Thông báo: Hotrowordpress sẽ tiến hành cập nhật lại toàn bộ plugin-themes hiện có trên blog. Thời gian hỗ trợ cập nhật từ ngày 30.03.2024, nếu cần gấp bản mới nhất vui lòng gửi mail về cho admin để nhận link download ưu tiên!

Lisfinity v1.2.8 NULLED – Classified Ads WordPress Theme


Lisfinity – Classified Ads WordPress Theme là một chủ đề WordPress quảng cáo được phân loại vì nó cho phép bạn xây dựng và kiếm tiền từ bất kỳ quảng cáo phân loại nào từ trang web WordPress rất dễ dàng.

Tính năng nổi bật Lisfinity – Classified Ads WordPress Theme

Có thể xây dựng bất kỳ trang web ngách quảng cáo đã phân loại nào

Trong ví dụ bên dưới, bạn có thể thấy các trường tìm kiếm khác nhau cho các danh mục quảng cáo được phân loại khác nhau

Vị trí & Danh mục có lồng ghép không giới hạn

Tạo nhiều vị trí & danh mục nếu cần và tạo nhiều mức lồng nhau nếu cần với chủ đề WordPress quảng cáo phân loại Lisfinity và cách Kéo & Thả độc đáo.

Xây dựng lại bất kỳ trang web quảng cáo được phân loại phổ biến nào

Nếu bạn hỏi bạn có thể xây dựng lại bất kỳ trang web quảng cáo được phân loại phổ biến nào dưới đây không, câu trả lời là hoàn toàn có

Tìm kiếm các trường và biểu mẫu bất cứ khi nào bạn cần

Chọn vị trí, danh mục và các thông số khác mà bạn muốn xuất hiện trong các biểu mẫu tìm kiếm trên trang web của mình và nơi bạn muốn xuất hiện.

Thiết kế cao cấp tuyệt đẹp và hiện đại

Các thiết kế hiện đại và tuyệt vời sẽ thúc đẩy hoạt động kinh doanh quảng cáo đã phân loại và doanh thu của bạn vào một không gian

Kiếm tiền với Lisfinity và WooCommerce

Mọi thứ liên quan đến kiếm tiền đều dựa trên WooCommerce, bao gồm tất cả các phương thức thanh toán, phí, thuế cho đến lập hóa đơn.

Bảng điều khiển khách hàng tuyệt vời

Cung cấp cho khách hàng trải nghiệm giao diện người dùng tuyệt vời khi họ đăng, duyệt và chỉnh sửa danh sách của mình

Xây dựng với các phần tử Elementor + Lisfinity

Không giới hạn đầu trang, không giới hạn footer, thiết kế biểu mẫu tìm kiếm bất kỳ thứ gì bạn thích trên trang chủ, chèn Google Ads vào bất cứ nơi nào doanh nghiệp của bạn cần và nhiều hơn nữa


Lisfinity - Quảng cáo rao vặt WordPress Theme - 1

Lisfinity - Quảng cáo rao vặt WordPress Theme - 2Lisfinity - Quảng cáo rao vặt WordPress Theme - 3Lisfinity - Quảng cáo rao vặt WordPress Theme - 4Lisfinity - Quảng cáo rao vặt WordPress Theme - 5Lisfinity - Quảng cáo rao vặt WordPress Theme - 6Lisfinity - Quảng cáo rao vặt WordPress Theme - 7Lisfinity - Quảng cáo rao vặt WordPress Theme - số 8Lisfinity - Quảng cáo rao vặt WordPress Theme - 9Lisfinity - Quảng cáo rao vặt WordPress Theme - 10Lisfinity - Quảng cáo rao vặt WordPress Theme - 11

Changelog: Lisfinity – Classified Ads WordPress Theme

Lisfinity v1.2.8 - Classified Ads WordPress Theme Nulled Free

v1.2.8 - 2021-1-27
This version will mainly check the issues reported by the customers and bring new features that were in the works for some time.
v1.2.7 - 2021-12-30
Fixed: Duration of the price packages assigned to a user upon registration

Category Carousel
Fixed: Conflict with the latest elementor update

Listing Single
Fixed: Sometimes wrong permalink when sharing a listing

Fixed: Fallback image for the listings without any provided were not displayed

Improved: Code on some places to support latest php versions

Fixed: Fallback avatar is not being displayed when user doesn't have an image set
v1.2.6 - 2021-11-26
The Highlight of the update - Bugs Fixing and Overall Improvements and many more...
Email Subscritpions
Fixed: Message reply emails always being sent to a listing owner
Improved: Disabled agent verification
Listing Submission
Fixed: Issue with the wrong amount of free images being displayed during images upload (cosmetic issue)Improved: Change field type to text from number in order to allow users to much easier type price with decimalsImproved: Removed terms agreement field as it has been already checked by the users during registration
Promotions - Keyword Search
Fixed: Keyword search promoted items wrong redirection on click
User Registration
Fixed: Issue with the limit and duration of the default packages that are assigned to a user upon registration
Elementor Store Page
Fixed: Listing title is only being displayed on Product style 1

Fixed: Issue with the date field in the listing submission
Fixed: The pricing calculation when adding images
Improved: Set the system image uploader to be by default instead of WP media uploader. Option can be changed from Lisfinity Options -> Listings Setup -> Listing Submission

v1.2.4 - 2021-10-31
The Highlight of the update - Bugs Fixing and Overall Improvements and many more...
Fixed: issue with editing product where product commission hasn't been invoked properly
Fixed: the map wasn't defined in the Costs file
User Dashboard
Fixed: Agent listing header names
Improved: Added option to disable agents
Improved: Removed verification when adding agents
Improved: Added option to disable documented user verification
Listing Single Page
Fixed: Issue with the elementor module whatsapp number link
Business Profile Page
Fixed: Issue where average ratings wasn't removed even if reviews are disabled
Listing Submission
Fixed: Product duration time didn't affect auction end time.
Fixed: Additional Image costs error
Fixed: Fields type number accepts a non-numbers value
Elementor Header
Fixed: issue with the custom login URL link
Business Single Page
Fixed: Pagination issue

v1.2.3 - 2021-08-24
The Highlight of the update - New Features - Agents, Pay per Category, Save Search, Email Notifications, Pay per Listings, Bugs Fixing and Overall Improvements and many more... ?? ? ​
Feature: From now you can add agents that can manage your account
Feature: Save searches and get timely notifications when listing matching your query becomes available
Feature: Many new email notification settings
Feature: Pay per Listing
Feature: Use default image uploader instead of WordPress media uploader
Listings Submit
Fixed: The error messages when a mandatory field is not selected are missing.
Fixed: Additional media cost displayed 0 in the Media and Promotion tab.
Fixed: Price per category doesn't change if the multicurrency is set.
Fixed: Price per category isn't included in the total cost.
Fixed: When the return button is pressed from the Promotion page back to the Media page, the initially correctly shown image cost is no longer displayed correctly.
Fields Builder
Fixed: Issue when editing the fields on hosted sites

Fixed: Conflict with the version of WordPress 5.8
Feature: Added 'daily rate' ('per day' and 'per hour') pricing option.
Fixed: After registration user is not redirected to the user dashboard.
Fixed: When a user registers using email and password it remains on the register page instead of being redirected to the Dashboard.
Fixed: The website field validation throws an error.
Fixed: Chosen type of the account (additional profile field) doesn't apply to the newly registered users.

Fixed: Character & doesn't show correctly in the header admin name
Dashboard Subscription Package
Fixed: Subscription information didn't display on the user dashboard
Fixed: 'Per week' and 'Per month' prices are not displayed correctly.
Listing Submit Form
Fixed: When a user submits the listing the blank screen appears although the listing is successfully submitted.
Fixed: Additional costs for the listing submission in the specific category is not visible on the last step of the submission form
Fixed: Listings Tab - the promotion card doesn't display properly when there is only one promotion displayed
Single Listing Page
Fixed: The WhatsApp number is not in the correct format.
Fixed: Price doesn't change if the multicurrency is set.
Fixed: Images in the Product Gallery don't change alt attribute.
Elementor Single Listing Page
Fixed: Zoom in images from the gallery doesn't scale properly.
Search Page
Fixed: Sidebar filters on smaller devices are not visible.
Fixed: Per week and per month prices are not displayed correctly in the custom style.
Banner Search Form
Fixed: Range input doesn't show correct values.
Payment Packages
Fixed: the discount message is showing partially.
Search Page
Fixed: Filter fields shows suffix and prefix duplicated
Fixed: The time format AM/PM doesn't apply to the working hours format.

v1.2.2 - 2021-07-03​
The Highlight of the update - Bugs Fixing and Overall Improvements ?​
Fixed: Issue with the users being able to post listings after registration when the option was set otherwise
Fixed: Become a vendor button isn't being removed when vendors are disabled
Fixed: Become premium button isn't being removed when premium profiles are disabled
Improved: New user manual approval for listing posting
Improved: Added option to disable expired listing deletion from the site
Improved: Attaching business profile to users created by WooCommerce internal system
Listings Submit
Fixed: Promotions tab upon listing submission is being removed incorrectly when a number of free promotions that are being assigned to a listing is not even to available promotions
Improved: Force sorting of the fields by name
Product Single
Fixed: Potential issue when checking for the premium only taxonomies
Fixed: Issue that was sometimes occurring when checking for the premium taxonomies
Fixed: The Business logo was not displayed.
Elementor Lisfinity -> Ads
Fixed: If the 'custom' style is chosen listings are displayed only on the first tab.
Business Elementor Template
Fixed: The user id used to check for the premium account is wrong
Improved: Added see ad page link on the mobile version too

v1.2.1 - 2021-05-19​
The Highlight of the update - Display listings to members/premium users only ? ? ?​
New Features
Feature: Added option to display listings only to site members or premium users
Improved: Greatly improved SEO for the single listing page
Improved: Improved social network listing sharing data
Home Search
Fixed: Issue with wrong steps count in the number field type (range fields)
Business Details
Fixed: Profile Image / Logo doesn't appear after choosing one.
User Dashboard - Listings
Improved: Added id and click text for the google tag manager options
Listing Submission
Fixed: If the first field empty option is selected, the field is not selectable.
Fixed: Images not being displayed if the media tab is switch to the first step of edit listing form
Fixed: Translation of the 'choose category' string when empty category by default option is enabled
Improved: Improved the way collapsable checkbox groups are behaving on click for better user experience
Premium Profil
Fixed: The white screen appears
Register Form +Improved: Added option for adding the first and last name fields in the registration form.

Single Listing Page
Fixed: The fallback image does not appear in the gallery.
Search Page
Fixed: If the option to show the term icon is selected, the icon wasn't displayed.
Fixed: The taxonomy prefix and suffix weren't displayed.
Category Page
Fixed: If the option to show the term icon is selected, the icon wasn't displayed.
Fixed: The taxonomy prefix and suffix weren't displayed.
Elementor Search Page
Fixed: If the option to show the term icon is selected, the icon wasn't displayed.
Fixed: The taxonomy prefix and suffix weren't displayed.
Register Form
Improved: Added option to display first and last name in the form.
Social Login
Improved: Used the avatar from the social network page if available

v1.2.0 - 2021-05-05 / Major Update​
The Highlight of the update - Price Per Category + Restrict Category to Members/Premium + Buyer Account Type + Payment Package to Selected Categories ?♂ ? ?​
New Features
New: Price per Category
New: Limit Pricing Package per specified categories only
New: Added an option for the fallback banner image if all the users are set as the premium.
New: Added option to restrict categories for premium/members users only
New: Added option to restrict taxonomies for premium/members users only
New: Added option to restrict terms for premium/members users only
New: Account types that have access to the restricted features (categories, taxonomies, terms, listings) can be changed from Lisfinity Options -> Theme Setup -> Field Builders
New: Listings from restricted features (categories, taxonomies, terms) are also locked on their single page
New: Added option to display listing description on the Elementor Search page
New: Added buyer account type with option to upgrade the account as following at any time: buyer -> seller -> vendor
Improved: Account types renamed as following: regular -> seller, business -> vendor
Improved: Added option to set default account type upon registration
Fixed: Issue with 'phone' meta field being declared two times
Fixed: a gap in the graphics at the top of the mobile menu for logged in users
Fixed: Issue with working hours not being displayed in languages other than English
Search Builder
Improved: Display of the group names written with cyrillic letters
Search Page
Fixed: Taxonomy suffixes are displayed twice on Search and Detailed Search
Improved: Display of the group names written with cyrillic letters on detailed search
Listing Single Page
Improved: Promoted listings display logic when the option is set to display only promoted listings as suggestions
User Dashboard / MyAccount
Fixed: 1sth Address in billing & shipping not being displayed
Listing Submission
Fixed: Location required fields blocking details step when there's only Common group on the site.
Improved: The process of adding additional paid addons (images, docs, videos) when editing the submission form
Premium Profile Page
Fixed: Fallback listing image wasn't displaying

= v1.1.26 - 2021-04-23 =
The Highlight of the update - Listings in Carousel + Many Improvements + Bug Fixes ? ?​
New: Added an option for the fallback banner image if all the users are set as the premium.
New: Added option to choose if the category should be empty by default in the listing submission form
New: Display listings in a carousel slider (not fully tested with tabs in this version but will work perfectly in one tab setup)
Fixed: The layout of the listings box style, on the smaller devices in the wp-dashboard -> Lisifinty Options - -> Listings Setup -> Listings Feed was not visible.
Improved: Resolved conflict on the user dashboard page with the Contact Form 7 plugin
Improved: Added option to remove taxonomy boxes from the edit products section to improve that page loading times at the current setup. Can be controlled from Lisfinity Options -> Theme Setup -> Theme Functionality -> Show Taxonomies on Edit Product Screen
Improved: Demo import my account page sometimes not being set correctly
Fixed: Added check for VAT and SDI code as it was throwing error.
Fixed: Shipping Address was not updating Street Address Field
Fixed: Shipping Address Title was not displayed correctly
Listing Single Page
Improved: Enable line breaking when email or website is too long
Premium Profile
Fixed: The working hours still displaying after disabling them from the Lisifnity Options -> Dashboard Setup -> Business Setup
Ad Submit Form
Fixed: Issue when email notification has been sent to notify an admin of the new listing
Fixed: Looking for promotions when packages are disabled globally
Fixed: Required location error was not displaying
Fixed: Phone, website & email fields from the product submission were not visible in the wp-admin area
Fixed: Listing expiration date wasn't properly calculated when the promotion order has been marked as completed
Register Form
Fixed: Phone and website fields were required
Custom Category Pages
Fixed: Issue with the products not being displayed sometimes
Fixed: Issue with URL not being correctly set on some occasions
Elementor Single Listing Page
Fixed: The logo was displayed instead of the avatar when the owner has a personal account.
Fixed: Search Filter on mobile devices cannot be removed
Business Single Page & Search Page
Fixed: Location not displayed in the product boxes

= v1.1.25 - 2021-04-08 =
The Highlight of the update - Bad Words Filter + All User Premium + Many Improvements + Bug Fixes ? ? ?♂​
New: Added option to define the words that cannot be included in the listing description e.g. Bad Words Filter
New: Added option that all users are premium by default
Homepage Search
Improved: The possibility of setting custom step and minimum value of the range field was added
Fixed: Expiring promotion sometimes were showing different items and not only promotions
Feature: Added option to choose the number of category items for the desktop in Category Carousel widget.
Fixed: The location was not displayed if the owner has the personal account type in the Ads Widget.
Fixed: Error in Partners Widget due translation.
Mobile Menu
Fixed: Issue with submitting listing button link when wp installation is in a subfolder
User Dashboard
Feature: Added option to display the VAT number and SDI Code.
Fixed: Error occurred if the phone number is included in the listing submission form.
Fixed: The logout button can't be seen on the open sidebar on smaller devices.
Fixed: Not properly displaying active and not active promotions on the listing promotions tab
Fixed: Bids tab still displaying after disabling bidding on the site.
Improved: PHP check for the possible commission was wrongly set
My Profile
Listing Single
Fixed: Issue with a cookie nonce when storing statistic on some instances
Premium Profile
Fixed: Location is not visible.
Packages Active package upon registration
Fixed: The duration of the active package was not displayed correctly.
Feature: Added option to choose profile type on the user registration form. (Lisfinity Options -> Register Setup -> Additional Fields)
Fixed: The description for receiving the verification code is displayed when SMS verification is not allowed.
Fixed: Issue with default package promotions not being assigned
Improved: Improved social login registration to inclulde default packages and make user verified by default
Search Page
Fixed: Issue with sorting options
Fixed: Issue with not properly displaying promoted items in the category search
Improved: Hid meta fields from the checkout that are not relevant to a user
Theme Options
Improved: Some clarifications in fields descriptions

v1.1.24 - 2021-03-26
The Highlight of the update - Many Improvements + Bug Fixes + New Subscription Features ? ? ?

Fixed: Issue with the bump color not being full height on some places
Email Notifications
Feature: Receive email notification when a new listing has been submitted. (Has to be enabled from Lisfinity Options -> Emails Setup)
Feature: Receive email notification when a listing has been edited. (Has to be enabled from Lisfinity Options -> Emails Setup)
Feature: Ad owner can receive an email notification when a new message has been sent. (Has to be enabled from Lisfinity Options -> Emails Setup and from the user dashboard)
Listing Single
Fixed: The styling of the phone apps
Fixed: The styling of the specification fields
Fixed: Phone hidden marks appear even if there is no phone number to display.
Improved: The logo was displayed instead of the avatar when the owner has a personal account.
Improved: Email displayed.
Improved: Website displayed.
Fixed: Displaying labels and icons of the taxonomies.
Fixed: Displaying labels and icons of the terms.
Search Page
Fixed: Sort By Options couldn't be fully removed.
Listing Submission
Fixed: The store referral link is required
Improved: Collapsing and Expanding Multiple Choice Lists in the Details step.
Fields Builder
Improved: Added options to insert a suffix and prefix in the taxonomy field.
Premium Profile Page
Fixed: Phone hidden marks appear even if there is no phone number to display.
Fixed: The error is appearing when the phone is set to display in the Lisfinity options -> membership.
Fixed: The wrong email label was displayed.
Improved: If the user account is set as personal, the avatar will be shown instead of the logo.
Business Page
Fixed: Issue with the wrong phones option showing up
Fixed: White screen on business details when phone apps were set to empty value in the theme options
Fixed: Working hours not possible to edit
User Dashboard
Fixed: The text on the Premium Business button if there is no premium profile bought.
Fixed: When the trial (free) package is bought the user is redirected to the 404 error page.
Elementor Ads Widget
Feature: Added the Working Hours Widget for the Single Listing Page
Fixed: The Locations will appear when the owner profile is personal.
Fixed: If the on-sale price is set as 0.00 the price won't be displayed correctly.
Fixed: the Bookmark button is visible for non-logged-in users.
Working Hours Widget
Fixed: Authors Box widget did not appear.
Fixed: Authors Search Widget did not appear.
Improved: Added option to display a message with the hours and days that from listing submission.
Pricing Packages Widget
Category Search Page
Fixed: Filter Icon Position.
Search Filters
Fixed: Empty checkboxes appear.
My Profile
Improved: Added option to insert the user phone number and website if the user account is set as personal.
Lisfinity Options
Improved: Added options to display additional fields in the listing submission and register forms (website, phone number, and email fields)

= v1.1.23 - 2021-03-10 =
The Highlight of the update - Many Improvements + Bug Fixes
Fixed: Input filed value when buying the premium profile couldn't be erased.
Fixed: The website and the email label on the premium profile page weren't displayed properly.
Fixed: Footer Phone Number escaping was adding HTTP prefix.
Improved: Added an option to choose which location you want to display on the Single Listing Page and Search page Products.
Improved: Added option to set the min and max values for the promotion duration.
Listing Submission
Fixed: The promotion price is not updating- it always shows the default price value.
Fixed: Sometimes occur issues with stats not being set properly.
Fixed: The format of the docs that can be uploaded was indicated wrong.
Fixed: The Color Bump promotion wasn't displaying the color due to the elementor style overriding.
Single Listing Page
Fixed: The Listing Publish Date option doesn't display the date.
Improved: If the show the advertiser's phone number is set to - Only to logged-in users, the phone number will appear, but with the hidden last three digits.
Search Filters
Fixed: The range field options were not selectable.
Category Page
Fixed: The mobile menu filters icon doesn't show.
Search Page
Fixed: The error was thrown on the search page when the Sort By Options was left empty.
Fixed: Issue with the geolocation search (NearBy)
Header Notifications
Fixed: Notification menu displayed off-screen.
Multicurrency Builder
Fixed: When the currency is switched, the price stays unchanged on the profile page.
Fixed: The term icon on the Ads widget wasn't displayed.
Fixed: Box shadow of the large image in the Product Gallery widget didn't work.
Improved: Added an option to choose which location you want to display on the Ads Widget.
Lisfinity -> Ads Widget
Improved: Allowed random ordering of non promoted listings
Fixed: The sale price was not displayed correctly.
Improved: Prevented possible PHP error with a conditional check for the promotion existence

= 1.1.22 - 2021-02-23 =
The Highlight of the update - Hide Categories + New Improvements + Bug Fixes + Portuguese Language ? ? ??
New Features
Feature: Added option to hide categories by default. Useful if you wish to hide 18+ category listings by default and only allow them to be visible when the user specifically selects it
Fixed: Issue when sometimes nonce headers were not being correctly read by the server if the server caching was in place
Fixed: The illegal string offset 'URL warning.
Improvement: Added option to set the business profile banner fallback image.
Search Page
Fixed: Error when the address wasn't stored in the metatable
Business Page
Fixed: Not being able to update the working hours from the wp-admin area
Price Subscriptions
Fixed: Issue with the wrong product_id being set when including default promotions
Fixed: issue with the wrong product_id being set when including premium profile promotion
Email Subscriptions
Improved: Change the string Email to Choose what you wish to subscribe to in order to better represent the meaning of the section
Improved: Made it compatible with third-party WPML extensions like the FIFU plugin to be able to get images from the URL instead of storing them in the database
Improved: Made sure that the calculation in the payouts is taken from the order and not from the listings where the price can be changed or it can be removed before the payout has been made.
Listing Submission
Fixed: Not possible to delete default input fields from the database once the value has been stored
Fixed: PHP notices showing after submission of the listing.
Fixed: Not passing the 2nd step “Details”
Fixed: The format of the docs that can be uploaded was indicated wrong.
Improvement: Address taxonomies can be required
Fixed: Rating is not displaying a correct number.
Improved: Added option to set the step for the promotion duration.
Listings Compare
Fixed: Message when clicking to compare listings with no items selected for compare is wrong.
Fixed: The fallback image doesn’t display
Multicurrency Builder
Fixed: When the currency is switched, the price stays unchanged.
Improvement: The flow of the multicurrency switching
Home Search
Fixed: Search by id - wrong permalink of the ad.
Fixed: Price Field doesn't work.
Search -Fixed: Range field doesn't show the right numbers.
Fixed: The taxonomy icons, on the listings with the style 4, don't show properly.

= v1.1.21 - 2021-02-04 =
The Highlight of the update - Receive Email When Outbid + Display Listings by Price Type + Bug Fixes + Many Improvements ? ? ?
Feature: Display listings based on the price type
Feature: Option to subscribe to receive emails when an offer has been outbid
Fixed: When removed the social networks and save the changes, they reappear again straight after.
Fixed: The default account type in the Register Setup doesn't work.
Fixed: When configuring the cost of the payment profile per day and setting a discount, the checkout page displays the discount per month.
Fixed: On mobile, the avatar doesn’t display on the menu.
Payment Packages
Fixed: Issue with editing package features & promotions
Fixed: Bug when subscription package has been set to an unlimited amount of listings.
Fixed: Issue with the orders sometimes not displaying
Fixed: Resolved white screen issue in the dashboard if the commission product cannot be found
Fixed: The notification modal not displaying in the viewport.
Fixed: The fallback image didn't display in the dashboard -> single listing.
Business Details
Fixed: Issue with logo changing
Feature: Added option to display listings based on the price type
Search Page
Fixed: Issue where the map would throw an error if a listing was missing coordinates
Fixed: The height of the map doesn't show correctly.
Listing Page
Fixed: Added option for disabling the sidebar promotion.
Fixed: Added fallback image to the Send a Message modal.
Improved: Added an option to choose when promoted listing in the sidebar should be visible
Improved: An email is now being sent to notify the listing owner if the listing is out of stock
Search Builder
Fixed: The minimum number doesn't display correctly.
Fixed: Issue where the promotion price calculation was 0 on some occasions
Fixed: Issue with the subscription package additional product wrong title (not backward compatible)
Listing Submission
Fixed: While editing the product and there is only one option marked in the checkboxes, it throws an error when another option is marked.
Improvement: Added Option for choosing required taxonomies.
Business Profile
Fixed: Does not display work schedule properly on the contact page.
Fixed: The seller’s site is not displayed.
Fixed: The seller’s email is not displayed.
Fixed: When the profile is switched over to a Business account the Listing location doesn't show on the Search Listings.
Fixed: Listing Address is not displayed correctly on the Lsifinity -> Ads.
Fixed: The list numbers don’t appear on the pages.
Fixed: Removed Elementor Warnings.

= v1.1.20 - 2021-01-26 =
The Highlight of the update - Price Package Discounts + Assign Free Promotions to Price Packages + Bug Fixes ? ?

New Features
Feature: Integrated custom discounts in the default pricing packages where the user can purchase the dynamic number of listings
Feature: Allowed attaching free promotions to the pricing packages
Fixed: Listings submission count not being updated in the default payment packages
Fixed: Issue with the multicurrency overriding all currency signs in favor of the default one
Fixed: Menu Items didn't display correctly on the Mobile Menu
Fixed: Subscription Package is displaying in the related products
Fixed: 404 page not loading properly - fix provided by
Improved: Header function that could throw PHP error.
Improved: Added option for setting the fallback image for the listings without images.
Improved: Added option to change the text above the social icons in the Mobile Menu
Fixed: Issue with the business details cannot be saved sometimes
Fixed: Issue with the logo and banner image preview not being displayed
Fixed: Notification panel was of the screen
Business Details
Fixed: The Working Hours and Social Networks titles were mixed.
Listing Page
Fixed: The Location doesn't show correctly.
Improvement: Added option to remove the map from the single listing page.
Search Page
Fixed: Filters automatically closing when clicking on any field on android phones
Fixed: Category filter option sometimes not being populated immediately on mobiles
Fixed: After choosing the style of the listing in the Lisfinity Options -> Listings Setup -> Listings Feed, the style wouldn't apply.
Listing Submission
Fixed: Default status not correct for the premium profiles if it set to be published for them in the theme options
Improved: The Payment step now won't be included if there are no promotions available for purchase
Improved: The payment step will not include promotions that were added for free in the package
Payment Packages
Fixed: Problem with calculating discount price on some occasions
Fixed: Issue with activating the premium profile
Vendors Payout
Fixed: Amount Due didn't display correctly.
My Account | General
Fixed: Issue with changing and displaying user avatar
Fixed: The Banner Search Form button not working
Fixed: The bookmark positioning not working in the Lisfinity> Ads widget
Posts Element
Fixed: Layout issue with the container padding

= 1.1.19 - 2021-01-17 =

The Highlight of the update - Separation of Regular and Business users + Subscription Based Pricing Packages ?⚖ ? ? ?

New Features
Feature: Separated regular and business accounts. Business accounts are now called Premium Profiles and they will much expand the limited possibilities of the regular accounts.
Feature: The added possibility of creating subscription-based pricing packages
Feature: Added option to pay for an additional listing when the monthly limit of packages has been reached
Feature: Added option to set the number of free promotions for every listing submitted through the subscription package
Feature: Added option to set an unlimited number of discounts depending on the number of months subscriptions
Feature: Added an option to enable pricing packages based on the account type, so now it is possible to make listing posting completely free for the business or regular accounts.
Feature: Added option to add custom logout redirection link from Lisfinity Options -> Register Setup
Feature: Added option for the store referral link that will be displayed as a button on the listing single page and will redirect customers to purchase the product on the outside page.
Feature: Allowed custom input of the taxonomies. If the field type is select and the slug of one option is "custom" when chosen by the user a text field for the manual input of the taxonomy will be displayed.
Fixed: PHP warning in the product-gallery.php file
Fixed: Notification Modal not displayed properly in the RTL format.
Tweaked: Removed Licencer from the theme
Fixed: Issue with the user avatar field not being displayed
Fixed: Wrong package name in the Active Package widget
Single Listing
Improvement: Add the option for displaying the date in the Listing Single.
Homepage Search
Fixed: Issue with the range fields not displaying
Listing Submission
Fixed: Not possible to featured image from the form
Search Page
Fixed: The range fields don't show up.
Improved: Chosen filters duplicate term displayed instead of taxonomy
Improved: Slower loading of the images after a new search query has been made
Improved: More precise calculation of months that are purchased for the premium profile
New Element: Packages Subscription element has been added so that the subscription packages can be posted anywhere on the site
Fixed: Gallery Widget - option border-radius for the Large image didn't work.
Fixed: Login Form- Remember Me option doesn't show up.
Fixed: Banner Search Widget - keyword doesn't display the label.
Fixed: Add the Range fields in the Banner Search Form For Elementor.
Fixed: Missing countdown clock and auction price on the ad page
Fixed: The Owner Buttons still showing on the single page after disabling it.
Improvement: Product Gallery: Added option to pick whether to display an image gallery or video gallery.
Feature: Elementor widget for displaying a banner image in the Single Listing

= v1.1.18 - 2020-12-13 =
The Highlight of the update - Many Improvements + Bug Fixes ✨ ?
Fixed: Issue with the default currency not being switched correctly
Fixed: PHP issue that was displayed on some servers due to builders-settings.php file
Fixed: Dashboard Setup -> Business Details - To switch places of the elements and make phone apps dependable.
Improvement: Add the options to disable checkout fields
Search Page
Fixed: Price hasn't been updated when changed with a currency switcher
Product Single
Improved: Enabled downloading of the QR code image
Submission Form
Fixed: Issue with the white screen being displayed when the checkbox label hasn't been found
Improved: Check for the carbon fields and loading the field with the default wp function if needed
Search Builder
Improvement: Provide an option for the range fields so that the minimum value doesn't start from the 0 always.
Fixed: Bidding still visible even if disabled from the theme options.
Fixed: when testimonials are disabled, the rating icon is still showing on the search listings page.
Fixed: Custom titles not working for the text fields.
Fixed: Messages didn't show up in the Firefox Browser.
Improvement: Custom titles to include common taxonomies.
Fixed: Safety Tips widget doesn't show up on the page
Fixed: The search keyword widget doesn't show up on the small devices.
Fixed: Login form - the text doesn't translate.
Fixed: Register form - the text doesn't translate.
Fixed: Password Reset form - the text doesn't translate.
Fixed: Default Elementor title and text editor styles are not applied because of Lisfinity styles.
Improved: Category box - added options for the custom position for the title and taxonomies.

= v1.1.17 - 2020-12-06 =
The Highlight of the update - Custom Category Pages + Integrated Multi-Currency Builder & Switcher + Bug Fixes ? ? ? ?

New Features
Feature: Added functionality to take the commission from the auction owner in order to receive the highest bidder details
Feature: Added functionality to add QR codes to the listing that can be scanned
Feature: Added custom currency switcher with the ability to add as many currencies as you want
Fixed: PHP warning being displayed in the Vendors Payouts section of the wp-admin area if the price of the listing cannot be found
Improvement: Added option for disabling bidding.
Improvement: Added option for disabling the phone numbers in Dashboard Setup -> Business Details.
Improvement: Added option to choose which social network will be displayed in the Business Details.
Improvement: Added option to disable displaying the Download Page in user dashboard.
Improvement: Added option to disable displaying the Bookmarks Page in user dashboard.
Improvement: Added option to disable displaying the Orders Page in user dashboard
Improvement: Hide listings owner fields for non logged users
Tweaked: Changed PBS_THEME_VERSION constant in the Lisfinity Core plugin with LISFINITY_CORE_VERSION so warning wouldn't be thrown if the plugin is used outside of the main theme.
Single Listing
Fixed: Clicking on buy now sometimes reporting as if the user is not logged in
Fixed: Non-logged users couldn't submit a report
Fixed: When clicked on the button Place Bid on the Sticky Header on the Single Listing Page, a blank page is opened.
Fixed: Listing Titles doesn't appear correctly after listing submission.
Fixed: Financing Calculator- after the down payment, the monthly calculation is wrong.
Fixed: Taxonomies icons don't show up when the format is jpg or png
Tweaked: Leave only the full version of the images in the gallery as they are being loaded anyway on the site
Improvement: Removed the bidding box if the Enable bidding is set to off
Improvement: Added option for displaying the Mark as a Sold option from the User Dashboard -> Listings.
Business Profile Page
Fixed: Default Premium Profile Page - the business name doesn't appear properly
New Element: Listing contact form that can be used to allow contacting of the listing owner
Fixed: Auction Price in the Search Listings- size option doesn't work
Fixed: A gap between the “+ Submit” button and the Login Icon removed.
Fixed: Login From didn't work.
Fixed: Business Premium Profile - leave a reply modal doesn't open.
Improvement: Category Box widget- added the option for the image border
Improvement: Category Box- added option for displaying "Show More Button".
Improvement: Category Box- added option for setting the text and URL, as well as the style of the "Show More Button".

= v1.1.16 - 2020-11-26 =
The Highlight of the update - Scheduling Features + Many Improvements + Bug Fixes ?⚖ ? ?

Improved: Reorganized WP-Admin menu in order to make Lisfinity Menu items more prominent
Fields Builder
Fixed: Issue with the invisible terms
Fixed: Issue with duplicate terms sometimes occurring
Search Builder
Fixed: Issue with the price meta field display on the homepage banner
Business Page
Fixed: Issue with the page being broken caused by user verification icons
Fixed: Search listings price icon size option not working
Fixed: Posts Widget (Elementor PRO) didn't work
Feature: Product Files - widget for displaying and styling uploaded documents
Search Builder
Improved: Added the Placeholder Min and Placeholder Max in Fields Meta Price for Home Page
Improved: Added the Label Min and Label Max in Fields Meta Price for Home Page
Feature: Added options to create custom titles for each category independently

= v1.1.15 - 2020-11-20 =

The Highlight of the update - Scheduling Features + Many Improvements + Bug Fixes ?⚖ ? ?

### Features
Feature: Assign any package to a newly registered user
Feature: Delete expired ads after a specified number of days are passed
Feature: Create custom generated titles for every submitted listing
### Overall
Fixed: Fields Meta on home search sometimes throwing an error
Fixed: Firefox browser - icon in the menu wasn't styled properly
Fixed: When purchasing a premium profile - the business profile is being set to 'pending review' if admin review is set in the theme options
Fixed: Homepage keyword search results z-index
### Theme Options
Option: Added option to delete media attachments along with a listing
Option: Added option to specify the number of days that should pass in order for the system to delete the expired listings from the database
Option: Added option to enter a custom listing title format
### Listing Single Page
Improved: Added notification for the expired listing and made listings unreachable
### Dashboard
Improved: Added option for the value by which sorting of the pricing packages will be done.
### Listings
Improved: Added option to display the badge for the verified users
### Elementor
Fixed: Taxonomies are not selectable in the Elementor Listing Widget
Fixed: Product Owner Button on Single Listing Page in Elementor disappear.
Fixed: Business Store- Detailed Button Displayed Correctly.
Fixed: Search Listings - the rating couldn't be removed from the box
Fixed: Bug: Elementor Single Gallery Zoom didn't work
Fixed: Business Store - Fixed the height of the image and the content in the Listings.
Fixed: Business Store - Fixed the top margin of the search content.
Improved: Added option to set the size of the logo in the Ads Element
Improved: Added option for sorting the header elements, content elements, and footer elements in the Ads Element
Improved: Business Store - added options for styling the Detailed Search Button.
Improved: Add option to display listing location on the map in the listing single page sidebar
Improved: Business Store -Added options to style the badge for the verified users.
Improved: Search Listings -Added options to style the badge for the verified users.
Improved: Ads Widget -Added options to style the badge for the verified users.
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      nulled ko cần key nhé

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