Thông báo: Hotrowordpress sẽ tiến hành cập nhật lại toàn bộ plugin-themes hiện có trên blog. Thời gian hỗ trợ cập nhật từ ngày 30.03.2024, nếu cần gấp bản mới nhất vui lòng gửi mail về cho admin để nhận link download ưu tiên!

Service Finder v3.5.1 NULLED – Provider and Business Listing WordPress Theme


Service Finder – Provider and Business Listing WordPress Theme là một chủ đề thư mục dịch vụ và kinh doanh nâng cao. Các nhà cung cấp Dịch vụ và Doanh nghiệp từ các danh mục khác nhau có thể đăng ký và tạo hồ sơ của họ. Khách hàng chỉ có thể xem hồ sơ của họ và đặt dịch vụ của họ.

Service Finder WordPress Theme giúp khách hàng có thể phản hồi về mỗi đặt phòng đã hoàn thành. Ví dụ, khách hàng có thể truy cập hồ sơ thợ điện hoặc vệ sinh và đặt dịch vụ của họ. Tương tự như vậy khách hàng có thể đến xem hồ sơ nha sĩ và đặt lịch hẹn. Hồ sơ nhà cung cấp có đầy đủ một số tính năng hữu ích như quản lý hồ sơ, quản lý khoảng thời gian để đặt chỗ, cài đặt tình trạng không có sẵn, quản lý nhân viên, quản lý đặt chỗ, tạo hóa đơn và hệ thống thanh toán, khu vực kinh doanh và dịch vụ, nhà cung cấp nổi bật, v.v.

Service Finder - Provider and Business Listing WordPress Theme 1

Khách hàng có thể tạo và xuất bản công việc theo yêu cầu của mình. Khách hàng có thể mời nhà cung cấp cho công việc. Nhà cung cấp có thể tìm kiếm việc làm và nộp đơn xin việc. Khách hàng có thể thuê nhà cung cấp cho công việc.

Service Finder - Provider and Business Listing WordPress Theme 2

Tích hợp với plugin WP Job Manager miễn phí của Mike Jolley


Service Finder – Provider and Business Listing WordPress Theme không cần plugin trả phí.

Dữ liệu của nhà cung cấp và hình ảnh danh mục không có trong nội dung demo.

Service Finder - Provider and Business Listing WordPress Theme 3

Chi tiết Provider Account Login:

Username: clutter

Password: 123456

Chi tiết Customer Account Login:

Username: john_odriscoll
Password: 123456

Zip code


Service Finder - Provider and Business Listing WordPress Theme 6

Các lĩnh vực kiếm tiền từ công cụ tìm dịch vụ

Service Finder – Provider and Business Listing WordPress Theme hỗ trợ một số tính năng để tính phí từ nhà cung cấp

Gói đăng ký

Quản trị viên có thể tạo nhịp độ đăng ký trả phí cho các nhà cung cấp. Vì vậy, các nhà cung cấp có thể chọn gói mong muốn tại thời điểm đăng ký.

Mua kết nối công việc

Quản trị viên có thể xác định các kế hoạch khác nhau với số lượng kết nối. Nhà cung cấp có thể mua gói mong muốn để thêm nhiều kết nối hơn để xin việc.

Nhà cung cấp nổi bật

Quản trị viên có thể tính phí từ nhà cung cấp để làm cho chúng nổi bật nhằm làm nổi bật chúng trên trang web.

Hoa hồng đặt trước

Quản trị viên có thể xác định mức cố định hoặc tỷ lệ phần trăm hoa hồng để tính từ số tiền đặt phòng.

Yêu cầu doanh nghiệp

Quản trị viên có thể bật hoặc tắt tính năng xác nhận quyền sở hữu đối với hồ sơ nhà cung cấp / doanh nghiệp cá nhân. Quản trị viên có thể tính số tiền cụ thể khi được phê duyệt yêu cầu.

Service Finder - Provider and Business Listing WordPress Theme 4Service Finder - Provider and Business Listing WordPress Theme 5

Changelog & Lịch sử cập nhật: Service Finder – Provider and Business Listing WordPress Theme

Chúng tôi yêu cầu người mua cập nhật phiên bản sửa đổi đã cập nhật phiên bản 3.4. Bạn có thể làm theo các bước liên quan đến cập nhật chủ đề được cung cấp tại đây:

Download Service Finder v3.5.1 - Provider and Business Listing WordPress Theme Nulled Free
Version 3.4
8 March 2020

To check the change log please open this link
Revised Version 3.3
28 July 2018

Few issues fixed.
Revised Version 3.3
18 July 2018

Few issues fixed.
Version 3.3
13 July 2018

Improved: Improved My Account: My Account section for both customer and provider is improved. 
New: Wallet system added in the theme for both customer and provider. So they can add money to their wallet and can use later for payment on the site. There is cash back option also available by admin, if provider or customer use wallet as payment method then they can get cash back added to their wallet. 
New:  FAQ section added in provider profile, so user can ask questions to provider and provider can add answers to the questions asked. 
Improved: Booking table in customer and provider my account is improved. 
New: Separate date & time for each service: Now user can select separate date & time for each service selected rather than selecting one date & time for multiple services selected. 
Improved: Multiple days select option: User can select multiple days for any service to book. Earlier there was limitation of choosing only one day for service, so this limitation is removed. 
New: Payout using Stripe Custom Account API: We have integrated Stripe Custom Account API so now admin will be able to payout to provider bank account directly for provider’s part of booking amount after deducting his fee. Provider will require to add his bank details in order to become eligible for payout. 
New: Payout using Mangopay API: If admin wants to use Mangopay then he will require to install woocommerce mangopay plugin and woocommerce vendor plugin, so now admin will be able to payout to provider bank account directly for provider’s part of booking amount after deducting his fee. Provider will require to add his bank details in order to become eligible for payout. 
New: Offers & Promotions: Two types of Coupon system added in the theme. Either for each service: Provider will be able to add coupon/offer for each service he added to his profile, so at the time of booking coupon option will be asked for each service booked  OR common: Coupon code will be applied to whole booking amount rather than for each service amount. 
New: Article: Provider will be able to post articles from his my account and will be published on his public profile. 
Improved: Improved Availability section: Section to define time slots/start time is improved slightly, provider will be able to define start time in bulk for week days by choosing time interval. 
Improved: Improved Quotation System: File upload option added in request a quote form. Now quotations requested by user will be listed in both customer and provider account, provider will be able to reply with his quote to customer and customer will be able to see all replies from different providers and can hire the desire one. Send same quote to related providers option also added in the request a quote form. 
Improved: Improved Business Hours Section: Business hours section improved. Provider will be able to add Break Times also and they can turn on or off the business hours section. User Interface of business hours section is improved. 
New: Qualification: Provider will be able to add his qualification and display on his public profile. 
Experience: Provider will be able to add his experience and display on his public profile. New
New: Certificate: Provider will be able to add his certifications and display on his public profile. 

New: Earnings and Dues: Section to show provider’s total earning and dues is added to his my account. 
Improved: Set Unavailability in bulk: Now provider will be able to set unavailable days in bulk rather than choosing one by one. 
Improved: Service assigned to team member: Provider will be able to assign service to team member, earlier there was no such option. 
Improved: Display package details in upgrade package section: Now provider will be able to see package capabilities on mouse over of package box in upgrade account section. 
New: Revolution Slider added: Revolution slide plugin is included with the theme, so now you will be able to add slider to home page. 
New: Import providers categories as job categories: Admin will be able to import providers categories as job categories, so admin doesn’t need to add job categories if he wants to keep same providers categories as job categories. 
Improved: Improved Job Listing Page: Job Listing page UI improved. 
Improved: Improved Job Detail Page: Job Detail page UI improved. 
Fix: Fixed few Jquery Issues.
Revised Version 3.2
6 January 2018

Fix: We have fixed a Jquery issue in version 3.2.
Version 3.2
2 January 2018

New: Upgrade account section design imporved in provider my account.
New: Renew current package option added.
New: Stripe connect payment.
New: Chain payment system in booking via paypal adaptive.
New: Auto location detect feature added in address field of search bar.
New: User dashboard in admin section under Service Finder menu.
New: Provider bulk Import feature added in admin under Service Finder menu.
New: XML sitemp feature added in admin under Service Finder menu.
New: Show/Hide Floatng Menu in provider public profile option added in theme options -> provider settings.
New: Minify and combine css files and flush that cached file.
New: Two New sliding menu style added in mobile view. Option given in header settings.
Fix: Fixed some bugs. 
Version 3.0
23rd Sept. 2017

New: Woocommerce payment option integrated.
New: Messaging system addon.
New: Advance Rating System.
New: Paid Job Posting feature for customers.
Fix: Fix lots of minor issues in the theme.
Version 2.3.2
8th June 2017

Fix: Sign up form built using short code had JS error, now fixed.
Fix: Sticky header issue fixed.
Fix: Admin can enable or disable payment methods to display in provider profile.Earlier it was showing all
payment methods in the provider profile regardless of what is enable in the theme options.
Fix: Modification in service hours and cost.
Fix: Add connects option for trial package.
Fix: Few minor fixes.
Version 2.3.1
6th June 2017

Fix: Provider listing was broken in search results if there is html tags found in the proivder short description.
Fix: Price filter currency symbol was showing strange characters.
Fix: Header style transparent with no top bar issue.
Fix: Gallery images section was not showing for trial package in provider profile.
Fix: keywords added for email template for expiry and cancel subscription mail to admin.
Fix: Video Gallery issue on provider profile.
Fix: Radius search by Km/miles option added in theme option.
Fix: Google recaptcha issue. 
Fix: Option to load advance search form as open or close by default added in the theme options -> search settings.
Fix: Option to turn off Bank Account Details section from provider profile settings.
Fix: Few other minor fixes.
Version 2.3
26 May 2017

 New: New Look with rounded corners.To see new look click on Live Preview button above.
New: In the availability section of provider my account we have given option to define start time for each week day. So at the time of booking customer will be able to choose start time and end time will be calculated according to service hours selected. So provider has both option (time slots or start time) and he can choose whatever option he wants to proceed with.
New: Moderation system for request a quote. So admin now will have option to approve each new request coming through website then only email will be sent to respective provider with quote details. Admin has option to turn on or turn off this option.
New: Only registered users can see request a quote form and will be able to request quote after login. Admin can turn on or turn off this option.
New: Search by radius. User can enter address and then choose radius to search within.
New: Price filters option. So user now has option to choose price range while searching. So if customer enters any service name or keyword matching to services provider has will be displayed in search results according to price range selected by customer. 
New: Google recaptcha code added. So now admin has option to choose either regular captcha code or google recaptcha.
New: One way Google calendar integration. So bookings done from provider profile will be displayed on his google calendar.
New: Claim business feature added. So admin now can enable or disable claim business option for individual business from their account as admin and user will be able to claim business from provider public profile. Admin can turn on free claim or paid claim option. If paid claim business option is chosen then if any user claim business then admin will see all claim requests in Claim Requests section under service finder section. He can approve or decline the request. If approve then a link will be send in the email to that user and if user click on that link then he will be redirected to payment page with package to select. Once he paid for the package then he will receive email confirmation with username and password of that business profile.
New: Trial Package option added. One new package called Trial Package added in the Packages section of theme option. So admin now can enable trial package. If any provider already has already registered under trial package then after expiration he will not be able to see trial package option and he will only see other three packages to choose from in upgrade account section.
New: Social login with wp social plugin. We have customized social login/signup for customer and provider with wp social login plugin. So if admin wants to enable this feature then he needs to install wp social plugin and that’s it.
New: WordPress sidebar added in provider profile style 1. So admin can add more widgets in sidebar on provider profile. Request a quote form and related providers section also converted to widgets. So admin can add or remove and change position of widgets.
New: OTP feature added in provider sign up form also in order to verify the provider email. So admin can turn on or turn off this option  from theme options.
New: Hide provider contact details individually. Earlier admin was able to turn on or turn off whole contact info section from provider profile but now he can turn on or turn off individual contact details like phone number or address or email or website or gps etc.
New: Skip payment option in buy job connects section.  If admin access provider profile as admin then he can add job connects to provider account without making any payment, so he can choose skip payment option while adding job connects.
New: Multi locations option for provider. Admin can add “Multiple Location” capability to any package and provider registered under that package will have new section to add more locations of their business from their account. For example if any business is being operated in more than one location then they will be able to add as many locations as they want. And all locations will be displayed in My Location section of provider public profile, so if user select any location then map will get reload to show that location and same has been included in the search.
New: Multiple videos option in provider profile. Now provider will be able to add more videos and not only one video.
New: Admin can turn or turn off option whether only registered customers can see provider contact details or not.
New: Adding services in groups. Provider now can define group and add services under any group. 
New: Email reminders before booking date. Admin now can define no. of days for booking email reminder email before booking date.
New: Provider-category slug in provider category page url can be changed by admin from theme options.
New: The author slug in provider profile url can be changed or removed by admin from theme options.
Fix: short description keyword also added in booking email template in theme options -> mail settings -> booking email.
Fix: on provider profile page in related providers section now provider profile image showing in 80x80 px size and if there is no profile pic then default avatar image set by admin will be displayed earlier it was empty.
Fix: all external links will be open in new tab.
Fix: “nofollow” attribute added to external links.
Few untranslateable strings are not translatable.
Fix: If free booking option is enabled then $0.00 removed from the top of booking form.
Fix: Notifications  were showing half in small screen.
Fix: “verified provider” string was not translatable earlier now it is.
Fix: “Booking status changed to completed” email template was sending html tags in the email, now it is fixed.
Fix: In another language “Upgrade account” section was showing error message, not it is fixed.
Fix: Booking settings options in provider my account are not turned on by default upon provider registration. Earlier provider has to turn on booking options.
Version 2.2
4 February 2017

Fix: Order total value was missing in booking form in last update (Provider style 1).
Fix: Customer signing up via Post a job form was not inserting into customer table. Now it’s fine.
Fix: There was issue in Logo dimension control from theme option in last update.  Not it’s fixed.
Version 2.1
2 February 2017

Fix: Warning removed from category page.
Fix: A mistake solved in 'Service to perform at' section in provider my account.
Fix: Few minor fixes in RTL css.
Version 2.1
31 January 2017

New: Payu Money payment gateway integrated.
New: Payu Latam payment gateway integrated.
New: “Service to perform at” option added in provider profile. Provider now can add his own location to display on first step of booking form instead of asking customer location. 
New: Provider can set his address longitude and latitude with zoom level by dragging map pointer under address info section of his profile settings.
New: Option added theme options to show/hide search bar from home page, search results page, category page and provider profile page.
New: Option added to control Map Size on home page in desktop and mobile.
New: Admin can choose option “category image will be displayed as banner on category page”. So if user click on any category then same category image will be displayed as banner too on top.
New: Option to set default avatar image for provider.
New: Provider can also leave rating/review for another provider. Admin has option to turn on/off this option from theme options.
Fix: Header style “Center logo” will be applied to all the pages of website now. Earlier it was only applied on home page.
Fix: In provider sign up form country field is placed before city field.
Fix: When customer reschedule any booking then email notification will be sent to provider.
Fix: Category was not showing in sign up email when provider registers for free. Now its showing.
Fix: Captcha error shows on blank page when sign up. Now captcha error will be displayed on sign up form instead of redirecting to another page.
Fix: Opacity/Overlay option was not working. Now it’s working. 
Fix: There was an error in last update for OTP feature in provider style one. Now its fixed.
Fix: Approve or unapproved identity email notification is now linked with email template under mail settings of theme options. Earlier it was sending default email setup in the code.
Fix: Child categories will be displayed in alphabetical order on parent category page.
Fix: Few other fixes.
Version 2.0
1 January 2017

 Fixed few bugs.
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