Thông báo: Hotrowordpress sẽ tiến hành cập nhật lại toàn bộ plugin-themes hiện có trên blog. Thời gian hỗ trợ cập nhật từ ngày 30.03.2024, nếu cần gấp bản mới nhất vui lòng gửi mail về cho admin để nhận link download ưu tiên!

Salient v14.0.5 NULLED – Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme


Salient Theme một chủ đề WordPress đẹp mắt, cực kỳ đáp ứng, hoàn hảo cho các dịch giả tự do, nhiếp ảnh gia, nhà thiết kế và studio design. Các tính năng tuyệt vời của thiết kế và bố trí của Salient sẽ cho phép công việc từ danh mục đầu tư của bạn có được sự chú ý xứng đáng.

Salient – sẽ rất thú vị cho những người tham gia thiết kế trang web. Đối số chính ủng hộ việc sử dụng chủ đề này trong việc phát triển trang web của bạn là sự xuất hiện ấn tượng và thiết kế đẹp của trang web.

Tính năng chính của Theme là khả năng tạo ra một máy quay video, hỗ trợ trong đó là chức năng tiêu chuẩn ban đầu. Ngoài ra, một bảng công cụ phong phú sẽ cho phép mọi người chọn phong cách màu sắc tối ưu.

Một trang web được tạo thông qua Salient Theme WordPress có thể kích thước toàn chiều rộng và nếu muốn, tham số này có thể được thay đổi chỉ bằng một cú nhấp chuột. Thực hiện chuyển đổi từ chiều rộng này sang chiều rộng khác, trang web sẽ tự động điều chỉnh, thích nghi.


Tính năng nổi bật Salient – Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

  • Trình tạo trang Front-end & Back-end: WPbakery Page Builder
  • Nhiều bản demo có sẵn – Salient cung cấp các bản demo chất lượng cực cao có sẵn để nhập với một cú nhấp chuột
  • Mỗi elements & blocks có sẵn trong Salient đều được lên kế hoạch và thiết kế tỉ mỉ để đảm bảo mức độ chi tiết cao nhất có thể.
  • Đưa thiết kế của bạn lên một tầm cao mới với Shape Dividers . Dễ dàng kiểm soát kích thước, vị trí, màu sắc và nhiều hơn nữa.
  • Cascading Images – Gây ấn tượng cho khán giả của bạn bằng một tính năng độc quyền khác của Salient
  • Chuyển đổi trang – Chọn giữa nhiều lần chuyển trang có sẵn cho trải nghiệm người dùng đẹp & trôi chảy hoặc tắt tất cả chúng cùng nhau nếu muốn.
  • 4 Icon Packs – Salient có một trong những bộ biểu tượng đầy đủ nhất có sẵn trên tất cả ThemeForest
  • Multi Layer Mouse Based Parallax: Hiệu suất mượt mà & hoạt động trên thiết bị di động cũng dựa trên độ nghiêng của thiết bị.
  • Masonry Image Galleries: Tận hưởng tất cả các kiểu có sẵn cho các mục danh mục đầu tư, nhưng với thứ tự kéo và thả & tải lên hàng loạt dễ dàng.
  • Megamenu Built In – Chọn các cột của bạn và hiển thị chiều rộng đầy đủ megamenu full width hoặc boxed trong site container
  • Fullscreen Rows, Off Canvas Menu, High Performance Animations, Exclusive Sliders, Advanced Typography, Multiple Blog Styles
  • Multiple Single Post Layouts, Truly Customizable Portfolio, Infinite Scroll option for Blog & Portfolio, Graphically Intuitive Shortcode Generator, AJAX Search
  • Extensive Theme Options, Unlimited Color Options, Powerful Lightboxes, Valid HTML5, SEO Optimized
Salient v14.0.5 - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme Nulled Free Changelog

v14.0.5 (2/7/2022)
v14 is a major release. After updating, remember to clear the cache from any performance plugins you have active as well as your browser cache.

Once you've updated your theme, make sure to also update your Salient plugins to get access to the features listed below.

Updated Salient Core to v1.9.4
Fixed Flip Box page builder element to correctly display background images

v14.0.4 (2/1/2022)
v14 is a major release. After updating, remember to clear the cache from any performance plugins you have active as well as your browser cache.

Once you've updated your theme, make sure to also update your Salient plugins to get access to the features listed below.


Added option to specify Animation Delay on "Milestone" page builder element
Added option to specify nofollow link for "Video lightbox" page builder element
Added option to use videos in "Text with inline images" page builder element -> renamed to "Text with inline media"
Added positioning group tab for "Single Image" & "Icon" page builder elements
A full set of positioning inputs for top/right/bottom/left + transform controls are now available to define uniquely for each device viewport

Fixed Salient menu options custom typography setting to work on submenu items that contain children
Fixed page transitions to work correctly with browser back/forward cache
Fixed conflict with "MailPoet" plugin when using "defer jQuery" performance theme option
Fixed AJAX WooCommerce cart price to display in correct currency when using WPML multi currency plugin
Fixed "Break comments into pages" WordPress option to work correctly with Salient theme option "Animated Anchor Links"
Fixed "self hosted video player" page builder element border radius option to render correctly in Safari

Updated Salient Core to v1.9.3
Fixed "Image Gallery" page builder element to be able to reorder correctly when using WP 5.9
Updated Salient WPBakery Page Builder to v6.7.1
Fixed Salient Studio template library lazy loading to correctly work on all servers
Updated Salient Nectar Slider to v1.7.2
Fixed "Nectar Slider" page builder element to resize correctly when rotating mobile device orientation
v14.0.3 (12/21/2021)
v14 is a major release. After updating, remember to clear the cache from any performance plugins you have active as well as your browser cache.

Once you've updated your theme, make sure to also update your Salient plugins to get access to the features listed below.
Added 5px/10px options for "Column Margin" setting on page builder rows
Added option to lazy load to "Self hosted video player" page builder element
Added new action hooks for blog post header:
Fixed Sticky "Page submenu" page builder element when used inside global section
FIxed "Scrolling Text" page builder element zoom issue on iOS
Fixed "Post grid" page builder element sizing on tablet viewports when using masonry layout optionon
Fixed centered mobile logo positioning when using transparent mobile only logo
Fixed WooCommerce products element to display in 1 column on tablet when 1 coumn layout is selected
Fixed full page rows animation issue with footer row on mobile devices
Fixed "Sticky Media Sections" page builder element to play first video correctly when scrolled into view

Salient Core to 1.9.3
v14.0.2 (11/26/2021)​
v14 is a major release. After updating, remember to clear the cache from any performance plugins you have active as well as your browser cache.

Once you've updated your theme, make sure to also update your Salient plugins to get access to the features listed below.
Added theme option to specify custom JS code after body open tag
Added new page builder element "Sticky media sections" to allow a featured media object to be swapped/coordinated with content that is in view
Fixed WooCommerce "Reviews can only be left by "verified owners" option to correctly toggle the "Write a review" button
Fixed Spotify Icon alignment issue in footer
Fixed WooCommerce Left Thumbnails + Sticky Product Info gallery type sticking issue
Fixed "page submenu" element to allow multiple instances on the same page when using "sticky" option
Fixed 3D Transparent button issue with latest Chrome update by adding temporary workaround. This is a core browser-level issue which should be resolved soon.
Improved Flickity dragging on iOS15
Updated Salient Core to 1.9.1
Fixed Image gallery > Flickity styles to load correctly on Safari when using lazy loading option
v14.0.1 (11/17/2021)
v14 is a major release. After updating, remember to clear the cache from any performance plugins you have active as well as your browser cache.

Once you've updated your theme, make sure to also update your Salient plugins to get access to the features listed below.

Fixed footer copyright bar and blog single template category links to correctly inherit font sizing.
Fixed Off canvas menu icon display issue when opening on desktop viewports
Fixed JS error that occurred when using menu item set to display as a mega menu, but with with no children menu items assigned
Udpdated Salient Social to v 1.2.2
Fixed Portfolio default style load love functionality correctly
v13.0.8 (10/26/2021)
v13 is a major release. After updating, remember to clear the cache from any performance plugins you have active as well as your browser cache.
Once you've updated your theme, make sure to also update your Salient plugins to get access to the features listed below.
Fixed "Page Full Screen Rows" option to correctly center columns that are set to be equal height. (WPBakery v6.7 compatibility fix)

v13.0.6 (8/3/2021)
v13 is a major release. After updating, remember to clear the cache from any performance plugins you have active as well as your browser cache.
Once you've updated your theme, make sure to also update your Salient plugins to get access to the features listed below.
Fixed WPbakery conflict with WP 5.8 that prevented full media library from showing when editing existing images
Fixed WPML conflicts with images set via the Salient Menu Options
Fixed WPML image captions to show correct language in image gallery page builder element when using image grid style
Fixed Page full screen rows to be able to click dot navigation without a timeout when using the "Default scroll" animation option
Fixed animated anchors to scroll to correct location consistently when linked directly from an external page/url
Updated Salient Core Plugin to 1.8.3
Updated "Quantity" string in WooCommerfce checkout to use default woocommerce text domain for automatic translation

= v13.0.5 (4/13/2021)​ =
v13 is a major release. After updating, remember to clear the cache from any performance plugins you have active as well as your browser cache.
Once you've updated your theme, make sure to also update your Salient plugins to get access to the features listed below.
WooCommerce 5.2 compatibility
Fixed WooCommerce product quantity buttons to allow plugins to set custom increment steps
Fixed "Basic Slider Style" image gallery to show all images in lightbox navigation when using "Auto Lightbox Image Links" theme option

= v13.0.4 (4/7/2021) =
v13 is a major release. After updating, remember to clear the cache from any performance plugins you have active as well as your browser cache.

Once you've updated your theme, make sure to also update your Salient plugins to get access to the features listed below.

Fixed parallax row background to size correctly when using "Tabs" page builder element inside
Fixed Flickity based "Carousel" page builder element to size correctly in Safari versions < 14
Fixed lazy loading logic when using a "Single Image" page builder element inside of a Flickity based "Carousel" page builder element
Fixed Post Header on custom post types to not automatically insert featured image
Fixed external project URLs to correctly open in a new tab when using the "Load more" functionality within a "Post grid" page builder element

= v13.0.3 (3/31/2021) =
v13 is a major release. After updating, remember to clear the cache from any performance plugins you have active as well as your browser cache.

Once you've updated your theme, make sure to also update your Salient plugins to get access to the features listed below.

Added option to supply custom icon for "Fancy Box" page builder element
Added theme options to add featured image use/overlay when "Automatically Add Page Title to Page Header" is active
Added option to the "Single Image" page builder element to exclude itself from global lazy loading
Added option to define text opacity for "Post Gird" page builder element when using "Content Overlaid" style
Added option to "Lightbox Gallery" option "Post Gird" page builder element
Fixed global section output to remove wrapping paragraph tags from WP
Fixed Houzz icon display in Off canvas menu
Fixed new click extended cart style "Cart" string to be translatable
Updated Salient Core to 1.8.2

= v13.0.1 (3/26/2021) =
Fixed PHP error with Salient Core plugin when using PHP 5.6 - the Salient Core plugin must be updated to the latest release (1.8.1) for the fix
Fixed Flickity page builder element arrows overlaid style icon alignment
Fixed Box roll header effect to work with "Animated arrow" selected for the Down Arrow Style
Fixed Portfolio single header to not automatically inherit featured image
Fixed Slide out from right hover off canvas menu animation timing when using centered mobile header layout
Updated Salient Core to v1.8.1

= v13.0 Major Release (3/25/2021) =
v13 is a major release. After updating, remember to clear the cache from any performance plugins you have active as well as your browser cache.

Once you've updated your theme, make sure to also update your Salient plugins to get access to the features listed below.

Header Navigation
Added Salient Menu Options - A full suite of menu options available for every menu item in the Appearance > Menus section of the admin. View Documentation
Easily create beautiful mega menus
Add icons to menu items
Background images for menu items and much more!
Added theme options for header navigation dropdown configuration
Option to display menu description
Option to define positioning
Option configure styling - padding, border-radius, drop shadow
Added new configuration options for "Menu Bottom Bar" header layout
Option for Menu Alignment
Option for Menu Bottom Bar Separator
Added theme option to display arbitrary text within the header - useful for phone numbers, store address etc.
Added theme option to choose mobile menu layout
Added action hook for mobile header navigation items: "nectar_hook_mobile_header_menu_items"
Added filter for enabling transparent header effect: nectar_activate_transparent_header
Added filter for setting transparent header coloring: nectar_transparent_header_coloring
Added "Salient Global Sections" post type. A new feature which allows you to easily reuse templates you create in the page builder throughout your site. View Documentation
Added option to limit header navigation search to specific post types
Added AJAX search option for material theme skin
Added theme option to define extended responsive left/right container padding
Added theme option to specify global button roundness when using the "Slightly rounded" button style
Added theme option to select form input background, border, and text coloring
Added theme option to configure animated underline styling in general settings
Added option to have image gallery title/description shown under images for flickity styles
Added option to "Toggle Panels" page builder element to select whether or not first toggle starts open
Added RTL layout support for masonry blog/portfolio
Added new style option for "Category Grid" page builder element.
Added custom post type support into Salient "Post grid" page builder element
Added option to enable the portfolio lightbox functionality on a project by project basis
Added column page builder element options to define border width separate for each column side, and the ability to change value for every responsive viewport
Added column page builder element option to define element spacing
Added HTML support to "Team Member" page builder element in the Biography field
Added HTML support to "Icon List" page builder element in the Text Content field
Added functionality to allow tabs page builder element to scroll to selected tab on mobile devices
Added theme option to specify which blog post date to show on posts (published/last updated)
Added theme option to display excerpt on related blog posts
Added Tiktok and Twitch into salient social icon selection
Added option to deep link directly to a post grid filter with ?grid-filter=filter-name
Added filter for "Post Grid" excerpt option: nectar_post_grid_excerpt
Added performance theme option tab
Global lazy loading theme option for page builder elements
Enable "font-display: swap" for Google fonts
Remove Legacy Icon CSS
Remove Block Editor (Gutenberg) CSS
Added new theme option for WooCommerce minicart style with extended functionality
Added theme option for lazy loading with WooCommerce shop
Added new Product Reviews styling option
Added new WooCommerce single product layout options
New Gallery Style: 2 Column Images + Sticky Product Info
New Product tab position: Fullwidth Stacked (no tabs)
Define product gallery width
Add to cart style select
Product price, title & tab heading typography options
Single product image dimensions for hard cropping
Related product/Upsell product carousel
Lightbox gallery BG color
Added AJAX add to cart theme option for single products and quickview
Added theme option to disable product hover effects on mobile devices
Added new WooCommerce Products page builder element options for "Flickity" carousel

Improved CSS size on front-end
Improved Parallax scrolling performance
Improved Mobile scrolling performance
Improved Asset Loading
Improved CLS (Google lighthouse metric)
Improved accessibility with screen reader text for icons, aria attributes, and added a skip to navigation link

Updated Salient Core to v1.8
Updated Salient Portfolio v1.6
Updated Salient Demo Importer to v1.3
Updated Salient Social to v1.2
Updated Salient Nectar Slider to v1.7
Updated Salient Home Slider to v1.4
Updated Salient Shortcodes to v1.5
Updated Salient WPBakery Page Builder to v6.6

Fixed Material theme skin search bar positioning when using "Left Header" layout
Fixed Material theme skin logo positioning on search results template with the header style "Centered Logo Between Menu"
Fixed "Display Excerpt" option in post grid page builder element to display correctly
Fixed SVG in single image page builder element to display correctly when using a max of 50% or 75%
Fixed "Team Member" page builder element Modal Biography scrolling on touchpad devices
Fixed header search input to work correctly when disabling jQuery migrate
Fixed Heading 2 custom responsive sizing to take effect on h2 tags used in default editor (outside of the WPBakery page builder)
Fixed "Globally defined color scheme" theme options panel link from page builder elements when using a child theme
Fixed "Slide out from right hover" off canvas menu style to close correctly inside custom Mobile Breakpoint
Fixed search results template to increment numbers correctly on pagination when using "list" template
Fixed secondary header navigation bar to be clickable when using the "Permanent transparent" header option
Fixed Post Grid mobile filter event when used in combination with a Box Roll page header
Fixed Fullscreen Split off canvas menu style to correctly display menu item description
Fixed "Tabs" page builder element "Vertical Sticky Scrolling" style active link highlighting in full width content rows
Fixed "Tabs" page builder element to allow WooCommerce product carousel to be used correctly
Fixed "Image Gallery" page builder element > "Image Grid" style to correctly show descriptions in lightbox when using multiple instances on the same page
Fixed WooCommerce single product reviews pagination link to fire correctly
Fixed "Call to action" page builder element > Next Section Button link location when using Yoast Breadcrumbs
Fixed Cascading Images Parallax positioning when opening slide out from right off canvas menu
Fixed column BG video positioning on mobile devices
Fixed "Toggle" page builder issue when added inside of a row with custom class name "accordion"
Fixed 1/5 columns to correctly inherit small desktop responsive options
Fixed "Houzz" icon to display the current brand logo
Fixed Yoast/Rank Math compatibility issue with WPBakery page builder not picking up images for analysis.

= v12.1.6 (1/24/2021) =
Updated Salient Portfolio plugin to v1.6.2
Fixed Masonry portfolio layout to size correctly in WordPress 5.6
Updated Salient Nectar Slider plugin to v1.6.1
Fixed slide content positioning when using permanent transparent header theme option
Fixed Metabox fields in Nectar Slider and Posts to render correctly on page load instead of requiring additional tab click to reveal hidden fields.
Fixed PHP error conflict with GravityView plugin when accessing the 404 template

= v12.1.5 (12/14/2020) =
### Updated
Updated Salient Portfolio plugin to v1.6.1
Fixed "Recent Projects" page builder element autorotation setting to work in WP 5.6
### Fixed
Fixed WPBakery to be able to save user templates
Fixed minimum page height calculations for WP 5.6
Fixed Magnific lightbox not able to display portfolio video embeds
Fixed Nectar 3D button to render sizing correctly

= v12.1.4 (12/5/2020) =
### Added
- WordPress 5.6 Compatibility
### Updated
- Updated Salient WPBakery Page Builder to latest version (6.4.2)
### Fixed
- WooCommerce 4.7 hiding WPBakery front-end editor

= v12.1.3 =
### Fixed
- Fixed jQuery migrate warnings when using WordPress 5.5
- Fixed Salient Shortcodes plugin "undefined" attribute issue with WordPress 5.5
- Fixed Image Gallery page builder element to correctly allow links in lightbox descriptions
### Updated
- Updated Salient WPBakery Page Builder to latest version (6.4.1)
- Updated Salient Core plugin to v1.7
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