Thông báo: Hotrowordpress sẽ tiến hành cập nhật lại toàn bộ plugin-themes hiện có trên blog. Thời gian hỗ trợ cập nhật từ ngày 30.03.2024, nếu cần gấp bản mới nhất vui lòng gửi mail về cho admin để nhận link download ưu tiên!

WP Mail SMTP Pro v3.3.0 NULLED – WordPress SMTP Plugin


WP Mail SMTP Pro là plugin phổ biến nhất cho WordPress SMTP và PHP Mailer. Định cấu hình lại chức năng wp_mail() để sử dụng Gmail/Mailgun/SendGrid/SMTP thay vì mail() mặc định và tạo trang cài đặt để quản lý cài đặt.

Nếu bạn gặp sự cố với WordPress không gửi email, bạn không đơn độc. Với sự gia tăng của hệ thống lọc thư rác, thật khó để truy cập hộp thư đến trừ khi email của bạn được cấu hình đúng. Khi bạn đã chuyển từ cài đặt email WordPress mặc định sang WP Mail SMTP, các vấn đề về khả năng gửi email của bạn sẽ được giải quyết ổn thỏa.

Ngăn chặn email WordPress của bạn khỏi bị đánh dấu là spam, WP Mail SMTP tích hợp với tất cả các nhà cung cấp SMTP an toàn tốt nhất. Cho dù bạn cần gửi bao nhiêu email, bạn có thể kết nối với nhà cung cấp phù hợp với nhu cầu kinh doanh và ngân sách của mình.


Tính năng cao cấp WP Mail SMTP Pro – #1 WordPress SMTP Plugin in the World

Tính năng WP Mail SMTP Pro Plugin

  • White Glove Setup: Cho phép cài đặt và định cấu hình WP Mail SMTP cho bạn.
  • Email Log: Kiểm soát email thông báo trang web WordPress của bạn gửi.
  • Manage Notifications: Kiểm soát email thông báo trang web WordPress của bạn gửi.
  • Amazon SES: Khai thác sức mạnh của AWS với tích hợp Amazon SES của chúng tôi.
  • Gmail / G Suite: Sử dụng OAuth để xác thực tài khoản của bạn, bảo mật thông tin đăng nhập của bạn.
  • Mailgun: Sử dụng tài khoản Mailgun của bạn để gửi tất cả các email WordPress một cách đáng tin cậy.
  • Office 365: Kết nối với tài khoản Office 365 của bạn với trình gửi thư Microsoft của chúng tôi.
  • Trình gửi thư Microsoft của chúng tôi cũng hỗ trợ các dịch vụ khác, bao gồm
  • SendGrid: Sử dụng tài khoản SendGrid của bạn để gửi email WordPress của bạn một cách đáng tin cậy.
  • All Other SMTP Providers: Tận dụng máy chủ web của bạn hoặc máy chủ SMTP của bên thứ ba để gửi email của bạn.
WP Mail SMTP Pro Nulled Nulled Free Changelog

[v3.3.0] - 2022-02-15
- Support for WordPress versions 5.1.x or lower has been discontinued. If you are using one of those versions, you MUST upgrade WordPress before installing or upgrading to WP Mail SMTP v3.3. Failure to do that will disable WP Mail SMTP functionality.

### Added:
- Email Log: sent status verification AS tasks for Postmark and SparkPost.
- New Amazon AWS SES region: Osaka.
- PHP 8.1 compatibility.

### Changed:
- Email Log: improved sent status verification accuracy with webhooks for:, Sendiblue, Mailgun, Postmark and SparkPost.
- Updated the list of conflicting plugins (added FluentSMTP and WP HTML Mail).
- Domain verification process for AWS SES mailer (now using DKIM verification instead of the simple TXT record verification).
- Improved debug error message for the Other SMTP mailer in Debug Events.
- Updated Action Scheduler library to 3.4.0.
- Improved Action Scheduler performance.

### Fixed:
- PHP deprecated notices in Sendinblue library (PHP 7.4+).
- Email Log: resend issue with incorrectly stored headers.
- Non-network admin was allowed to change the Debug Event setting, if network-wide setting was enabled.
- DB tables row in Site Health Info section is now private.
- Debug Events' screen options visible on general Tools page.
- Screen Options right alignment.
PHP 8 compatibility when existing Gmail mailer connection is revoked.
[v3.2.0] - 2021-11-09
### Added:
- New transactional mailer: SparkPost integration.
- One-click migration from FluentSMTP plugin.
- Plugin constants integration in Setup Wizard.

### Fixed:
- Early plugin deactivation issue with activity log plugins.

[3.1.0] - 2021-09-28
### Added:
- New transactional mailer: Postmark integration.
- Email Log: added CC and BCC columns to the table.
- Support for string attachments (added via PHPMailer object).

### Changed:
- Improved Weekly Email Summary Setup Wizard control.
- Improved Email Source detection in Debug Events and Email Log for WP Core sent emails.
- Improved uninstall process. It now removes all plugin DB data and tables.

### Fixed:
- Email Source detection in Debug Events and Email Log for file paths with backslashes.
- Amazon SES automatic closest region detection (keycdn API request).
- Added SSL check for Amazon SES and Outlook mailers in the Setup Wizard.
- Blurry image assets in Weekly Email Summary.
- PHP extension mb_strings not polyfilled correctly.
- New user registration email template for Email Controls feature.
- Added missing is_email_sent filters for Sendinblue, Mailgun, and Gmail mailers.
- Debug Events double-entry DB save, because of a bug in is_email_sent method for certain mailers.
- Network subsite switcher in WP Multisite installations with subdomain configuration.

[v3.0.2] - 2021-08-05
### Fixed:
- Fatal PHP error on WP version 5.2 and lower (missing wp_timezone function).

[3.0.0] - 2021-08-03

Email Reports - Email Log statistics grouped by email subject.
Weekly Email Summary - email sending statistics sent to your inbox.
Debug Events - logging all email sending errors and debug events.
Support for automatic pro plugin updates.
Quick admin area links.
New Amazon AWS SES regions: Milan, Cape Town, Bahrain, and GovCloud.
Email Log: the source of the sent email. Which plugin/theme (or WP Core) sent the email.

Updated the successful Email Test screen.
How plugin DB tables are created on WP Multisite installations.
Included Microsoft 365 in our existing Outlook mailer labels, for easier recognition.
Updated Action Scheduler library to 3.2.1.

Outlook oAuth processing conflicting with other plugins (WP Amelia).
WP core admin spinner for the dashboard widget.
Email Log: non-ascii character encoding when link tracking is enabled.
PHP error when objects implementing __invoke() method were used as hook callbacks for admin notices.

[v2.9.1] - 2021-07-05
### Fixed:
- Email Log: mailto links not working correctly when link tracking is enabled.

[v2.9.0] - 2021-06-22
### Added:
- Email Log: store email attachments.
- Email Log: export email logs in EML format.
- Email Log: archive email log table column filters in screen options.
- Email Log: aggregated email log view on Network Admin Email Log page.
- Email Log: resend emails.
- Email Log: open and click tracking.
- Action Scheduler table to the Tools page.
- Dashboard Widget with total emails sent counter (Lite only).

[2.8.0] - 2021-05-04
Email Log: export email logs in CSV and XLSX (Excel) formats.
Email Log: print email log.
Email Log: date range filter control.
Email Log: filter hook for changing required WP capabilities to view and manage Email Logs.
Email Log: settings constants.
Filter hooks for the Outlook mailer URLs, enabling GCC High compatibility.
WP Site Health status check for the sending domain.
WP Mail SMTP WordPress admin menu position filter hook.

Updated the single Email Log page style.
Updated the list of conflicting plugins.
Moved the Email Test tab to the new WP Mail SMTP > Tools page.

Removed the empty admin dashboard menu item for the Setup Wizard.
The Setup Wizard conflicting issue with Admin 2020 plugin.
The plugin settings pages not opening when WishList Member plugin was active.
Empty error message for Outlook mailer.
Dashboard Widget missing database table error when Email Logging was never enabled.
Mailgun mailer sent status verification task accuracy.

[v2.7.0] - 2021-03-23
- Support for PHP 5.5 has been discontinued. If you are running one of those versions, you MUST upgrade PHP before installing or upgrading to WP Mail SMTP v2.7. Failure to do that will disable WP Mail SMTP functionality.

### Added:
- Dashboard widget with email sending statistic.
- Email Log: email sent status filters.

### Changed:
- Updated About us plugin page.
- Improved Domain Check Results section in Email Test tab.
- Allow the use of different Gmail aliases as From Email address by disabling the Force From Email setting.
- The Setup Wizard can now be launched via a button in the plugin settings. The Setup Wizard admin dashboard menu item was removed.

### Fixed:
- WP Multisite subsite admins couldn't remove oAuth connections (in Gmail, Outlook and Zoho mailers).
- Accessible WPMS subsite settings when network-wide setting was enabled.

[2.6.0] - 2021-02-02
New plugin Setup Wizard.
One click plugin upgrade (Lite to Pro).
New Amazon SES regions: North California, Paris, Stockholm.
Ability to clear error notices in multisite setups with plugin options editable network-wide.
SendGrid Invalid API key error message and mitigation steps on the Email Test page.

Plugin settings overwriting checkboxes with default values when network-wide option is enabled on Multisite installation.
Unused Return Path option removed for the Amazon SES mailer.
Zoho mailer error when "reply-to" header was set to the Zoho authorized email address.
Outlook mailer not sending emails with custom email headers missing prepended 'X-'.
Email Log: Save correct sent date/time (UTC).
License type text displayed in plugin settings.
PHP fatal error on undefined Pro mailer object when switching to Lite version.
PHP warning in Sendinblue email sent verification task.
PHP 8 support.

[2.5.3] - 2020-11-23
### Fixed:
- Other SMTP password decryption on network-wide enabled WPMS subsites.

[v2.5.2] - 2020-11-17
### Fixed:
- Outlook oAuth Redirect URI for network-wide enabled WP Multisites.
- WPMS network-wide plugin settings updating on network subsites (fixes oAuth token refresh issues).

[v2.5.1] - 2020-10-28
### Fixed:
- The automatic updates issue with Gmail mailer token refresh.
- The 'wp-amil-smtp' typo in a plugin text-domain and a HTML class.

### Added:
- Email Log: save and display the email sending errors in email log entries.
- Email Log: button to delete all email log entries at once.
- Email Log: display a proper delivery status for each sent email for these mailers:, Sendinblue, Mailgun.
- Other SMTP mailer password encryption/decryption.

### Changed:

- Sendinblue SDK library version to 6.4.
- Google apiclient library version to 2.7.
- Improve plugin settings input and toggle focus states.
- Amazon AWS SES library. Migrated to the official AWS SDK library.
  • Xem thêm: Tổng hợp WordPress Plugin cao cấp miễn phí, cập nhật hàng ngày

password: Xem hướng dẫn bên dưới

Hoạt động mà ko cần nhập key

license: BAB001122334455AA6677BB8899TAZ01

2 bình luận
  1. Minh Nam đã bình luận

    Bị hiện thông báo: Please enter and activate your license key for WP Mail SMTP Pro to enable automatic updates.

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      kệ đi bạn vẫn sử dụng bth nhé

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