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Ultimate Addons for Elementor Pro v1.36.5 NULLED – widget và mô-đun cho Elementor


Ultimate Addons for Elementor là một plugin cho trình tạo trang Elementor, là một mô-đun / widget. WordPress Thư viện widget độc đáo của Elementor để thêm vào trình tạo trang WordPress Elementor yêu thích của bạn.


Các tính năng của Ultimate Addons for Elementor

Tính năng Ultimate Addons for Elementor

  • Ultimate Addons for Elementor cung cấp nhiều widget độc đáo với khả năng tùy biến, đáp ứng dễ dàng, v.v … Elementor lên một cấp độ hoàn toàn mới!
  • Giao diện dễ sử dụng và nhiều tiện ích giúp tạo các dự án phức tạp mà không cần chỉnh sửa mã.
  • Ultimate Addons tương thích với WooCommerce và có thể được sử dụng để nhanh chóng tạo ra một cửa hàng trực tuyến tiện lợi và đẹp mắt.
  • Giống như Elementor, tất cả các widget và mô-đun được tạo bằng Ultimate Addons đều tuân thủ hoàn toàn với tiêu chuẩn thiết kế đáp ứng.
  • Bạn có thể sử dụng lại Ultimate Addons trên các trang web của khách hàng và chuyển nó đi dưới dạng chức năng của riêng bạn (chức năng nhãn trắng).
  • Ultimate Addons là một plugin sẵn sàng dịch có thể được dịch sang bất kỳ ngôn ngữ nào.
Ultimate Addons for Elementor Pro v1.36.5 Nulled Free Changelog

v1.36.5 Thursday, 24th March 2022
- Improvement: Modal Popup - Added secure attribute to the cookies.
- Fix: Console error while editing pages with elementor when using Workreap-Core plugin.
- Fix: FAQ - Accordion tab icon size issue.
- Fix: FAQ - Fixed PHP fatal error.
- Fix: Posts - PHP errors when using PHP 8.1.
- Fix: Price box - Feature list icon size issue.
- Fix: Timeline - Items already highlighted when used in tabs.
- Fix: Video - Fixed PHP fatal error.
- Fix: Video - Removed extra space around self hosted video on safari browser.
- Fix: Video Gallery - Fixed PHP fatal error.
- Deprecated: Removed elementor deprecated functions and replaced with latest functions.
Now to work with UAE, Elementor minimum version 3.5.0 or higher will be required.
v1.36.4 - Tuesday, 8th February 2022
- Fix: Display Conditions - PHP warning when using the older versions of PHP.
- Fix: Image Gallery - Image caption not translated using WPML.

v1.36.3 - Tuesday, 1st February 2022
- Compatibility with Elementor Pro version 3.6
- Fix: Display Conditions - ACF field conditions not working.
- Fix: Woo - Checkout - Shipping method not updating when zip code is changed.
v1.36.2 - Tuesday, 25th January 2022
- Fix: Before After Slider - Before After labels are shown even if they are empty.
- Fix: Display Conditions - ACF boolean field not working.
- Fix: Navigation Menu - Double hamburger icon and menu appear when Elementor's sticky feature is enabled.
- Fix: Posts - 'uael_posts_filterable_tabs' filter hook not working for creative feed skin.
- Fix: Posts - Carousel dots get black background when using the 2021 theme.
- Fix: Posts - PHP fatal error while using pagination in some cases.
- Fix: Table - Table width is not 100% when using the 2022 theme.
- Fix: Video Gallery - Carousel dots get black background when using the 2021 theme.
- Fix: Video Gallery - Extra text appears on filterable tabs when viewing on responsive mode.
- Fix: Woo - Category - Carousel dots get black background when using the 2021 theme.
- Fix: Woo - Product - Carousel dots get black background when using the 2021 theme.
v1.36.1 - Wednesday, 12th January 2022
- Improvement: Twitter Feed - Renamed Sort By option labels and changed the date format.
- Fix: Instagram Feed - Fixed PHP Parse error when using the widget.

v1.35.3 - Wednesday, 22nd December 2021
- Improvement: Posts - Improved ARIA attribute accessibility of categories in taxonomy badge.
- Fix: Display Conditions - Updated document link on integrations setting page.

v1.35.2 - Wednesday, 15th December 2021
- Improvement: Added compatibility to Elementor core version 3.5.0. Elementor has hard deprecated few functions with its v3.5.0. Following Elementor, our plugin too deprecates similar functions. Now to work with UAE, Elementor minimum version 3.1.0 or higher will be required.
- Fix: Woo - Checkout - Fixed section text color not applying in the editor.
- Fix: PHP warning of undefined array key on responsive controls in all widgets.

Enter anything as licence key.

v1.35.1 - Tuesday, 16th November 2021
- Improvement: Display Conditions - Added Geo-location support.
- Improvement: Display Conditions - Added ACF field support.
- Improvement: Posts - Added WPML support for `'All' Tab Label` field in Filterable tabs
- Improvement: Price Box - Position option for original price.
- Improvement: Price Box - Tooltip option for original price.
- Improvement: Price Box - Bottom spacing for original price.
- Improvement: Price Box - Border style to heading box.
- Improvement: Price Box - Background color, Padding and Top Spacing options for duration field.
- Improvement: Price Box - Size option for features list icon.
- Improvement: Price Box - Border style and bottom spacing for content.
- Improvement: Table - Sticky option for heading row.
- Improvement: Video Gallery - Added Video Schema Support.
- Improvement: Woo - Category - Option to hide category product count.
- Improvement: Woo - Category - Option to make category title and product count block below image.
- Improvement: Woo - Category - Display inline category title and product count.
- Improvement: Woo - Category - Added HTML tag support to a category title.
- Fix: Excluding deactivated widgets css logic not working properly on network site.
- Fix: Table - Table content cell text color not working.

Version 1.35.0 - Monday, 11th October 2021
- New: Introducing Party Propz extension for sections, columns, and widgets.
- New: Introducing Welcome Music widget to add background music to the page.
- Improvement: Added Christmas & Halloween shape dividers to Elementor Shape Divider.
- Improvement: Modal Popup - Added option to set cookies on close popup action.
- Improvement: Particle Backgrounds - Added Christmas effect.
- Improvement: Particle Backgrounds - Added Halloween effect.
- Improvement: Particle Backgrounds - Added Snowflakes effect.
- Improvement: Table – Added responsive support.
- Fix: Login Form - Removed custom field label wrapper when content is empty.
- Fix: Posts - Fixed columns issue if advanced custom breakpoint setting is active.
- Fix: Woo - Products - Fixed columns issue if advanced custom breakpoint setting is active.

v1.34.1 - Thursday, 23rd September 2021
- Fix: Display Conditions - Active PHP session issue in WP Site Health Screen.

v1.34.0 - Wednesday, 22nd September 2021
- New: Countdown Timer - Added preset designs.
- New: Fancy Heading - Added preset designs.
- New: Marketing Button - Added preset designs.
- New: Social Share - Added preset designs.
- New: Timeline - Added preset designs.
- New: User Registration Form - Added preset designs.
- Improvement: Display Conditions - Added new/returning visitor type option based on cookies.
- Improvement: Display Conditions - Added advanced date support.
- Improvement: Navigation Menu - Added an option to convert the last menu item into the CTA button.
- Improvement: Table - Added CSS ID & CSS Class options for table cells.
- Improvement: User Registration Form - Added icon support to form fields.
- Improvement: Woo - Checkout - Added 'uael_multistep_checkout_hide_shipping_step' filter to exclude the shipping step from multi-step form.
- Improvement: Woo - Checkout - Added new progress bar styles to multi-step form.
- Fix: Gravity Forms Styler - Added an option "Support to Gravity Forms CSS Ready Classes" to fix the fields spacing issue.
- Fix: Info Box - CTA icon not displaying in the editor.
- Fix: Marketing Button - Hover animation options are not adequately visible.
- Fix: Marketing Button - Button content alignment issue when icon alignment is set to right.
- Fix: Price Box - Margin right applied to the Features section.
- Fix: User Registration Form - Changed Phone field type to "tel" to fix the Theme CSS not applying issue.
- Fix: Video - Lightbox is not working with the Vimeo video type.
- Fix: Woo - Products - Fixed console error when the responsive value of the "Product to show" option is empty.
- Fix: Woo - Products - Fixed grid layout column issue.

v1.33.2 - Tuesday, 17th August 2021
- Improvement : Elementor 3.4 compatibility.
- Improvement: Optimized CSS & JS in the plugin for improving Core Web Vitals.
- Improvement: Google Map - Added option for position of map controls.
- Fix: Modal Popup - Fixed jQuery '.resize()' event shorthand is deprecated.
- Fix: Modal Popup - Undefined play icon notice when content type Vimeo selected.
- Fix: Gravity Forms Styler - Description style not applying to the Post Fields description.
- Fix: WP Forms Styler - Input size not applying to the Textarea field.
- Fix: Social Share - Social items not adding on a new line.
- Fix: Woo - Products - Fixed grid layout column issue on Product archive template with Astra theme.
- Fix: Contact Form 7 Styler - Console error when selecting the form from widget settings.

v1.33.1 - Thursday, 5th August 2021
- Improvement: Added WPML translation support for all widgets through wpml-config.xml file.
- Improvement: Display Conditions - Added request parameter support.
- Improvement: Google Map - Added 'uael_map_options' filter to pass responsive zoom options.
- Improvement: Navigation Menu - Added label support to the menu icon.
- Improvement: Navigation Menu - Added 'SiteNavigationElement' schema support.
- Improvement: Video - Added video schema support.
- Improvement: Woo - Checkout - Added active border color support to the input fields.
- Improvement: Woo - Checkout - Added shop link support.
- Fix: Gravity Forms Styler - Form description bottom spacing not working with Gravity Forms version 2.5 and above.
- Fix: Image Gallery - Lightbox images not traversing according to the selected filterable tab.
- Fix: Posts - Fixed filterable tabs opening on Tab key instead of Enter key.
- Fix: Posts - Image ratio not working properly if equal height option is ON with carousel layout.
- Fix: Social Share - Social icons alignment not working.
- Fix: Woo - Products - Grid layout breaks on Kadence theme.
- Fix: Woo - Categories - Grid and carousel layout breaks on Kadence theme.
- Fix: Woo - Checkout - One and Two-column layout issue with Hello Elementor theme due to an additional column.

Version 1.33.0 - Wednesday, 21st July 2021
- New: Advanced Heading - Added preset designs.
- New: Business Hours - Added preset designs.
- New: Dual Color Heading - Added preset designs.
- New: FAQ Schema - Added preset designs.
- New: Info Box - Added preset designs.
- New: Login Form - Added preset designs.
- New: Multi Buttons - Added preset designs.
- New: Price Box - Added preset designs.
- New: Price List - Added preset designs.
- New: Team Member - Added preset designs.
- Improvement: Advanced Heading - Added show/hide option for Description, Sub-heading & Background Text.
- Improvement: Countdown Timer - Added box-shadow option for items.
- Improvement: Countdown Timer - Added 'Top' label position option and related spacing controls.
- Improvement: Dual Color Heading - Added show/hide option for Background Text.
- Improvement: Image Gallery - Added infinite gallery navigation ( loop ) option for lightbox.
- Improvement: Info Box - Added "default" border-style option for button to support global styles.
- Improvement: Login Form - Added icon support to the 'Login' button.
- Improvement: Login Form - Added icon support to Username and Password fields.
- Improvement: Login Form - Added option to make 'Remember me' and 'Login' buttons inline.
- Improvement: Login Form - Added show/hide option for Placeholder Text.
- Improvement: Login Form - Added top spacing option for the login button.
- Improvement: Login Form - Changed the default font size of input fields to 14px.
- Improvement: Login Form - Changed the size of remember me checkbox to 14px.
- Improvement: Price Box - Added "default" border-style option for button to support global styles.
- Improvement: Price Box - Added show/hide option for Disclaimer Text.
- Improvement: Price List - Added image shape option.
- Improvement: Price List - Added "None" option for Image Position to provide image hiding.
- Improvement: Team Member - Added show/hide option for Designation & Description Text.
- Improvement: Team Member - Added Content Padding option.
- Improvement: Team Member - Added Icon Background Size option for Social Icons.
- Improvement: Team Member - Added Image Height option.
- Improvement: Timeline - Added border option for cards.
- Improvement: Timeline - Added icon border and icon border radius option.
- Improvement: Timeline - Added option to show/hide card arrows.
- Improvement: Timeline - Renamed "Arrow Alignment" option label as "Connector Icon Alignment".
- Fix: Login Form - Fixed Login button alignment issue in RTL view.
- Fix: Timeline - Fixed card arrow color not resetting after card background color is reset.

v1.32.2 - Friday, 16th July 2021
- Improvement: Elementor 3.3 compatibility.
- Improvement: Info Box - Added support to custom link attributes.
- Improvement: WordPress 5.8 compatibility.
- Fix: FAQ Schema - Separator border applying to the whole box.
- Fix: Navigation Menu - Fixed console error due to same page anchor links.
- Fix: Navigation Menu - Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array from menu-walker.
- Fix: Posts - Imagesloaded library not working due to jQuery loading issue.

v1.32.1 - Tuesday, 15th June 2021
- Improvement: Display Conditions - Changed Post/Page selection control with custom query control to reduce the load time.
- Fix: Navigation Menu - In Custom menu type sub-menu item getting added as a parent menu item due to tag conflict.

v1.32.0 - Monday, 14th June 2021
- New: Introduced Display Conditions feature for widgets, sections, and columns.
- Improvement: Gravity Form Styler - Added support to the section field.
- Improvement: Navigation Menu - Close expandable/flyout menu on click of a 'Navigation' menu item for same page 'anchor' links.
- Improvement: Woo - Checkout - Added AJAX support to the order review subtotal.
- Improvement: Woo - Checkout - Added AJAX support to the order total when coupon code is applied.
- Improvement: Countdown Timer - Added position option for countdown labels.
- Fix: Mini Cart - W3C error regarding no space between attributes.
- Fix: Navigation Menu - W3C error regarding no space between attributes.
- Fix: Particle Backgrounds - Fixed PHP notice due to conflict with other plugins.
- Fix: Particle Backgrounds - PHP error due to is_built_with_elementor function.
- Fix: Social Share - Print button displaying a blank page.
- Fix: Woo Checkout - Fixed widget icon color issue with Elementor's dark 'mode'.
- Deprecated - Caldera Forms Styler - Revoked support for new users. This will continue working for old users.

= Version 1.31.0 - Monday, 17th May 2021 =
- New: Introduced WooCommerce Checkout Form widget.
- Improvement: Navigation Menu - Added an option to hide + & - sign added by Twenty Twenty-One Theme.
- Improvement: Posts - Added autoplay speed option for carousel layout.
- Improvement: Table - Added WPML support to repeater fields with wpml-config.xml file for WPML 4.4+ versions.
- Improvement: Video - Added 1:1 and 21:9 aspect ratio.
- Improvement: Video Gallery - Added option to display the video caption below the video.
- Fix: Before After Slider - Fixed slider issue in RTL view.
- Fix: Countdown Timer - Separator not hiding when specific display conditions are on/off.
- Fix: Marketing Button - Flare animation not visible at the corner of the button if border-radius set as 0.
- Fix: Mini Cart - Additional bottom line in the product list on non WooCommerce pages.
- Fix: Modal Popup - Elements below the popup were not working on iPhone devices.
- Fix: FAQ Schema - Active colors not applied except the first item.
- Fix: FAQ Schema - Error in structured data if assigned dynamic field is empty.
- Fix: FAQ Schema - Repetitive Schema added to Elementor's single post template.
- Fix: Particle Backgrounds - Not working for columns after Elementor DOM optimization.
- Fix: User Registration Form - Register user functionality not working on Multisite.
- Fix: Woo Products - Bottom box shadow not displayed on products in a carousel layout.
- Fix: Install Elementor notice displays on the update installation page.

= v1.30.2 - Friday, 23rd April 2021 =
- Fix: Woo - Products - Undefined Global Typography class error with Modern skin.

= Version 1.30.0 - Wednesday, 31st March 2021 =
- New: Introduced Social Share widget.
- Improvement: Video Gallery - Added 'uael_video_gallery_slick_options' filter to pass extra option to the slick library carousel layout.
- Fix: Countdown Timer - Recurring timer gets reset after finish and user visit.
- Fix: Marketing Button - Flare animation applies on section instead of a button on iOS.
- Fix: Mini Cart - Product image and name overlapping in Astra theme.
- Fix: Mini Cart - Product image size issue with WP Twenty Twenty-One theme.
- Fix: Navigation Menu – Removed transition effect of the horizontal menu layout.
- Fix: Particle Backgrounds - Not working inside the Elementor Pro Popup.
- Fix: Table - HTML not rendering inside the table header CSV file.
- Fix: User Registration Form - Phone number field data not saving in a user profile.
- Fix: Woo - Category - Product/Products string not translatable.
- Fix: Woo - Products - Added RTL support to carousel navigation arrows.
- Fix: Hardened allowed options in the editor to enforce better security policies.

= Version 1.29.2 - Tuesday, 9th March 2021 =
- Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress v5.7.
- Improvement: Compatibility with Elementor v3.1.
- Improvement: Gravity Form Styler - Added placeholder text color option.
- Improvement: Mini Cart - Added option to hide badge when the cart is empty.

= Version 1.29.1 - Tuesday, 23rd February 2021 =
- Improvement: Video - Added self hosted video type.
- Improvement: Video Gallery - Added self hosted video type.
- Improvement: Navigation Menu - Added active color support to the custom menu type.
- Improvement: Particle Backgrounds - Replaced particles.js with tsParticles for better performance.
- Improvement: Table of Contents - Added 'Scroll to Top Offset' option for Scroll to Top.
- Improvement: Timeline - Added 'uael_timeline_infinite_limit' filter to change the limit of number of pages while infinite loading.
- Fix: Particle Backgrounds - Not working on archive pages.
- Fix: Image Gallery - 'Row Gap' adding the extra space below the images with the Hello theme.
- Fix: Image Gallery - Fixed justified layout not aligning the images properly.

= Version 1.29.0 - Wednesday, 20th January 2021 =
- New: Introduced WooCommerce Mini Cart widget.
- Improvement: Compatibility with Elementor v3.1.0 - Soft deprecated functions updated.
- Improvement: FAQ Schema - Added unique ID to the FAQ question field.
- Improvement: User Registration Form - Added 'Phone' field.
- Improvement: Woo - Add to Cart - Added support to default WooCommerce template.
- Fix: Hide internal help links present on settings page if 'Display Help Links' box is unchecked.
- Fix: Content Toggle - Switcher switching to content 2 on window back button.
- Fix: FAQ Schema - Fixed schema not working on product category archive.
- Fix: Marketing Button - Flare animation working according to column instead of widget.
- Fix: Modal Popup - Fixed PHP notice for icon control.
- Fix: Posts - Filterable tabs dropdown not closing on double click.

= Version 1.28.1 - Tuesday, 29th December 2020 =
- Improvement: Image Gallery - Added infinite gallery navigation ( loop ) option for lightbox.
- Fix: Multi Buttons - Added support to custom link attributes.
- Fix: Table - Added support to custom link attributes.

Note there are 2 versions inside the package for different PHP versions

= Version 1.28.0 - Thursday, 17th December 2020 =
- New: Integrated Full Page Copy Paste option in Cross-Site Copy Paste Feature.
- Improvement: Compatible with WordPress v5.6
- Improvement: PHP Deprecated: Required parameters follows optional parameters in get meta markup function - Compatibility with PHP v8.0
- Improvement: Navigation Menu - Added option to open submenu on click for Horizontal layout.
- Improvement: Timeline - Added action hooks for layout customization.
- Fix: Elementor install and activate notice issue on Multisite.
- Fix: Google Map - Window scrolls down on close of InfoWindow on Chrome.
- Fix: How-to Schema - Added 'alt' and 'title' attributes to steps images.
- Fix: Image Gallery - 'Last Row Layout' hide causing the images overlapping on the existing images.
- Fix: Posts - Filterable tab keyboard support issue with other keys than 'Tab' key.
- Fix: User Registration Form - Allow registration of email ID with the same email prefix and different domain names.
- Fix: Woo-Products - Exclude query not working with 'Sale' filter.

= v1.27.2 =
- Improvement: Advanced Heading - Added HTML tag option for 'Line With Text'.
- Improvement: Google Map - Added filter to pass extra cluster options.
- Improvement: Navigation Menu - Added option to toggle menu item.
- Improvement: Off-Canvas - Added option to hide sub-menu.
- Improvement: Price List - Added item border radius option.
- Fix: Advanced Heading - Dynamic content does not work.
- Fix: Fancy Heading - Added RTL support to the effects.
- Fix: FAQ Schema - FAQ Content not following HTML tag.
- Fix: Info Box - Overall alignment option not working for the custom icons.
- Fix: Info Box - Icon background hover color option not working.
- Fix: Posts - 'Default Tab On Page Load' does not work with special characters.

Xem thêm: Ultimate Addons For WPBakery Page Builder


Ultimate Addons for Elementor v1.36.5 NULLED

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