Thông báo: Hotrowordpress sẽ tiến hành cập nhật lại toàn bộ plugin-themes hiện có trên blog. Thời gian hỗ trợ cập nhật từ ngày 30.03.2024, nếu cần gấp bản mới nhất vui lòng gửi mail về cho admin để nhận link download ưu tiên!

PowerPack Beaver Builder Addon v2.22.1 – tiện ích bổ sung cho Beaver Builder


PowerPack for Beaver Builder là tiện ích mở rộng phổ biến nhất và tốt nhất dành cho Trình tạo Beaver được thiết kế dành riêng cho bạn.

Xây dựng các trang web bạn luôn muốn với Addons PowerPack Beaver. PowerPack for Beaver Builder – Hơn 50 mô-đun người dùng, hơn 150 mẫu trang, hơn 200 mẫu phần, tương thích hoàn toàn với Beaver Themer, hỗ trợ cho tất cả các phiên bản BB, tải nhanh và hơn thế nữa.

Tính năng PowerPack for Beaver Builder

PowerPack Beaver Addons Plugin

  • PowerPack hoạt động hoàn hảo với Beaver Themer.
  • Hoạt động hoàn hảo với thiết lập đa trang web WordPress.
  • PowerPack hoạt động với các phiên bản miễn phí và trả phí của Beaver Builder.

  • Cập nhật thường xuyên để tương thích tốt hơn với WordPress.

  • Trang web của bạn tải nhanh mà không có mã cồng kềnh & lộn xộn.
  • Thân thiện với thiết bị di động

  • Hỗ trợ đa ngôn ngữ WPML, PolyLang

  • Xây dựng thương hiệu cho bạn và khách hàng…
PowerPack Beaver Builder Addon Nulled Free Changelog

== v2.22.1 == Release date: March 22, 2022
* Fix: Modal Box - Text align under button typography fields was not working
* Fix: Content Ticker - PHP warning in WPML translation editor screen
* Fix: Info List - Responsive alignment issue for layout 3
* Fix: Info Box - Missing title prefix after the recent update
* Fix: Content Grid - Filter issue in some cases after the recent update
* Fix: Gravity Forms - Submit button styles were not working when the button location is set to end of the last row (inline) in GF 2.6.x
* Development: Sitemap - Added filter hook pp_sitemap_post_query_args
* Development: Sitemap - Added filter hook pp_sitemap_taxonomy_query_args
* Development: Added filter hook pp_prev_icon_svg
* Development: Added filter hook pp_next_icon_svg
== 2.22.0 ==
Release date: March 16, 2022
* Enhancement: Added support for plugin auto-update
* Enhancement: Login Form - Render error message returning in response with 503 status
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added CSS class pp-post-img to the featured image  tag (not applicable for the custom layout)
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added Content Width option to control the width of the post content when featured image is enabled in Style 8
* Enhancement: Dual Button - Enabled responsive control for the spacing field and minor CSS improvements
* Enhancement: Subscribe Form - Added label to the close button for ADA compliance
* Enhancement: Subscribe Form - Added integration for reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha
* Enhancement: Sliding Menu - Reveal the submenu when the current page is inside the submenu
* Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added an option to show/hide image description in the lightbox
* Enhancement: One Page Navigation - Hide the nav item when there the row does not exist on the page of the given ID
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Added an option to choose title HTML tag
* Enhancement: Info Box - Added an option to enable the link for both the button and title
* Enhancement: Content Ticker - Added WPML support for module fields
* Enhancement: Card Slider - Added WPML support for module fields
* Enhancement: Table of Contents - Added WPML support for the title field
* Enhancement: Video - Added keyboard navigation and play support
* Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added keyboard navigation and play support
* Fix: Modal Box - Popup was not displaying the content for the custom post type
* Fix: Modal Box - Fullscreen overlay modal width issue in some cases
* Fix: Modal Box - Video continues to play that is embedded using the video tag after the popup is closed
* Fix: Subscribe Form - Duplicate HTML ID issue
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - PHP warning in some cases in ACF Relationship field query
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Menu fade out issue in Off-Canvas panel in some cases
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Alignment settings under the "Responsive" tab was not working in some cases
* Fix: Content Grid - Layout issue on window resize when using in the Advanced Tabs module
* Fix: Content Grid - The Events Calendar section was not getting shown on event tags archive
* Fix: Content Grid - Columns spacing px unit breaks the columns if the given value is more than 10
* Fix: FAQ - PHP warning in some cases in ACF Relationship field query
* Fix: Info List - Responsive alignment issue
* Fix: Filterable Gallery - Applying both border and border radius was adding some spacing around the corners of images
* Fix: Image Carousel - Applying both border and border radius was adding some spacing around the corners of images
* Fix: Animated Headline - Using apostrophe in the text adding backslash while rendering
* Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Custom font icon was not getting loaded
* Fix: Image Carousel - Image repetition issue in lightbox
* Fix: Image Carousel - Image overlap in slideshow when images are in different size
* Fix: Team - Link field was not getting shown in WPML translation editor
* Fix: Instagram Feed - Limit field was not working in some cases
* Fix: Google Map - Zooming the map was not retaining the position of custom marker image in some cases
* Fix: Header/Footer - Header was not getting sticky on responsive devices landscape mode
* Fix: Header/Footer - Assets were not getting loaded properly in some cases
* Fix: Row Templates - Incorrect thumbnail image was showing for Pricing Table 4 and 5
* Development: Video - Added filter hook pp_video_play_button_html
* Development: Info Box - Added filter hook pp_infobox_icon_link_enabled

== v2.21.2 == Release date: February 2, 2022
* Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added ACF Relationship field as a source (requires Beaver Themer plugin)
* Enhancement: FAQ - Added ACF Relationship field as a source (requires Beaver Themer plugin)
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added an option to open the link in new window
* Fix: Content Grid - Taxonomy filters were not reappearing when resizing the window from responsive to large in some cases
* Fix: Countdown - PHP warning in frontend.js.php due to empty "fixed date - month" field
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Leaving icon size field empty breaks the page on the sites running PHP 8
* Development: FAQ - Added filter hook pp_faq_items
* Development: Video Gallery - Added filter hook pp_video_gallery_items
== v2.21.1 ==
Release date: January 27, 2022
* Hotfix: Photo Gallery - Images disappeared in justified layout
== v2.20.0 == Release date: December 20, 2021
* Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added an option to enable Search in the menu
* Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added an option to enable Woo Cart in the menu
* Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added an option to use Submenu Width as min-width
* Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Wrapped menu in nav HTML tag
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Added an option to trigger popup on page scroll by certain percentage
* Enhancement: Smart Button - Added an option to provide sub text with its own styling colors and typography
* Enhancement: Login Form - Added hCaptcha integration
* Enhancement: Login Form - Added reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha for lost password form as well
* Enhancement: Category Grid - Added an option to make the content appear overlay or stacked
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added logic to not render empty category in filters
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added discernible text to slider previous/next navigation buttons for ADA compliance
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added discernible text to slider pagination dots for ADA compliance
* Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added Order By and Offset options for Posts
* Enhancement: Hover Cards 2 - Use image alt text from media library as primary and card title as secondary (fallback)
* Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added typography and width options for the Load More button
* Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Enabled responsive option for the Load More button alignment
* Enhancement: Testimonials - Removed unused FontAwesome stylesheet
* Enhancement: Row Effects - Added Line Color option for Particles effect
* Fix: Content Grid - Filters were not working properly in main query
* Fix: Content Grid - PHP warning when Column Spacing field is empty
* Fix: Announcement Bar - admin bar menus overlap issue
* Fix: Announcement Bar - Close button ARIA attribute validation issue
* Fix: Hover Cards - Missing image alt tag
* Fix: Testimonials - Fixed height option was not working for Layout 4
* Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Close icon was not getting displayed in some cases
* Fix: Video Gallery - Non-English letters in filter tags were breaking the functionality
* Fix: Advanced Tabs - ajaxurl unfefined error in some cases
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - ajaxurl unfefined error in some cases
* Fix: Header/Footer - Issue with Theme My Login password reset screen
* Development: Content Grid - Added filter hook pp_cg_filters_show_available_posts_terms
* Development: Content Grid - Added filter hook pp_cg_post_author_html
* Development: Author Box - Added filter hook pp_author_box_image_url
* Development: Author Box - Added filter hook pp_author_box_image_size

== v2.19.1 == Release date: December 2, 2021
* Fix: Content Grid - Pagination was not working properly when using custom query on category archives
* Fix: Content Grid - PHP warning after recent update
* Fix: Animated Headlines - Shortcodes were not working in the text field
* Fix: Table - File field value in ACF repeater was not getting outputted
* Fix: Filterable Gallery - Filter by URL was not working sometimes in Firefox

== 2.19.0 ==
Release date: November 29, 2021
* Enhancement: Maintenance Mode - Added scheduling feature
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Slide can be swiped using the URL hash in carousel
* Enhancement: Coupon - Added more position options for discount code and offer info
* Enhancement: Subscribe Form - Added form width and alignement options
* Enhancement: Logos Grid & Carousel - Added background color option for individual logo item
* Enhancement: Pricing Table - Added package title padding option for individual package item
* Fix: Logos Carousel - Update number of slides on window resize
* Fix: Contact Form - Empty message body getting sent in the email content when the message field is hidden
* Fix: Content Grid - Filters were not working when taxonomy terms slugs are in non-English letters
* Fix: Content Grid - FontAwesome CSS was not loading when using font awesome icon in the custom layout
* Fix: Hotspot - Trouble getting tooltip in touch devices when tooltip display setting is set to hover
* Fix: Social Share - Wrong sharing URL on user profile page by Ultimate Member plugin
* Fix: Breadcrumbs - Alignment setting was not working for responsive devices
* Fix: Info List - Removed empty CSS output for title margin
* Fix: Social Share - Facebook Messenger sharing was no longer working on mobile
* Fix: Timeline - Timeline items not loading in Off-Canvas panel
* Fix: Info List - Icon alignment issue when the whole box is linked
* Development: Registration Form - Added filter hook pp_rf_email_fields
== v2.18.4 == Release date: November 10, 2021
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added an option to provide custom separator for taxonomy terms
* Fix: Row Animated Background - Fix background size issue when using an image as background
* Fix: Added missing strings in French translations (props: Emmanuel SOYER)
* Fix: WPForms - Removed empty custom title and description HTML tags
* Fix: Countdown Timer - Expiry message for the fixed timer shows Unfefined in some cases
* Fix: Video - Added missing reset option for play icon border hover color
* Fix: Video Gallery - Added missing reset option for play icon border hover color
* Fix: Hotspot - PHP warning in some cases
* Fix: Custom Link field in media modal was not showing when Envira Gallery plugin is active
== v2.18.3 == Release date: October 29, 2021
* Enhancement: Image - Introducing CSS class "shrink-header-fix" to override custom width when module is used inside shrinkable header
* Fix: Gravity Forms - Padding wasn't getting applied on input fields in some cases
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Responsive submenu background color was not working in some cases
* Fix: Contact Form 7 - Column classes were not working in some cases
* Fix: Highlight Box - Font size was not working for dashicons
* Fix: Post Timeline - Icon size was not working for dashicons
* Development: Added filter hook pp_expandable_row_icon_html

== v2.18.2 == Release date: Ocotober 20, 2021
* Fix: Gravity Forms - Added missing responsive controls for label font size, description font size
* Fix: Gravity Forms - Input field padding responsive issue
* Fix: Gravity Forms - More override fixes due to text color set in row / column
* Fix: Countdown - Apostrophe in expire message field was breaking the layout
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Added missing role="tablist" HTML attribute
* Fix: Info Box - Custom image width was not working when the module is used in site header
* Fix: Updated French translation and added missing MO file
* Fix: Updated Portuguese (Brazil) translations
* Development: Video - Added hook pp_video_lightbox_after_load

== 2.18.1 ==
Release date: October 13, 2021
* Enhancement: Table of Contents - Added a CSS class field under Sticky ToC settings to hide the ToC when it reaches to the row with specified CSS class
* Fix: Info Box - Added an option in the module to inherit the columns equal heights behavior (kept enabled by default for existing users)
* Fix: Photo Gallery - Added a workaround for the images which were not getting rendered in custom registered size
* Fix: Filterable Gallery - Added a workaround for the images which were not getting rendered in custom registered size
* Fix: Image Carousel - Added a workaround for the images which were not getting rendered in custom registered size
* Fix: Registration Form - Validation error message was not showing for custom added fields
* Fix: Gravity Forms - Text color set in the row or column setting overriding the custom title and description colors
* Development: Photo Gallery - Added filter hook pp_gallery_image_html_attrs
* Development: Filterable Gallery - Added filter hook pp_filterable_gallery_image_html_attrs
* Development: Logos Grid & Carousel - Added filter hook pp_logo_image_html_attrs
* Development: Advanced Accordion - Added filter hook pp_advanced_accordion_scroll_offset_top
* Development: Post related modules - Added filter hook pp_post_image_settings_data

== 2.18.0 ==
Release date: September 29, 2021
* Enhancement: Content Tiles - Added an option to enable date & author to be displayed on all tiles
* Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added an option to set an image as an icon
* Fix: Content Grid - None option in Fallback image field was not working in some cases
* Fix: Content Grid - Post Filter Type option will always be visible to switch pagination from AJAX to static
* Fix: Content Grid - Current category's child categories were not showing up in the taxonomy filters
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Total Number of Posts value was getting restored to default one after saving the module settings
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - URL trigger was only working for the first instance when there are multiple instances on the page
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Sub-menu alignement issue when using Expanded layout
* Fix: Reviews - Google font awesome icon was not loading
* Fix: Info Box - Column equal heights causes Info Box to use all available space
* Fix: Login Form - Password reset was not working with BuddyBoss theme
* Fix: Filterable Gallery - Images were not getting rendered in the given size in some cases
* Fix: Animated Headlines - Animated text was not displaying in the builder when it renders the JS layout on changing module settings
* Fix: Maintenance Mode - Header/Footer set in PowerPack settings were getting displayed while maintenance mode is enabled
* Fix: Login/Register - Pages were not getting saved in the network admin
* Development: Table of Contents - Added JS hooks pp_toc_before_init and pp_toc_after_init
* Development: Table of Contents - Added is-empty and pp-toc-initialized CSS classes
* Development: Category Grid - Added filter hook pp_category_grid_exclude_current_category
* Development: Video - Added filter hook pp_video_iframe_attrs

== v2.17.2 ==
Release date: August 26, 2021
* Enhancement: Login Form - Password reset success message now will show above the login form
* Enhancement: Login Form - Added compatibility for "Strong Passwords" setting in the iThemes Security plugin
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Added an option to provide your own CSS class or ID as trigger element
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Added support for responsive alignment to modal button
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Added button Icon Color and Icon Hover Color options
* Enhancement: Testimonials - Added options to select HTML tag for Client name and profile
* Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added width and height attributes to <img> tag
* Enhancement: Filterable Gallery - Added width and height attributes to <img> tag
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Mobile toggle menu keeps getting closed when clicking on input field if a search form is placed inside
* Fix: Pricing Table - Button rgba background color was not working properly
* Fix: Gravity Forms - Radio & Checkbox styles were not working for Gravity Forms 2.5.x
* Fix: Social Share - Border radius issue
* Fix: Instagram Feed - PHP warning

== v2.17.1 ==
Release date: July 20, 2021
* Enhancement: Image Hotspot - Added an option to close tooltip by clicking anywhere
* Fix: Instagram Feed - Width of the swiper container was getting overridden by JetPack's CSS
* Fix: Image Carousel - Width of the swiper container was getting overridden by JetPack's CSS
* Fix: Video Gallery - Width of the swiper container was getting overridden by JetPack's CSS
* Fix: Login Form - Full name was getting registered in the first name field for Google login
* Fix: File Download - File field required issue when using multiple type

== v2.17.0 ==
Release date: July 14th, 2021
* Enhancement: Contact Form - Added hCaptcha integration
* Enhancement: File Download - Added an option to choose a single source of the file or a dropdown with multiple files
* Enhancement: Animated Headline - Added data-index attribute to rotating text for custom style
* Enhancement: Off-Canvas Content - Added a logic to adjust the height automatically for top and bottom direction when the size is not given
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Added an option to disable animations on overlay
* Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added accessibility and keyboard navigation support
* Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added an option to select an image as an icon
* Enhancement: Announcement Bar - Added accessibility and keyboard navigation support
* Enhancement: Announcement Bar - Replaced textarea field with WYSIWYG editor for content
* Enhancement: Social Icons - Added support for TikTok icon
* Enhancement: Info List - Added an option to align the icon to left or right with heading or content
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added logic to stop carousel autoplay when hovering over navigation arrows
* Enhancement: Testimonials - Added an option to choose HTML tag for heading
* Enhancement: How-To - Added an option to choose HTML tag for steps title
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Saved templates were not getting rendered for logged out users in some cases
* Fix: Instagram Feed - Square layout issue
* Fix: Content Grid - Incorrect post width issue
* Fix: Content Grid - Added fallback method when AJAX pagination fails to load the posts on the front page in some cases
* Fix: Content Grid - Carousel - Number of items were appearing based on min-width on tablet and mobile
* Fix: Content Grid - Price and ratings were not showing when using AJAX filters for WooCommerce product post type
* Fix: Flip Box - Removed default width and height for the image
* Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Minor CSS issue regarding top and bottom layout
* Fix: WPForms - Padding issue with phone field
* Fix: Fluent Forms - PHP warning in some cases
* Fix: Testimonials - Removed Carousel option in respect to the number of slides field
* Fix: Table - Unable to save the module when CSV import field contains invalid characters in some cases
* Fix: Photo Gallery - PHP warning when a user leaves the number of columns field empty
* Fix: Restaurant Menu - Currency symbol position right was not getting applied when using inline layout
* Fix: Image - Set max-width to Caption container to match the width of the image
* Development: Advanced Menu - Added filter hook pp_advanced_menu_html_toggle to modify the hamburger toggle markup

== v2.16.4 - June 17, 2021 ==
Advanced Menu - Accordion toggle issue on responsive breakpoint

== 2.16.3 ==
Release date: June 16, 2021
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added "Slug" as order by option
* Enhancement: Testimonials - Added an option to disable the mouse drag for slider
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Toggle arrows getting mixed up with text in horizontal layout with center alignment
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Keyboard navigation issue
* Fix: Gravity Forms Styler - Couple of error related styling fields were not working for GF 2.5 and above
* Fix: Modal Box - iframe loading issue on page load in some cases
* Fix: Logos Grid - Spacing issue on medium breakpoint
* Fix: Image Carousel - Autplay Speed field left emptied causes JS error
* Fix: Header/Footer - Header background color getting transparent in builder due to overlay setting

== v2.16.2 == Release date: June 2, 2021
* Enhancement: Video - Added an option to provide a value for HTML title attribute for iframe and video tag
* Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added options to add custom screen reader text for previous and next nav arrows
* Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - ACF Repeater - Added logic to convert URL to clickable link returned from ACF file field used for accordion item content
* Fix: Modal Box - Popup was getting closed automatically in some cases
* Fix: Testimonials - Spacing was not working in grid layout when the column is set to 1
* Fix: Content Grid - Layout issue when used in Advanced Accordion module
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Automatic page scroll issue

== 2.16.1 ==
Release date: May 26, 2021
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Submenu padding, search icon alignment, and toggle arrows in full-screen overlay issue
* Fix: Row Animated Background - Colors were not getting applied after the last update

== v2.16.0 ==
Release date: May 25, 2021
* Enhancement: Maintenance Mode - Added an option to access the site via a user-defined secret access key
* Enhancement: Maintenance Mode - Added support for Beaver Builder's saved layout and row templates
* Enhancement: Video - Added a new source for Wistia videos embed
* Enhancement: Business Hours - Added an option for 24-hour format
* Enhancement: Business Hours - Added options to change or translate day names
* Enhancement: Testimonials - Added options to control styling for the entire box
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Enabled responsive option for filters padding
* Enhancement: Category Grid - Added Meta Value, Meta Value Number, and None option in Order By field
* Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added accessibility support
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Added a field to enter screen reader text for the modal button type image and icon
* Enhancement: WPForms - Added options to control typography for checkbox and radio labels
* Enhancement: Content Ticker - Added link field for header
* Fix: Filterable Gallery - ACF Gallery field connection was not working
* Fix: Sitemap - Some taxonomies were not appearing in the dropdown
* Fix: Author Box - anchor tag was appearing when the link is set to none
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Toggle arrows direction issue in vertical layout
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Submenu toggle was not working in Off-Canvas due to vertical layout
* Fix: Subscribe Form and Contact Form - Updated AJAX URLs
* Fix: Testimonials - ADA compliance issue with slider pagination dots
* Fix: Info List - Responsive alignment issue for icon position top
* Fix: Album - Border radius was not working for the overlay
* Fix: Dot Navigation - Scroll effect was still working on devices of the breakpoint set in the module
* Fix: Dot Navigation - JS error while scrolling the page
* Fix: Divider - Horizontal padding was not working if vertical padding remains 0 or empty
* Fix: Pricing Table - PHP warning in frontend.css.php due to empty field
* Fix: Restaurant Menu - PHP warning in frontend.css.php due to empty field
* Fix: Content Grid - PHP warning in frontend.css.php and frontend.js.php due to empty post spacing and column fields
* Fix: Hotspot - PHP warning
* Fix: Row Separators - ADA compliance issue
* Fix: Row Effects - Line Particles - ADA compliance issue
* Fix: Row Effects - JS error
* Fix: Maintenance Mode - "part" layout built with themer was not getting excluded
* Development: Content Grid - Added filter hooks - pp_cg_filtered_terms and pp_cg_filtered_term

== 2.15.4 ==
Release date: April 20, 2021
* Enhancement: Video & Video Gallery - Added logic to close lightbox on esc key press
* Fix: Photo Gallery - Close the lightbox when tapping outside the image in small devices
* Fix: Smart Button & File Download - Clicking on reset background hover color was adding transparent background
* Fix: Logos Grid - Spacing issue in small devices
* Fix: Subscribe Form - Inline layout was not responsive on small devices
* Fix: Content Grid - Image effects were not working for Style 9
* Fix: Content Grid - The Events Calendar options were not showing on events archive in builder
* Fix: Image - SVG image was stopped showing when used in sticky header
* Fix: Flip Box - ADA compliance issue when headings are left empty

== v2.15.3 == Release date: April 8, 2021
* Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Saved layouts were not getting added in dropdown due to cached AJAX URL
* Fix: Modal Box - Saved layouts were not getting added in dropdown due to cached AJAX URL
* Fix: Testimonials Slider - ADA compliance issue with slider arrow buttons
* Fix: Contact Form - ADA compliance issue with button icon
* Fix: Image - Image size issue when used in sticky header set through Beaver Themer
* Fix: Instagram Feed - Added an option to maintain width for the square layout
* Fix: Dual Button - Spacing was not working vertically when buttons get stacked at a given breakpoint
* Fix: Image Carousel - Disable thumbnail loop respecting to the Loop option to prevent image centering issues
* Fix: Content Ticker - Added missing alpha channel for Content Hover Background Color
* Fix: Info List - Icon alignement issue
* Core: Added MainWP compatibility for plugin update
* Development: Advanced Accordion - Added filter hook pp_accordion_cpt_query_args

== v2.15.2 == Release date: March 26, 2021
* Enhancement: Category Grid - Added logic to exclude the current category from taxonomy archive
* Fix: Content Grid - Taxonomy filters order setting was not working when displaying only child terms
* Fix: Advanced Menu - hide-heading class was not working in mobile devices with horizontal menu
* Fix: Smart Button - Link nofollow setting was not getting saved
* Fix: Image Carousel - Keyboard navigation was not working
* Fix: Header/Footer - WPML issue
* Fix: jQuery compatibility issue since WP 5.7

== 2.14.1 ==
Release date: February 16, 2021
* Hotfix: PHP notice in 2.14.0

== 2.13.4 ==
Release date: January 21, 2020
* Hotfix: Content Grid - Custom layout object parsing issue

== v2.13.1 ==
Release date: December 15, 2020
* Hotfix: Same version was showing on the plugin update page

== v2.13.0 ==
Release date: December 15, 2020
* Enhancement: Added an option in PowerPack extensions setting to disable WordPress Lazy Load
* Enhancement: Table of Contents - Added compatibility with RankMath plugin
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Improved AJAX response speed for dynamic filters
* Enhancement: Card Slider - Added options to control content margin, padding, and card max-width
* Enhancement: Content Tiles - Other posts image size will be controlled by Medium or Small tile image size options based on the selected Column Width
* Enhancement: Smart Banner - Description field is now WYSIWYG editor
* Fix: Card Slider - Responsive image width issue
* Fix: Hover Cards - Heading typography was not working for the tag other than h3
* Fix: Table - Scroll mode was getting reverted to original when changing orientation to landscape on responsive devices
* Fix: Table - Incorrect split of CSV data when the comma is found inside double quotes string
* Fix: Category Grid - Delayed hover transition issue
* Fix: Content Grid - Fallback image was not getting cropped
* Fix: Content Grid - Equal height was not getting applied when using the Content Grid in Advanced Tabs module
* Fix: Content Grid - Grid layout issue due to lazy load
* Fix: Content Grid - Default filter was not working
* Fix: Content Grid - Unfefined date_format variable PHP warning in carousel mode
* Fix: Contact Form - Field connection was not working in email subject field
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Icon alignment issue
* Fix: Video Gallery - Minor CSS issue
* Fix: Pricing Table - Layout issue when using in the expandable row
* Fix: Image Carousel - Lightbox close button CSS conflict with the CSS of Image module
* Fix: Info Box - Hairline visible gap between icon and border when background color is filled
* Fix: Photo Gallery - Minor JS issue

== v2.12.4 ==
Release date: November 12, 2020
* Fix: Smart Headings - Separator width percent unit was not working properly
* Fix: Card Slider - Button link was not working properly
* Fix: Card Slider - Height issue in iPhone when direction is set to horizontal
* Fix: Formidable Forms - Button styles were getting applied to progress bar too due to the same HTML elements
* Fix: Testimonial - Renamed Minimum Slides field to Number of Slides
* Fix: Social Icons - Colors set in Row settings were not getting applied to module elements properly
* Fix: Content Grid - Load More pagination was not working after resetting FacetWP filters
* Fix: Content Grid - Added missing alt attribute to loading spinner image
* Fix: Content Grid - AJAX based pagination was not workig on search page with Relevanssi plugin
* Fix: Logos Grid - Extra margin on the last logo item
* Fix: Image - Border radius was not getting applied to responsive layout
* Fix: Contact Form 7 - Label typography settings were not getting applied
* Fix: Info List - z-index issue
* Fix: Core (Header/Footer) - Duplicate row was showing in header template
* Fix: Core (Maintenance Mode) - PHP warning with Genesis theme when viewing single product post

== v2.12.3 ==
* Fix: Filterable Gallery - Medium and responsive settings were not working properly
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Hamburger alignment was not working for medium breakpoint
* Fix: Animated Headline - Some typography options were not working for animating text
* Fix: Content Grid - Layout issue when using the module in expandable row
* Fix: Login Form - Invalid data issue
* Fix: Breadcrumbs - Added missing alpha channel for background color fields
* Fix: Reviews - Custom reviews were stopped getting displayed
* Fix: Instagram Feed - CORS issue on some servers
* Fix: Table of Contents - JS error after 2.12.0 update
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added an option to display child terms as filters for taxonomy archive
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added options to add hover text color for title, content, and meta
* Enhancement: Table of Contents - Added an option to choose whether to generate anchor ID from heading text or auto
* Enhancement: Google Map - Added an option for custom marker image size
* Enhancement: Smart Heading - Added new percent unit for separator width
* Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added border hover color option
* Enhancement: Off-Canvas Content - Added logic to trigger off-canvas panel via URL
* Enhancement: Login Form - Added an option to change Register link text
* Enhancement: Content Ticker - Added logic to display event date instead of post date for The Events Calendar
* Enhancement: Card Slider - Added logic to display event date instead of post date for The Events Calendar
* Enhancement: Core - Added individual license activation settings for subsites in multisite network
* Enhancement: Core - Added indicator with tooltip to show dependent modules under modules manager admin settings
* Fix: Announcement Bar - Close icon was not appearing sometimes
* Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Toggle button accessibility issues
* Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Link with hash value in href leads the panel to close
* Fix: Card Slider - Double quotes issue in URL
* Fix: Author Box - Broken image alt tag due to HTML used in author name
* Fix: Content Grid - Beaver Themer ACF fields shortcodes were not working in custom content
* Fix: Sliding Menu - Submenu overlap issue with transparent background
* Fix: Modal Box - Issue with multiple iframes used in saved template
* Fix: Caldera Forms Styler - CSS was not getting applied to pagination button
* Fix: Logos Grid - Empty spacing field is leading to PHP error
* Fix: Content Grid - Product price and cart button were not showing on shop archive when using main query
* Fix: Video Gallery - Missing video thumbnail URL in structured data
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Added missing field connections for 2 color fields
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Browser outline issue
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Browser window was not getting scrolled to accordion item triggered via URL hash
* Fix: Album - Custom registered image sizes were not showing
* Fix: Login Form - Issue with reCAPTCHA v3
* Fix: Category Grid - RTL issue
* Fix: Advanced Menu - RTL issue
* Fix: Fancy Heading - Minor PHP warning
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Minor PHP warning
* Fix: FAQ - Minor PHP warning
* Fix: Reviews - PHP error
* Fix: Core - Enabled Modules were not getting saved properly when used or not used modules filter is active
* Development: Subscribe Form - Added filter pp_subscribe_form_strings_i18n to modify validation and error messages
* Development: Login Form - Added filter pp_login_form_password_reset_email_subject
* Development: Login Form - Added filter pp_login_form_password_reset_email_content
* Development: Login Form - Added filter pp_login_form_js_messages_i18n
* Development: Login Form - Added filter pp_login_form_redirect_url
* Development: Content Grid - Added filter pp_post_grid_ajax_response
* Development: Photo Gallery - Added filter pp_gallery_output_image_srcset (default: false)
* Development: Core - Added filter pp_modules_override_theme_dir


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