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Profile Builder Pro v3.6.9 (+Addons) – WordPress Profile Plugin


Profile Builder Pro là một plugin WordPress cho phép bạn thêm các biểu mẫu đăng ký để đăng nhập, hồ sơ và hình thức đăng nhập.

Để làm điều này, chỉ cần tạo một trang mới và đặt cho nó một cái tên trực quan (ví dụ: Chỉnh sửa hồ sơ cá nhân). Bây giờ tất cả những gì bạn phải làm là thêm đoạn mã ngắn sau: [wppb-edit-profile]. Xuất bản trang của bạn và bạn đã hoàn tất! Profile Builder là tất cả trong một plugin để đăng ký và quản lý người dùng cho các trang web WordPress.


Tính năng cao cấp Profile Builder Pro – WordPress Profile Plugin

Profile Builder Pro Plugin

  • Đăng nhập, đăng ký và chỉnh sửa Shortcodes hồ sơ
  • Quản lý trường người dùng mặc định
  • Độ dài và độ dài mật khẩu tối thiểu
  • Xác nhận của Email & Xác nhận Email
  • Lĩnh vực người dùng bổ sung không giới hạn
  • Logic điều kiện cho các lĩnh vực
  • Tải lên hình đại diện cho người dùng
  • Hỗ trợ reCaptcha
  • Nhập / Xuất người dùng
  • Mô-đun người dùng nâng cao
  • 11 Advanced Addons

Danh sách Addons Profile Builder Pro – WordPress Profile Plugin

  • Profile Builder – Edit Profile Approved by Admin Add-On v1.0.8 (new)
  • Profile Builder – bbPress Add-on 1.0.4 (new)
  • Profile Builder – Multi-Step Forms Add-On v1.1.1 (update 29-06)
  • Profile Builder – Custom Profile Menus Add-On v1.1.1 (update 29-06)
  • Profile Builder – WooCommerce Sync Add-on v1.5.9
  • Profile Builder – Social Connect Add-On v1.1.9 (update 11-03)
  • Profile Builder – MailPoet Add-on v1.0.6 ()
  • Profile Builder – MailChimp Add-On v1.2.4 ()
  • Profile Builder – Field Visibility Add-On v1.2.3 (update 23-08)
  • Profile Builder – Campaign Monitor Add-On v1.1.0 (update 12-08)
  • Profile Builder – BuddyPress Add-on v1.0.6
  • BNFW – Profile Builder Add-on v1.0.0
  • Profile Builder Paid Member Subscriptions v2.3.5
Profile Builder Pro - WordPress Profile Plugin Nulled Free Changelog

Profile Builder Pro v3.6.9
Description: Bugfixes and other changes
Bug and Fixes:
Fix: Fix a notice coming from content restriction function
Fix: Typo in back-end form fields select
Fix: Issue with Admin Approval email link not being able to approve users
Fix: Translation issue with missing placeholder for the german files from the plugin
Fix: Admin Approval email link showing html characters when the invalid message was being displayed
Misc: Don't wrap content restriction messages in spans at save
Misc: Password strength to respect the back-end weak password checkbox
Misc: Mobile display improvements
Misc: Execute shortcodes in the conten of the compare shortcode
Misc: Order users by display name in the Edit Other Users Dropdown
Profile Builder Pro v3.6.8
Description: Bugfixes and other changes
Bug and Fixes:
Fix: Sanitize form field titles and descriptions
Fix: Issue with simple upload field not working when used on the WooCommerce Checkout page
Fix: Issue with Select2 not working in Repeater fields
Misc: Improve back-end compatibility with other plugins that use Select2
Misc: Add width and height for password visibility image

Profile Builder Pro v3.6.7
Description: Bugfixes and other changes
Bug and Fixes:
Fix: issue with back-end Users with unconfirmed emails page
Misc: remove unnecessary code
Misc: sanitize outputted register sucesss message
* Feature: login users automatically after a password reset. Can be activated from the Advanced Settings -> Forms tab
* Fix: notice when deleting a labels edit add-on entry
* Fix: issue with Labels Edit page not refreshing after an import
* Fix: compatibility issue between Stripe and Invisible reCaptcha
* Misc: corrected a notice relating to PHP 8
* Added more security improvements

Profile Builder Pro v3.6.5
Description: Security update
Bug and Fixes:
Fixed some security issues
Release Date: 02/17/2022

= v3.6.4 =
* Fix: compatibility issue with MailPoet where our menu was showing different items when opened from their pages
* Fix: issue with Select2 not working correctly in the back-end due to to some compatibility issues
* Fix: case where the password visibility feature was not working
* Fix: issue with admin approval status not being removed on bulk delete users
* Misc: Added an User ID default sorting option for Userlistings

= v3.6.3 =
* Feature: add support for automatically login after email confirmation
* Fix: for admin defined strings which have WPML support. They are now registered in the default site language instead of always being registered in english
* Fix: issue with Avatar simple upload field not saving the file after Email Confirmation
* Fix: for EPAA add-on to work correctly for WYSIWYG fields
* Fix: PHP 8 compatibility for Userlisting pagination
* Misc: prefill user role names in Conditinal Rules when they are based on the User Role field
Profile Builder Pro v3.6.2
Description: Bugfixes and other changes
Bug and Fixes:
Fix: a notice regarding wp.passwordStrength.userInputBlacklist()
Fix: default focus not working anymore on add new fields select2
Fix: Issue with email field getting disabled in registration when using the Change Email Confirmation option
Fix: a security issue regarding the Email Confirmation fallback landing page. Thanks to Chloe Chamberland
Profile Builder Pro v3.6.1
Description: Bugfixes and other changes
Bug and Fixes:
Fix: make sure email change request UI only appears on edit profile forms
Fix: pass referer url as get parameter when content is restricted with a redirect
Fix: issue with an advanced setting hiding the Social Connect buttons from the login form
Fix: recaptcha compatibility issue with PMS when Stripe was in the form but not selected as a gateway
Fix: restricted the settings import functions to administrators
Misc: Userlisting pagination to work correctly if pretty permalinks are not used
Release Date: 12/15/2021
Profile Builder Pro v3.6.0
Description: Bugfixes and other changes
Bug and Fixes:
Feature: Added an option to request Email Confirmation from the user when he changes his email address from the edit profile form. Can be activated from Advanced Settings
Fix: A notice regarding the Email Confirmation table that appeared in some cases
Fix: A bug user status bug when both Admin Approval and Email Confirmation were active
Fix: An issue with the Userlisting map feature where it was trying to center the map without markers
Misc: Select Multiple Facet type is now using Select2
Release Date: 11/30/2021
= v3.5.9 =
* Fix: Allow HTML in the register success messages
* Misc: Added a filter that allows adding extra attributes to the login form password field: wppb_login_password_extra_attributes
* Misc: Added filters for Select Multiple labels and values
= v3.5.8 =
* Fix: some incorrect translations which were causing errors
* Fix: styling issues with Elementor widget
* Fix: disable reCaptcha functionality in case of API credentials error
* Fix: compatibility issue with Email Confirmation and the classic Upload field
* Fix: Repeater field tags for Upload subfields
* Misc: highlight correct admin subpage when editing emails
= v3.5.7 =
* Fix: Login form compatibility with LearnDash plugin which is hijacking the default 'wp_login_failed' hook
* Fix: Issue with Multiple Admin Emails not sending in a case
* Fix: A notice appearing in some cases relating to the Avatar functionality
* Misc: Disable the Custom Redirects {{http_referer}} tag for the default WordPress login form

= v3.5.6 =
* Fix: issue with 2FA settings tab incorrectly appearing for free version users
* Fix: a compatibility issue with Conditional Logic for the Paid Member Subscriptions Subscription Plans field
* Misc: added filter over the Display Name field select options
* Misc: added an extra Userlisting tag for Upload fields that returns the ID of the attachment
* Misc: improved searching and filtering for user roles in the Userlisting
* Misc: added translation support for Map field `Remove marker` string
* Misc: improved updates unavailable message prompting users to insert their licence key

= 3.5.5 =
* Fix: A display issue in the Form Fields interface for Select fields
* Fix: Don't show required asterisk for password fields on the edit profile form
* Fix: A display issue for the Show Password toggle on Repeat Password fields
* Fix: Strings changed through Labels Edit are not only changed in the front-end
* Fix: An error related to the status of Admin Approval for a user
* Fix: Fix a notice coming from Elementor and 2FA
* Misc: Updated 2FA field descriptions, fixed some typos
* Misc: Added a filter for the contents of the Map User Pin: wppb_filter_map_user_pin_bubble_contents

= v3.5.4 =
* Feature: Improved login error when an user with an unconfirmed email address is trying to login
* Feature: Added the ability resend the email confirmation from the login error message
* Feature: 2FA functionality is now using AJAX to show the authentication field if necessary on both front-end and back-end forms
* Fix: Don't load 2FA assets if functionality is not enabled
* Fix: Userlisting sort tags for first and last name were written as one word
* Misc: Added sorting information to Datepicker field description
* Misc: Improved userlisting tag for the Select CPT field. It now provides an extra tag that can be used to output a link to the selected post
* Misc: Userlisting widget for Elementor lets the admin select the desired userlist from a list instead of entering it's name

= v3.5.3 =
* Feature: Added option to display Elementor sections and widgets to logged out users
* Feature: Added Elementor widget for Userlisting
* Fix: An issue when repeater sub fields had similar meta name with the parent field
* Fix: Position of password strength on the reset password form
* Fix: An issue with the password reset shortcode generating invalid HTML in a case

= v3.5.2 =
* Fix: Issue with Multi-Step forms not rendering correctly
* Fix: Issue with Map field not rendering correctly
* Fix: Issue with Conditional Logic fields through AJAX not working correctly
* Misc: Add styling to 2FA notice
* Misc: Fixed a string in the German translation files

= v3.5.1 =
* Feature: Added 2 Factor Authentication functionality
* Feature: Added Honeypot field. This can be used as an alternative or alongside reCaptcha to help combat spam registrations
* Fix: Compatibility issue with the new admin page header from Elementor
* Fix: A potential notice generated by user roles without role names
* Misc: Security review
* Misc: Logout shortcode and Email Confirmation email subject to display user email instead of username when Allow Users to Login With is set to Email Only
* Misc: Added Overwrite Existing option to the Upload and Map fields
* Misc: Fix issue when activating Profile Builder from the Paid Member Subscriptions add-ons page

= v3.5.0 =
* Fix: Issue with missing dependency for a script
* Fix: Issue with Admin Approval sorting query for unapproved cases
* Fix: Issue with Multiple Admin Emails
* Misc: Added Advanced Setting to allow admins to disable the Multiple User Roles selector field from the back-end Add/Edit User pages
* Misc: Don't show Paid Member Subscriptions cross promotion if the plugin is already active
* Misc: Removed period after the Activation URL in the default Email Confirmation email
* Misc: Removed wrong email tags from the Default Registration email for admins

= v3.4.9 =
Fix: Security issue with Reset Password form. Thanks to Stiofan O'connor
Fix: Added option in Advanced Settings -> Fields for display password feature. It's disabled by default now. Display and positioning corrected
Fix: Language field to be in sync with default WordPress field
Fix: Issue with the Admin Approval status not being saved correctly in the usermeta table
Fix: For issue with WooCommerce Sync fields in Elementor Widgets
Misc: Added Empty Username/Password login messages in our code so they can be changed using the Labels Edit add-on

= v3.4.8 =
* Feature: Add a visibility toggle to Profile Builder password fields. Similar to WordPress default form functionality
* Fix: Issue with Labels Edit showing the incorrect original string in the back-end
* Fix: Improved sanitization on the Toolbox settings page
* Misc: Usermeta shortcodes now supports the `ID` key which will return the currently logged in users ID
* Misc: Added a language field that can be used to store the selected website language at the time of registration

= v3.4.7 =
* Feature: Added {{unapprove_url}} and {{{unnaprove_link}}} tags to the Admin Email Customizer
* Fix: Default placeholder for URL field so it can be replaced using the general filter
* Fix: HTML for the Login form Remember Me checkbox. Improved CSS
* Fix: A notice in relation to Elementor
* Fix: Only load Conditional Logic assets when there is an Edit Profile or register form on the page
* Misc: Use WP Timzeone when saving users last profile update date with the Toolbox option
* Misc: Allow Login form strings to be changed using the Labels Edit functionality
* Misc: Added a filter over the Content Restriction redirect url

= Profile Builder Pro v3.4.6 =
Description: Bugfixes and others
Bug and Fixes:
* Feature: Add support for the `redirect_to` shortcode parameter to Custom Redirects
* Feature: Added an option in Advanced Settings to enable the AJAX implementation of Conditional Logic
* Fix: Correctly update count when a user is deleted directly from Admin Approval
* Misc: Added a wrapper to the content restriction message
* Misc: Added individual classes to the register and lost password links from the login form

= Profile Builder Pro v3.4.4 =
Description: Bugfixes and others
Bug and Fixes:
* Fix: Issue with some Elementor styling settings for the Username field input
* Fix: A notice happening in some cases from the Conditional Logic feature
* Fix: Simple Upload field is now correctly saved if Email Confirmation and Conditional Logic is enabled
* Misc: Updated reCaptcha links
* Misc: Removed period after the password in the email generated by the Automatically Generate Passwords for users advanced setting
* Misc: Hide extra dismiss button from the reviews notice

= Profile Builder Pro v3.4.3 =
Description: Bufixes
Bug and Fixes:
* Fix: An issue when a default form was used in an Elementor widget
* Fix: An issue with the Toolbox option to Save Last Login Date
* Fix: GDPR Communication Preferences field is not validated correctly
* Fix: Issue with Userlisting Range facet in the front-end
* Misc: Added translation support for the roles in the Select User Role field

= Profile Builder Pro v3.4.2 =
Description: New Version
* Feature: Improved functionality of Admin Approval functionality
* Misc: Add $form_name parameter to edit other users dropdown display and user role filters
* Misc: Don't let users assign meta-names that begin or end with spaces
* Misc: Removed the WooCommerce Shop page from the Private Page -> Allowed Pages dropdown. The Allowed Paths option should be used for this page
Bug and Fixes:
* Fix: An issue where the Username field was not required
Release Date: 04/05/2021

= v3.4.1 =
* Fix: An issue with the Simple Upload field not saving when Email Confirmation was enabled
* Fix: A warning regarding the Elementor integration
* Misc: Add a filter that would allow users to remove the wppb_referer_url query argument from the private website redirect: wppb_private_website_redirect_add_query_args
* Misc: Improved description for the Allow Users to Log In With option
* Fix: A warning that appeared when Social Connect was not enabled

= Profile Builder Pro v3.4.0 =
Description: Minor improvements and fixes
Provided more information on the type of reCAPTCHA in Form Fields to avoid confusion
Added 'url_only' parameter for shortcode to output a simple url
Bug and Fixes:
Fixed a compatibility issue with Twenty Twenty-one theme
Rectify WPML string names for some default fields
Fixed a security issue regarding login form error
Check properly that the Multiple forms add-ons are enabled.
Fixed Select 2 Multiple issue with Email Confirmation
Fixed a problem with Repeater fields
Make sure existing query args are not discarded when creating the Userlisting more_info tag and pagination links

= Profile Builder Pro v3.3.9 =
Description: Elementor Integration Improvements
* Added further support for Elementor styling
* Added filter to modify date format for Last Profile Update and Last Login
* Restricted comments from private/restricted posts and pages from queries
* Cached the wppb_get_abs_home function result.
* Added a setting that controls the automatic scrolling of form pages after submit
* Hide the Edit Image link in the Upload Field Media Modal.
* Set default text field maxlength to 250
Bug and Fixes:
* Fixed some possible warnings
* Fixed some possible PHP 8 warnings
* Fixes for Placeholder Labels not displaying correctly some fields
* Fixed minor typos in plugin
* Fix CSS for the Terms and Conditions field.
* Fixed Userlisting issues for map fields in repeaters
* Fixed pin links in Userlisting Map in certain cases

= v3.3.8 =
* Elementor integration
* Fixed some urls encoding in certain cases
* Fixed a possible warning in advanced-settings.php
* Fixed displaying additional email field with Placeholder Labels
* PHP 8.0 Userlisting compatibilities
* Added support for WPML translation of Repeater fields

= Profile Builder Pro v3.3.6 =
Description: Fixed a js error that was preventing a form to submit
Bug and Fixes:
Fixed a js error that was preventing a form to submit

= Profile Builder Pro v3.3.4 =
Description: Included free add-ons inside main plugin
Refactored add-on page to unify add-ons and modules, also did some refactoring of folders
Integrated Customization Toolbox addon as Advanced Settings in main plugin
Integrated Placeholder labels addon in Advanced Settings
Integrated Email Confirmation add-on as field in main plugin
Integrated Multiple Admin Emails add-on in Advanced Settings
Integrated Custom CSS Classes on fields add-on in main plugin
Integrated GDPR Communication Preferences add-on in main plugin
Integrated Import and Export add-on in main plugin
Integrated Labels Edit add-on in main plugin
Integrated Maximum Character Length add-on in main plugin
Bug and Fixes:
Fix for bbPress Messages compatibility issue.
Generalize Search All fix for the Select (Country) field and also apply it to the Search facet type.

= Profile Builder Pro v3.3.3 =
Description: Minor updates and fixes
Bug and Fixes:
Changed some sanitization functions to more specific ones
Add form name to 'User to edit' field ID so it works when multiple forms are on the same page.
Add compatibility with the Divi Overlay plugin.
Fixed a problem with values disappearing for some fields if the meta_name contained the word map
= v3.3.2 =
### Description: Minor fixes and updates
### Features:
- Added WPML support for HTML Content in HTML field
- Added support for [wppb-embed] shortcode so it can be used in Userlisting
- Added a span with class in the facet checkboxes
### Bug and Fixes:
- Fixed a PHP notice.
- Fixed xCrud compatibility issue
- Replaced e-mail string with email.

= v3.3.1 =
### Description: Fixes and improvements, Simple Upload option added
### Features:
Add 'automatic_login' parameter for the
- Username*
- First Name*
- Last Name*
- E-mail*
- Website
- Biographical Info
- Password*
- Repeat Password*
- AvatarUpload
- Company Name
- Company Registration Number
- VAT Number
- Company Address
- Send these credentials via email.
- shortcode and make sure that the shortcode, multiple registration setting, general setting priority is respected.
- Allow Social Connect to redirect users as per the 'redirect_url' shortcode parameter.
- Added simple upload option to Upload field
- Added extra confirmation step to Admin Approval trough {{approval_url}} or {{approval_link}}.
- Improved compatibility with Paid Member Subscriptions plugin

### Bug and Fixes:
- Fixed a possible warning regarding user deletions and Email Confirmation
- Fixed dynamic redirect bug when private website is enabled- Pass the referer URL forward when the Login form shows an error so the user is still redirected to the page they came from.
- Change 'E-mail' to 'Email' for the password recovery form.
- Switched deprecated jQuery event 'hover' with 'mouseenter mouseleave'.
- Fix for non-numeric value encountered warning.
- Fixed a js error regarding collorpicker on certain themes
- Fix issue with Elementor editor not loading if a Userlisting shortcode was present and we had a map field defined in Form Fields

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