Thông báo: Hotrowordpress sẽ tiến hành cập nhật lại toàn bộ plugin-themes hiện có trên blog. Thời gian hỗ trợ cập nhật từ ngày 30.03.2024, nếu cần gấp bản mới nhất vui lòng gửi mail về cho admin để nhận link download ưu tiên!

Smart Manager Pro v5.39.0 NULLED – Plugin để quản lý sản phẩm WooCommerce


Smart Manager Pro plugin cho WooCommerce cho phép bạn quản lý cửa hàng trực tuyến của mình bằng trình quản lý thông minh nâng cao.

Trong Smart Manager Pro, bạn có thể nhanh chóng và dễ dàng quản lý hàng hóa, khách hàng, đơn đặt hàng và phiếu giảm giá của mình. Bạn có thể chỉnh sửa, xóa, sao chép, xuất thành tệp CSV, sử dụng tìm kiếm nâng cao, v.v.

Toàn bộ quá trình diễn ra trên một trang, bạn không cần lãng phí thời gian đi từ trang này sang trang khác để tìm kiếm một hoặc một yếu tố khác. Khi xem hoặc chỉnh sửa sản phẩm và bất kỳ mục nào khác, một cửa sổ thông minh tiện lợi sẽ mở ra.


Tính năng cao cấp WooCommerce Smart Manager Pro – Batch update, 10x speed

Tính năng Smart Manager Pro

  • Cập nhật hàng loạt giá sản phẩm, chủng loại và hàng tồn kho
  • Xem và quản lý các biến thể của sản phẩm
  • Tra cứu đơn hàng và khách hàng nhanh chóng
  • Đặt – và hoàn nguyên – giá bán cho các chương trình khuyến mãi
  • Xuất dữ liệu lưu trữ sang tệp CSV mà không có bất kỳ mục bị hỏng hoặc thiếu
  • Thêm giá trị trường meta tùy chỉnh
  • Nhanh chóng thay đổi quy tắc giảm giá cho nhiều phiếu giảm giá cùng một lúc
  • Thay đổi hình ảnh sản phẩm cho tất cả các sản phẩm trong một danh mục
  • Quản lý phương tiện trực tiếp – thêm, xóa ‘Hình ảnh bộ sưu tập sản phẩm’
  • Đặt SEO, đánh giá của khách hàng, đăng ký và các thuộc tính khác
  • Quản lý vai trò người dùng WordPress – thay đổi vai trò người dùng, thay đổi mật khẩu, v.v.
  • Thay đổi địa chỉ email của khách hàng – cũng như các chi tiết khác
  • Xem giá trị trọn đời của khách hàng , ngày đặt hàng cuối cùng và chi tiết liên hệ
  • Và còn nhiều nữa…
Download StoreApps Smart Manager v5.39.0 - Manage Your WooCommerce Store 10x Faster Nulled Free

= v5.39.0 (31.03.2022) =
* New: WordPress v5.9.2 compatible
* Update: Updated 'Action Scheduler' library (Pro)
* Fix: Fatal error when running Bulk Edit or Duplicate Records functionality in background for any non WooCommerce dashboards (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.38.0 (21.03.2022) =
* New: Support for JavaScript string translations
* New: WooCommerce v6.3.1 compatible
* New: Translation files for Italian (Thanks to Giacomo Mazzullo)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes
= v5.37.0 (04.03.2022) =
* New: WordPress v5.9.1 compatible & WooCommerce v6.2.1 compatible
* Fix: Smart Manager incorrectly detects user capabilities (Thanks to Algis)
* Fix: Issues in dashboard loading when removing access for user role (Pro)
* Fix: Dashboard data not getting loaded for any user role when giving access only to custom view (Pro)
* Fix: 'Public' access setting for custom views not getting rendered properly (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes
= v5.36.0 (21.02.2022) =
* Update: Option to add/remove columns to/from already created custom views (Pro)
* Fix: Custom views name not getting updated (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.35.0 (09.02.2022) =
* New: WooCommerce v6.2.0 compatible
* New: Added option to allow users to increase/decrease date,datetime & time field by durations of days, weeks, months, years, hours & minutes (Pro)
* Fix: Timestamp fields getting 0 value when clearing date using date picker in inline edit
* Fix: Bulk Edit placeholder for value field not getting cleared after switching actions (Pro)
* Update: Added 'set time to' action for 'time' fields
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.34.0 (28.01.2022) =
* New: WordPress v5.9 compatible
* New: Compatibility with [WooCommerce Dropshipping]( (Pro)
* Update: Improvements related to overriding Order Print Invoice template (WooCommerce)
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes
= v5.33.0 (21.01.2022) =
* New: WordPress v5.8.3 compatible & WooCommerce v6.1.1 compatible
* New: Compatibility with [LifterLMS]( (Pro)
* New: Compatibility with [ShopEngine]( (Pro)
* Fix: Declaring a required parameter after an optional one is deprecated (PHP8) (Thanks to Tobias Larsen)
* Fix: Advanced Search returning incorrect results when searching using Product Category
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes
= v5.32.0 (24.12.2021) =
* New: WooCommerce v6.0.0 compatible
* New: Translation files for Russian (Thanks to Almaz Mannanov)
* Fix: Media ordering not maintaining when adding images to 'Product Gallery Images' field for WooCommerce Products
* Update: Display placeholder image for 'image' type columns in grid
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes
= v5.31.0 (18.11.2021) =
* Update: StoreApps Upgrade file Improvements (Pro)
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes
= v5.30.0 (12.11.2021) =
* New: WordPress v5.8.2 compatible & WooCommerce v5.9.0 compatible
* Fix: Adding new users using Smart Manager not working [Pro]
* Fix: Adding new users not triggering 'new user' notification email [Pro]
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.29.0 (22.10.2021) =
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes
= v5.28.0 (16.10.2021) =
* New: WooCommerce v5.8.0 compatible
* New: Added option `sm_wp_force_collapse_admin_menu` to enable/disable collapsing of WordPress Admin Menu when on Smart Manager page.
* Fix: Unable to edit 'status' for product variations to enable/disable the same using inline edit
* Update: UI Improvements
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.27.0 (01.10.2021) =
* Fix: Unable to edit attribute values for product variations using inline edit in case of sorted data in grid
* Fix: Fields not getting disabled for product variations in some cases
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.26.0 (24.09.2021) =
* New: WooCommerce v5.7.1 compatible
* Update: Show attribute values for when inline editing attribute values at product variation level
* Update: Show attribute values for when bulk editing attribute values at product variation level (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.25.0 (18.09.2021) =
* New: WordPress v5.8.1 compatible
* Update: Allow editing for 'date' & 'datetime' fields by typing dates in addition to selecting using Datepicker
* Update: Enabled advanced search for searching attribute values at product variation level
* Update: Enabled bulk editing of attribute values at product variation level (Pro)
* Fix: Inline edit for 'Product attributes' field not working properly in some cases
* Fix: Incorrect value placeholder for 'set time to' action in Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.24.0 (03.09.2021) =
* Fix: Able to set regular price as '0' even when the sale price is set using inline edit
* Fix: Able to set sale price greater than regular price using bulk edit (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.23.0 (27.08.2021) =
* New: Compatibility with [Germanized for WooCommerce]( (Pro)
* Fix: Inline edit not saving all changes when trying to update more than one meta fields like 'Regular Price' & 'Stock' in some cases
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.22.0 (21.08.2021) =
* New: WordPress v5.8.0 compatible & WooCommerce v5.6.0 compatible
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Fix: Fatal error when accessing 'Users' dashboard in Smart Manager grid in some cases
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.21.0 (30.07.2021) =
* Update: Compatibility with latest version of WooCommerce (v5.5.2)
* Fix: Advanced search for 'Product Visibility' is 'Hidden' returning incorrect results
* Fix: Advanced search for 'Product Visibility' is not 'Hidden' returning incorrect results
* Fix: 'Edit Link' & 'View Link' column not shown in grid in some cases
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.20.0 (16.07.2021) =
* Update: Compatibility with latest version of WooCommerce (v5.5.1)
* Fix: Product Taxonomies not getting unlinked from 'terms' table when editing using 'Inline Edit' functionality
* Fix: PHP Warnings generated in some cases when accessing Smart Manager dashboard
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.19.1 (05.07.2021) =
* Fix: 'ID' column not visible in Smart Manager grid after update to v5.19.0
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.19.0 =
* New: Support for color codes for 'Stock' field with support for WooCommerce 'Low stock threshold' for Products
* Fix: Removing attributes using Inline Edit functionality not working properly for Products dashboard
* Fix: Custom meta fields with special characters in the field name causing issues
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.18.0 (28.06.2021) =
* New: Compatibility with [Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)]( (Pro)
* Update: Improvements in handling for image fields
* Fix: Unable to Bulk Edit or Inline Edit Featured Images for Posts
* Fix: Some meta fields not pulling data in Smart Manager grid
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.17.0 (18.06.2021) =
* Update: Compatibility with latest versions of WooCommerce (v5.4.1)
* Fix: Bulk Edit, Duplicate Records & Delete Records functionality not getting applied to all selected records in some cases (Pro)
* Fix: Bulk Edit, Duplicate Records & Delete Records functionality not getting applied to all post-type records in store when column header checkbox is checked (Pro)
* Fix: Duplicate Product functionality not working in multi-site environment (Pro)
* Fix: Bulk Edit for PHP serialized fields like 'Default Attributes' updating incorrect values (Pro)
* Fix: Incorrect actions for PHP serialized fields like 'Default Attributes' in Bulk Edit side panel (Pro)
* Fix: Incorrect number of arguments supplied to 'woocommerce_update_product' action triggered on Product Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Fix: Products dashboard failing to load due to some javascript errors
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.16.0 (01.06.2021) =
* Update: Display comma-separated list of taxonomy titles for custom taxonomies like Product Categories, Product Tags, etc. in Products dashboard
* Fix: Products dashboard not loading when special characters in custom taxonomy fields
* Fix: Table does not exist error when deactivating the plugin
* Fix: 'Unable to create or change a table without a primary key, when the system variable 'sql_require_primary_key' is set' error when using Advanced Search functionality in some cases
* Fix: Searching for '0' value in numeric fields like Regular Price, Sale Price, etc. returning incorrect results
* Fix: Dashboard not re-loading after saving inline-edit changes
* Fix: PHP Warnings generated in some cases when using Export CSV functionality (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.15.0 (21.05.2021) =
* Update: UI improvements related to Bulk Edit (Pro) & Advanced Search functionality
* Fix: Dashboard resets to initial view on saving inline edit changes
* Fix: Row Selection not persistent post saving of any edited rows
* Fix: Scroll position gets reset to top post saving of any edited rows
* Fix: HTML markup in the 'Name' field in the export CSV for 'Products' dashboard (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.14.0 (15.05.2021) =
* Update: Compatibility with latest versions of WordPress (v5.7.2) & WooCommerce (v5.3.0)
* Update: StoreApps Upgrade file Improvements (Pro)
* Update: 'Add to' & 'Remove from' actions for any custom taxonomies in Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Fix: Bulk Edit breaking in case of some custom taxonomies like Product Tag, etc. (Pro)
* Fix: Date selector not getting removed after selecting any non-date field type in Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Fix: Advanced Search not showing proper values for custom taxonomies like Product Tag, etc.
* Fix: Date Selector not getting shown for date & datetime fields in Advance Search
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.12.0 (30.04.2021) =
* Fix: Unable to search using 'Product Categories' using advanced search functionality
* Fix: Advanced Search functionality for 'Product Shipping Class' not working
* Fix: Advanced Search functionality for 'Product Attributes' showing incorrect operators
* Fix: Bulk Edit functionality for 'Product Shipping Class' not working (Pro)
* Fix: Unable to search using 'User Role' using advanced search functionality (Pro)
* Fix: Unable to inline edit 'WP Capabilities' column in Users dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: PHP warnings related to Users dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Javascript errors in some cases when accessing Bulk Edit functionality (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.11.0 (26.04.2021) =
* New: WordPress v5.7.1 compatible & WooCommerce v5.2.2 compatible
* Update: UI improvements for Advanced Search functionality
* Update: Improved UI for Smart Manager Bulk Edit functionality (Pro)
* Update: Improvements related to the handling of updating 'All items in search result' when using Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Fix: Bulk Edit Background notice continued to show even after process completion in some cases (Pro)
* Fix: 'User Role' column in Users dashboard displaying incorrect data (Pro)
* Fix: In-App pricing page URL not working in some cases
* Dev: Added 'smart_manager_post_format_columns' custom JQuery trigger to modify formatting of columns
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.10.0 (09.04.2021) =
* Update: Added date selector for date fields in Advanced Search
* Fix: Sorting using numeric meta columns not returning proper results
* Fix: Sorting not working in multi-site environment
* Fix: PHP warnings related to product attributes
* Fix: Removed deprecated WooCommerce 'get_product_from_item' function for WooCommerce greater than v4.4
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.9.0 (18.03.2021) =
* New: WordPress 5.7 & WooCommerce 5.1.0 compatible
* Fix: Empty results in dashboard when sorting by any taxonomy columns
* Fix: Sorting by 'Product Type' column returning incorrect results
* Fix: Search for 'Enabled/Disabled' product variations using 'Status' column in Advanced Search not working
* Fix: Unable to search using 'Default Attributes' using Advanced Search
* Fix: Unable to Bulk Edit 'Default Attributes' field (Pro)
* Fix: UI fixes for Setting page fields
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= v5.8.0 (06.03.2021) =
* Fix: Column width changes remaining persistent even on dashboard switch
* Fix: Column width changes not getting maintained for all dashboards in some cases
* Fix: Export CSV failing in case of large data (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

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