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WooCommerce Subscriptions v4.4.0 – Plugin đăng ký cho WooComerce


WooCommerce Subscriptions là một plugin cung cấp các sản phẩm và dịch vụ thanh toán định kỳ trong cửa hàng của bạn.

Bạn có thể bán các sản phẩm và dịch vụ dựa trên đăng ký. Mô tả này sẽ giúp bạn hiểu làm thế nào để làm điều này. Nó mô tả các tùy chọn có sẵn để chọn cách bán hàng hóa và dịch vụ dựa trên đăng ký trong cửa hàng WooCommerce của bạn

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Tính năng nổi bật plugin WooCommerce Subscriptions

  • Thử nghiệm miễn phí & Phí đăng ký

  • Đăng ký biến (Variable)

  • Quản lý đăng ký

  • Quản lý tài khoản thuê bao

  • Thanh toán được đồng bộ hóa

  • Nâng cấp / hạ cấp

  • Tùy chọn sản phẩm linh hoạt

  • Nhiều lựa chọn đăng ký cùng lúc
  • Phiếu giảm giá đăng ký

  • Email khách hàng…

Download WooCommerce Subscriptions v4.4.0 Nulled Free Changelog

2022-06-07 - v4.4.0
* Fix - Fatal Error caused in rare cases where quantity is zero during renewal.

2022-05-24 - v4.3.0
* Dev: Retrieving users subscriptions order has been updated to use the WooCommerce specific APIs in WC_Subscriptions_Order.
* Dev: Deprecate the WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_meta() function. Use wcs_get_objects_property( $order, $meta_key, "single", $default ) instead.
* Dev: Update the wcs_get_objects_property() function to prevent calls to get_post_meta() on objects that support calling the get_meta() function.
* Dev: Replace the get_post_meta() calls in WCS_Post_Meta_Cache_Manager with WC_Order::get_meta().
* Dev: Replace code using get_post_type( $order_id ) with WC Data Store get_order_type().
* Dev: Replace all cases of update_post_meta() where an Order ID is passed to use WC_Order::update_meta_data() instead.
2022-03-22 - v4.1.0
* Fix: Undefined variable `user_can_suspend` when a customer suspension limit is defined and the max number of suspensions has been reached. PR#4318
* Fix: Sets up subscriptions integration with the Mini Cart Block and adds new hook to filter compatible blocks. subscriptions-core#103
* Fix: When using a WooCommerce Blocks powered checkout, fix an issue that led to limited products being removed from the cart when completing a switch or renewal order. subscriptions-core#119
* Fix: When there is only one Shipping Method available in the recurring shipping package, make sure that this method is treated as selected in the current session and the `woocommerce_after_shipping_rate` action runs. subscriptions-core#115
* Fix: Don't anonymize new subscriptions related to old subscriptions via a resubscribe relationship. subscriptions-core#121
* Fix: Content that appears on the My account > Payment methods page should be translatable. subscriptions-core#125
* Dev: Update subscriptions-core to 1.7.0. PR#4319
2022-02-07 - v4.0.2
* Dev: Update subscriptions-core to 1.6.3. PR#4307
* Fix: Replace uses of is_ajax() with wp_doing_ajax(). wcs#4296 PR#4307
* Improve handling of session data.

2022-01-19 - v4.0.1
* Fix: Prevent fatal error when too few arguments passed to widget_title filter. PR#4302
* Dev: Update subscriptions-core to 1.6.2. PR#4302

2021-10-06 - v3.1.6
* Fix: Add back the limited subscription setting for simple subscription products (introduced in v3.1.5). PR#4214

2021-09-28 - v3.1.5
* Fix: Update subtracted tax amounts to account for quantity changes. PR#4107
* Fix: Correctly remove limited coupons (i.e. "Active for x payments") when the coupon code is made up of only numeric characters. PR#4139
* Fix: Only set subtracted taxes on new items when the rates don't match the base location. PR#4177
* Fix: Hide variable subscription meta fields on the Edit Product page of custom variable products. PR#4193
* Fix: Use the shipping fields to get and save the edit subscription shipping field data. PR#4161
* Fix: Fix TypeError exceptions by checking for WC_Order types inside wcs_get_subscriptions_for_order(). PR#4188
* Fix: Incorrect subtracted tax calculations when updating the subscription when the store currency uses a comma decimal separator. PR#4182
* Fix: Hide the shipping address fields on checkout when the cart contains a subscription product and the 'Force shipping to billing address' setting is selected. PR#4172
* Fix: Get the signup fee for coupon calculation inclusive or excluding tax depending on store settings. PR#4166

2021-07-22 - v3.1.4
* Fix: Points and Rewards discounts (including WC Coupons when Points and Rewards is active) being removed from the cart when applied on the checkout page. PR#4158
* Fix: Subscriptions with one-time shipping having shipping charged on all renewal orders. PR#4156
* Fix: Rare fatal error caused by missing WC_Query class. PR#4155
* Fix: Make loading the variation edit product tab more performant on large sites. PR#4144
* Fix: Add a primary key to the last payment temporary table to improve compatibility with some hosts on larger sites. PR#4151
* Tweak: Update the wording when a customer edits their subscription address that this applies to "future renewals". PR#4118
* Dev: Add missing `woocommerce_rest_pre_insert_shop_subscription_object` filter to prepare_object_for_database() within the Subscriptions REST API controller class. PR#4119
* Dev: Add a `data-payment-method` attribute to the Early Renewal modal button action. PR#4123

2021-06-09 - v3.1.3
* Fix: Switch calculations not correctly charging the full sign up fee when the "Prorate Sign up Fee" option is set to "Never (charge the full sign up fee)". PR#4096
* Fix: Fixes PayPal Reference Transactions integration with Checkout blocks. PR#4105
* Fix: Set the updated payment token on all pending-payment renewals so that manually retrying a failed payment uses the updated token set on the subscription. PR#4108
* Dev: Moved the `WC_Subscriptions::enqueue_scripts` and` WC_Subscriptions::equeue_styles` static functions to the new `WC_Subscriptions_Frontend_Scripts` class (deprecated existing functions). PR#4104

2021-05-12 - v3.1.1
* Fix: "Invalid recurring shipping method" error on checkout when attempting to purchase a subscription with one-time shipping. PR#4088
* Fix: Rework subscription webhook migration script added in 3.1 to clear cached webhook data. PR#4082

2021-04-16 - v3.0.15
* Tweak: Improve compatibility with WPML. PR#4034
* Dev: Introduce filter to allow third-parties gateways to filter whether a token meta was updated. PR#4030
* Fix: Fixes for endpoint in "My Account".

2021-04-07 - v3.0.14
* New: Add support for importing and exporting subscription variations via the WooCommerce > Products > Export/Import tools. PR#3970
* Fix: Only show one Subscriptions settings menu item on the WC Admin navigation. PR#4054
* Fix: Prevent PHP notices on the Edit Subscription page caused accessing an undefined index. PR#4056
* Fix: Existing variations will no longer be deleted when updating a regular variable product to a subscription variable product. PR#3795
* Fix: Update the `_subtracted_base_location_tax` meta data when a subscription's line item quantity is modified. PR#4039
* Fix: Next payment date calculations when the start date and last payment date are the same. PR#4017
* Dev: Update jQuery 3.0 deprecations. PR#4015

2021-02-16 - v3.0.13
* Fix: Pass an order status array to get_order_report_data() to prevent possible fatals by 3rd parties. PR#3930
* Fix: Change logic to allow customers to pay for failed order with limited product. PR#3947
* Fix: Prevent base length from being saved in the DB when retrieved in 'apportion_length'. PR#3954
* Fix: Prevent errors when using Product Bundles (which uses WCS_Add_Cart_Item) by introducing a WCS_Add_Cart_Item::is_switch_after_fully_reduced_prepaid_term() function. PR#3957
* Fix: Introduce an SQL Transactions helper with automatic commit/rollback on shutdown. Prevents strange behaviour when a shutdown occurs during a SQL transaction. PR#3827
* Fix: [PHP 8.0] Change maybe_retry_payment() arg name to prevent unknown variable name errors. PR#3984
* Fix: Delete '_switch_totals_calc_base_length' meta incorrectly saved in the database on upgrade. PR#3958
* Fix: Prevent WC_Order_Item_Coupon::eek:ffsetGet errors during renewal. PR#4009
* Dev: Introduce new hooks to various Switch_Totals_Calculator functions. PR#3872

2021-01-06 - v3.0.12
* New: Add an order note when subscriptions are deleted after the customer is deleted. PR#3783
* New: [WC Admin] Register items in new navigation menu. PR#3868
* New: [WC Admin] Add the Subscriptions setting to WC Admin's Settings navigation list. PR#3911
* Tweak: Fix capitalisation of Subscription webhook topic names so they match WooCommerce core. PR#3902
* Tweak: Refactor `wcs_help_tip()` to enable custom tooltip classes. PR#3871
* Tweak: Replace remaining uses of new WC_Order() with wc_get_order() to get an order instance. PR#3858
* Fix: Fix the amount customers are charged after switching after a previous switch which reduced the pre-paid term fully. PR#3805
* Fix: Calculate a gap payment when switching to a subscription with one length and no payment date to extend. PR#3879
* Fix: Only require cart payment if there's a subscription with a next payment date. PR#3899
* Fix: Only display the failed scheduled action warning to admin users who can view subscriptions. PR#3905
* Fix: Prefix attribute keys correctly before getting switch url. Fixes issues with auto-switch redirects removing pre-exisiting URL params. PR#3913
* Fix: Prevent reducing stock while saving a subscription on the admin edit subscription screen. PR#3926
* Fix: Use product object to read the original, unmodified length of a cart item during a switch. PR#3929
* Dev: Trigger create/update webhooks during Subscription REST API calls. PR#3919
* Dev: Add filters to enable third-parties to change the new and old payment method titles used in subscription changed payment method notes. PR#3908

2020-11-25 - v3.0.11
* Tweak: Improve the missing customer error message displayed for third-party built checkouts when registration is disabled on checkout. PR#3893
* Fix: Remove the possibility of a negative calculation of prepaid days on subscription downgrades. PR#3881
* Fix: Fix issues preventing stores using the $0 Initial Checkout feature from being able to checkout. PR#3887
* Fix: Remove potential fatal error when processing end-of-prepaid term scheduled actions caused by the subscription not existing. PR#3875
* Fix: Trigger payment complete actions after renewing early via modal. PR#3888
* Fix: Performance improvements to limited products running slow queries on the shop page. PR#3895
* Fix: [PHP 8.0] Only pass array values to call_user_func_array calls. PR#3884
* Fix: [PHP 8.0] Replaces certain uses of method_exists() with is_callable(). PR#3892

* Tweak: Remove the '$X now' from price string when synced product sign up date is today. PR#3797
* Fix: Treat a subscription with a cancelled parent order as "needing payment". This ensures cancelling the subscription will go right to cancelled, rather than pending-cancellation. PR#3784
* Fix: Remove code responsible for hiding/showing the WC order totals meta box. This fixes the deprecated jQuery.fn.load() warnings. PR#3786
* Fix: Fix updating status and end dates via the REST API. PR#3796
* Dev: Add an action hook to edit subscription admin payment meta inputs. Enables third-parties to display custom fields for each gateway. PR#3798
* Dev: Opt-in tracking data for Subscriptions Reports PR#3738

= v3.0.11 =
Data sent to WooCommerce:
Subscriptions report views
Subscriptions report filter usage - clicks and report range
Number of subscriptions, orders, products
Plugin version
To disable this tracking, opt-out of WooCommerce tracking, see


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