hiện có trên blog. Thời gian hỗ trợ cập nhật từ ngày 30.03.2024, nếu cần gấp bản mới nhất vui lòng gửi mail về cho admin để nhận link download ưu tiên!

GravityView v2.21.2 – Display Gravity Forms Entries on Your Website


GravityView là một tập hợp các plugin giúp đơn giản hóa đầu ra của các mục Gravity Forms trên trang WordPress của bạn.

GravityView là các plugin cung cấp tích hợp với các dịch vụ của bên thứ ba hoặc thêm các cải tiến và tính năng đơn giản cho Gravity Forms; so với các tiện ích bổ sung, plugin này mang phạm vi chức năng rộng hơn


Các tính năng của GravityView: Display Gravity Forms Entries

GravityView v2.21.2 - Display Gravity Forms Entries on Your Website

  • Khả năng chỉnh sửa biểu mẫu từ trang web
  • Khả năng phê duyệt và từ chối các mục
  • Khả năng tích hợp các bảng
  • Kịch bản tốt nhất để làm việc với bảng dữ liệu. Khả năng xem, lọc và sắp xếp hồ sơ với các bản cập nhật.
  • Dễ sử dụng và cấu hình
  • Plugin đi kèm với các cài đặt sẵn tích hợp để hiển thị các dữ liệu khác nhau.
  • Khả năng kéo và thả các đối tượng
  • Tìm kiếm và sắp xếp
  • Hỗ trợ đa ngôn ngữ PolyLang PRO, WPML

Danh sách Addons GravityView

  • GravityView Advanced Filter Extension v2.0.3 (update)
  • GravityView A-Z Filters Extension v1.2.1
  • GravityView DataTables Extension v2.4.5 (update)
  • GravityView Featured Entries Extension v2.0.3
  • GravityView Reloaded v2.0
  • GravityView Ratings & Reviews v2.0.1
  • GravityView Visual Composer Extension v1.0.5
  • GravityView Gravity Forms Entry Revisions v1.0
  • GravityView Enable Gravity Forms Notifications v1.0
  • GravityView Social Sharing & SEO v2.0
  • GravityView DIY Layout v2.2 (update)
  • GravityView Entry Revisions v1.0.3 (update)
  • GravityView Inline Edit v1.3.1
  • GravityView Maps v1.6.2
  • GravityView Gravity Forms Import Entries v2.1.7 (update)
  • Math by GravityView v1.3.2 (update)
GravityView v2.21.2 - Display Gravity Forms Entries on Your Website Nulled Free Changelog

= v2.21.2 on March 28, 2024 =
This update fixes an issue with previewing GravityView blocks for Views with enhanced security and resolves a problem where blocks were previously rendered only for logged-in users.

#### Fixed
* Previewing a GravityView block for a View that has enhanced security enabled no longer results in a notice about a missing `secret` shortcode attribute.
* GravityView blocks now render for all users, not just those who are logged in.

= v2.14.3 on March 24, 2022 =
* Added: Support for displaying WebP images
* Improved: Internal logging of notices and errors
* Fixed: Images hosted on Dropbox sometimes would not display properly on the Safari browser. Thanks, Kevin M. Dean!
__Developer Updates:__
* Added: `GravityView_Image::get_image_extensions()` static method to fetch full list of extension types interpreted as images by GravityView.
* Added: `webp` as a valid image extension
= on March 11, 2022 =
* Fixed: Empty values in search widget fields may return incorrect results
__Developer Updates:__
Added: `gravityview/search/ignore-empty-values` filter to control strict matching of empty field values

= v2.14.2 on March 10, 2022 =
* Fixed: Potential fatal error on PHP 8 when exporting View entries in CSV and TSV formats
* Fixed: Search widget would cause a fatal error when the Number field is used with the "is" operator
* Fixed: Search widget returning incorrect results when a field value is blank and the operator is set to "is"
* Fixed: Gravity Forms widget icon not showing
* Fixed: Gravity Forms widget not displaying available forms when the View is saved

= v2.14.0.1 on December 30, 2021 =
Fixed: Deprecated filter message when adding fields to the View
= v2.14 on December 21, 2021 =
This would be a minor version update (2.13.5), except that we renamed many functions. See "Developer Updates" for this release below.

* Added: `{is_starred}` Merge Tag. [Learn more about using `{is_starred}`](
* Fixed: Media files uploaded to Dropbox were not properly embedded
* Fixed: JavaScript error when trying to edit entry's creator
* Fixed: Recent Entries widget would cause a fatal error on WP 5.8 or newer
* Fixed: When using Multiple Forms, editing an entry in a joined form now works properly if the "Edit Entry" tab has not been configured
* Fixed: View settings not hiding automatically on page load

__Developer Updates:__
We renamed all instances of `blacklist` to `blocklist` and `whitelist` to `allowlist`. All methods and filters have been deprecated using `apply_filters_deprecated()` and `_deprecated_function()`. [See a complete list of modified methods and filters](

= v2.13.4 on November 4, 2021 =
* Fixed: View scripts and styles would not load when manually outputting the contents of the `[gravityview]` shortcode

__Developer Updates:__

* Added: `gravityview/shortcode/before-processing` action that runs before the GravityView shortcode is processed
* Added: `gravityview/edit_entry/cancel_onclick` filter to modify the "Back" link `onclick` HTML attribute
- Modified: `/includes/extensions/edit-entry/partials/form-buttons.php` file to add the filter

= v2.13.3 on October 14, 2021 =
* Fixed: Edit Entry would not accept zero as a value for a Number field marked as required
* Modified: Refined the capabilities assigned to GravityView support when access is granted using TrustedLogin. Now our support will be able to debug theme-related issues and use the [Code Snippets]( plugin.

= v2.13.2 on October 7, 2021 =
* Fixed: Entry Approval not working when using DataTables in responsive mode (requires DataTables 2.4.9 or newer).
* Modified: Refined the capabilities assigned to GravityView support when access is granted using TrustedLogin. Now our support will be able to debug theme-related issues and use the [Code Snippets]( plugin.

__Developer Updates:__

* Updated: Upgraded to [Fancybox 4](
* Updated: [TrustedLogin Client]( to Version 1.0.2.
* Modified: Added Code Snippets CSS file to No Conflict allow list.
* Modified: Moved internal (but public) method `GravityView_Admin_ApproveEntries::process_bulk_action` to new `GravityView_Bulk_Actions` class.

= v2.13.1 on September 27, 2021 =
* Improved: Views now load faster due to improved template caching.
* Added: Ability to configure an "Admin Label" for Custom Content widgets. This makes it easier to see your widget configuration a glance.
* Fixed: Issue where non-support users may see a "Revoke TrustedLogin" admin bar link.

= v2.12.1 on September 1, 2021 =
* Fixed: The Gravity Forms widget in the View editor would always use the source form of the View
* Fixed: The field picker didn't use available translations
* Fixed: Importing [exported Views]( failed when Custom Content or [DIY Layout]( fields included line breaks.
* Fixed: When first installing GravityView, the message was for an invalid license instead of inactive.
* Fixed: The "Affiliate ID" setting would not toggle properly when loading GravityView settings. [P.S. — Become an affiliate and earn money referring GravityView!](
* Tweak: Changed the icon of the Presets preview

= v2.12 on July 29, 2021 =
* Fixed: Add latest Yoast SEO scripts to the No-Conflict approved list
* Fixed: Updating an entry with a multi-file upload field may erase existing contents when using Gravity Forms 2.5.8

= v2.11 on July 15, 2021 =
* Added: Settings to customize "Update", "Cancel", and "Delete" button text in Edit Entry
* Improved: Much better Gravity Forms Survey Add-On integration! [Learn more in the release announcement](
- Ratings can be displayed as text or stars
- Multi-row Likert fields can be shown as Text or Score
- Improved display of a single row from a multi-row Likert field
- Single checkbox inputs are now supported
* Improved: Search widget clear/reset button behavior
* Improved: Allow unassigning an entry's Entry Creator when editing an entry
* Improved: When editing an entry, clicking the "Cancel" button will take you to the prior browser page rather than a specific URL
* Improved: Conditionally update "Clear Search" button text in the Search Bar
* Fixed: When Time fields were submitted with a single `0` for hour and minute inputs, instead of displaying midnight (`0:0`), it would display the current time
* Fixed: Delete Entry links did not work when custom entry slugs were enabled
* Fixed: Editing an entry in Gravity Forms that was created by a logged-out user forced an entry to be assigned to a user
* Fixed: Missing download/delete icons for file upload field in Edit Entry when running Gravity Forms ≥
* Fixed: A broken German translation file caused a fatal error (only for the `de_DE` localization)
* Updated: Dutch translation (thanks René S.!) and German translation (thanks Aleksander K-W.!)

__Developer Updates:__

* Added: `gravityview/template/field/survey/glue` filter to modify how the multi-row Likert field values are combined. Default: `; `
* Modified: `templates/deprecated/fields/time.php` and `templates/fields/field-time-html.php` to include the commented `strtotime()` check
* Modified: `includes/extensions/edit-entry/partials/form-buttons.php` to add Cancel button enhancements
* Fixed: `gravityview/search/sieve_choices` didn't filter by Created By
* Fixed: `\GV\Utils::get()` didn't properly support properties available using PHP magic methods. Now supports overriding using the `__isset()` magic method.
* Updated: EDD auto-updates library to version 1.8

= v2.10.3.2 on June 2, 2021 =
* Improved: Loading of plugin dependencies
* Fixed: Field's required attribute was ignored in certain scenarios when using Edit Entry

= v2.10.3.1 on May 27, 2021 =
* Fixed: The "delete file" button was transparent in Edit Entry when running Gravity Forms 2.5 or newer
* Security enhancements

= v2.10.2.2 on April 19, 2021 =
Improved: Previous fix for an issue that affected HTML rendering of some posts and pages

= v2.10.2.1 on April 13, 2021 =
Fixed: Issue introduced in Version 2.10.2 that affected HTML rendering of some posts and pages
Fixed: Undefined function error for sites running WordPress 4.x introduced in Version 2.10.2

= v2.10.1 on March 31, 2021 =
* Added: Allow comparing multiple values when using `[gvlogic]` shortcode
- Use `&&` to match all values `[gvlogic if="abc" contains="a&&b"]`
- Use `||` to match any values `[gvlogic if="abc" equals="abc||efg"]`
* Added: `{site_url}` Merge Tag that returns the current site URL. This can be helpful when migrating sites or deploying from staging to live.
* Fixed: Paragraph fields have a "Link to single entry" field setting, even though it doesn't make sense
* Fixed: PDF and Text files were not opened in a lightbox
* Fixed: Show File Upload files as links if they aren't an image, audio, or video file (like a .zip, .txt, or .pdf file)
* Fixed: Lightbox script was being loaded for Views even if it was not being used
* Fixed: Don't show the icon for the "Source URL" field in the View editor
* Fixed: Change Entry Creator not working properly on non-English sites
* Updated _so many translations_! Thank you to all the translators!
- Arabic translation (thanks Salman!)
- Dutch translation (thanks Desiree!)
- Russian translation (thanks Victor S.!)
- Romanian (thanks Cazare!)
- Chinese (thanks Edi Weigh!)
- Turkish (thanks Süha!)
- Swedish (thanks Adam!)
- Portuguese (thanks Luis and Rafael!)
- Dutch (thanks Erik!)
- Norwegian (thanks Aleksander!)
- Italian (thanks Clara!)
- Hungarian (thanks dbalage!)
- Hebrew
- French
- Canadian French (thanks Nicolas!)
- Finnish (thanks Jari!)
- Iranian (thanks amir!)
- Mexican Spanish (thanks Luis!)
- Spanish (thanks Joaquin!)
- German (thanks Hubert!)
- Danish (thanks Lisbeth!)
- Bosnian (thanks Damir!)
- Bengali (thanks Akter!)

= v2.10 on March 9, 2021 =
* A beautiful visual refresh for the View editor!
- Brand new field picker for more easily creating your View
- Visually see when Single Entry and Edit Entry layouts haven't been configured
- See at a glance which fields link to Single Entry and Edit Entry
- Manage and activate layouts from the View editor
- Added: Show a notice when "Show only approve entries" setting is enabled for a View and no entries are displayed because of the setting
- Added: Custom Content now supports syntax highlighting, making it much easier to write HTML (to disable, click on the Users sidebar menu, select Profile. Check the box labeled "Disable syntax highlighting when editing code" and save your profile)
- Added: Warning when leaving Edit View screen if there are unsaved changes
- Added: See the details of the current field while configuring field settings
- Added: "Clear all" link to remove all fields from the View editor at once
- Fixed: It was possible to drag and drop a field while the field settings screen was showing. Now it's not!
- Fixed: See when fields have been deleted from a form
* New: Brand-new lightbox script, now using [Fancybox]( It's fast, it's beautiful, and mobile-optimized.
- Fixes issue with Gravity Forms images not loading in lightboxes due to secure URLs
* Ready for Gravity Forms 2.5!
* Added: Better support for the Consent field
* Improved layout of the Manage Add-Ons screen
- Added a "Refresh" link to the Manage Add-Ons screen. This is helpful if you've upgraded your license and are ready to get started!
- Allow enabling/disabling installed add-ons regardless of license status
* Added: A dropdown in the "All Views" screen to filter Views by the layout (Table, List, DataTables, DIY, Map, etc.)
* Added: Export entries in TSV format by adding `/tsv/` to the View URL
* Fixed: Approval Status field contains HTML in CSV and TSV exports
* Fixed: Updating an entry associated with an unactivated user (Gravity Forms User Registration) would also change entry creator's information
* Fixed: PHP warning `The magic method must have public visibility` appearing in PHP 8.0
* Fixed: PHP notice `Undefined property: stdClass::$icons` appearing on Plugins page
* Fixed: "At least one field must be filled out" validation errors (thanks <a href="">Gravity PDF</a>!)

__Developer Updates:__

* New: FancyBox is now being used for the lightbox
- Thickbox is no longer used
- Modify settings using `gravityview/lightbox/provider/fancybox/settings`
- [See options available here](
- If you prefer, a [Featherlight lightbox option is available](
- Easily add support for your own lightbox script by extending the new `GravityView_Lightbox_Provider` abstract class (the [Featherbox lightbox script]( is a good example).
- Modified: Formally deprecated the mis-spelled `gravity_view_lightbox_script` and `gravity_view_lightbox_style` filters in favor of `gravityview_lightbox_script` and `gravityview_lightbox_style` (finally!)
- Fixed: `gravityview_lightbox_script` filter wasn't being applied
- Removed `gravityview/fields/fileupload/allow_insecure_lightbox` filter, since it's no longer needed
* Modified: `$_GET` args are now passed to links by default.
- Added: Prevent entry links (single, edit, duplicate) from including $_GET query args by returning false to the filter `gravityview/entry_link/add_query_args`
- Added: Prevent entry links being added to *delete* links by returning false to the filter `gravityview/delete-entry/add_query_args`
* Added: `gv_get_query_args()` function to return $_GET query args, with reserved args removed
- Added: `gravityview/api/reserved_query_args` filter to modify internal reserved URL query args
* Added: `field-is_approved-html.php` and `field-is_approved-csv.php` template files for the Is Approved field
* Modified: Removed
* Modified: `templates/fields/field-entry_link-html.php` template to add `gv_get_query_args()` functionality
* Breaking CSS change: Removed `.gv-list-view` CSS class from the List layout container `<div>`. The CSS class was also used in the looped entry containers, making it hard to style. This issue was introduced in GravityView 2.0. For background, see [the GitHub issue](

= v2.9.4 on January 25, 2020 =
* Added: Apply `{get}` merge tag replacements in `[gvlogic]` attributes and content
* Modified: Made View Settings changes preparing for a big [Math by GravityView]( update!
* Fixed: "Change Entry Creator" would not work with Gravity Forms no-conflict mode enabled

= v2.9.3 on December 15, 2020 =
* Improved: Add search field to the Entry Creator drop-down menu
Tweak: Hide field icons (for now) when editing a View...until our refreshed design is released 
* Fixed: Some JavaScript warnings on WordPress 5.6
* Fixed: Duplicate Entry field doesn't appear for users with custom roles
* Fixed: Search entries by Payment Date would not yield results
* Fixed: Uncaught error when one of GravityView's methods is used before WordPress finishes loading
* Fixed: Duplicate Entry link would only be displayed to users with an administrator role

__Developer Updates:__

* Added: `gravityview/search-trim-input` filter to strip or preserve leading/trailing whitespaces in Search Bar values
* Added: Future WordPress version compatibility check
* Tweak: Improved logging output
* Modified: `gravityview_date_created_adjust_timezone` default is now set to false (use UTC value)

= v2.9.2.1 =
* Improved: Plugin license information layout when running Gravity Forms 2.5
* Fixed: View Settings overflow their container (introduced in 2.9.2)
* Added: GravityView is now 100% compatible with upcoming [Gravity Forms 2.5](!
* Added: New View setting to redirect users to a custom URL after deleting an entry
* Added: An option to display "Powered by GravityView" link under your Views. If you're a [GravityView affiliate](, you can earn 20% of sales generated from your link!
* Improved: Duplicate Entry field is only visible for logged-in users with edit or duplicate entry permissions
* Modified: Remove HTML from Website and Email fields in CSV output
* Fixed: Possible fatal error when Gravity Forms is inactive
* Fixed: Export of View entries as a CSV would result in a 404 error on some hosts
* Fixed: Entries filtered by creation date using relative dates (e.g., "today", "-1 day") did not respect WordPress's timezone offset
* Fixed: Partial entries edited in GravityView were being duplicated
* Fixed: Trying to activate a license disabled due to a refund showed an empty error message
* Tweak: Improvements to tooltip behavior in View editor
* Tweak: When "Make Phone Number Clickable" is checked, disable the "Link to single entry" setting in Phone field settings
* Tweak: Don't show "Open links in new window" for Custom Content field
* Tweak: Removed "Open link in the same window?" setting from Website field
- Note: For existing Views, if both "Open link in the same window?" and "Open link in a new tab or window?" settings were checked, the link will now _not open in a new tab_. We hope no one had them both checked; this would have caused a rift in space-time and a room full of dark-matter rainbows.

__Developer Updates:__
* Added brand-new unit testing and acceptance testing...stay tuned for a write-up on how to easily run the GravityView test suite
* Changed: `/templates/fields/field-website-html.php` and `/templates/deprecated/fields/website.php` to use new `target=_blank` logic
* Fixed: License key activation when `GRAVITYVIEW_LICENSE_KEY` was defined
* Deprecated: Never used method `GravityView_Delete_Entry::set_entry()`
  • Xem thêm: Tổng hợp WordPress Plugin cao cấp miễn phí, cập nhật hàng ngà

password: Xem hướng dẫn cuối bài viết

Decryption key: T47gtoaAFQJmrO9mFz3dtQ

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  1. Adv đã bình luận

    GravityView addons disappeared due to copyright.

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