Thông báo: Hotrowordpress sẽ tiến hành cập nhật lại toàn bộ plugin-themes hiện có trên blog. Thời gian hỗ trợ cập nhật từ ngày 30.03.2024, nếu cần gấp bản mới nhất vui lòng gửi mail về cho admin để nhận link download ưu tiên!

Total v5.3.1 Nulled – Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme


Total là một chủ đề WordPress hiện đại và đáp ứng, kết hợp sức mạnh của WordPress Customizer và WPBakery Page Builder (trước đây gọi là Visual Composer) để cho phép bạn tạo một trang web cho hầu hết mọi thứ.

Total – Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme được tạo ra với nhiều lĩnh vực và ngành nghề khác nhau – tập đoàn, doanh nghiệp nhỏ, cửa hàng trực tuyến, luật sư, đại lý, nhà tổ chức đám cưới, công ty lưu trữ, tổ chức phi lợi nhuận, người viết blog và hơn thế nữa.

Chúng tôi đã đảm bảo bao gồm đủ các tính năng và cài đặt để bạn có thể tạo khá nhiều trang web! Hãy xem danh sách demo ngày càng tăng của chúng tôi để bạn có thể có cái nhìn thoáng qua về những gì có thể với chủ đề WordPress cao cấp Total.

Total WordPress ThemeTotal WordPress Theme 5 Star ReviewsTotal WordPress Theme Drag & Drop FeaturesTotal WordPress Theme Easy Demo ImportTotal WordPress Theme Page BuilderTotal WordPress Theme Live Theme CustomizerTotal WordPress Theme Header & Footer BuilderTotal WordPress Theme Plugins IncludedTotal WordPress Theme Translation ReadyTotal WordPress Theme Developer FriendlyTotal WordPress Theme WooCommerce ReadyTotal WordPress Theme Compatible with Popular PluginsTotal WordPress Theme Great Reviews

Chủ đề trong mơ của Freelancer : Nếu bạn là một freelancer, bạn sẽ đặc biệt thích sử dụng chủ đề Total. Đã qua lâu rồi những ngày bạn phải tìm kiếm một chủ đề mới cho từng khách hàng. Khi bạn đã quen với Total, bạn sẽ muốn sử dụng nó trên tất cả các trang web khách hàng của mình, giúp mọi thứ trở nên dễ dàng và nhanh chóng hơn!

Bạn có thể bắt đầu bằng cách nhập một trong những bản trình diễn trực tuyến tuyệt đẹp của chúng tôi và chỉnh sửa nó theo nhu cầu của khách hàng hoặc chỉ cần phát triển trang web từ đầu bằng cách thêm nội dung trang của bạn với trình tạo trang và điều chỉnh thiết kế cũng như cài đặt chủ đề chính của bạn thông qua công cụ tùy biến WordPress trực tiếp.

Chỉ cần xem qua một số ví dụ trang chủ cụ thể trong ngành của chúng tôi để có ý tưởng về loại phép thuật mà Total có thể thực hiện. Chủ đề được tích hợp sẵn với các tính năng tuyệt vời như tích hợp WooCommerce hoặc Danh mục đầu tư không giới hạn. Với mức giá thấp hơn một bình xăng, không có lý do gì để không tải Total ngay hôm nay và bắt đầu xây dựng trang web mới của bạn!

Các trang tùy chỉnh không giới hạn : Các mẫu trang WordPress rất đẹp… nhưng khi bạn cần bắt đầu chỉnh sửa mọi thứ cho khách hàng hoặc nhu cầu của riêng mình, bạn sẽ phải sử dụng mã. Nhưng với Total thì không. Sử dụng Trình tạo trang WPBakery đi kèm để tạo các bố cục độc đáo ngay lập tức cho từng trang của bạn và khiến khách hàng và / hoặc khách truy cập của bạn ngạc nhiên.

Trình nhập demo tích hợp : Với trình nhập demo tích hợp, bạn có thể dễ dàng nhập nội dung, cài đặt chủ đề, widget và thanh trượt từ bất kỳ bản demo trực tiếp nào của chúng tôi để bắt đầu nhanh chóng. Khi kiểm tra trình nhập bản demo, chúng tôi nhận thấy rằng hầu hết các bản demo sẽ được nhập trong vòng chưa đầy 1 phút!

Điều này có nghĩa là khi bạn bắt đầu từ đầu (trang WordPress trống), bạn sẽ có thể dễ dàng sao chép bất kỳ trang demo trực tiếp nào của chúng tôi rất nhanh chóng để bạn có thể chỉnh sửa nó cho chính mình hoặc khách hàng của bạn. Khi nhập bản trình diễn, bạn có thể chọn chỉ nhập Dữ liệu mẫu (có hoặc không có hình ảnh từ trang web trực tiếp), cài đặt Bộ tùy chỉnh, tiện ích con hoặc thanh trượt hoặc bạn có thể nhập mọi thứ.

Nhập một bản demo trực tiếp là một cách tuyệt vời để có được cảm nhận về cách chủ đề hoạt động hoặc giúp bạn có một khởi đầu thuận lợi với dự án nếu bạn đã thích giao diện đó.

Mô-đun xây dựng độc quyền: Chủ đề Total WP bao gồm hơn 40 mô-đun WPBakery Page Builder (trước đây gọi là Visual Composer) độc đáo và giúp việc thiết lập trang web của bạn dễ dàng hơn!

Chúng bao gồm dấu chấm phân cách, CSS leader (đối với các mục menu), văn bản động, hộp biểu tượng, hộp mở đầu, mục danh sách, bảng giá, cột mốc, liên kết xã hội, thanh điều hướng, thanh tìm kiếm, biểu mẫu đăng nhập, biểu mẫu Mailchimp, thanh trượt thư viện, thanh trượt hình ảnh , băng chuyền hình ảnh, tin tức gần đây, lưới blog, lưới danh mục đầu tư, lưới nhân viên, lưới lời chứng thực, thanh trượt lời chứng thực… và hơn thế nữa!

Total có mọi thứ bạn cần để tạo bố cục trang tuyệt vời cho trang web của mình Và tất cả các mô-đun không chỉ có sẵn trong trình tạo mà còn ở dạng mã ngắn đơn giản nếu bạn muốn sử dụng chúng bên ngoài phạm vi của trình tạo, chẳng hạn như trong các trình tạo khác của sự lựa chọn của bạn về trình chỉnh sửa đơn giản.

Cài đặt tùy chỉnh trực tiếp : Với Total, chúng tôi muốn thực hiện mọi thứ theo đúng cách, đó là lý do tại sao chúng tôi đã loại bỏ bảng cài đặt Chủ đề cũ trong quản trị viên WP mà thường khó làm việc, thêm nhiều phần bổ sung vào trang web của bạn và bạn có thể thậm chí không thấy các chỉnh sửa của bạn trực tiếp khi bạn thay đổi chúng.

Với Total, bạn có thể nhanh chóng điều chỉnh cài đặt chủ đề của mình và xem chúng thay đổi trước mắt bạn! Bằng cách này, bạn có thể lưu cài đặt chủ đề của mình (chẳng hạn như tất cả các màu trang web của bạn) sau khi bạn hoàn toàn hài lòng với kết quả.

Màu sắc và độ rộng trang web không giới hạn : Sẽ không công bằng nếu cung cấp cho bạn một trình tạo toàn bộ trang để tạo bố cục tùy chỉnh và không cho phép bạn cũng điều chỉnh màu sắc và bố cục chủ đề chính của mình.

Thông qua Customizer, bạn có thể dễ dàng thay đổi màu sắc của tất cả các yếu tố chính của trang web để tạo cho trang web của bạn một cái nhìn độc đáo cũng như bạn có thể dễ dàng thay đổi chiều rộng bố cục trang web chính để trang web của bạn có thể ở bất kỳ kích thước nào bạn muốn.

Nếu bạn muốn có một trang web rất nhỏ, chỉ cần điều chỉnh cài đặt của bạn để làm cho vùng chứa chính nhỏ hơn (mặc định là 980px) và nếu bạn muốn một trang web thực sự lớn, hãy điều chỉnh cài đặt của bạn để làm cho nó lớn hơn. Và đừng lo lắng, bạn có thể thay đổi chiều rộng của mình cho các kích thước màn hình khác nhau để trang web của bạn hiển thị đẹp trên tất cả các thiết bị.

Bố cục đóng hộp hoặc toàn chiều rộng : Chủ đề WordPress tổng thể cho phép bạn chọn giữa bố cục toàn chiều rộng hoặc đóng hộp cho thiết kế trang web chính của bạn. Nếu bạn đang tìm kiếm một giao diện hiện đại và tối giản hơn, hãy chọn bố cục toàn chiều rộng mặc định với nền trắng hoặc nếu bạn muốn có nền đẹp đằng sau nội dung chính của mình (giao diện blog / tạp chí cổ điển hơn) thì hãy chọn bố cục đóng hộp. Bạn có thể xem ví dụ về cả hai phong cách trong các bản trình diễn trực tiếp của chúng tôi (liên kết ở trên).

Header Styles & Header Builder: Chủ đề Total WordPress sẽ không hoàn chỉnh nếu không có khả năng chọn giữa các kiểu tiêu đề khác nhau. Bạn có thể chọn để có biểu trưng bên trái với menu bên phải, menu bên dưới biểu trưng, ​​menu ở giữa bên dưới biểu trưng, ​​menu phía trên biểu trưng của bạn hoặc kiểu thanh bên.

Ngoài ra, thông qua Customizer, bạn có thể dễ dàng thay đổi các cài đặt khác nhau cho tiêu đề của mình như logo tùy chỉnh, màu menu, kiểu chữ logo và menu, nội dung thanh trên cùng và các biểu tượng xã hội, chọn giữa các kiểu menu di động khác nhau cho chủ đề và hơn thế nữa. Và đối với các tiêu đề rất đơn giản hoặc các tiêu đề nâng cao hơn, chỉ cần đi tới Trình tạo tiêu đề nơi bạn có thể chọn một trang tiêu chuẩn mà bạn đã tạo bằng trình tạo trang WPBakery (Elementor cũng được hỗ trợ) làm tiêu đề của bạn – thật tuyệt! (chủ đề cũng bao gồm một chức năng tạo chân trang).

Thiết kế linh hoạt / đáp ứng : Với rất nhiều người sử dụng thiết bị di động ngày nay, điều quan trọng là trang web của bạn trông đẹp và chạy hiệu quả trên thiết bị di động. Theo mặc định, chủ đề Total là một bố cục linh hoạt để bạn thu nhỏ chế độ xem (kích thước trình duyệt), chủ đề sẽ điều chỉnh để tất cả nội dung của bạn vẫn hiển thị và đẹp.

Ngoài ra, chúng tôi đã đảm bảo bao gồm các kiểm tra cần thiết trong javascript để các chức năng không cần thiết không chạy trên thiết bị di động, giữ cho trang web của bạn được tối ưu hóa. Trong khi làm việc trong trình tạo trang trực tiếp và Trình tùy chỉnh WordPress, bạn cũng có thể nhấp vào các biểu tượng thiết bị nhỏ để dễ dàng xem trang web của bạn trông như thế nào ở các kích thước màn hình đó – thật tuyệt!

Loại bài đăng không giới hạn: Chủ đề Total WordPress cũng bao gồm hỗ trợ đầy đủ cho Plugin WordPress loại bài đăng không giới hạn . Trên thực tế, plugin này chủ yếu được phát triển cho các công cụ tùy chỉnh chủ đề Total để họ có thể dễ dàng thêm các loại bài đăng tùy chỉnh không giới hạn vào trang web WordPress của mình và có quyền kiểm soát chúng nhiều hơn.

Khi bạn thêm một loại bài đăng mới thông qua plugin này, bạn sẽ tìm thấy cài đặt tùy chỉnh cụ thể cho chủ đề Tổng số để chọn các cột bố cục lưu trữ của bạn (1,2,3,4,5), bạn có thể thêm thanh bên tùy chỉnh cụ thể cho loại này, bật metabox cài đặt trang nâng cao, chọn các phần tử hiển thị trên các mục (hình ảnh nổi bật, tiêu đề, meta, nội dung, đọc thêm), chọn các mục hiển thị trên trang (hình ảnh / video nổi bật, tiêu đề, meta, nội dung, nhận xét, mạng xã hội chia sẻ) và hơn thế nữa!

Không cần nó? Vô hiệu hóa nó!: Lo lắng về việc mua một chủ đề cồng kềnh khác? Với Total, không có gì phải lo lắng! Chúng tôi đã mã hóa chủ đề của mình để dễ sử dụng và quản lý. Quản lý các tính năng chủ đề của bạn bằng cách nhấp vào nút trong Bảng chủ đề.

Vì vậy, chính xác những gì bạn có thể quản lý từ đây? Bạn có thể quản lý trang đang xây dựng của mình, thông báo về các plugin được đề xuất, rút ​​gọn javascript, CSS tùy chỉnh, hoạt ảnh tùy chỉnh, Biểu tượng yêu thích, Trình tạo tiêu đề, Trình tạo chân trang, Tổng số mô-đun VC tùy chỉnh, loại bài đăng tùy chỉnh (danh mục đầu tư, nhân viên, lời chứng thực), loạt bài đăng, đăng nhập tùy chỉnh trang, trang 404 tùy chỉnh, trình quản lý tùy biến, thư viện WordPress tùy chỉnh, khu vực tiện ích con tùy chỉnh, hình thu nhỏ danh mục, định dạng trình chỉnh sửa tùy chỉnh, cắt ảnh tùy chỉnh, bảng điều khiển nhập / xuất quản trị… vv.

Khả năng tương thích của bên thứ 3 : Chủ đề Total premium đã được thử nghiệm với rất nhiều plugin phổ biến của bên thứ 3 và thậm chí bao gồm mã tùy chỉnh nếu cần để có khả năng tương thích hoàn toàn.

Một số plugin này bao gồm, nhưng không giới hạn ở: bbPress (diễn đàn), WooCommerce (cửa hàng trực tuyến), WordPress SEO by Yoast, The Events Calendar (còn được gọi là Sự kiện bộ lạc), WPML, TranslatePress, Polylang, JetPack, Slider Revolution (bao gồm miễn phí), WPBakery (bao gồm Miễn phí) … và nhiều hơn nữa!

Thân thiện với nhà phát triển: Total là một khung rất vững chắc được xây dựng từ đầu từ đầu. Mọi thứ đã được thêm vào đều phục vụ mục đích của nó và cũng có thể dễ dàng thao tác nếu muốn thông qua các móc chủ đề và / hoặc bộ lọc. Vì vậy, nhiều chủ đề WordPress cao cấp được mã hóa theo cách khiến các nhà phát triển rất khó tùy chỉnh chủ đề của họ thông qua mã tùy chỉnh.

Mặc dù bạn có thể tạo một trang web tuyệt vời với chủ đề Total mà không cần chạm vào bất kỳ mã nào nhưng một số người thực sự thích có khả năng thực hiện các sửa đổi nâng cao và chủ đề Total đã được mã hóa với ý nghĩ đó. Bạn có thể sử dụng các móc chủ đề để thêm hoặc xóa các phần của chủ đề, sử dụng bộ lọc để điều chỉnh các chức năng chủ đề mặc định hoặc thậm chí mở rộng chức năng metabox được xây dựng tùy chỉnh đi kèm (thêm các trường tùy chỉnh của riêng bạn).

Chúng tôi có hơn 250 đoạn mã trực tuyến mà bạn có thể sử dụng làm cơ sở cho các sửa đổi nâng cao. Khi khách hàng yêu cầu chúng tôi về các nhiệm vụ cụ thể, chúng tôi thường giúp họ bằng cách soạn thảo các đoạn mã mẫu và sau đó chúng tôi đăng chúng trực tuyến để người khác tìm. Chúng tôi cũng đã xây dựng nhiềutiện ích mở rộng (plugin) cho Tổng số khách hàng chủ đề khi người dùng yêu cầu chức năng được giữ bên ngoài lõi chủ đề tốt nhất.

Sẵn sàng SEO : Chủ đề Total đã được mã hóa có tính đến SEO. Để bắt đầu, chủ đề cao cấp này được tối ưu hóa tốt để chạy nhanh trên một máy chủ tốt (chúng tôi đã thấy thời gian tải thấp nhất là 0,2 giây).

Chủ đề chạy trên mã HTML5 symantic và hợp lệ. Nó có triển khai tích hợp sẵn. Và tất nhiên nó hỗ trợ đầy đủ plugin WordPress SEO rất phổ biến của Yoast. Vì vậy, thiết lập trang web của bạn và bắt đầu xếp hạng ngay hôm nay!

Nhiều tính năng hơn bạn có thể nghĩ đến : Chúng tôi đã cố gắng đưa vào rất nhiều tính năng để biến Total trở thành chủ đề WordPress cao cấp linh hoạt nhất trên thị trường (và nhiều khách hàng của chúng tôi sẽ đồng ý với điều đó).

Chúng tôi chỉ đơn giản là không thể nói về tất cả các tính năng này ở đây trên trang chủ đề, vì vậy hãy đảm bảo xem trang đích của chúng tôi thực sự giải thích tất cả các tính năng chủ đề khác nhau và mô-đun trình tạo có sẵn trong chủ đề. Ồ… và hãy chú ý theo dõi – chúng tôi sẽ bổ sung thêm các tính năng, chức năng, mô-đun trình tạo và tối ưu hóa hữu ích hơn nữa khi bạn (khách hàng) yêu cầu chúng.

Total WordPress Theme Showcase : Nếu bạn không nghĩ rằng các bản demo trực tiếp của chúng tôi thực sự giới thiệu những gì mà Total theme có khả năng, thì hãy xem danh sách hơn 40 trang web tuyệt vời của chúng tôi sử dụng Total theme.

Trang web của bạn hoặc khách hàng của bạn cũng có thể nằm trong danh sách này! Sau khi bạn đã mua mẫu và tạo trang web tuyệt vời của mình, hãy nhớ chia sẻ mẫu với chúng tôi và nếu thấy phù hợp, chúng tôi có thể thêm bạn vào danh sách;)

Danh sách tính năng Total – Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

  • Built using WordPress PHP best coding practices & standards and CSS built with SASS (sass files are inclided if needed/wanted)
  • Modern Design
  • SEO optimized
  • WPML Certified –
  • Clean & Valid Code
  • Responsive Theme
  • Retina Image Support
  • CSS3 Animations
  • Child Theme Compatible (sample child theme included)
  • WPBakery Drag & Drop Page Builder Plugin Included for FREE!
  • Exclusive WPBakery Builder Modules: 60+ Added Modules exclusive to Total
  • Slider Revolution Premium WordPress Slider Plugin Included.
  • WooCommerce Compatability
  • Custom Post Types: Portfolio, Staff and Testimonials
  • Unlimited Blog, Portfolio, Staff and Testimonial Pages
  • Filterable Blog, Portfolio, Staff and Testimonial Pages
  • 1-4 Column Portfolio, Staff and Testimonial Page Layout Options
  • Masonry Blog, Portfolio, Staff and Testimonial Pages
  • Custom Black & White Filter Option
  • Custom Hover Effects
  • Symple Mega Menu
  • Local Scroll Option (Create A Single Page Website!)
  • Add Icons To Menus
  • Select Specific Navigation Menus Per Page
  • Custom Parallax Image Row Backgrounds
  • Custom Row font colors (
  • Custom Theme Rebranding Option
  • Custom Logo Upload
  • Custom Favicon Upload
  • Custom iPhone & iPad Icon Uploads
  • Google Analytics Field
  • Boxed Layout
  • Full-Width Layout
  • Option To Select Layout On A Per Page Basis
  • Left, Right and No Sidebar Post/Page Layouts
  • Full-width Post/Page Layouts
  • Option To Select Sidebar Location On A Per Post/Page Basis
  • Custom Container Width Options
  • Custom Sidebar Width Option
  • Responsiveness Toggle
  • Custom Responsive Width Option
  • Custom Backgrounds (Boxed Layout)
  • 3 Header Styles
  • Optional Fixed Header
  • Optional Header Search
  • Optional Header Overlay Navigation
  • Custom Header Padding Options
  • Custom Logo Margin Options
  • Custom Page Title Styles: Default, Centered, Centered Minimal, Image
  • Custom Header Video Support
  • Page Title Subheading Options
  • Page Setting Options To Disable Title, Disable Header, Select A Layout And Add A Slider On A Per Page Basis
  • Google Font Options (Select Font, Weight, Size & Color)
  • Unlimited Color Options For Links, Theme Buttons, Header Backgrounds, Menus, Navigation, Drop downs, Sidebars, and Footers
  • Portfolio, Staff and Testimonials Custom Post Type Options: custom URL, Related Items, Detailed Entries, Custom Sidebar, Column Count, Sidebar Location, Singe Post Layout, Custom Post Type Dashboard Icon Upload, and more
  • WooCommerce Options: Optional Card Icon In Menu, Custom WooCommerce Sidebar, Shop Sidebar Location, Column Count, Product Page Layouts, Related Items Count & Columns, and Custom Sale Color
  • Blog Options: Custom URL, Large Image Entries, Thumbnail Image Entries, Grid Layout, Masonry Grid Layout, Sidebar Location, Singe Post Layout, Pagination Option, Next/Previous Option, Infinite Scroll Option, Exclude Categories From Main Blog Template Option, Author Avatar Support
  • Custom Blog Page Template
  • Custom Blog Post Series Option
  • Custom Post Formats For Images, Galleries, Quotes, Audio and Video
  • Custom Image Cropping For Blog, Portfolio, Staff, Testimonials, WooCommerce Products, and
  • Custom WP Gallery
  • Footer Callout
  • Footer Widgets 1-4 Columns
  • Custom Copyright Text
  • Built-in Social Sharing For Posts (Blog, Pages, Portfolio, WooCommerce)
  • SEO Options For Sidebar Headings, Footer Headings, Breadcrumbs, Version Parameters and Cleanup WP Head
  • Awesome premium Bundled Plugins
  • Option To Set Default Page Layout
  • Optional Back To Top Button
  • Styled Custom CSS Field
  • TranslatePress Compatible
  • WooSidebars Unlimited Custom Sidebars Supported
  • Contact Form 7 Supported
  • WordPress SEO by Yoast Supported
  • Free Theme Updates
  • Auto-Updates for The Theme
  • Great Support Via Author Page
  • And SOO much more! View all features
Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Nulled Changelog

v5.3.1 - January 18, 2022
AddedNew Blog Style Demo (Olivia)
AddedDiscord icon to the Theme Icons (ticons font family).
AddedNew social share style named “magazine”.
AddedAbility to display the “meta” via the Post Types Grid element (screenshot).
AddedTheme Lightbox support for the Gutenberg Gallery block (simply set the gallery “Link to” setting to “Media File”).
AddedCustomizer options to define your Overlay/Transparent header custom logo and retina logo when enabled conditionally.
AddedCustomizer Option under General Theme Options > Pagination > Load More so you can toggle the stretching (100% width) of the load more button on and off.
AddedCustomizer option to control the Heading html tag (h2, h3, h4, etc) for the Author Box heading, related posts heading and comments heading.
AddedCustomizer options for the Top Bar social links size and spacing.
AddedCustomizer option to control the Theme Heading alignment (left/center/right).
AddedCustomizer subtab “Author Archives” under the “Blog” tab.
AddedCustomizer option to select a Template for your author archives.
AddedCustomizer option to select your page layout for your author archives.
AddedOption to the Under Construction page so you can select the user “roles” that have access to the site while logged in. This way if you only want administrators to be able to view the site while logged in you can limit the access to administrators only.
AddedOption to the Total Toggle Element to enable FAQ microdata schema markup for use with the FAQ schema page type (yoast seo screenshot).
AddedShadow option to the Teaser element.
AddedAlign option for the Social Share element (settings added in both the Customizer and in the builder element).
AddedSeparator option to the Post Meta element (choose from empty space, dot, forward slash, backslash, dash or pipe).
AddedAbility to Author Avatar + Author name in the Post Meta element.
AddedOption to the Post Meta element for the “Comments” section to enable a link (for creating a local scroll link to the comments section).
AddedCSS for WordPress gallery columns that is used when the theme’s WP gallery output is disabled or for galleries created in WP Calypso.
AddedA link to the Card Styles preview page in the Customizer when selecting a card style for your blog, portfolio, staff or testimonials entries.
AddedAbility to the Image Grid & Image Carousel elements to link the photos to the “Uploaded To Page” (aka attached or parent page).
UpdatedWPBakery plugin to the latest version.
UpdatedMoved javascript dependent on 3rd party scripts (fancybox, isotope, superfish) out of the main total.js file so they are loaded only as needed and help prevent potential issues with delayed js execution (WPRocket function).
UpdatedRequired PHP version to 7.0
UpdatedPost Dashboard Thumbnails to use the same dimensions as the media library (60×60) for consistency (was 80×80).
UpdatedHeader megamenu function so when using the “hide-headings” class it will also hide the headings on the mobile menu (add class “show-headings-mobile” if you want things to function as they did previously).
UpdatedSocial Share labels to say the actual brand name, for example instead of “share” it says “Twitter” now.
UpdatedOptimized the Social Sharing element CSS and branding colors.
UpdatedPage Header Title with Background min-height option now allows vh and vw units.
UpdatedPortfolio 6 Card Style to use flex styles so the borders line up when entries are different heights.
UpdatedAuthor Box, Related and Comments headings to use an h3 html tag by default for SEO/accessibility reasons.
UpdatedCSS for image overlays so they will display when tabbing via the keyboard.
UpdatedRead more button capitalization to be consistent across elements and archives.
UpdatedBlog entry custom read more text to allow shortcodes (for example if you wanted to use the ticon shortcode to add an icon to your readmore button you can now).
UpdatedSocial share “email” background for better a contrast.
FixedAccessibility issue when using the nav-no-click classname on parent menu items not allowing you to tab to the items.
FixedMissing loader icon in Contact Form 7 due to recent changes in the plugin.
FixedIssues with local scroll sections that start with a numerical value and are being linked to from the main menu or a different page.
FixedIssue where you couldn’t select a dynamic template on a per-post basis for Custom post types created with the Post Types Unlimited plugin that had a default dynamic template selected.
FixedIssue with the “Main Page” selection in the Post Types Unlimited plugin not properly displaying the translated page when using plugins like WPML or Polylang.
FixedPotential WooCommerce debug notice when activating or updating the theme.
FixedImage Grid showing lightbox titles when the “Link Title Attribute” is enabled.
FixedDebug notice when first inserting the Social Profiles element.
FixedCustom Post Type UI theme integration issues (not being able to save edited post types correctly) due to recent plugin changes.
FixedStaff Grid custom read more button hover not working with color palette.
FixedHeading Tag setting in the Feature Box element not working.
Fixed“wc-block-style” and “wc-blocks-vendors-style” WooCommerce CSS files not being removed when using the Classic editor or disabling Gutenberg since WooCommerce renamed the script handle in a recent update.
FixedCustom Sticky Header logo not taking on the correct width/height attributes.
FixedMissing second argument ($post) for the get_the_excerpt filter.
FixedCrop setting not working for the custom WP gallery image size.
FixedTop Bar Full-width setting not correctly showing preview in the Customizer.
FixedWooCommerce social share buttons potentially not taking on the default set social share style.
FixedTeaser element media border radius not being applied to videos.
FixedIssues with the Custom Post Types UI plugin not saving the Total settings (we recommend switching to the Post Types Unlimited plugin)
FixedPotential issues with the visibility setting not working with the Toggle Bar when the default state was set to Open.
RemovedLegacy hidden → (html arrow) from blog entry buttons (this can be added in the Customizer if wanted – rather than using CSS to unhide it).
Dev Notes:
Updated - Optimized CSS for the social sharing buttons (to slim down the CSS but also allow for SVG icons). Be sure to check your social sharing if you have applied any custom CSS to modify the buttons as the wpex-{brand} class has moved from the list element to the link.
Added - "wpex_has_block_gallery_lightbox_integration" filter which can be used to disable the newly added lightbox support for the Gutenberg gallery block.
Added - "wpex_loop_shop_columns" filter (sample usage).
Added - "wpex_theme_icon_html" filter which allows you to modify the html of any icon used in the theme's main design.
Added - "wpex_is_overlay_header_global" filter which determines if the overlay/transparent header is currently set globally or it's displaying conditionally.
Added - "wpex_staff_archive_columns" filter.
Added - Object Fit CSS utility classes.
Added - rel="author" to the author box author link.
Updated - Optimized the auto lightbox javascript function. If you are using custom code in your child theme hooked into "wpex_auto_lightbox_targets" it will may need to be adjusted accordingly (please ask for help if you aren't sure how).
Updated - Total custom Customizer controls to use TotalTheme namespace to make use of autoloader and added "for" attributes to labels.
Updated - Social Sharing filter to allow you to define an SVG icon when adding custom options for the social sharing.
Updated - Top Bar Social Icons to use em values for the dimensions to allow for new font-size option for controlling the icon size.
Updated - Post Meta element "horizontal" style uses flex styles now so items can be vertically aligned (such as the new author + avatar meta section).
Updated - Various code to use newer PHP 7+ methods.
Updated - Slimmed down CSS used for the Total Customizer tab icons.
Removed - Functions no longer used: wpex_header_logo_img_retina_height, wpex_overlay_header_logo_img_retina_height, wpex_sticky_header_logo_img_retina_height
= v5.3.0 =
Many new section template designs.
AddedNew Card Styles (simple 7,8,9 | numbered list 5,6 | portfolio 4,5,6 | testimonial 8, 9 | search 1,2,3,4,5,6 | News 1,2,3,4,5,6).
AddedNew category colors functionality (screencast).
AddedNew advanced Widget Areas dashboard (screencast).
Added3 alternative video overlay styles (screenshot).
AddedNew toggle (show/hide) functionality for elements so you can create your own “tabs/toggles” (screencast).
AddedNew Toggle element so you don’t have to use the WPBakery FAQ (screenshot).
AddedNew toggle Group element for grouping the new toggle elements and create an accordion style toggle.
AddedNew shadow option to the WPBakery columns (screenshot).
AddedCustomizer option for choosing how the header menu dropdowns open – superfish, css hover or click (screenshot) – WOW – if you choose one of the new styles (css hover or on click) it will remove 2 scripts from your site speeding things up.
AddedCustomizer option for the new header menu CSS and onclick hovers to “animate” the dropdowns (screencast).
AddedCustomizer option for setting a padding for your header menu dropdowns.
AddedCustomizer option for setting the minimum width for your header menu dropdowns.
AddedCustomizer option to allow you to define your conditional logic for the Overlay/Transparent header via a query string (screenshot).
AddedCustomizer option so you can enable/disable the default megamenu “stretching” which makes megamenus the same width as your header.
AddedCustomizer option for entering a custom “gap” (spacing) between the WooCommerce single product gallery thumbnails.
AddedCustomizer option for enabling/disabling the WooCommerce product gallery slider arrows.
AddedCustomizer option for disabling the single WooCommerce product page header title.
AddedCustomizer option to enable the WooCommerce product category page header background image by default (like the blog).
AddedNew shadow option to the Image Banner element.
Added“Relevance” as an orderby option for Total post based elements.
AddedSupport for Advanced Parallax to the WPBakery Section element.
Added8 columns option for use with grid elements.
Addedhome_url shortcode which may be useful to dynamically link to your homepage (such as in your footer copyright text).
Added“Stack Gap” option to the Flex Container so you can specify a different gap when the elements stack.
AddedBottom Icon style to the Icon Box element.
AddedButton border-width option to the Pricing Table element.
AddedDevice max-width to the Column selectors in the Customizer to make it easier to understand where the breakpoints are (screenshot).
AddedExtra class name option to the Post Cards element for the card entry, image and featured entry (screenshot).
AddedNew order CSS utility classes (view classes).
AddedCustom max-width option to the WPBakery rows so you can constrain the row content (great when creating dynamic templates if you want a narrower content for the post such as this example).
AddedMax-width option to Total post elements (Post Comments, Post Meta, Post Terms, Author Bio, Post Series).
Added“Stack at Breakpoint” option to the Icon Box (blurb) element when using the left or right styles. This is especially useful when displaying larger images instead of icons where you may want the image to stack on top at smaller screen sizes.
AddedTitle Tag option to the Post Cards element so you can choose the html tag (h2, h3, h4..etc) to use for the entry titles.
AddedResponsive option to the Total spacing element if you wanted to set a different space at different breakpoints.
Added“Go Back” option to the Theme Button element “On click action” options.
AddedSome new options to the Image Slider element (caption color, caption font weight, caption “none” style, overlay option, etc).
AddedExtra options to the Custom Login page admin panel.
AddedNew max-width CSS utility classes.
AddedParse Callback field to the Custom Field element so you can enter a callback function name that will be used to pass your custom field value through.
UpdatedOptimized and converted most of the theme’s jQuery code to vanilla js. Only a few features require jQuery now (such as the sliders & carousels) all core js no longer requires any dependencies.
UpdatedTotal Dynamic Resizing for images now supports the native WP srcset functionality.
UpdatedTheme retina functionality to use srcset instead of javascript (retina.js) this means your retina images will display instantly, they will be responsive and there is one less file being loaded on the site.
UpdatedHeader logo will now use srcset for the retina version instead of javascript so the retina logo will display instantly now.
UpdatedWooCommerce grids now use a modern CSS grid layout so we don’t have to add individual classes to each product which isn’t efficient and may cause issues with 3rd party plugins due to issues with the plugin. This will also allow for theme cards to be used with product entries.
UpdatedSnippet for WooCommerce shop masonry grids support to work with the new changes to the products grid.
UpdatedWooCommerce product entries to use new flex styles for keeping items the same height (by default) without the need for javascript (also prevents CLS) and renamed the “Equal Heights Entries” setting in the Customizer to “Bottom Align Buttons” which will only display if the “Always Visible Add to Cart Button?” setting is enabled.
UpdatedWooCommerce product entries add to cart button to switch to “view cart” after adding an item (screencast).
UpdatedWooCommerce cart overlay background to match the search overlay background.
UpdatedWooCommerce single product add to cart button to respect the default and customizer button styles for consistency and easier modification (aka it no longer has its own unique styling).
UpdatedDefault author box to use the gap property for spacing between the avatar and text instead of margin to slim down classes and make it easier to adjust.
UpdatedDemo importer so if the same demo is imported multiple times the theme will remove any duplicate menu items added by WordPress automatically.
UpdatedNavigation bar so the custom side margin is removed from the last item to prevent issues when adding menus on the right side of an element.
UpdatedWordPress gallery (when used in the classic editor or text block) to use modern CSS grid classes to slim down code.
UpdatedMoved the javascript for theme post elements masonry (isotope) grids to its own js file so that it can be loaded only if needed on the page.
UpdatedAdded Styling for the default widget blocks added by WordPress when first installing WP.
UpdatedTheme button styles to also target the Gutenberg search block and file block buttons (since WordPress, for some reason, adds custom styling to these elements instead of inheriting button element styles).
UpdatedThe Title Push Up overlay style to use CSS only (previously required javascript) and will now also work on the Post Cards element when links are disabled.
UpdatedSmaller thumbnails on the category/term admin page that match the same size used for WooCommerce categories.
UpdatedWhen using the nav-no-link in your menus the theme will now automatically add a tabindex value of -1 to the links for accessibility reasons.
UpdatedFull-screen mobile menu will no longer add duplicate menu items if there is a parent menu item that has both a link and a dropdown, instead if you click the menu item once it will open the dropdown and if you click it a second time it will go to the link.
UpdatedDemo importer so it will automatically search/replace the demo URL with your site URL so any potential links used in a demo to link to itself won’t link out to the demo after import but rather link to your own site.
UpdatedOptimized header style 5 (centered logo) rendering on mobile so the logo displays immediately on page load.
UpdatedAccessibility improvements for the search and cart popup overlay “x” (close) button.
UpdatedThe “Remove Emoji Scripts” theme panel setting will now also remove the WordPress “convert_smilies” function that is hooked into the_content.
UpdatedFont size options in Total elements to support the “vh” unit.
UpdatedIt’s now easier to drag items in and out and around the Flex and Grid containers.
UpdatedPDF attachment page to display text if the browser doesn’t support PDF’s.
UpdatedSearch Bar element so you can use term=current_term and author=current_author when using the search bar within dynamic archive templates.
FixedIssue where if you set your mobile menu breakpoint to 9999 the sticky header wouldn’t work unless you enabled sticky header on mobile. The theme will now set a mobile breakpoint for the sticky header of 960px instead so you can still control if the sticky is enabled or not on small devices when using 9999 for the mobile menu breakpoint.
FixedFont size issues with the icon box when using responsive font sizes (delete and re-install the Total Theme Core plugin for an instant fix)
FixedStray closing link element in the Icon Box element (delete and re-install the Total Theme Core plugin for an instant fix).
FixedIssues when using the Boxed site layout combined with a Vertical Header and the “Fixed” vertical header style (the fixed header will now properly remain inside the boxed area and “fixed” by using the new modern “sticky” positioning).
FixedIssue with the load more button in Total grid elements when using custom hover styles on buttons affecting other elements on the page with custom hovers.
FixedPotential issues with certain Customizer settings not displaying.
FixedIssues with the Templatera shortcode not properly displaying on archives (fix added in the theme until the plugin developers fix the issue on their end).
FixedThumbnail column showing in the WP admin for post types created with the Post Types Unlimited plugin when the post type did not support thumbnails.
FixedPadding & Background options not working properly in the Teaser Boxed element when selecting the Boxed Rounded style.
FixedText Blocks not displaying correctly inside the Grid Element in the WPBakery front-end editor.
FixedToggle bar closing when clicking on the site (not toggle button) when the “Remember State” setting is enabled and the display is set to “Overlay” making it impossible to actually keep it open.
FixedPotential issue with local scroll links when resizing the browser window if the sticky header gets taller or shorter.
FixedMobile menu issues when using the Navbar mobile menu toggle style set to “Top of Site” Menu Position and the sticky header enabled on mobile.
FixedShop cart link not showing on the Full Screen mobile menu style.
FixedMissing close icon on the cart overlay.
FixedIssue where if you changed the crop location of your thumbnails defined in the Image Sizes panel it wouldn’t work without regenerating your thumbnails.
FixedIssue where the entry equal height option for blog archives was being enabled for the masonry layout when it should only be allowed on the Fit Rows layout and you couldn’t disable it in the Customizer as the setting would hide once the masonry layout was selected.
FixedLogo top/bottom padding not working when using the centered logo header style.
FixedTheme element icons display in the WPBakery grid builder.
FixedLine-height issue with the Font Icon element when adding a custom size resulting in empty space above the icon that shouldn’t be there.
FixedBlog Card 3 background issue.
FixedAccessibility issue with the load more button so when you load new items the focus is placed on the first loaded post.
FixedCustom 404 page not taking on the correct default page layout.
FixedDisplay issue with the Image element when a border radius is set and an Image Overlay.
FixedCustom spacing with the list item element adding extra space.
FixedCustom logo not getting removed when using the reset button under Theme Panel > Import/Export due to recent WP changes.
FixedSpacing issues at the bottom of the shop/blog page when using a dynamic template for standard pages.
RemovedCSS vendor prefixes which are no longer needed to greatly slim down the CSS (you may want to check any child theme edits to remove them as well and slim down your code).
RemovedTheme no longer loads a vcex-shortcodes.js file when using the Total Theme Core plugin – all JS is now conditionally loaded if needed.
RemovedThe “X-UA-Compatible” meta tag and headers for IE which are no longer needed.
RemovedRetina Logo Height options in the Customizer and theme settings metabox as they are not needed with new srcset methods for setting retina logos.
Dev Notes:
Added - wpex-js and wpex-no-js body classes.
Added - "wpex_header_menu_dropdown_method" filter.
Added - "wpex_card_template" filter so you can override a Card template before it's rendered.
Added - "wpex_hover_button_overlay_position" filter if you want to modify the hover button style so that you can click on the entire overlay not just the button (sample snippet)
Added - "wpex_header_logo_img_html" filter for overriding the header logo img html.
Added - "wpex_card_more_link_url" filter for overriding the link URL on the read more card element.
Added - "wpex_grid_columns_class" for modifying the grid column class which controls the grid-template-columns property added to CSS grids in the theme (currently only used for WooCommerce grids but may be used elsewhere in the future).
Added - "wpex_grid_columns_class_auto_responsive" filter which is used in the new "wpex_grid_columns_class" function which will automatically make grids stack on small devices (479px and under). Columns have always stacked in the theme on mobile when using the wpex-row class so this functionality was implemented so the new grids behave the same as the previous rows but now with the ability to to disable it.
Added - PHP Classes for adding video, parallax, overlay and divider settings to WPBakery sections and rows instead of adding settings separately for each element (DRY principle).
Added - PHP Class "TotalTheme\Conditional_Logic".
Added - align-self utility classes
Added - "vcex-isotope-grids" script for theme element isotope grids.
Added - .product-actions element around the WooCommerce product entry add to cart button for easier styling and prevent potential flex-box issues.
Added - has_thumbnail_overlay WPEX_Card class method.
Added - window.vcexIsotopeGridFilter js function to handle filter links.
Added - Helper classes "wpex_get_term_color_class" and "wpex_get_term_background_color_class" which will return the classname "has-term-{term_id}-color" or "has-term-{term_id}-background-color".
Added - "wpex_term_colors_supported_taxonomies" filter so you can filter the taxonomies that support the new term colors functionality (by default it returns 'category' only).
Added - Helper functions "wpex_register_sidebar" and "wpex_register_footer_widget_area".
Added - Filters "wpex_sidebar_widget_class" and "wpex_footer_widget_class".
Added - "footer-reveal" ID to the "footer-reveal-visible" element.
Added - "toggle-bar-button" ID to the "toggle-bar-button" element to slim down the JS needed to swap the icons when clicking the button.
Added - Some javascript so when linking to WPBakery tabs the theme will scroll to the top of the tabs container with an added 20px spacing above instead of scrolling to the tab content, this way the tabs are visible to the end user which is especially useful when linking to tabs from other pages.
Added - aria-controls attribute to the header search icon and cart icons.
Added - wpex-first-border-none and wpex-last-border-none utility classes.
Added - "wpex_attachment_object_content" filter for overriding the new text displayed on PDF attachment pages when the browser doesn't support pdfs.
Updated - Now if you disable minify JS in the Theme Panel it will also load un-minified versions of all the Total Theme core scripts and 3rd party libraries used by the theme and Total Theme Core. Previously this option was used for the main total.min.js file only.
Updated - Demo Importer will now process the xml data last.
Updated - You can now override shape dividers via assets/shape-dividers/ in your child theme.
Updated - Advanced Parallax is no longer hidden (via opacity 0) until page is loaded.
Updated - Advanced Parallax no longer loads the scrolly2 js file but uses new JS in the theme which has also been optimized.
Updated - CSS used for the products hover button placement to use transformY instead of a negative bottom position to allow for easier mods (for example adding a spacing around the button is now possible using a padding without affecting the hover effect).
Updated - Optimized the way the custom sticky header logo works so instead of it overriding the img src value on scroll the theme now inserts a new image tag to the header for the sticky logo and then uses CSS to show/hide the different logos.
Updated - WooCommerce product entry alignment now uses utility classes instead of inline CSS.
Updated - WooCommerce product sale badge will no longer be hidden until site is fully loaded.
Updated - Posts Thumbnail Grid & Users Grid widgets now uses a modern CSS grid and divs instead of a UL list.
Updated - The "wpex_grid_class" function has been renamed to "wpex_row_column_width_class".
Updated - CSS for the WooCommerce single product gallery thumbnails to use a CSS grid and greatly slim down the CSS needed to create the columns for these thumbnails.
Updated - Various theme functions to use $post instead of $post_id params to be more efficient.
Updated - TotalThemeCore\Meta\Term_Thumbnails class renamed to TotalThemeCore\Term_Thumbnails.
Updated - Optimized CSS used to hide stretched rows before WPBakery stretches them.
Updated - The outline button style now uses currentColor for the border color to slim down the CSS and so when you change the color of any outline button the border will adjust automatically.
Updated - The "nav-no-click" function now works with css via pointer-events instead of JS.
Updated - The Overlay Header Offset function for WPBakery rows to hide the row until the offset is calculated for a better initial rendering.
Updated - wpex_get_post_thumbnail function so if the image size being returned is not set to "full" but the width/height values are either empty or greater than or equal to 9999 to return the full image size via wp_get_attachment_image_src instead of passing the image through the cropping class. This optimizes the display of full images and provides support for the WP srcset function on non-cropped theme defined image sizes.
Updated - Theme javascript that uses the easing.js plugin to check and make sure the script is loaded and if it's not fallback to "swing" for the default easing. This way you can remove the script from your site if wanted without breaking local scroll functions.
Updated - Theme button element so if you give it a custom width the "wpex-flex-shrink-0" is also added to ensure the correct width is used when placed inside flex containers.
Updated - Sidr script used for the sidebar mobile menu to the non-jQuery version which also uses CSS animations instead of js.
Updated - Sidebar mobile menu uses prefixed classes now "sidr-right" and "sidr-left" instead of just "left" and "right" - this is part of the non-jquery updated sidr script version used in the theme.
Updated - Javascript used to provide keyboard support for WPBakery tabs is now conditionally loaded only if tabs exist on the page as opposed to being added to the global total.min.js file.
Updated - Mobile menu dropdown arrow active state no longer changes the icon content property but instead rotates the icon making it easier to customize the icon via custom CSS and provides nicer animation.
Updated - CSS to target the sidebar mobile menu search input field to target the input type (input[type="search"] to prevent any possible conflicts with child theme CSS targeting search inputs.
Updated - Percentage/Skillbar to remove any JS dependencies and use CSS for the animation.
Updated - Hover Animation CSS file (hover-css.min.css) to remove vendor prefixes and code that was used to fix old browser bugs which is no longer needed reducing the file size to only 14kb from 33kb.
Updated - @font-face in the wpex-woocommerce.css file to use font-display: block; to suppress Google Insight warnings.
Updated - Icon Box element to add the image width and height attributes when the "Resize" option is disabled.
Updated - scroll and touch events to make them "passive".
Removed - The "vcex_row_video" function has been deprecated.
Removed - The "vcex_row_overlay" function has been deprecated.
Removed - The "vcex_supports_advanced_parallax" function has been deprecated.
Removed - The "vcex_supports_shape_dividers" function has been deprecated.
Removed - The "vcex_parallax_bg" function has been deprecated.
Removed - The "vcex_offset_vc" function which was deprecated in 4.0
Removed - The data-style attribute added to row overlays as it wasn't being used for anything.
Removed - The "wpex_vc_modify_params" filter and optimized the way the theme alters WPBakery params.
Removed - Some old CSS that was used for overriding WooCommerce styles which is no longer needed as the theme removes the default plugin stylesheets.
Removed - The "match-height-content" and "match-height-grid" classes are no longer used for the WooCommerce shop.
Removed - window.vcexHovers js function and moved the code to wpex.hoverStyles
Removed - wpex_vc_add_params filter and TotalTheme\Integration\WPBakery\Add_Params and optimized the way in which the theme was adding custom parameters to default WPBakery elements.
Removed - margin:0 CSS from buttons as it wasn't doing anything and could conflict with some gutenberg block buttons.
Removed - slash at the end of self closing element tags (img, inputs, etc)
Removed - wpex.overlayHovers() js fuction as it's no longer needed.
Removed - CSS that was hiding WP video shortcode videos until the window was loaded.
Removed - CSS fallback colors for rgba declarations.
Removed - "wpex-woo-entry" classname from product entries which wasn't being used for many years now.
Removed - "wpex_maybe_add_woocommerce_entry_grid_class" filter no longer needed.
Removed - "wpex_filter_woocommerce_post_class" filter no longer needed.
Removed - "wpex_woocommerce_custom_post_class" filter no longer needed.
Removed - width "auto" property from the header logo image so that the new retina logo functionality using srcset works without having to calculate a max-height for the image.
v5.2 - July 27, 2021
AddedSection templates – Pre-built section templates/blocks that you can insert on your pages to speed up page building with WPBakery (screencast). Currently released 69 templates but more to come in future updates. Section templates can be previewed from the page builder but also from the landing page.
AddedFlexible Container element. This new element will allow you to insert certain elements into a parent container that will display via flex styles to allow you to create some more advanced layouts not possible with standard rows and columns (screencast).
AddedGrid Container element. This new element will allow you to insert certain elements into a parent container and automatically create a grid with your selected columns and spacing. It will also automatically display all items inside the grid container at equal heights so it’s perfect for things like icon box or pricing tables (screencast).
AddedContact Form element. So you can quickly add a simple contact form to your site without having to install 3rd party plugins (supports Google reCAPTCHA v3) – perfect for contact pages (screencast).
AddedNew Section to the main Theme Panel where you can enter your reCAPTCHA keys for use with the new Contact Form element.
AddedNew shortcode “topbar_item” which makes it easier to add top bar items like the Base Demo or the default top bar content without having to add spans (sample usage).
AddedNew shortcode “cart_link” which can be used to display the current cart items anywhere on the site (new docs). Currently this shortcode will link to the cart page, but I may update it in the future to show a cart popup on click instead in the future. This element is also available in the WPBakery editor with some added options.
AddedQuery option to the Categories/Terms Grid and Carousel elements named “Current Taxonomy Direct Child Terms” so you can display only the direct child terms when using the elements on a Dynamic template.
AddedTiktok icon to the theme icons.
AddedTypography tab for the Toggle Bar.
AddedCustomizer option to disable the Cart link that is added to the mobile menu by default when the cart link is enabled for the header menu.
AddedCustomizer option to enter your Toggle Bar content (if you don’t want to use a template you can instead enter simple text/html into this new field).
AddedCustomizer option to alter the Toggle Bar vertical padding.
AddedCustomizer option to enable “Full Width” for the Toggle Bar element.
AddedCustomizer checkbox that allows you to disable the Toggle Bar “toggle button” when the default state is “open”. When checked, the theme will display an “x” button instead of the open/close button so the user can only close the bar but not re open it (this allows for the Toggle Bar to be used as a more standard notification area).
AddedCustomizer option to set a min-height for the Toggle Bar.
AddedOption to the Theme Panel to enable the WPBakery “Design Options” tab which is disabled by default in Total which provides a few extra settings for WPBakery such as the ability to control the column breakpoints.
AddedOption to the Bullets elements so you can choose an alignment for the items (vertical or horizontal).
AddedOption to the Icon Box so you can add borders to your icons.
AddedOption to the Image Banner element for minimum height.
AddedOption to the Text Block and Multi-Button elements for text transform.
AddedOption to the Post Cards element if you wanted to display a custom message if there aren’t any posts to show (screenshot).
AddedOption to the Icon Box and Teaser elements to set the border radius when displaying images.
AddedNew “Colored” social style which simply adds a color to the icon for a minimal look (screenshot).
AddedTheme Panel option for “Widget Block Editor” so you can disable the new widget block editor in WordPress 5.8+ if you don’t like it.
AddedAbility to set the Skip to Content targeted element ID via a custom field named “skip_to_content_id” if needed for any particular pages, such as ones using the Overlay/Transparent header.
AddedCSS for the new Gutenberg query pagination block to better match the theme’s pagination.
AddedTheme utility font sizes to the Formats dropdown (screenshot).
AddedImage source option to the Teaser element so you can hotlink to an image instead of selecting one from the media library.
AddedBorder radius option to the Percentage/Skill Bar element.
AddedShadow option to the Button element.
AddedGap option to the Newsletter element so you can add space between the input field and the button.
AddedOption to the Newsletter element if you want to “stack” the elements.
UpdatedBundled plugins: Total Theme Core, WPBakery and Slider Revolution.
UpdatedIcons used for the Total elements in the WPBakery editor.
UpdatedTotal elements to support pagination when using the offset parameter as well as support offset when displaying all posts.
UpdatedSchema markup URL’s to use https instead of http.
UpdatedCustomizer layout width options so that they also target the inner containers when using full-width Gutenberg group blocks and the centered Cover block.
UpdatedResponsive font sizes in the Total elements so the theme will now use an inline style tag instead of javascript to prevent text from “flashing” on page load and limit JS usage.
UpdatedImage element so if you enter 100% for the image width it will use width instead of max-width to stretch the image to 100% and will also turn the element from an inline-block to a block element.
UpdatedCSS used for the Gutenberg alignfull class so it’s slimmer.
UpdatedThe wpml-config.xml file for compatibility with the upcoming WPML update.
UpdatedThe toolset-config.json file for compatibility with new versions of the Toolset plugin.
UpdatedTotal Element Icons will now display in the WPBakery Role Manager instead of the default WPBakery hat icon.
UpdatedTheme Icons “Houzz” and “Yahoo” icons to match new logos.
UpdatedBetter hover styles for the Outline social button style (instead of an opacity on hover it will change the background color).
UpdatedCart link that is added to the mobile menu will now display the icon, number of items in cart and total price instead of a simple “Cart” text (screenshot).
UpdatedImproved accessibility for the Toggle Bar button via aria-expanded and aria-controls attributes as well as keeping the focus inside the toggle bar element while opened.
UpdatedMulti-buttons element to use flex styles to slim down the CSS needed for the element and fix potential issues with extra spacing added on the sides and below the buttons.
UpdatedThe Theme Panel “Branding” field so if you save it with an empty value it will now say “Disabled” for the field placeholder instead of “Total” to prevent confusion.
UpdatedThe theme will no longer alter the Tribe Events Calendar plugin’s accent colors to prevent conflicts with the plugin’s own accent color and ensure future compatibility plus it greatly slims down the code added to the site for the accent colors. The theme will automatically set the Tribe Events Calendar accent color to match the theme’s accent a single time when activating the plugin or when updating to this theme version but it will only be set if the Events Calendar accent color setting is empty or set to the default value, this will allow you to customize things in the future as needed.
UpdatedImage Banner and Icon Box elements to include “External” in the image source options.
FixedInner content will now remain centered with the rest of the site when using the Full Width gutenberg group block or centered cover block.
FixedGutenberg Full Width blocks (alignfull class) when using the boxed layout to prevent them from going outside of the boxed container.
FixedIssues with WPRocket and the WPBakery video element not rendering correctly.
FixedTarget parameter not working in the “wp_login_url” shortcode.
FixedIcon display when drag&dropping elements in the front-end WPBakery editor.
FixedLayout issues when adding multiple Product Page elements in a row.
FixedTheme lightbox not working with the WooCommerce product gallery when using the Product Page shortcode/element.
FixedExtra spacing to the right/left on topbar items (wpex-inline) on small screens under 479px.
FixedPotential jagged lines when using the Total Section & Row Divider settings in new versions of Chrome.
FixedStyling issues when adding heading tags in footer widgets as they wouldn’t inherit the footer text color.
FixedSome styling issues with the new Widget block editor in upcoming WP 5.8.
FixedSome Events Calendar plugin styles from recent plugin updates.
FixedSingle Post pagination (page break) ignoring the Pagination alignment setting.
FixedWooCommerce Product Attribute pages not respecting the defined shop layout option in the Customizer.
FixedBottom margin option not working in the Font Icon element.
FixedText Block element not working when the Total WPBakery elements are disabled in the Theme Panel.
Dev Notes:
Added - Body class "site-{layout}" which will render as "site-full-width" or "site-boxed" depending on the selected site layout. This class is a slimmed down version of the older "{layout}-main-layout" which may be deprecated in the future. This is to keep consistency with the current "content-{layout} class added to the body for the singular layout. This new class is being used for Gutenberg alignfull classes.
Added - Filter "wpex_wpbakery_section_templates" so you can control the default theme section templates array.
Added - Filter "vcex_flex_container_allowed_elements" which returns a comma separated string of elements allowed in the new Flex Container element.
Added - Filter "wpex_secondary_post_thumbnail_id" so you can filter out the secondary thumbnail ID which is used for the Image Swap overlay style or the Image Swap overlay when used in a dynamic template.
Added - Filter "wpex_redirect_status_code" used to control the post/taxonomy redirection status code (default is 301).
Added - Filter "wpex_has_shrink_sticky_header_mobile" so you can control if the shrinking sticky header function should run past the mobile breakpoint by default it's enabled when using the "Right Aligned Buttons" or "Fixed Top" mobile menu toggle style.
Added - Filter "vcex_css_breakpoints" which returns an array of the breakpoints and their widths currently used for responsive font sizes in Total builder elements so you can adjust the breakpoints if wanted.
Added - Filter "wpex_woo_mobile_menu_cart_link_args" to control the arguments for the updated mobile menu cart link (which actually uses the new cart_link shortcode).
Added - Filter "wpex_togglebar_content" so you can override the toggle bar content.
Added - Filter "vcex_contact_form_mail_body" so you can override the new Contact Form element final email body.
Added - Filter "vcex_contact_form_mail_to_address" to override the email address where the new Contat Form element is sent to (the default is the admin email).
Added - Filter "wpex_skip_to_content_id" so you can alter the targeted element ID for the Skip to Content link.
Added - Ability to use a custom field named "wpex_togglebar_content" to override the Toggle bar content.
Added - New function "wpex_get_recaptcha_keys" which returns your google reCAPTCHA site and secret keys.
Added - CSS utility classes for the "justify-items" property.
Updated - Renamed ticons font file names to remove "webfont" for example "ticons-webfont.woff2" is now just "ticons.woff2".
Updated - The grid gap utility classes now use gap instead of grid-gap and you can use wpex-gap-{size} or wpex-grid-gap-{size} for the class.
Updated - CSS used for Total WPBakery elements is now loaded via the "vc_backend_editor_enqueue_js_css" and "vc_frontend_editor_enqueue_js_css" instead of "admin_enqueue_scripts" so it's more efficient.
Updated - JS used in the WPBakery frontend editor to re-trigger Total element js is now hooked into "vc_load_iframe_jscss" instead of "vc_inline_editor_page_view".
Updated - CSS file "vcex-wpbakery-backend" was renamed to "vcex-wpbakery-editor".
Updated - The "wpex-wc-product-lightbox" script is now registered earlier via the enqueue_scripts hook incase you need to load it conditionally in your child theme or plugin.
Updated - Import/Export panel now loads it's own js file.
Updated - Image Grid element to use wp_get_attachment_caption instead of get_the_excerpt when displaying image captions.
Updated - Renamed the woo_mobile_menu_cart_link filter to "wpex_woo_mobile_menu_cart_link" and it now returns a string instead of boolean.
Updated - Buttons to have center text alignment by default so if any button has a custom width the text will be centered by default.
Updated - Footer Bottom menu is now a nav element instead of a div.
Updated - Image Banner element is now a flex element (flex-col) so if you have image banners added inside the new Flex Container or you are using the Equal Heights function with your Image Banners the inner text will be centered properly.
Updated - Social Profiles widget so when adding new options you don't have to insert a new widget to see the new fields.
Updated - The wpex-float-center class will not be added to the Image Banner element unless a custom width is added to the element as it's not needed when it's full width.
Removed - Code that hooked into the "excerpt_length" filter as it's not needed in the theme and could potentially cause issues with 3rd party plugins and it's not technically used in Total as the theme has it's own methods for showing excerpts.
Modified Partial Files:

v5.1.2 - May 25, 2021
AddedOption to the Post Cards element so you can select a custom template for your modal popup (sample video).
AddedOption to the Post Cards element to enable/disable the modal window title when using the modal link type.
AddedImage Title & Image Caption settings to the Total Image element so you can override the default for use with overlay styles and the caption setting. Also useful if using external images that don’t have titles/captions by default (update is live, you can delete and re-install the Total Theme Core plugin for these new settings).
AddedTheme CSS Framework to the loaded styles for Gutenberg so they can be used in the Additional CSS field and view the changes in the editor (sample screenshot).
AddedSupport for the RankMath plugin breadcrumbs.
AddedCustomizer setting for the Toggle mobile menu to enable/disable the opening/closing slideDown animation.
AddedAria label to the breadcrumbs (new setting added under Theme Panel > Accessibility > Aria Labels to modify it if needed).
AddedOption to the Gallery Slider element to select your crop location for the thumbnails.
UpdatedTotal Theme Core to version 1.2.10
UpdatedTheme Panel design a bit to better match WordPress styles and look cleaner.
UpdatedTheme Panel Google Analytics ID field to support the new Google Analytics 4 G-XXXXXXX format.
UpdatedDefault theme accent color (blue) for accessibility reasons, aka better contrast (new blue color is the same that Google uses for their developer docs).
UpdatedFooter, sidebar mobile menu, toggle mobile menu (in fixed position) default text to be a little lighter to pass accessibility/contrast checks.
UpdatedImage Banner element so it can be focused on via the keyboard when the caption is set to show on hover.
UpdatedTotal Row/Section Overlay and Divider functions so you can choose from your accent colors.
UpdatedColors for various social icons to match updated brand colors.
UpdatedUpdated Mobile Menu Toggle so it closes when clicking outside of it.
UpdatedAccessibility panel to use tabs to separate settings and clean things up.
UpdatedLoad more spinner to use an SVG instead of a gif so the theme doesn’t have to load an extra asset and also so it looks better when used on different background colors.
UpdatedImproved Image overlays on mobile devices to prevent the overlay from showing when simply swiping up/down.
UpdatedThe Plus Icon Hover, Plus Icon #2 Hover and Plus Icon #3 Hover image overlay styles so they don’t display on mobile devices to prevent having to tap the item twice.
UpdatedCustom Action panel save function to prevent actions from saving if they only contain empty space.
FixedAuthor social links potentially incorrectly using the wrong URL’s.
FixedMulti-buttons element so customizations to your button styles made in the Customizer under Typography > Buttons and General Theme Options > Links & Buttons will apply correctly.
FixedIssue where if you had enabled Yoast breadcrumbs for the site and Yoast wasn’t returning any result for the page it would potentially display breadcrumbs from the theme instead of nothing.
FixedTestimonials Slider Thumbnails not working correctly (delete and re-install the Total Theme Core plugin for an immediate fix).
FixedRecent News issues with the responsive column settings (delete and re-install the Total Theme Core plugin for an immediate fix).
FixedNot being able to use negative letter spacing in Total elements (delete and re-install the Total Theme Core plugin for an immediate fix).
FixedIssues with the Post Cards Modal Popup link style so if a post is using a theme element that is displaying dynamic data like the featured image or custom field it will work as expected.
FixedLayout issues with theme image slider element if displayed inside a lightbox modal window.
FixedMissing margin between WooCommerce product review stars and text.
Dev Notes:
Added - "wpex_custom_breadcrumbs_trail" filter for easier integration of 3rd party plugin breadcrumbs.
Added - "wpex_has_custom_breadcrumbs_trail" filter to tell the theme that a custom breadcrumbs is in use to prevent the theme from returning the theme's crumbs even if the custom crumbs is empty.
Added - "wpex_vc_column_text_custom_color_classes" filter which controls the classnames (string) added to the WPBakery text block when a custom color has been added to the element (the default classes adds underlines to links and makes links inherit the textblock color - you can set this filter to null to remove this functionality).
Added - "wpex-modal-loaded" javacript event attached to the document that triggers when an inline lightbox modal window has loaded (may be used to re-trigger scripts)
Updated - Card API so you can pass the URL to the Card Arguments which will be used for all card methods.
Updated - The CSS used for hidden image overlays so they don't target mobile devices to prevent issues when swiping on mobile devices.
Updated - Font icons to use font-display: block; to prevent warnings in Google lightbox/insights.
Updated - Load more function uses an svg for the spinner instead of a gif, but if you defined a custom gif via your child theme it will still use your custom gif. You can also now hook into the new "wpex_svg" filter to replace the spinner svg with whatever output you want (see Total/inc/functions/svgs.php).
Updated - License Activation Panel to use its own CSS/JS files and updated the html for better class naming and updated the spinner to use an SVG instead of a gif.
Updated - wpex_get_current_post_id function to check for the "wpex_current_post_id" query_var first, this will allow us to define what the current post ID is for dynamic templates, post cards modals, etc.

v5.1.1 - May 3, 2021
AddedNew filter “wpex_{location}_template_id” which can be used to override any theme location by returning a template ID from WPBakery, Elementor or any post ID (sample snippet).
AddedSetting to the Icon Box element so you can enter a custom character instead of selecting an icon, if you wanted to enter an alphabetic or numerical character.
AddedNew “After Text” setting to the Page Title element and updated the Before Text element to support shortcodes.
AddedArchive Orderby and Order settings for the built in portfolio, staff, testimonial post types.
AddedTestimonial 6 and Testimonial 7 card styles.
AddedNew “Post Author” & “Post Author Hover” overlay styles.
UpdatedSlider Revolution plugin.
UpdatedTotal Theme Core.
UpdatedImproved the Staff Member-User connection to automatically filter the author name, link, social and avatar when displaying Post Cards, author box, comments…etc, when there is a connection in place.
UpdatedHeader Search and WooCommerce cart toggles to have role, aria-label and aria-expanded attributes and ability to close the “popups” using “esc” for accessibility.
UpdatedMethod used to remove default WooCommerce css files as the previous method (as suggested by the WooCommerce docs) can actually break some of their 3rd party plugins.
UpdatedNavigation Bar to highlight active category/taxonomy links.
UpdatedWPML Config xml file to include the Post Gallery custom field so it get’s copied to duplicated pages as it doesn’t seem to show up in the WPML custom fields settings.
UpdatedAdded integration for the Max Mega Menu plugin so the theme will automatically disable the mobile menu in the header and hide the menu and mobile menu Customizer settings if the header menu is set to use a Mega Menu from this plugin to slim things down and allow the plugin to work better.
UpdatedThe Video Icon image overlay no longer waits for the site to be loaded to display.
UpdatedThe Sticky header, sticky menu, sticky top bar and sticky navigation bar element scripts so any element that has the “wpex-sticky-el-offset” will be included in the top offset when these elements become sticky.
UpdatedThe Post Meta element to use the author display_name instead of the nickname.
UpdatedImproved support for the SiteGround SG Optimizer plugin.
FixedIssue with the Total Theme Core plugin not rendering EM units correctly if missing a 0 at the start (aka .5em instead of 0.5em). This fix is live, so you can delete and re-install the plugin for the patch.
FixedIssue with the Total Theme Core “Shortcodes” Editor button causing editor buttons from other plugins to not display (you can delete and re-install the Total Theme Core plugin to get the fix now).
FixedIssue with some border-radius fields in Total builder elements that support border radius shorthand custom input not working as expected.
FixedIssues with the active classname on the Navigation Bar element not being added to the current page when used within a Templatera template.
FixedIssue with the Users Grid “User Roles” Query setting not working.
FixedSection dividers potentially not expanding to the edge of the row/section.
FixedIssues with Gutenberg outline buttons that have custom colors using the theme accent colors for the hover affect.
FixedIssues with Gutenberg columns when set to “alignwide” on the no sidebar post layout.
FixedPotential issues with the theme load more and image slider functions when using async or defer script attributes.
FixedPotential issues in the WP classic editor if you have defined an em based font size for your body tag.
FixedIssue where the Image Slider may be off by less than a pixel on the left hand side causing the slider behind the active slide to be slightly visible.
Dev Notes:​
Added - "wpex_is_header_menu_custom" filter which can be used to tell the theme if the header menu is a custom output. This is used for integrating with 3rd party menu plugins to prevent the theme from adding it's own mobile menu output and menu Customizer settings.
Added - "vcex_post_next_prev_link_next_html" and "vcex_post_next_prev_link_next_html" filters.
Added - "wpex_get_staff_member_by_user" helper function which returns the staff member that is connected to a user.
Updated - "wpexSliderPro" js object was renamed to "wpexSliderProSettings".
Updated - "wpexCarousel" js object was renamed to "wpexCarouselSettings".
Updated - Total Theme Core autoloader to include the "WPEX_Meta_Factory" class rather than loading the file globally.
Updated - The Author Bio element to use "user_description" rather than "description" when displaying the description via get_the_author_meta.
Updated - Image Element to use the "wp_get_attachment_caption" function when the caption is enabled rather then using $post->post_excerpt so it passes through the proper filters.

= v5.1 - March 17, 2021 =
Added - Ability to select 6 columns for the Footer Widgets, so if you were previously using custom child theme code to register a 6th column make sure to remove that code to prevent the 6th column from potentially displaying twice.
AddedNew Color Palette functionality and improved Color selector for Total WPBakery elements to allow you to select the theme accent color or other predefined colors (view docs).
AddedSpan shortcode so you can easily wrap any text inside a span using theme utility classes. This is to provide a way to insert classes where HTML may not be allowed (sample screenshot).
AddedCSS Animation Delay setting to Total elements to allow staggered animations.
AddedPreview for the Image Grid, Image Slider, Image Carousel and Gallery Slider elements for the backend editor to quickly see the selected images.
AddedOption to the Image Grid module to Vertical Align images when using the default (Fit Rows) grid style (top/center/bottom) – this is useful when displaying Logos for example where each one may have a different height.
Added“Icon Only” style for the back to top button.
AddedAbility to use the Featured Image for a column background.
AddedItalic, line-height and letter spacing settings to the Custom Field element.
AddedLine-height option to the List Item element.
AddedExtra classname option to the Form Shortcode element.
AddedOption to the Categories/Terms Grid element to disable the links to each archive.
AddedInner div around related posts image and text so if you want to add an equal height background to your related entries it’s possible.
AddedExtra checks to the footer widgets so if a footer widget area is empty it won’t be added to the html.
AddedDescription field and Spacing option (space between input and button) to the Newsletter v2 widget.
AddedShadow option for the Image element.
AddedNew Subheading parameter for WPBakery to help separate long element setting tabs (screenshot).
AddedCode to prevent the WPGlobus translation plugin from trying to translate theme color settings.
AddedAbility to select 6 columns for the footer widgets.
AddedAlternative Styles for the Author Bio module so when you are creating custom post templates you can choose from different designs instead of having to use the theme default style and when choosing an alternative style you will have the ability to change the styling (padding, border, background, etc) as well as the avatar size and border radius.
AddedSeparate Mobile menu close aria-label setting.
AddedOptions to the Business Info widget to enable/disable the icons and to select a custom bottom margin between items.
AddedAbility to add a description/text to the mobile menu icons menu items (screenshot).
AddedSetting to the Before/After Image and Image Swap elements so you can display images based on custom fields so it can be used with dynamic templates and added a preview in the backend-editor to display the selected images for quick reference.
AddedBorder Radius setting, “Spaced Out” layout style and “Expand Links” settings to the Navigation Bar element.
AddedSetting to the Milestone and Percentage bar elements to re-trigger the animation every time the element is scrolled into view, by default it will only animate on first view.
AddedSettings to the Navigation Bar to select the side/bottom margin between links, button padding and line-height.
AddedSetting to the Page Title element for “Before text” which can be useful for example if you are using the element for a category template where you may want to add “Category:” before the title.
AddedSettings to the Post Content element (css animation, extra class, color, line-height, font weight, letter spacing, width, align).
AddedOrderby setting to the Image Grid and Image carousel elements.
AddedSupport for the Slider Revolution Post Featured Slider premium addon.
AddedCustomizer settings to choose a custom color, background and dimensions for your Social Share Buttons (the custom color and background will only be visible when choosing the “Custom” style).
AddedCustomizer settings to choose a custom background and color for the Full-Screen mobile menu style.
AddedCustomizer settings to control the header menu hover/active underline (when enabled) so you can alter the color and height.
AddedCustomizer setting under General Theme Option > Links & Buttons to control the hover color of headings with links, such as post entry titles that are both headings and have a link to the post, by default the hover displays your link color. You can use this setting to control those hover colors independently.
AddedCustomizer settings to disable the page header title on the blog, portfolio, staff, testimonial archives. This way if you are using a dynamic template that has its own title you can disable the theme’s.
AddedCustomizer settings to disable the page header title for Learn Dash post types.
AddedSetting to the Social Links widget to select the spacing between icons.
AddedCustomizer Setting for Breadcrumbs to enable/disable the ending title.
AddedCustomizer settings for the Page Title overlay opacity and background color when setting the Global page header style to “Background Image”.
AddedCustomizer setting to change the background color for the search overlay.
Added“Admin Thumbnails” checkbox for the Post Types Unlimited plugin in the “Theme Settings – General” tab so you can enable the display of post thumbnails in the admin.
UpdatedRevslider, WPBakery, Templatera and Total Theme Core.
UpdatedTheme grids (wpex-row class, not WPBakery rows) to use flex styles by default which allows greater flexibility and it greatly slims down code needed for custom columns at different breakpoints by not requiring float clearing (this will also make your blog entries when using a “grid” style to be equal height by default).
UpdatedSome card styles to use Flex displays so they will have an equal height design by default (Before/After sample video).
UpdatedImproved Link settings for the Icon Box, Image and Button elements (screenshot)
UpdatedOverlay/Transparent Header would automatically switch to Header style 1 if using header styles 2, 3 or 4 which caused some confusion and didn’t allow the end user to make use of the Overlay Header with those styles, the theme will no longer do this.
UpdatedVarious Total WPBakery Elements to have a new “Style” tab to better organize some settings.
UpdatedTheme CSS used to target the custom dropdown shadow styles to ensure it doesn’t get applied to other ul lists potentially added in the header or the toggle mobile menu style.
UpdatedSome Theme Panel subpages to use the “edit_theme_options” capability so if a user has the ability to use the WP customizer they can also access these pages.
UpdatedVarious Total element WPBakery editor field descriptions to show what is allowed in the field (text, shortcodes, callback function, html, px, em…etc)
UpdatedTheme Icon Box Element to have more settings under the URL (renamed to Link) tab to allow for lightbox image, lightbox gallery, lightbox videos, local scroll and popup links.
UpdatedTotal Theme Button element so if the content is empty the button isn’t added to the page, this is to allow the button to be conditionally shown via a custom field only if the field isn’t empty.
UpdatedLoad More javascript to run on document.ready instead of window.load and separated the script variable added via wp_localize_script so it’s only added to the page if needed.
UpdatedTheme Slider thumbnail pointer to use the accent color instead of red.
UpdatedTotal WPBakery element margin and padding fields to allow em, rem and % values.
UpdatedTotal WPBakery element font size sanitization to allow rem values.
UpdatedDemo Importer so it shows the selected demo screenshot in the popup and modernized the overall design.
UpdatedImage element width field to allow percentage, em, rem, vmin, vmax and vw units.
UpdatedIcon Box, Font Icon, List Item and Divider Element’s Icon to use flex styles so if a custom height is added the theme doesn’t need to add a line-height as well to center the icon, this also allows for the use of em or rem units in the icon height/width fields.
UpdatedForm’s CSS (inputs, text areas) to ensure they inherit their parent containers text alignment.
UpdatedThe Categories/Terms Grid and Carousel elements to add a new “Query Type” dropdown so you can select to display terms from the current post or child terms from the current taxonomy (for use with archive dynamic templates).
UpdatedFooter Widgets will be available in the Customizer after changing how many are displayed. Previously if you had the footer set to 4 columns and changed it to 5 columns you would need to refresh the customizer to access the new 5th column, now you will be able to access it right away.
UpdatedImage Grid and Image Carousel modules to help prevent issues with WPML when using custom links.
UpdatedAdded more helpful screen reader text for social share items when the labels are disabled.
UpdatedBranding colors for social share and social profile buttons.
UpdatedMasonry used on the site to make use of the “horizontalOrder” parameter which tries to properly order your grid in the correct horizontal order, rather then placing items where they fit.
UpdatedTotal Bullets element to display the list items in the backend editor for easier reference.
UpdatedMoved the Row’s Top Divider and Bottom Divider settings into a singular “Dividers” tab.
UpdatedAdded settings to the Post Media element to select what media is allowed (video, audio, image, gallery) and width setting for constraining the element to a max-width.
UpdatedThe theme will now automatically add the width and height attributes to your logo image if possible.
UpdatedIt’s no longer necessary to define a logo height for the logo when adding a retina image but the setting can still be used to override.
UpdatedCSS for main Theme Panel to match the “modern” admin color-scheme when selected.
UpdatedCustomizer Icons for the Total theme sections will change color based on the selected admin color scheme.
UpdatedThe “Stretch Menu Items?” setting is not also available for header style 5 (centered logo).
UpdatedVarious breadcrumbs settings in the Customizer to refresh the whole page incase you are using the breadcrumbs via a template instead of the theme crumbs so you can properly preview the changes.
UpdatedTemplate select in the Customizer to use a fancy dropdown with search functionality so you can easily find your template when you have a lot.
UpdatedSingle WooCommerce Products to move the rating above the price for consistency with the entries and popular shops like Amazon.
UpdatedFunction that disables the WooCommerce action that creates the standard pages on plugin activation so it only runs on activation (this prevents issues with the demo importer) but if you go to WooCommerce > Status > Tools you can still create the pages if needed/wanted.
FixedPHP 8 Debug warnings.
FixedIssue where you can’t change the Posts per page Customizer setting for Search results when using a custom Template for the search archive.
Fixed Custom fonts not working properly with the Animated Text element.
FixedDivider Dots module so the right margin on the last item is removed.
FixedPost Cards carousel next/prev buttons not clearing floats causing the carousel to overflow over the next element.
FixedDynamic Search template not working when adding a post parameter to the search url.
FixedCustom Logo button colors being applied to the show/hide password eye icon.
FixedDesign Options not working for the Breadcrumbs element.
FixedIssues with the Newsletter widget v2 potentially having a button taller than the email input field.
FixedGutenberg heading styles not properly applied based on Customizer typography settings.
FixedFooter & Header Builder Background color picker showing as standard field not a color selector.
FixedIssue with Heading element if the “Add Design to Inner Span” was set to enabled and there was a custom background hover color it wasn’t being applied to the inner element only but rather the whole container.
FixedIssue where a retina image wouldn’t be generated if the defined cropping for that image was exactly half the size of the original image (WP limitation – so we added a workaround).
FixedImage Slider element not translating images when using WPML media translation.
FixedIssues with the [wpml_lang_selector] shortcode.
FixedSticky issues in Safari where the sticky top bar or sticky header may have been displayed in the wrong position when scrolling back to the top too quickly or when doing “jerky” scrolling back and forth.
FixedContact form 7 notice showing (but empty) during submission.
FixedIcon Spacing for the testimonials next/previous links.
FixedIssues with Soft Cropping not working correctly for image sizes defined under Theme Panel > Image Sizes.
FixedWooCommerce Categories when displayed on the shop not respecting the responsive column settings.
FixedCustomizer option to disable the shop added to cart popup not actually disabling it.
FixedMilestone text align not swapping sides on RTL.
FixedIssue with Navigation Bar element where the font size was slightly smaller then what was defined in the element.
FixedPost Types Slider image overlay going over the caption.
FixedPost Gallery lightbox on the Post Types Grid showing duplicate images.
FixedCentered Logo not centering perfectly when the WooCommerce cart link was added to the menu or if there were any hidden items added to the menu.
FixedLine-height issue with the Centered logo and the shrink sticky header.
FixedIssue where the Remove Bottom Column Margin WPBakery row setting wouldn’t work if there was also a custom “Inner Column Gap” defined.
Removed“Base-Lite” demo and updated/optimized the default Base demo a bit (updated various homepages and slimmed down the number of images used for the demo).
RemovedAccent Color and Hover Accent Color on/off Heading element settings. If you had enabled these settings previously they will still work, but the theme will now instead set the custom color and custom hover color fields to “Accent” and the front-end will use inline styles instead of classnames for the display.
Removed“White On Hover” Heading element setting which is basically a duplicate field that isn’t needed, if you had this setting enabled previously it will instead make the color_hover parameter equal to #ffffff – also fixes some issues where the setting wouldn’t work when there was a custom color added for the default text.
RemovedSetting to disable focus styles on mobile for the mobile menu and updated the CSS so the theme will disable focus styles on the mobile menu close button and arrows by default and make use of the newer :focus-visible pseudo-class to apply focus styles for accessibility.
Dev Notes:
Added - Autoloader for TotalTheme namespace for including theme files - framework folder has been renamed to "inc".
Added - CSS Grid utility classes.
Added - wpex-card class to every card entry.
Added - "wpex-list-item--child" and "vcex-navbar-link--child" classnames to the Navigation Bar menu child menu items (the first class added for the List style navigation bar and the later for the other styles.
Added - New filter "wpex_masonry_settings" which allows you to modify the default masonry (Isotope js) settings via a child theme.
Added - Autoloader class to Total Theme Core for better/easier class loading and slimming overall plugin code.
Added - 'wpex_card_metabox_fields' filter to allow the Card Settings metabox fields to be customized.
Added - New filters "wpex_prev_post_link_text" and "wpex_next_post_link_text" which can be used to alter the next and previous link text without affecting the default icons.
Added - New filters "wpex_woocommerce_maybe_modify_product_entry" and "wpex_woocommerce_maybe_modify_product_gallery" which can be used to disable any custom tweaks the theme makes to the product gallery or entries.
Added - New hooks for the comment's template "wpex_hook_comments_before, wpex_hook_comments_top, wpex_hook_comments_bottom, wpex_hook_comments_after".
Added - New filter check "wpex_maybe_add_woocommerce_entry_grid_class"
Updated - Some theme class names have changed a bit, but this shouldn't affect any customizations as you should not be using or targeting theme classes. If you were, for some reason, let me know on the ThemeForest comments or a private ticket so I can show you a better way of making your tweak.
Updated - Total Theme Core to move assets from total-theme-core/inc/wpbakery/ to inc/vcex/
Updated - Theme grid CSS for the "span_1_of_x" classes to remove the wpex-row specificity to slim down the CSS code needed for grid columns, allow new Utility Classes to override grid columns and prevent the need for !important attributes and very specific CSS in responsive grid classes. These classes were originally coded with the wpex-row specificity to prevent issues with poorly coded plugins but there is no reason why the theme's code shouldn't be optimized just because there are some poorly coded plugins out there. This change also makes child theming easier!
Updated - Milestones and percentage bars now have a new option to re-trigger the animation every time the item is scrolled into view. You can use new filters to set this setting to true/false by default globally if you wanted - sample snippet. Note, you can use this new "vcex_shortcode_params" filter to modify the default values for any setting in any Total element.
Updated - Moved the Total custom WPBakery elements (vcex_ shortcodes) from total-theme-core/inc/wpbakery/templates to total-theme-core/inc/vcex/templates/
Updated - The code used for some card styles to work better with the new flex styles- for example Blog 8 has some changes to ensure the entry meta displays at the bottom of the entry always.
Updated - Theme Slider initialization javascript is now in its own file to load only as needed.
Updated - Optimized sanitization of the inline style output for Total WPBakery CSS related field inputs (font size, width, height, color, etc).
Updated - Social Share output to use new classnames for slimmer/cleaner CSS that is easier to override via a child theme. There are new options in the Customizer for customizing the social share if selecting the "Custom" style (color, background, dimensions, etc), so if you were previously using custom CSS to alter the social share, perhaps the new options can be used instead.
Updated - Total Theme Core method for flushing rewrite rules when activating the plugin.
Updated - Post Image Gallery Field ID and name to prevent possible conflicts with 3rd party plugins.
Updated - Separated the Total Theme Core custom "vcex_" shortcodes and WPBakery code for registering and rendering the shortcodes in the WPBakery editor to keep things separate. This way, if we ever want to provide extended Gutenberg or Elementor support for the vcex_ shortcodes it will make things easier and keep the code cleaner and more efficient.
Updated - New "vcex_shortcode_params" filter so the Total WPBakery element's parameters can be modified easily (changing/adding/removing).
Updated - Milestone element so if there is a custom width added it get's added around the element as a wrapper to prevent issues with links added to the milestone which would cause white space around the element to be clickable.
Updated - Post terms element so the CSS animation is applied to the main container and not each individual link.
Updated - Social Links element to use flex styles for vertically centering the icon and label when a custom height rather than line-height to allow the use of rem or em values for the height.
Updated - total.min.js file to use DOMContentLoaded instead of jQuery document.ready to prevent possible issues where document.ready could fire before window.onload which could possibly cause issues with certain methods.
Removed - Underline hover on List Items with links. Because the icon now displays as an inline-flex element when you hover, the underline get's applied to the icon and looks bad so we've removed the underline on hover (it can be re-added if wanted but you should target the text like this.
Removed - CSS used to "fix" certain bootstrap issues which bloats up the theme code and makes child theming more complex. The theme shouldn't be responsible for adding"fixes" for incorrectly coded non-Bootstrap specific plugins loading the Boostrap CSS framework.
Modified Partial Files:

= v5.0.8 - December 22, 2020 =
ADDEDCustomizer option to choose your Lightbox skin (light option added).
ADDEDCustomizer shadow option for the scroll to top button.
ADDEDCustomizer reveal offset option for the scroll to top button so you can choose the distance from the top of the page when scrolling down at which point the button should become visible (you can enter 0 to display button always).
ADDEDCustomizer option to set the Sticky Header “Logo Shrunk Font Size” so if you aren’t using an Image based logo you can still have a nicely animated shrink header style by setting the text based logo font size to a smaller value than the default font size.
ADDEDAbility to define a Dynamic template for the Post Series archives via the Customizer.
ADDEDFunction and filter “wpex_header_logo_img_class” which returns an array of classes for use with the theme header logo image tag.
ADDEDFunction and filter “wpex_header_logo_txt_class” which returns an array of classes for use with the theme header text based logo.
ADDED“wpex_enqueue_lightbox_scripts” action hook.
ADDED“has-aside” classname to the .page-header element if the page-header-aside element exists as a child element.
ADDED“wpex_attachment_video” filter which can be used to filter an attachment’s video.
ADDEDNew CSS utility classes for animation and transition-delay (see updated docs).
UPDATEDTotal Theme Core to version 1.2.7
UPDATEDWPBakery to version 6.5.0
UPDATEDRevolution slider to version 6.3.3
UPDATEDWPBakery self-hosted video backgrounds to include the “playsinline” attribute and removed CSS used to hide video backgrounds on mobile so they can display.
UPDATEDTotal WPBakery post modules so when the Automatic Query is enabled if there aren’t any posts it will display a notice on the frontend that reads “No posts found for your query.” (most useful for custom search results).
UPDATEDThe “wpex_social_share_items” function to make it possible to completely override the icons used in the theme’s social share function (sample snippet).
UPDATEDEqual Heights function to trigger a re-layout of the masonry script when used on masonry grids to prevent overlaps.
FIXEDPage header title rendering as a flex element and page-header-aside element being added to the page header area when empty.
FIXEDMissing “site-footer-inner” class from the Total 5.0 update.
FIXEDIssue with Cards API “template” parameter not working when registering custom cards.
FIXEDIssues with SVG images and the Image module.
FIXEDTheme Settings metabox Post Embed field and Post Slider fields not saving.
FIXEDPadding issue on sub-dropdowns parent item on screens under 1280px.
FIXEDIssue where Custom Fonts were not adding the font-style attribute to the CSS causing italics to not work properly.
FIXEDIssue with Video perspective in the Teaser Box module and updated the module.
FIXEDPost Count option not working in the Post Types Unlimited plugin for custom taxonomies.
FIXEDRTL issues with Logo Icon custom right margin.
FIXEDSticky header offset when the topbar is also sticky but not visible.
FIXEDPotential issues with the page animations functionality in WP 5.6 and certain browsers.
REMOVEDContact Form 7 from the “recommended” plugins notice so only the bundled plugins are recommended.

= v5.0.7 - November 18, 2020 =
ADDED“wpex_dashboard_thumbnails_post_types” filter which returns an array of post types for the theme to add the “Thumbnail” column to in the admin dashboard.
UPDATEDWPBakery to version 6.4.2
UPDATEDTotal Theme Core to version 1.2.6
UPDATEDSlider Revolution to version 6.3.0
UPDATEDMoved javascript for certain Total shortcodes (countdown, skillbar, milestone, before/after image, navbar mobile select, carousels) into their own files to load separately only if needed instead of being included in the vcex-shortcodes.min.js file.
FIXEDWoo Products Carousel (custom) spacing issues.
FIXEDWoo Products Carousel (custom) button not showing if price and title is disabled.
FIXED“Full-Width on Small Screens” option not working for the Multi-Buttons module when a custom width is specified for the buttons.
FIXEDCan’t translate the heading module “badge” field with WPML.
FIXEDIssue where images that shouldn’t be lazy loaded were being lazy loaded when “Dynamic Resizing” was disabled under Theme Panel > Image Sizes which could cause issues with image sliders and masonry grids.
FIXED“wpex_mobile_menu_toggle_icon” filter incorrectly named “wpex_get_mobile_menu_toggle_icon” (former filter left as legacy so no changes needed on your end).
FIXEDNot being able to re-enable the “Custom WordPress Gallery” after disabling it in the Theme Panel.

= v5.0.6 =
ADDED: “Justified Gallery” option to the Image Grid (screenshot).
ADDED: Code to automatically exclude CSS files from the W3 Total Cache minify function to prevent issues (more info).
ADDED: Customizer tab under General Theme Options > Image Overlays so you can alter some of the default options (screenshot).
ADDED: Ability to display post featured images for the image swap module.
ADDED: Line-height option to the pricing table “Features” tab.
ADDED: Filter “wpex_togglebar_state” so you can conditionally modify the state (accepts visible/open or hidden/closed).
ADDED: Filter “wpex_togglebar_visibility” to conditionally alter the toggle bar visibility class.
ADDE: DFilter “wpex_self_hosted_video_bg_attributes” so you can modify the Total WPBakery section/row self hosted video background video tag attributes via custom code if wanted.
UPDATED: Total Theme Core plugin to version 1.2.5.
UPDATED: Method in which the theme retrieves the cpt-single.php file to prevent issues with custom post types named “video” or “gallery”.
UPDATED: Feature Box module to support self-hosted video URL’s for the video field.
UPDATED: Breadcrumbs to prevent non-publicly_queryable taxonomy terms from displaying in the crumbs.
UPDATED: “wpex_get_shape_dividers_svg” filter to pass the $svg_styles_html and $path_attrs_html variables to make it easier to add custom divider types.
UPDATED: Testimonial 2 card to use semibold font weight for the heading instead of bold for consistency.
UPDATED: Post Types Unlimited Single Post “Title” setting so you can enter “{{title}}” to display the current title but it will also allow you to enter extra text (screenshot).
UPDATED: Optimized javascript for the Total heading and image WPBakery backend preview.
UPDATED: wpml-config.xml to include the Section and Row video background fields so they can be translated.
FIXED: Issue where WordPress may still think there is an update available for the theme after updating (because of how WP works this fix can’t take affect until the next update so you may experience the bug still on this update).
FIXED: Responsiveness for WooCommerce Products when entering a custom width for the media/content in the Customizer.
FIXED: Responsive issues with Post Cards module when setting a custom Entry > Media Width value and issue where the custom width was added to certain cards where it shouldn’t have been added.
FIXED: Load more issues with the Post Types Archive module when not using a custom card design or grid style entries.
FIXED: RTL issues with Total wpbakery modules such as the bullets, breadcrumbs and filter buttons (new vcex-shortcodes-rtl.css file will be loaded instead of vcex-shortcodes.css)
FIXED: Breadcrumbs display issues when using Yoast SEO and not using the default breadcrumbs position.
FIXED: Breadcrumbs WPBakery module showing Yoast breadcrumbs instead of the theme’s function even if disabled in the Customizer.
FIXED: Extra margin added to first item (home) of the WPBakery breadcrumbs module.
FIXED: Aria labels not being added to the Gallery slider thumbnails.
FIXED: Potential “Trying to access array offset on value of type bool” debug notice in class-resize-image.php when retina image calculation fails.
FIXED: Issue with the Heading module displaying fallback text when set to a custom field and the custom field is empty.
### Modified Partial Files:
- singular.php
- cards/testimonial/testimonial_2.php
- partials/togglebar/togglebar-button.php
- partials/overlays/plus-three-hover.php
- partials/togglebar/title-push-up.php
- partials/togglebar/title-bottom.php

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