WoodMart v7.4.3 NULLED – Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme
WoodMart là một chủ đề WordPress tuyệt vời cho WooCommerce. Mẫu có thiết kế hiện đại, sạch sẽ sẽ làm cho cửa hàng trực tuyến của bạn tươi mới và độc đáo.
Sử dụng công nghệ AJAX mạnh mẽ để cung cấp cho người dùng thao tác mua sắm trực tuyến trên giao diện nhanh chóng và liên tục mà không cần phải liên tục tải lại trang
- Xem thêm các plugin, theme thương mại điện tử (WooCommerce)
Demo: https://themeforest.net/search/20264492
Tính năng nổi bật WoodMart – Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme
- 45+ bố cục demo đẹp
- Hơn 15 trang chủ dựng sẵn
- Hỗ trợ nâng cao WooCommerce 3.0+
- Trình tạo trang kéo và thả WPBakery
- 100% Responsive & Retina đã sẵn sàng
- Hỗ trợ WordPress 5.0+
- Bản demo sẵn sàng RTL
- Trình tạo tiêu đề kéo và thả
- Cài đặt dễ dàng bằng một cú nhấp chuột
- Nội dung giả bao gồm
- Codebase sạch sẽ và được tổ chức tốt
- Các tiêu chuẩn hướng đối tượng PHP
- Các tệp CSS và CSS được thu nhỏ
- Khả năng tương thích chéo trình duyệt: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE10, IE11, Edge
- CSS & JS tùy chỉnh trong Cài đặt chủ đề
- Bộ lọc cửa hàng AJAX
- Tìm kiếm AJAX
- Hỗ trợ đa ngôn ngữ WPML
- WooCommerce được hỗ trợ
- Hỗ trợ nhiều nhà cung cấp plugin
- Dokan
- YITH Multi Vendor
- WC Marketplace
- WC Vendors
- 8 bố trí tiêu đề được xác định trước
- Tùy chọn tùy chỉnh tiêu đề nâng cao
- Bố trí 3 tiêu đề cho thiết bị di động
- Tiêu đề dính
- Tùy chọn bật lên quảng cáo nâng cao
- Chức năng Accordion cho widget danh mục sản phẩm
- Nice Scroll cho các bộ lọc widget
- 6 bố cục hình thu nhỏ sản phẩm
WoodMart - Responsive WooCommerce WP Theme Nulled Free Changelog
18-01-2024 – Update v7.4.3
FIXED: Checkout fields manager conflict with WooCommerce Version 8.5.0. (Topic)
FIXED: Drilldown back button. (Topic)
FIXED: AJAX product tabs spacing issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Single product image with Photoswipe issue. (Topic)
FIXED: PHP notices. (Topic)
FIXED: Sticky container option in RTL. (Topic)
FIXED: Result count element update after load more products. (Topic)
FIXED: Add custom field option in edit product page. (Topic)
FIXED: Updating url after use PhotoSwipe gallery. (Topic)
FIXED: Notices with WooCommerce 8.5.0. (Topic)
FIXED: Show single variation with draft product status issue. (Topic)
FIXED: “View details” button in “Quick view”. (Topic)
FIXED: Product labels visibility in carousel with “Lazy loading” enabled in Safari browser. (Topic)
FIXED: Carousel overflow issue in Safari browser (Topic)
23-02-2023 – Update v7.1.4
FIXED: Pros/Cons spacing in product reviews. (Topic)
FIXED: Product reviews layout. (Topic)
FIXED: Popup with hidden sidebar. (Topic)
FIXED: Single product thumbnails image size issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Visitor counter with AJAX updated issue.
FIXED: Quantity in min cart issue.
28-06-2022 - Update version 6.5.4
FIXED: Single product gallery swatches image issue.
FIXED: Page title background image with presets.
FIXED: HTML tag issue in AJAX product tabs element.
FIXED: Compatible with "Elementor Pro" plugin. (Topic)
FIXED: Output compare and wishlist links in mobile menu. (Topic)
FIXED: Accordion on single product for mobile device. (Topic)
21-06-2022 – Update v6.5.3
FIXED: Single product JS error when variations load by AJAX. (Topic)
FIXED: Free shipping progress bar update on checkout. (Topic)
FIXED: Single product builder SEO data issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Issue product categories masonry (with first wide)
FIXED: Issue with lazy loading for images. (Topic), (Topic)
UPDATED: Google fonts list. (Topic)
18-06-2022 - Update version 6.5.2
FIXED: Issue with element button for header builder. (Topic)
FIXED: Catalog mode when active layout builder. (Topic)
FIXED: Full screen search issue. (Topic)
FIXED: PHP notices in product grid. (Screenshot)
FIXED: Issue with "Woo Custom Stock Status" plugin. (Topic)
16-06-2022 - Update version 6.5.1
ADDED: WP Rocket delay JS exclusions option (Screenshot)
FIXED: Header logo width issue.
FIXED: Header element cart style.
FIXED: Product review verification text.
15-06-2022 – Update v6.5.0
ADDED: New custom shop page #8. (Demo)
ADDED: New custom shop page #9. (Demo)
ADDED: New custom shop page #10. (Demo)
ADDED: New custom product page #10. (Demo)
ADDED: New custom checkout page #3.
ADDED: Quick buy button in single product. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Mega menu design “Aside”. (Screenshot)
ADDED: New product hover “Full width button”. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Product visitor counter option. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Search option for “WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav” widget. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Header builder search element “Full screen search 2” design. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Shop sidebar collapsible widgets option. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Popular search request option for full screen search. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Text/HTML block area for full screen search. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Previously viewed products. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Aside”, “Simple” and “Alternative” designs to the tabs element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Aside” design to the AJAX product tabs element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Price unit of measurement. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Show SKU” option for product hovers. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Show SKU” option for cart and mini cart widget. (Screenshot), (Screenshot 2)
ADDED: Advanced button styling (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Stretch container” option to the Elementor “Flexbox Container”. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Color scheme” option to the Elementor “Flexbox Container”. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Animations” option to the Elementor “Flexbox Container”. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “With background” design for product stock status. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Output icon in widget menu. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Selection of 12 grid columns in element Product category. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Typography for type grid in element Product category. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Form text color, Form placeholder color, Form border color, Form border color focus, Form background color to theme settings, AJAX Search, Product filters, Contact Form 7, Mailchimp (Screenshot)
ADDED: Responsive controls for Banner carousel, Images gallery, Products brands, Testimonials, Infobox carousel, Instagram elements. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Single product layouts “Product type” condition. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Product archive “Filtered by any attribute” and “Filtered by attribute” conditions. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Filter in current category option to Brands element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Exclusions JS files for WP Rocket (Topic)
ADDED: Quantity input on product hover and quick shop where the hover layout is allowing it.
ADDED: “Stock status position” option for product hovers. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Show empty star rating” option for product hovers. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Calculation” option to “Free shipping bar”: Custom or Based on WooCommerce zones. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Default” style option to “Free shipping bar” element (Screenshot)
ADDED: New icon design for “Main menu”, “Mobile menu”, “Cart”, “Wishlist”, “Compare”, “Search”, “Account” header elements.
ADDED: Inline option to “Main menu” and “Menu” header elements. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Secondary navigation links selectors to advanced typography.
ADDED: Plugins tab in theme dashboard. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Change form colors in AJAX Search, Mailchimp, Contact Form 7, Product filters elements (Screenshot) and Search element in Header builder (Screenshot)
ADDED: Exclude coupon discount in calculation of free shipping. (Screenshot), (Topic)
ADDED: Design “Simple” for accordion element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Design “With background” for “Categories” header element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Open on mouse event” option for “Categories” header element.
ADDED: “Open menu item dropdown” option for “Categories” header element.
ADDED: Design “With background” for “Mega Menu widget Settings” element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Change button color in Mailchimp element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Show/Hide options for mobile menu wishlist, compare and my account” in “Mobile menu” header element.(Screenshot)
ADDED: min (‘woodmart_get_min_per_page’) and max (‘woodmart_get_max_per_page’) filters in product per page. (Topic)
FIXED: Missing products filters on shop page after import.
FIXED: WooCommerce price slider after AJAX.
FIXED: Single product layout PHP errors without products.
FIXED: PHP errors notices. (Topic)
FIXED: Product attributes with Polylang. (Topic)
FIXED: Image size in product category elements.
FIXED: Generation of variation thumbnails gallery in single variable product without thumbnails in main gallery.
FIXED: Wrong body classes on shop search page.
FIXED: Popup element animations issue.
FIXED: Quantity input in mini cart with products has one piece in stock.
FIXED: Popup element cannot be deleted on some pages after import.
FIXED: Header builder Infobox element font weight issue.
FIXED: WP Rocket combine CSS with Elementor issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Draft layouts issue. (Topic)
FIXED: DOCTYPE HTML on single product page issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Single product tabs W3C errors. (Topic)
FIXED: Quick shop with AJAX Product tabs carousel element. (Topic)
FIXED: Android browser with search in Off canvas sidebar issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Instagram API connect error. (Topic)
FIXED: Init of Hotspots after shop AJAX. (Topic)
FIXED: Dokan Pro PHP errors. (Topic)
FIXED: Include widgets in Elementor for compatibility with Crocoblock plugins. (Topic)
FIXED: Child categories did not inherit the image from the parent. (Topic)
FIXED: CTX Feed plugin error with Testimonials WPB element. (Topic)
FIXED: Elementor repeater link field translated with WPML.
FIXED: Wordfence 2FA on my account page.
FIXED: Product filters after back button click. (Topic)
FIXED: Add to cart popup with Elementor Pro. (Topic)
FIXED: Categories widget subcategories animation (Topic)
FIXED: Sticky header logo aspect radio issue (Topic)
FIXED: Header logo size transition.
FIXED: “woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item” hook on product hovers with icon add to cart button design
FIXED: “woodmart_media_init” in customize page (Topic)
FIXED: Translate free shipping bar message.
IMPROVED: Added aria-label to navigation with description. (Topic)
IMPROVED: Additional pages now can be reinstalled.
IMPROVED: Background parallax option now generate CSS with !important.
IMPROVED: Added responsive custom height option to WPBakery Promo banner. (Screenshot)
IMPROVED: Added preset priority option. (Screenshot)
IMPROVED: Added preset rename options. (Screenshot)
IMPROVED: Long breadcrumbs on mobile devices are displayed in a compact layout, in one row with a horizontal scroll. (Screenshot)
IMPROVED: Presets CSS now loading with AJAX on shop page.
IMPROVED: Custom CSS option now working in presets.
IMPROVED: Clear shop per page cookie on theme settings save.
IMPROVED: WPBakery custom fields now generate CSS in the Frontend editor.
IMPROVED: Register by Facebook social login first and last name now saving to account. (Topic)
IMPROVED: Product quantity added to list product style.(Topic)
IMPROVED: Refactored quantity input styles.
DEV: Added filter “woodmart_three_sixty_prev_next_frames” to change how many images slide on click next prev button in the 360 element. (Topic)
DEPRECATED: Load Elementor optimized CSS
UPDATED: TweenMax library to GSAP (117 kb => 65 kb)
UPDATED: Core plugin to 1.0.34
25-04-2022 – Update version 6.4.2
FIXED: Calculation for free shipping with taxes.
FIXED: Dummy content is split into parts to avoid timeout errors.
11-04-2022 – Update v6.4.0
ADDED: New custom shop page #5. (Link)
ADDED: New custom shop page #6. (Link)
ADDED: New custom product page #6. (Link)
ADDED: New custom product page #7. (Link)
ADDED: New custom product page #8. (Link)
ADDED: Mobile menu close button. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
ADDED: Free shipping progress bar. (Screenshot, Screenshot, Documentation)
ADDED: Preloader color scheme option. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Is RTL” condition to theme settings presets. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Responsive columns for Blog, Portfolio, Products, Products tabs, Products categories element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Keep the page number in the URL” option for load more pagination. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Product filters element inline option
ADDED: Product categories widget selectors to advanced typography.
ADDED: Option Even product grid (Screenshot)
ADDED: Option bordered grid inside (Screenshot)
FIXED: Brands element empty name issue. (Topic)
FIXED: New preset creation issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Fixed WPBakery shortcodes in “Quick view”. (Topic)
FIXED: Shop page styles on AJAX change from layout to default.
FIXED: Layered navigation widget category select. (Screenshot)
FIXED: Errors in widgets Gutenberg editor. (Topic)
FIXED: JS files error. (Topic)
FIXED: Fixed CSS validator errors. (Topic)
FIXED: WPML with layout conditions. (Topic)
FIXED: Product list view add to cart button issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Dokan PHP fatal error. (Topic)
FIXED: After back history on the shop page order by select not run AJAX.
FIXED: Dropdowns animation on iPad. (Topic)
FIXED: Product element load more button undefined in url. (Topic)
FIXED: Quick shop variations bug when the quick view is turned off. (Topic)
FIXED: Login to see add to cart and prices now hide price from Google search. (Topic)
FIXED: WordPress Gutenberg global styles and SVG now related to “Disable Gutenberg styles”. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
FIXED: PHP notice in Elementor element Products widget. (Topic)
FIXED: Single product sticky add to cart on layouts.
DEV: Added filter “woodmart_animated_counter_speed” to change Animated counter element speed.
IMPROVED: Options where select HTML Block now load data with AJAX.
IMPROVED: Changed media queries on all theme options for WPBakery from 1024 to 1199 (Element width, margin, padding, hidden option, align options, typography option, off-canvas column, collapsible content)
17-03-2022 – Update version 6.3.3
FIXED: AJAX Tabs element in product description
FIXED: List element images with lazy loading
FIXED: Product description on mobile devices (Topic)
FIXED: Header dropdown menus with RTL (Topic)
FIXED: Product attributes table with RTL.
FIXED: Layout single product description issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Errors on widgets page.
FIXED: Widget layered navigation style bug.
FIXED: Shop archive layout condition bug.
FIXED: Swatches styles when swatch selected by metabox. (Topic)
FIXED: Single product accordion. (Topic)
FIXED: My account sidebar form on mobile. (Topic)
FIXED: PHP errors. (Topic)
WoodMart 6.3 update changelog
ADDED: WooCommerce Shop page builder.
ADDED: WooCommerce Single product page builder.
ADDED: WooCommerce Cart builder.
ADDED: WooCommerce Checkout builder.
ADDED: Automatic patcher tool
ADDED: Off canvas column options for column element in WPBakery and Elementor. (Elementor (Screenshot) WPBakery (Screenshot))
ADDED: Off canvas column button element in WPBakery and Elementor. (Elementor (Screenshot) WPBakery (Screenshot))
ADDED: New categories type "Navigation". (Elementor (Screenshot) WPBakery (Screenshot))
ADDED: Width option to builder elements in "WPBakery".(Screenshot)
ADDED: Vertical Alignment option to column in "WPBakery".(Screenshot)
ADDED: Horizontal Alignment option to column in "WPBakery".(Screenshot)
ADDED: "Fade out color" option to Collapsible content, for WPBakery and Elementor. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Input in "wd-slider" control to WPBakery, for easy change of value. (Screenshot)
ADDED: "Display type" option to "Product filters" element for WPBakery and Elementor. (Screenshot)
ADDED: "Show button" option to "Product filters" element for WPBakery and Elementor. (WPBakery (Screenshot) Elementor (Screenshot))
ADDED: "Show result in dropdown" option to "Product filters" element for WPBakery and Elementor.(WPBakery (Screenshot) Elementor (Screenshot))
ADDED: "Dropdown action" option to "Product filters" element for WPBakery and Elementor.(WPBakery (Screenshot) Elementor (Screenshot))
ADDED: Style options to "Product filters" element for WPBakery and Elementor.(WPBakery (Screenshot) Elementor (Screenshot))
ADDED: "Product attributes image". (Screenshot)
ADDED: "Accordion state" option in "Theme settings" for select accordion state. (Screenshot)
ADDED: New "Thumbnails position" - Carousel (2 columns). (Screenshot)
ADDED: The ability to change the titles for the "Categories" and "Mobile Menu" elements in the Header builder. (Topic)(Categories (Screenshot))(Mobile Menu (Screenshot))
ADDED: New product categories design - "Mask with subcategories". (Theme Settings (Screenshot) (Screenshot)WPBakery (Screenshot))
ADDED: New option hidden out of stock products in products elements. ( (Screenshot) WPBakery (Screenshot))
ADDED: Option to manually unload some styles on all pages. ((Screenshot))
ADDED: Post type option to header "Mobile menu" and "Mobile search" elements. ((Screenshot)) ((Screenshot))
ADDED: New product design "Popular products" for "Products(grid or carousel)" element. ((Screenshot)Elementor) ((Screenshot)WPBakery)
ADDED: New title style "Overlined" in Section title element. ((Screenshot)Elementor)((Screenshot)WPBakery)
ADDED: Height option for Promo Banner Element when selected "Content Background" style - ((Screenshot)Elementor)((Screenshot)WPBakery)
ADDED: rel="nofollow" attribute for Compare, Wishlist, Quick view buttons to reduce their impact on Google crawling.
ADDED: Header builder elements search. (Screenshot)
ADDED: "Images size" option for "Product categories" element in WPBakery and Elementor.((Screenshot)Elementor)((Screenshot)WPBakery)
ADDED: Anchor text "#tab-wd_additional_tab" and "#tab-wd_custom_tab" for single product tabs.
ADDED: Portfolio sidebar for single projects and archive.
ADDED: New elements in WPML config.
ADDED: Added the ability to disable theme styles for the Guetnberg editor on the backend. (Screenshot)
ADDED: "Label" and "Layout" options to "Social buttons" element.
IMPROVED: "Product filters" element optimization.
IMPROVED: "Layered Nav" widget optimization.
IMPROVED: "Product tabs" element structure
IMPROVED: Compare table structure.
IMPROVED: Single product previous next button structure.
IMPROVED: Portfolio grid items structure.
IMPROVED: Page title categories now monitors screen size and fires on orientation change.
IMPROVED: Offcanvas sidebar now monitors screen size and fires on orientation change.
IMPROVED: Single product tabs now monitor screen size and change to accordion without reload page.
IMPROVED: Cookie secure param now depends on whether your site uses the SSL protocol. Also can be changed manually using a filter "woodmart_cookie_secure_param". (Topic)
IMPROVED: Shop page column selector does not affect if loop display mode is subcategories. (Topic)
IMPROVED: Required plugins moved to top on ‘Activation Plugins’ page on Setup Wizard.(Screenshot)
IMPROVED: "Additional variations images" now working with product variations loaded by AJAX.
IMPROVED: After loading products by load more button breadcrumbs also change to the current page. (Video)
IMPROVED: Compare and Wishlist page options added to wpml-config.xml. (Topic)
IMPROVED: "Dark theme" and "Light color-scheme" styles were refactored using CSS custom properties. This change reduces the size of the CSS files and improves site performance.
IMPROVED: Increased the number of auto CSS generator files parts for Portfolio, Blog, Single product, Shop page, Cart and Checkout.
IMPROVED: Single product tabs and accordion refactored with the use of a new structure. Reduced CSS styles size related to those elements.
UPDATED: Slick slider removed unnecessary "aria-describedby" attribute.
REMOVED: Unnecessary CSS properties from the gradient. (Screenshot)
REMOVED: Unnecessary queries and files in the admin panel.
REMOVED: Deprecated JQuery functions like .bind(), .change(), $.event.props
REMOVED: Unnecessary CSS class on product list view (Topic)
FIXED: CSS code to display gradient. (Topic)
FIXED: Deleted unnecessary CSS. Added a check if the option is enabled in Theme Settings and if so then will connect the desired styles.(Screenshot)
FIXED: Deleted "uncategorized" category in woocommerce product categories, given the languages other than English.
FIXED: Styles, fonts, and icons are broken after URL change. (Topic) (Topic)
FIXED: Issue with slider parallax when a page has more than one slider.
FIXED: W3C Validator errors with parallax scroll option. (Screenshot)
FIXED: W3C Validator errors with menu dropdown inline print style. (Topic)
FIXED: PHP error on single product page. (Topic)
FIXED: PHP error in some WPBakery elements when colors in theme settings set in RGB format. (Topic)
FIXED: Broken login sidebar styles on RTL.
FIXED: Product base hover with list style after AJAX not inited.
FIXED: Deleted unnecessary role "complementary" for "aside". (Topic) (Screenshot Screenshot)
FIXED: Deleted ‘The following recommended plugin is currently inactive' notice for current builder (Screenshot)
FIXED: WPML config file (Topic, Topic, Topic)
FIXED: Enqueue ‘widget-slider-price-filter’ style for slider price filter (Topic)
FIXED: Loading Wishlist and Compare style files if options are disabled.
FIXED: Empty links in search button. (Topic)
FIXED: Color scheme in WPBakery default text element. (Topic)
FIXED: Product variation gallery for Elementor Pro (Topic)
FIXED: Product swatches with white color border assigned via RGB color value. (Topic)
FIXED: Maintenance mode with full screen menu. (Topic)
FIXED: "AJAX Product tabs" tab switching issue on IOS. (Topic)
FIXED: "Sticky navbar" in widgets issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Compare page PHP error. (Topic)
FIXED: The sticky navbar will not be displayed on the maintenance mode page. (Screenshot)
FIXED: PHP error on quick view when wishlist is disabled. (Topic)
FIXED: Changed deprecated jQuery methods to native JS methods. Example: $.parseJSON() to JSON.parse, $.isArray to Array.isArray(). jQuery method trim replaced the woodmart function wdTrim().
FIXED: If the user logged in not as an Administrator, then do not display the top admin menu WoodMart (Screenshot)
FIXED: The "woodmart_get_svg_html" function fixes the search for src images, namely the use of the guid property is replaced by the wp_get_attachment_image_url function (Screenshot)
FIXED: Fatal error: Cannot declare class Mailchimp, because the name is already in use in wp-content/themes/woodmart/inc/integrations/elementor/elements/class-mailchimp.php on line 0. Added namespaces for Elementor elements.
FIXED: Issue when AJAX Pagination did not work on the attribute archive page.
FIXED: PHP8 widget warnings. (Topic)
FIXED: Render preview image for slides in woodmart slider. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
FIXED: Strings for translation admin panel. (Topic)
FIXED: Compare and wishlist counters when installed plugin WP Rocket. (Topic)
FIXED: Image popup in WordPress gallery shortcode. (Video)
FIXED: Including unnecessary JS files in some cases (owl, tooltips).
FIXED: Instagram image size for API.
FIXED: "Load more" button when available GET attribute. (Topic)
FIXED: php errors in image gallery element(Topic)
FIXED: Style inheritance in the category drop-down list.(Topic)
FIXED: Load quick shop html with ajax, only variable product with "wd-quick-shop" class.
FIXED: Checkout dropdown color with "Dark theme" option enabled.
FIXED: Border in white color swatches with the color specified via "RGB" value.
FIXED: Theme settings typography options placeholder color. (Topic)
IMPROVED: Theme settings search array now loaded by AJAX only in Theme settings.
IMPROVED: Google fonts list now loaded by AJAX only in Theme settings.
IMPROVED: WPBakery element field JS now loads only if the theme uses WPBackery as the main builder and if you edit the page by WPBakery.
IMPROVED: Other JS files like size guide library now load only if you edit Size guide post type.
IMPROVED: Removed unnecessary DB queries by adding some options to autoload and removed unnecessary options also queries that are needed for elements or widgets run only if you are using this element or widget.
DEV: Added filter "woodmart_404_search_post_type" to change search post type on 404 page.
DEV: Added filter "woodmart_banner_version_cookie_expires" to change header banner cookie lifetime. (Topic)
DEV: Added filter "woodmart_promo_version_cookie_expires" to change pmomo banner cookie lifetime. (Topic)
DEV: Added filter "woodmart_product_slider_dots" to enable dots on single product gallery. (Topic)
DEV: Added filter "woodmart_main_content_classes" to allow change main container classes .
UPDATED: Google Maps API version from 3.44 to weekly.
UPDATED: Google fonts list.
UPDATED: wp-color-picker-alpha.js library from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1
UPDATED: Outdated WooCommerce template files.
23-11-2021 – Update version 6.2.4
ADDED: Additional pages to Dummy content (Screenshot)
FIXED: “Price filter” widget after AJAX (Topic)
FIXED: Problem with header styles if you change the header through presets
FIXED: Elementor “Product” element PHP error (Topic)
FIXED: Brands wrong schema on single product (Topic)
FIXED: WordPress customizer white screen (Topic)
FIXED: Layered navigation widget missing categories
FIXED: Header cart icon count on change quantity in mini cart
FIXED: “Call to a member function get_cart_subtotal()” PHP error (Topic)
UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin to 1.0.31
15-11-2021 – Update v6.2.3
FIXED: RTL issue after theme update
FIXED: Custom fonts broken CSS
FIXED: PHP errors with “Ultimate Addon for WPBakery Page Builder” plugin
FIXED: “Row divider” element generated unnecessary CSS
FIXED: Issue with swatches on variable products
12-11-2021 - Update v6.2.2
FIXED: Cart quantity after product add to cart
FIXED: PHP errors in "Size guide" WPBakery element
11-11-2021 – Update version 6.2.1
FIXED: WPBakery element “Design option” tab translations issue
FIXED: Pagination links with AJAX issue
FIXED: PHP errors in “Images gallery” WPBakery element
FIXED: Theme Settings reset after update
13-10-2021 – Update version 6.1.5
FIXED: PHP error with new WPML version (topic)
FIXED: PHP error with get_cart_contents_count() function (topic)
02-07-2021 - Update version 6.1.4
FIXED: Typography font family select in theme settings
FIXED: Typography responsive settings
FIXED: Typography font family settings
FIXED: Lazy loading with product categories icon
FIXED: Single product PHP notice
25-06-2021 – Update v6.1.3
FIXED: Broken image in categories menu
FIXED: Portfolio filter PHP error
21-06-2021 – Update version 6.1.0
ADDED: NEW VERSION – Corporate 2
ADDED: NEW VERSION – Real estate
ADDED: Step-by-step theme setup wizard (screenshot)
ADDED: New parallax and distortion slide change animations (screenshot)
ADDED: Image option to Extra menu list element (screenshot)
ADDED: Full screen search on mobile devices (screenshot)
ADDED: Slider element link option for each slide (screenshot)
ADDED: New design for testimonials element “Information top” (screenshot)
ADDED: New design for blog “Meta on image” (screenshot)
ADDED: Categories ID to title in widget Layered navigation (screenshot)
ADDED: Contact form 7 element new style “With background”
ADDED: Option to select page widgets title tag (screenshot)
ADDED: Theme Settings navigation to WordPress admin bar (screenshot)
ADDED: Woodmart slider navigation to WordPress admin bar (screenshot)
ADDED: Portfolio element carousel layout (screenshot)
ADDED: Sticky column offset option (screenshot)
ADDED: “Single posts from term” rule for theme settings presets
ADDED: Slide content alignment option for mobile devices (screenshot)
ADDED: Slide background option for mobile devices (screenshot)
ADDED: New elements appearance animations (screenshot)
ADDED: Align, color and link options to the List element
UPDATED: wpml-config.xml file
UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin to 1.0.29
UPDATED: TweenMax library to 2.1.3
UPDATED: Google fonts list
PERFORMANCE: Increased the number of auto CSS generator files parts
IMPROVED: Woodmart slider now uses Flickity carousel instead of Owl Carousel
IMPROVED: Automatic “New” label maximum period increased to 365 days (screenshot)
IMPROVED: Changed `h3` to `span` tag in side login title
IMPROVED: Mobile bottom navbar the number of custom buttons increased to 5 (screenshot)
IMPROVED: Single product additional tab the number of custom tabs increased to 3 (screenshot)
IMPROVED: Term presets now working for parent and child term
IMPROVED: Theme dashboard settings sorted and optimized
THEME SETTINGS: “Cookie Law Info” moved from “Shop” to “General” section
THEME SETTINGS: “Promo popup” moved from “Shop” to “General” section
THEME SETTINGS: “Header banner” moved from “Shop” to “General” section
THEME SETTINGS: “Instagram API” moved from “General” to “API integrations” section
THEME SETTINGS: “Blog” divided to “Blog archive” and “Single post” sections
THEME SETTINGS: “Portfolio” divided to “Portfolio archive” and “Single project” sections
THEME SETTINGS: “Shop” divided to “Shop” and “Product archive” sections
THEME SETTINGS: “Products grid” moved from “Shop” to “Product archive” section
THEME SETTINGS: “Products styles” moved from “Shop” to “Product archive” section
THEME SETTINGS: “Categories styles” moved from “Shop” to “Product archive” section
THEME SETTINGS: “Shop filters” moved from “Shop” to “Product archive” section
THEME SETTINGS: “Widgets” moved from “Shop” to “Product archive” section
THEME SETTINGS: “Sidebar & Page title” divided to “Page title” and “Sidebar” sections
THEME SETTINGS: “Page title” moved from “Shop” to “Product archive” section
THEME SETTINGS: “Sidebar” moved from “Shop” to “Product archive” section
THEME SETTINGS: “Product page” renamed to “Single product”
THEME SETTINGS: “Single product” divided to “Add to cart options and “Related products” sections
CSS: Refactored product hover styles
CSS: Refactored product categories styles
CSS: Refactored blog post loop styles
FIXED: Shop page mobile product categories icon
FIXED: WCFM plugin product hover styles
FIXED: WCFM plugin store page sidebar icon issue
FIXED: Dokan plugin add new product popup select issue
FIXED: WC Multivendor plugin vendor name link issue
FIXED: Post author avatar image in WebP format
FIXED: Elementor text editor issue with active “Optimized DOM Output” option
FIXED: Sticky column in Elementor builder with default “Optimized DOM Output” option
FIXED: Row dividers issue in iOS devices
FIXED: Review images gallery align
FIXED: Notices spacing on mobile devices
FIXED: RTL menu labels
FIXED: Shopping cart issue in Safari 13.1 browser
FIXED: Justify option in Images gallery element
FIXED: Typography font-style: italic issue
FIXED: Images gallery align issue on mobile devices
FIXED: Header dropdown menus shift issue
FIXED: Changed “rel” attribute from “noffollow” to “nofollow”
FIXED: Error on shop page after PJAX and back button
FIXED: Load more button with sorting dropdown issue
FIXED: AJAX search init on page load
FIXED: PHP errors on product thumbnails template file
FIXED: Brand element image on elementor
FIXED: Single product offset issue
FIXED: Mobile categories menu in page title after shop AJAX
FIXED: Mobile search icon on sticky header
FIXED: Sticky notice close button
FIXED: Portfolio page issue
FIXED: Additional pages import error
FIXED: Compare header count issue
FIXED: Add to cart button tooltip issue
FIXED: WooCommerce PHP error in dashboard
FIXED: Browse categories with menu click action issue
FIXED: Single product magnific popup animations on 360 and video
FIXED: Product attributes custom fields translations
FIXED: “New products” data source with automatic new label option in Products element
FIXED: One page navigation click issue
FIXED: Single product variations JS error
FIXED: Product element in dropdowns load by AJAX
FIXED: HTML Block widget issue block with same name
FIXED: Grouped product notice position on add to cart
FIXED: Default WPB Image gallery element style issue
FIXED: Typography change color preview
FIXED: Sidebar opener on Elementor full width pages
FIXED: Header full width menu offsets
FIXED: Hot spot element rating issue
FIXED: WPML with Elementor elements compatibility
FIXED: Term ID in presets select
FIXED: Typography font family select in Safari
FIXED: Deprecated jQuery functions $.isArray and $.isFunction
FIXED: Breadcrumb data type changed from “http://rdf.data-vocabulary.org/#” to “https://schema.org/”
FIXED: Width and height attributes in menu icons
FIXED: Advanced topography custom selector hover color
FIXED: Yoast SEO compatibility with Section title element
FIXED: Menu click action on sticky header
FIXED: PHP errors
REMOVED: From viewport tag “maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no” values
REMOVED: Favicon options from theme settings
26-04-2021 – Update version 6.0.4
FIXED: Single product AJAX add to cart issue
FIXED: Errors with REST API
FIXED: Wishlist and Compare count in header
FIXED: Wishlist page with WPML
FIXED: Menu dropdowns issue
FIXED: Single product images gallery init zoom on page load
FIXED: Broken styles in Popup element
FIXED: Advanced typography predefined selector
FIXED: Site logo in sticky header on Safari
FIXED: Site logo with webp images
FIXED: PHP errors
= 26-04-2021 – Update v6.0.4 =
FIXED: Single product AJAX add to cart issue
FIXED: Errors with REST API
FIXED: Wishlist and Compare count in header
FIXED: Wishlist page with WPML
FIXED: Menu dropdowns issue
FIXED: Single product images gallery init zoom on page load
FIXED: Broken styles in Popup element
FIXED: Advanced typography predefined selector
FIXED: Site logo in sticky header on Safari
FIXED: Site logo with webp images
FIXED: PHP errors
= 14-04-2021 – Update v6.0.3 =
FIXED: Menu items column
FIXED: Single portfolio disable page title option
FIXED: Widget price filter after AJAX
FIXED: Missing string translation
FIXED: Single product icons with Dokan plugin installed
FIXED: Mobile menu item icons
FIXED: JS errors with Combined JS
FIXED: Double click issue on mobile
FIXED: Sticky single product offset
FIXED: Limit categories icon
FIXED: Arrow on highlighted products
FIXED: Logo on IOS
UPDATED: Outdated WooCommerce template files
= 09-04-2021 – Update v6.0.2 =
FIXED: Header logo lazy loading
FIXED: “Call to undefined function WC()” error
FIXED: Missing single product thumbnails
FIXED: Logo center problem
FIXED: Mobile menu items
FIXED: Header builder mod_security
FIXED: Changed “h3” to “span” tag in cart side widget
FIXED: Woodmart slider with WPML
FIXED: Double WhatsApp icon
FIXED: Brand element missing images
= 07-04-2021 – Update version 6.0.1 =
ADDED: Promo popup element extra content classes option
FIXED: Header banner spacing
FIXED: Missing menu dropdowns
FIXED: Show sidebar button on shop page
FIXED: Theme settings background color PHP error
= 07-04-2021 – Update version 6.0.0 =
ADDED: NEW VERSION – Accessories
ADDED: NEW PAGE – About me
ADDED: NEW PAGE – About us #1
ADDED: NEW PAGE – About us #2
ADDED: NEW PAGE – Our team
ADDED: Elementor templates library with more than 300 ready to use elements
ADDED: “White label” options (screenshot)
ADDED: Theme options presets (screenshot)
ADDED: Portfolio AJAX links
PERFORMANCE: CSS generator now works automatically. We have splitted entire CSS and JS into files and load them only where they are needed
PERFORMANCE: Separate page for mobile devices option (screenshot)
PERFORMANCE: “AJAX Dropdowns” local storage cache
PERFORMANCE: Added option to load optimized “Elementor frontend” CSS file (screenshot)
PERFORMANCE: Added option to disable “Contact form 7” plugin CSS and JS files (screenshot)
PERFORMANCE: Added options to disable Elementor icons and Elementor animations CSS files (screenshot)
PERFORMANCE: Optimized Google fonts loading
PERFORMANCE: Added “System font stack” to typography select (screenshot)
PERFORMANCE: Added “Imagify” plugin compatibility
PERFORMANCE: Added options to preload “woodmart-icon.woff” and “woodmart-icon.woff2” fonts (screenshot)
ADDED: “Hide empty” option to product “Brands” element
ADDED: Option to set a number of days to keep your products marked as “New” after creation (screenshot)
ADDED: Translations for product attribute fields (screenshot)
ADDED: Option “Init carousel on scroll” for element “AJAX Products tabs” (WPBakery)
ADDED: Element “Navigation anchor” for better one page navigation (Elementor)
ADDED: Portfolio images size option to theme settings and element (screenshot)
ADDED: Option to select page title tag (screenshot)
ADDED: “Order by” to product filters element (screenshot)
ADDED: “noopener” and “noreferrer” parameter for “rel” attribute to social links
ADDED: Compatibility “Yoast SEO” custom page title with our PJAX functionality
ADDED: “Thumbnails image width” option to change single product gallery thumbnail images width (screenshot)
ADDED: Shop tools option to our “Product element” and shop tools compatibility for “Woocommerce Products” shortcode (screenshot)
ADDED: Option to “Logo” element for adding width and height attributes (screenshot)
ADDED: Option to increase AJAX variation threshold (screenshot)
ADDED: Instagram fake images option (screenshot)
ADDED: Categories to “HTML block” post type
ADDED: Additional theme styling for the WCFM – WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace registration, vendor and store listing pages
ADDED: Additional theme styling for the Dokan dashboard, vendor and store listing pages
ADDED: Translations context for “On” string in blog post date meta
ADDED: rel=”nofollow” for links with href=”#”
CSS: We have removed a lot of CSS selectors and now we use CSS variables
CSS: Most of our CSS classes that started with “woodmart-” now start with “wd-”
CSS: Combined action buttons styles (burger, close and filter animated buttons replaced with font icon)
CSS: Combined popup styles
CSS: Form style classes ”.form-style-rounded”, ”.form-style-semi-rounded”, “form-border-width-1” removed from body tag
CSS: Nanoscroller library replaced with pure CSS scrollbar
CSS: Removed unused Photoswipe library styles
CSS: Removed unused Magnific popup library styles
CSS: Font icon HTML tag <i> changed to <span> due to the accessibility issues
CSS: Refactored list styles. <ul> and <ol> list icons and spacing styles now set globally and removed in specific places with html list structure (menus, pagination, widgets, etc.)
CSS: Refactored forms style
CSS: Refactored page title style
CSS: Refactored search form style
CSS: Refactored search results style
CSS: Refactored all header elements
CSS: Refactored all navigations style
CSS: Refactored dropdown menu style
CSS: Refactored off canvas sidebar
CSS: Refactored action button on product hovers.
CSS: Polyfill script for css variables IE browsers support
FIXED: The problem with the inability to save the number of products on the store page
FIXED: Deprecated jQuery functions
FIXED: CSS generator file path
FIXED: PHP error “Uncaught TypeError: implode()” in “variation-gallery-new.php”
FIXED: PHP error “Call to undefined function wp_body_open()”
FIXED: Js methods have been redesigned to run only when the user starts to interact with the element for which the script is needed
FIXED: Single product brand without image (screenshot)
FIXED: Sales label for variation product displaying as individual (screenshot)
FIXED: Image gallery element with masonry view in Elementor backend
FIXED: Incorrect header if an earlier deleted header is selected in the page settings
FIXED: Single product “360 view” images load only when you click on the icon
FIXED: WPB Google map element API key issue
FIXED: Inability to leave a comment for a product without selecting a rating
FIXED: Problem with non-initialized field Select2 in theme settings
FIXED: External links in “Banner” and “Menu price” elements (Elementor)
FIXED: “YITH Multi-Vendor” plugin sidebar compatibility issue
FIXED: “Product filters” element problem displaying all attributes on all category pages
FIXED: “Related projects” now shows projects by category of current project
FIXED: “Lazy loading” with WooCommerce email images
FIXED: “Additional variations gallery” thumbnails size not proportional
FIXED: Share your Wishlist issue
FIXED: Load WPBakery templates from frontend editor (screenshot)
FIXED: “WCFM Marketplace” product per view and per page filters issue (screenshot)
FIXED: “WCFM Marketplace” all products per page issue
FIXED: Instagram element PHP error
FIXED: Empty menu element PHP error
FIXED: Promo banner link double page open
FIXED: Header not sticky when the user did not log in
FIXED: Disappearance of categories from the shop page title
FIXED: “Scroll top on variation select” option if the variation has no image
FIXED: “Sticky add to cart” option with Elementor pro single product custom template
FIXED: “Infobox” element issue with “Open in new window” option
FIXED: Safari browser password manager issue
FIXED: Scroll to top and arrows buttons with RTL language translated site.
FIXED: Product navigation dropdown on mobile devices
FIXED: Contact Form 7 5.4 notices
FIXED: Notices background and color setting
FIXED: Gutenberg editor list block styles
FIXED: Quick shop label align
FIXED: Small accessibility Issues
IMPROVED: Force “Dokan” plugin pages to use Font Awesome 5 icons from “Elementor” or “WPBakery” page editors
IMPROVED: “WPML” language and currency switcher refactored
IMPROVED: “WPCS – WordPress Currency Switcher” switcher refactored
IMPROVED: “Load more” button now change URL to the current page on load content
IMPROVED: “Number of categories” option can now open and close additional categories (screenshot)
IMPROVED: After entering incorrectly through the side login form, you will remain on the same page and receive an error message in the side form (screenshot)
IMPROVED: “HTML Block” and “Woodmart slide” post type now public queryable only if the user is logged in
IMPROVED: “Product category next to title” option now ordering categories from parent to child
IMPROVED: Compatibility our Elementor elements with WPML translations
IMPROVED: “Reset default” button moved to a separate section
UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.28 – Added “ABSPATH” check to plugin files
UPDATED: Google maps API version from 3.41 to 3.44
UPDATED: Outdated WooCommerce template files
UPDATED: wpml-config.xml file
DEV: Added filter ‘woodmart_html_block_access’ to change access to HTML block edit page
DEV: Added filter ‘woodmart_product_element_query_args’
DEV: Added filter ‘woodmart_three_sixty_framerate’ for change framerate in “360 element”
DEV: Added filter ‘woodmart_get_prev_product_same_term’
DEV: Added filter ‘woodmart_wc_default_product_cat’ if you specify a value of “true” then the default category will not be displayed (screenshot)
REMOVED: “Call to action” option from menu item settings (screenshot)
REMOVED: Deprecated moment.js library
DEPRECATED: “Sticky notifications” option
DEPRECATED: “AJAX” source type for Instagram element
= 11-12-2020 – Update v5.3.6 =
FIXED: Autocomplete control in theme settings
FIXED: Product brands element PHP notice
FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce template version
FIXED: Sticky header issue
FIXED: Menu dropdown hover issue
FIXED: Compatibility with Extras for Elementor & JetEngine
FIXED: Product brands PHP notice
FIXED: PHP 7.4 notices
UPDATED: Waypoint library to 4.0.1
= 09-12-2020 – Update version 5.3.5 =
FIXED: jQuery 3.5.1 error with PJAX library
REMOVED: Deprecated jQuery methods
16-11-2020 – Update version 5.3.4
FIXED: Device.js error on Mac
FIXED: Clear swatches cache on product selling
FIXED: Sticky add to cart with Elementor custom single product template
05-11-2020 – Update v5.3.3
FIXED: New products query performance
04-11-2020 – Update v5.3.2
FIXED: Add to wishlist issue
04-11-2020 – Update v5.3.1
FIXED: PHP Errors with elementor
04-11-2020 – Update v5.3.0
ADDED: Official full Toolset plugin compatibility
ADDED: Elementor Pro custom header and footer better support
ADDED: New label end date option
FIXED: `Project title in page heading` option behavior
FIXED: Elementor images gallery lightbox issue
FIXED: Promo banner WPB element link issue
FIXED: Infobox header element link target issue
FIXED: Off-canvas sidebar button on portfolio pages
FIXED: Standard font issue
FIXED: Mini cart quantity update one item only
FIXED: Quick view with external product ajax button issue
FIXED: Blog results on the search page
FIXED: Username with API in Instagram WPB element
FIXED: Loader issue in mini cart widget on remove
FIXED: Elementor product filters element query type issue
FIXED: Select2 in theme widgets
FIXED: Wishlist duplicate query
FIXED: Elementor responsive with single product accordion
FIXED: Errors when WooCommerce is not installed
FIXED: HTML tags not working in the product title
FIXED: OWL Carousel random jumps
FIXED: Full-width carousel arrows
FIXED: Mobile menu on small screen devices
FIXED: Variation swatches spacing
FIXED: Mobile menu icon label
FIXED: Dokan dashboard mobile menu on safari browser
FIXED: Hide “to” price option on sticky add to cart
FIXED: Hide “to” price option on safari browser
IMPROVED: Theme Settings performance
IMPROVED: WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager stock status field
IMPROVED: Prev Next button on products
IMPROVED: AJAX Search by categories
IMPROVED: Remove product from mini cart if product quantity equal to zero
UPDATED: Google fonts list
UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.4.1
UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.2.23
UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.27
REMOVED: Deprecated font format files
DEV: Added `woodmart_compare_return_to_shop_url` filter to `inc/integrations/woocommerce/modules/compare.php` file
DEV: Added `woodmart_wishlist_return_to_shop_url` filter to `inc/integrations/woocommerce/modules/wishlist/class-ui.php` file
DEV: Added `woodmart-quick-view-displayed` trigger to JS
DEV: Added `wp_body_open` action
DEV: Added `woodmart_photoswipe_close_on_scroll` filter to disable photo swipe close on scroll
DEV: Fixed `is_product_exists()` function in `inc/integrations/woocommerce/modules/wishlist/class-wishlist.php` file
- Xem thêm: kho chủ đề Themeforest được chia sẻ miễn phí, cập nhật hàng ngày
- WoodMart v7.4.3 NULLED – Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme (official 29-03-2024): WOODMART-RESPONSIVE-WOOCOMMERCE-WORDPRESS-THEME-V7.4.3.ZIP
password: xem hướng dẫn cuối bài viết
Quan trọng: nhập bất kỳ dữ liệu nào để kích hoạt! Cài đặt plugin thủ công.
làm theo hướng dẫn ko hiện pass
Nếu sử dụng cốc cốc thì vào thanh địa chỉ nhập google.com và tìm kiếm lại nhé
pass dau ban oi?
đọc hd cuối bài viết
Mình nên chọn elementor hay wpbakery. Khi mình chọn elementor thì nó cực kì lag ko thể thêm chữ hay kéo đc block nào hết. Bạn có giúp mình với
elementor nó tùy biến cao nên cần cấu hình mạnh hơn nhé. Và nó cũng dễ xung đột giữa các addons khi có update. Nhưng hiện tại elementor rất mạnh nên vẫn khuyên bạn nên xài nó
theme này cuối mỗi trang cứ thấy dòng [html_block id=”258″], bật debug k thấy xuất hiện lỗi, admin kiểm tra lại xem thử
này là shortcode bạn chèn ở đâu thì kiểm tra lại đi nhé. hoặc demo nó có mà plugin nào đấy ko dc cài
Này là shortcode nằm trong phần settings theme ông ơi
cám ơn bạn nhiều, do mình chưa chơi đồ
m mới cài bản 6.0.4 nhưng m không hiểu sao chạy khá chậm, mà xem demo nó chạy vù vù, có ai bị tình trạng như vậy không
nhanh chậm nhiều do nhiều yếu tố mà@@
m import demo vào phát là chậm ngay, check trình duyệt thì nó báo phản hồi máy chủ chậm, nhưng m chạy vps những code khác vẫn chạy phà phà, thật kỳ lạ
bạn tối ưu lại ảnh, cài wp-rocket vào tăng php lên
bạn tối ưu lại ảnh, cài wp-rocket vào tăng php.ini lên
Trên hompage nó vẫn còn chữ “Purchase Theme” và link tới Themeforest là sao nhỉ Admin?
cài thủ công nhe
ad ơi, cho mình hỏi sao giao diện mình cài đặt xong giờ không có nút thêm vào giỏ hàng, view cart hỏng, checkuot hỏng, thêm trang mới cũng không được. bạn có thể giúp mình không?
bật debug lên là thấy lỗi thôi, nang wp core vs woocommerce lên mới nhất. xong test thử plugin nào gây lỗi
hiện tại ad ghi nhận một vài user gặp lỗi này, nếu bạn có đang sử dụng các plugin liên quan đến giỏ hàng ví dụ WooCommerce Cart All in One, deactivate tất cả các plugin ko liên quan đến WoodMart. Ghi nhận lỗi gặp nhiều khi có sử dụng với Elementor. Bạn có thể bật debug để tìm ra lỗi nằm ở đâu. Đây là bản cập nhật tệ nhất từ trước đến nay, nếu vẫn không giải quyết đc có thể đợi bản update tiếp theo hoặc rollback về version cũ hoặc liên hệ trực tiếp với ad qua fb, zalo, skype, viber mình có thể sẽ hỗ trợ nhé
dạ, mình có thể liên hệ với mình qua email [email protected] này được không ạ
có vấn đề gì thì nhắn qua zalo or skype viber nhé
Mình có cài theme cho tên miền được vài hôm thì tên miền bị báo là scam báo virus, liệu có phải do theme không bạn.
theme sạch nha. Ad có sử dụng cho 1 vài user nên có check kĩ rồi. Bây giờ bạn bắt đầu check lại source code, database, hosting từ từ sẽ biết được từ đâu thôi. Còn làm như thế nào thì research đi nhé hoặc có thể qua xem bình luận trong bài viết này, mình có hd cơ bản các bước nếu phát hiện có dính shell, kéo xuống phần bình luận nhé
Xem thêm: Wordfence Security Premium – WordPress Security Plugin
Cứ thử fix đi nhé sau có kinh nghiệm thôi. Còn thấy khó quá hoặc hết cách thì liên hệ qua các kênh fb,zalo,skype,email cho ad (ko gửi submit form vì sẽ không được hỗ trợ). Mình có thgian sẽ hỗ trợ cho bạn (đương nhiên là free ở blog hotrowordpress nhé).
Cảm ơn bạn đã trả lời, mình sẽ kiểm tra lại hệ thống site
Sao mình cài thì bị lỗi như thế này b ơi
Unpacking the package…
Installing the theme…
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme installation failed.
cài thủ công nha
ad ơi có bản 6.0.1 chưa ạ, bản mới này lỗi quá nó vừa ra bản vá 6.0.1
trong hnay nha
tks ad nhiều
10p nữa nha@@
Có bản 5.0.2 chưa bác ơi
Có rồi nhé, đọi xíu minh cap nhật nha