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Out-of-the-Box v1.21.3 NULLED | Dropbox plugin for WordPress


Out-of-the-Box nulled | Dropbox plugin for WordPress là một plugin tích hợp Dropbox WordPress tiện lợi, có thể tùy chỉnh, sáng tạo, hiển thị đẹp mắt các tệp Dropbox của bạn.

Không yêu cầu kỹ năng mã hóa! Outofthebox là plugin Dropbox tốt nhất cho WordPress.

Tham gia ngay bây giờ và bắt đầu sử dụng Dropbox hiệu quả hơn nữa bằng cách tích hợp nó trên trang web của bạn!


Tính năng nổi bật Out-of-the-Box | Dropbox plugin for WordPress

1. Liên kết tài khoản Dropbox của bạn với plugin chỉ bằng 1 cú nhấp chuột!
2. Trong trình chỉnh sửa trực quan WordPress, hãy mở Out-of-the-Box Shortcode Builder và chọn chế độ cấu hình sẵn
3. Chọn thư mục Dropbox sẽ được sử dụng làm điểm bắt đầu cho plugin
4. Chỉ cần định cấu hình mã ngắn trong Trình tạo mã ngắn với các tùy chọn và điều khiển trực quan
5. Chèn một mã ngắn và xuất bản trang của bạn!

Tính năng Out-of-the-Box Dropbox plugin for WordPress

Out-of-the-Box | Dropbox plugin for WordPress Nulled Free Changelog

v1.21.3 15 March 2022
IMPORTANT Updated requirements: Dropbox API will require that API calls use TLS 1.2 or greater.
The plugin will not longer function if TLS 1.2 isn't supported by your server. That is unlikely however, as TLS 1.2 has been available since 2014.

Added: New setting field in Module configurator to set a custom 'Add your file(s)' upload button text.
Added: Upload Box now also supports the deletion of uploaded files when enabled in the module configuration.
Fix: Google Analytics event didn't always log the file name correctly.
Fix: Updates for plugin were not installed automatically when 'Auto-Updates' are enabled.
Improved: Small changes to the Report tables to improve performance.
Improved: Resolve compatability issues with the TightenCo library.
v1.21.1 26 January 2022
Fix: Compatibility issue with WordPress 5.9 where a Front-End callback function was no longer working.

v1.21 - 24 January 2022
IMPORTANT Updated requirements: WordPress 5.3+ & PHP 7.4+.
Added: Support for FLAC playback in File Browser
Fix: GravityView/GravityFlow not rendering plugin field form correctly when both plugins are enabled
Fix: Creating direct links for folders via the action button on top of the folder thumbnail in the Gallery module, incorrectly set the folder location to open.
Fix: When a Private Folders automatically was created during registration or deleted after user deletion, the plugin would not use the name template as set in the module configuration. Instead it would use the global value for this setting.
Fix: The embed popup incorrectly showed files that cannot be embedded directly on a page
Fix: Action events not properly fired when Move/Copy action model has been opened
Improved: Added dark theme for scrollbars
Updated: Included CA certificates updated.
Updated: Several Javascript libraries
Updated: PHPthumb library to version 1.7.18-202110211855
Updated: wp-color-picker-alpha library to version 3.0.1
Updated: Tagify to version 4.9.2
Updated: Chart.js to version 3.7.0
Updated: DataTables to version 1.11.3
Updated: Guzzle to version 7.4.1 (PHP requirement now 7.4.x)
v1.20.4 - 24 December 2021
Added: Chinese (zn_CN) translation.
Fix: The authorization process to link new accounts to the plugin could also be initated by users without access to the plugin settings.
Fix: Opening Full Screen Lightbox while autoplay is enabled could leave previews hidden.
v1.20.3 - 6 December 2021
VULNERABILITY Fixes an XSS vulnerability in the search functionality of the plugin. Thanks Trainer Red for discovering and responsibly disclosing this issue.
Added: Portuguese (pt_PT) translation.
Fix: When adding a new folder, the name will now be trimmed to strip whitespace from the beginning and end.
Fix: outofthebox_woocommerce_upload_box_title hooks triggered with incorrect attributes.
Fix: ZIP downloads not starting correctly if PHP output buffer contained data.
Improved: Changed alphabetical sorting order to be case insensitive.
Improved: Added placeholders for GravityPDF PDF upload location.
Improved: Small layout tweaks and a few new assets.
Updated: PHPThumb library to v1.7.17-202109221111

V1.20.2 11 November 2021
Added: New setting: 'From' for email notifications. Can be set globally or per module.
Fix: Not reading available memory correctly on servers with memory_limit set to -1 which could cause issues with download streams
Fix: Shortcode Builder not showing up in the Form Field configuration for some WP Forms plugin versions
Improved: Removed some unused javascript libraries

v1.19.11 7 September 2021
Added: support for %file_lastedited% and %file_created% placeholders in email notifications
Fix: Manually linked Private folders for guest users not setting account properly
Fix: Automatic Private Folder creation not fired on user registration if the newly created isn't directly logged in
Fix: Setting incorrect basename for files with extensions in capitals (e.g. .JPG)
Fix: Reset scroll of File Browser container when navigating/searching
Fix: Plugin not initiating when output of the plugin was modified by (e.g.) apply_filters('the_content') adding line breaks and paragraphs
Updated: Chart.js library version to 3.5.1
Updated: Datatables library version to 1.11.1
Updated: Tagify library version to 4.7.2
Updated: Font Awesome to version 5.15.4

v1.19.9 - 1 July 2021
Fix: Right-to-left layout incorrectly applied to Media Player module (subfolder now working without private folders)
Fix: Clicking on a file in the File Browser could trigger the preview/download action twice
Fix: Gallery background not using color as set in the Color Palette
Improved: Removed outdated or depricated PHP / CSS code

v1.19.8 - 8 June 2021
Added: %account_email% placeholder for recipient for the email notifications. This placeholder will contain the email address of the linked Cloud Account
Fix: Direct Links to folders were pointing to the root folder of the module
Fix: CORS issue with VAST XML urls
Fix: The set subfolder location in the shortcode configuration for manually linked Private Folders not working when using the standalone Upload Box module
Improved: Shortcode Builder will check if modules are still linked to accessible content
Updated: Chart.js library version to 3.3.2
Updated: Datatables library version to 1.10.25
Updated: Tagify library version to 4.2.0

v1.19.7 22 May 2021
Added: Option to select own branding image showing when iFrames are loaded
Added: Support for Dropbox .web shortcuts
Fix: Click event not firing when only external preview is available
Fix: Some actions were still available even when reCaptcha failed validation
Improved: added support for Private Folders for the WooCommerce File/Folder download selector
Improved: Added explanation for (personal) data usage when linking your cloud accounts

= v1.19.6 29 April 2021 =
Fix: WooCommerce download integration selector not opening when using Gutenberg as page editor for your products
Updated: Gravity Forms integration now support GF version >2.5 which contains a new form editor
Improved: Increased Front-End performance by reducing the number of JS events for plugin elements

= v1.18.2 18 February 2021 =
Fix: GravityPDF integration not loading anymore
Fix: Resolved conflict with the library
Fix: not sending Account ID on Upload Post Process

v1.17.15 7 December 2020
- VULNERABILITY Authorization tokens can be publicly accesible on NGINX servers and requires the attacker to know both the Account email and Account ID. Apache servers are not affected. This version implements token encryption to patch this. A re-authorization might be needed in some cases.
- Fix: Form submit buttons can disappear when triggered while plugin is still uploading files
- Fix: Bug could create 'Guest' Private Folders when a logged in user was for some reason logged out in the background
- Fix: Plugin not initiating properly when ReCaptcha script is loaded async/defer
- Improvement: Migrating to Scoped App and short lived Access Tokens
- Improvement: Made a number of PHP8 compatilibility improvements.
- Updated: PHPthumb version 1.7.15

v1.17.14 13 November 2020
- Fix: Javascript Compatibility issue when used in combination with specific Themes
- Improvement: Can now add User Roles as notification recipients using placeholders like %administrator%, %subscriber%, %editor%, %custom_wp_role%.
- Improvement: Various javascript changes for compatibility with WordPress 5.6 and jQuery 3.x.
- Improvement: Marked as compatible with WordPress 5.6.

- Fix: Search API calls migrated to /2/files/search_v2 endpoint
- Fix: Folder location set by form input fields not correctly filtered. Could for instance create subfolders when folder name contained a '
- Fix: Preview button via File Menu doesn't open the LightBox correctly on some devices
- Improvement: Small layout changes in File Browser
- Added: Formidable Forms integration
- Fix: Layout description box in Gallery aligning long descriptions incorrectly
- Fix: File Browser in WooCommerce Orders not starting uploads
- Improved: Removed ReCaptcha from Admin Dashboard pages with plugin when ReCaptcha is enabled
- Fix: Upload Box could create folders when file name contained special characters
- Fix: Upload Form integrations was submitting Forms even if a file in the queue failed to upload.
- Fix: Conflict in WPForms Builder when having multiple WP Cloud Plugins running
- Updated: Font Awesome library to version 5.15.1
  • Xem thêm: tổng hợp Plugin WordPress được chia sẻ miễn phí, cập nhật hàng ngày

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