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WP Staging Pro v4.1.8 NULLED – One-Click Solution for Creating Staging Sites


WP Staging Pro – Một plugin để tạo bản sao và sao chép các thay đổi vào trang web WordPress của bạn chỉ trong vài cú nhấp chuột.

WP Staging cho phép bạn làm việc an toàn trên trang web của mình: sao chép cơ sở dữ liệu và tệp từ trang này sang trang khác; cho phép bạn loại trừ các bảng và thư mục cụ thể; quá trình nhân bản rất nhanh; xác thực vai trò người dùng; thậm chí các trang web lớn được hỗ trợ; rất dễ sử dụng


Tính năng nổi bật WP Staging Pro – Create Staging Sites for WordPress Websites

Tính năng WP Staging Pro

  • Tạo một bản sao của trang web của bạn với một cú nhấp chuột đơn giản
  • Sao chép các tệp Cơ sở dữ liệu, Plugin, Chủ đề & Phương tiện từ trang Staging sang Live
  • Trang web dàn dựng chỉ dành cho người dùng được xác thực
  • Quá trình nhân bản không làm chậm trang web của bạn
  • Trang web dàn dựng nằm trên máy chủ của bạn. Không có dữ liệu được gửi cho bên thứ 3
  • Sao chép và đẩy WordPress Multisite, (trang chính & trang phụ)
WP Staging Pro - One-Click Solution for Creating Staging Sites v4.1.8 nulled Changelog

= v4.1.8 =
* New: Support up to WordPress 5.9.1
* New: Add filter wpstg.frontend.showLoginForm to allow third party plugin disabling login form for the staging site #1577
* New: Add labels to distinguish between network and single site clones on multisite
* Fix: Handle issue when showing staging sites in System Info #1560
* Fix: Fix Rows Generator for zero or negative values for Primary Key Index #1584
* Fix: Set option "Keep permalinks" on the staging site when updating a staging site if "keep permalinks" is active on the production site initially #1562
* Fix: Updating an existing multisite clone converted the clone to a single site #1565 #1589
= v4.1.7 =
* New: Create backups and restore of multisites #1458
* Fix: Force AnalyticsSender to convert wpstg_settings to array before usage #1559
* Fix: Backup Search & Replace does not work with new primary key conditional query #1556
* Fix: Fix labels on backup sites #1551
* Fix: Backup restore can not unserialize escaped serialized strings #1554

= v4.1.6 =
* New: Support for WordPress 5.9
* New: Add filter to change the cache folder for creating & restoring backups #1528
* New: Huge performance improvement for search & replace in cloning / pushing / backup process #1522
* Fix: Call to undefined function human_readable_duration() on backup creation if WP is older than 5.1 #1527 #1525 #1535
* Dev: Add unit tests for Times class
* Dev: Update db_version in SQL dumps to match WordPress 5.9 db version #1539
* Dev: Add command to get db_version from database

= v4.1.5 =
* New: Add support for WordPress 5.8.3
* New: Add filter for excluding files during cloning / backup #1494
* New: Add filter for overwriting max execution for database backup restore #1512
* New: Add filter to allow overwriting of the maximum allowed request time to make sure backup restore works for huge files. (19.000.000M database rows) #1510
* Fix: If cloning a multisite subsite into external database, it does not clone / backup wp_users and wp_usermeta #1515
* Fix: Skip tmp single file plugin during backup PUSH copy process #1491
* Fix: Preserve table selection during PUSH and UPDATE even when all backup tables unselected #1488
* Fix: Make sure maximum memory consumption during cloning or backup is never higher than 256MB #1502
* Fix: Use custom implementation of wp_timezone() for backward compatibility to WordPress older than 5.3 #1505
* Fix: Override FileObject::fgets to make them behave exactly from SplFileObject of PHP < 8.0.1 #1506
* Tweak: Show custom uploads folder in tooltip description and explain better that changing a symlink image will also change the image on the production site. #1495

= v4.1.4 =
* Hotfix: Fix CLONE PUSH BACKUP on Medium and High CPU Load on WP STAGING PRO 4.1.3. Improve Performance of database backup #1492

= v4.1.1 =
* Fix: Update notice is shown even when using latest version #1398
* Fix: Backup & cloning 100% compatible with PHP 8.0.12 #1281
* Fix: Skip search replace on backup & cloning query if it's size exceed preg functions limit #1404
* Fix: Skip inserting backup & cloning query if it exceeds mysql max_allowed_package. Show warning to user #1405
* Fix: Make db option wpstg_staging_sites always return an array #1413
* Fix: Fix dependency injection for backup notices class. Solve conflict with TranslatePress #1416
* Tweak: Use php version number as tag for php docker container #1407
* Tweak: Improve symlink tooltip text #1411
* Tweak: Refactor WP STAGING Pro to WP STAGING | PRO in notices #1409
* Tweak: Remove 16 characters limitation for the backup & CLONE NAME and keep it for CLONE DIRECTORY #1412

= v4.1.0 =
* New: Show a summary of selected tables and plugins in the push selection
* Fix: WP Staging's variable not declared on plugins page #1373
* Fix: Fix PUSH process when no table is selected #1387
* Fix: Enclose table name with backticks during quering in CLONE and PUSH jobs #1388
= v4.0.9 =
* New: Ask user to allow sending non-personalized usage information for improving the user experience
* Fix: Feedback modal not opened after disabling a plugin #1373
* Fix: Prevent cloning error by enclosing table name with backticks in CLONE and PUSH jobs #1388
* Tweak: Disable the notice about not messing with uploads or wp-content directories #1385

= v4.0.8 =
* Fix: Push from staging site in external database can fail if there are many tables to replace due to exceeding maximum allowed number of external database connections #1379
* Enh: Added buttons to ease process of selecting tables during PUSH process. #1377

= v4.0.7 =
* Tweak: Make staging site upgrade routine run always #1358
* Fix: Fix issue about checking rest url #1354
* Fix: Fix exclude condition for tables during PUSH #1364

= v4.0.5 =
* Fix: New pro version does not recognize staging sites created with older free version #1293

= v4.0.3 =
* New: Support for WordPress 5.8
* New: Show notice if uploads dir is outside WP Root #1138
* Enh: Show warning during restore if Backup was created on a server with PHP ini "short_open_tags", and restoring on a server with it disabled #1129
* Enh: Also show disabled permalink message in disabled items notice on the staging site and show a page builder (DIVI, Elementor etc) not working help link in wpstg page footer #1150
* Enh: Allow filtering the Backup directory using the `` filter #1167
* Enh: Decouple clone name and clone ID for better usage #1158
* Enh: Allow backups on the staging site #1172
* Enh: Show issue notice if backups is created on version >= 4.0.2 #1198
* Enh: Remove deprecated hooks call #1209
* Fix: Fix staging site when site has freemius script #1112
* Fix: Prefix 'wpstg' to sweetalerts Swal to avoid conflict with its other versions #1125
* Fix: Fix a bug in the backup export logic that would loop when encountering a file with non-empty contents that PHP would evaluate as false #1126
* Fix: Set default values for wpstg settings on plugin activate event if wpstg settings not already set #1135
* Fix: Fix the problem when unable to access the staging site because production site have different siteurl or home url and either one of them is having www. prefix #1136
* Fix: Restore a backup with VIEWs or TABLEs with special MySQL configurations such as DEFINER #1139
* Fix: Fix issue where tab triangle was inconsistent by using css based tab triangle #1148
* Fix: Fix issue where backup tmp folder cleaning process closes logs modal #1157
* Fix: Reduce time to query INFORMATION_SCHEMA on some shared hosts from ~10s to one millisecond #1154
* Fix: Fix a bug on backup creation that would not prefix the table name if a MySQL View is selecting data from another MySQL View #1155
* Fix: Fix a bug on backup restore that would fail when trying to create a MySQL View that selects data from another MySQL View that has not been created yet due to order of creation #1155
* Fix: Check available free disk space on large disks on 32-bit PHP #1179
* Fix: Fix a bug where a PHP memory_limit of -1 (Unlimited) would be interpreted as 64MB, now it's interpreted as 512MB #1178
* Fix: Fix download of .wpstg files on Bitnami/AWS Lightsail servers #1181
* Fix: Remove usages of `abstract static` methods that would violate `strict` PHP checks #1185
* Fix: Cloning a site resets the settings to the default ones #1183
* Fix: Fix a bug on backup creation that would prevent user from logging in after restoring a backup on a site with a different WPDb prefix #1169
* Fix: Allow backup restore with a warning if file count is different than expected, improve backup file count logic #1189
* Fix: Fix Clone RESET and Clone DELETE when unable to delete file due to permission error #1196
* Fix: Fix an issue when canceling a push confirm redirects to empty page #1206
* Fix: Add missing back button and hide cancel button after clone UPDATE and clone RESET #1207
* Fix: Fix Error in JS console related to registering of main-menu in page where it was not available #1205
* Dev: Add wrapper methods for deprecated hooks functions to support WordPress < 4.6 #1209

* Enh: Replace css based hover with pure js hoverintent for tooltips #1106
* Enh: Cleanup logs older than 7 days automatically #1116
* Enh: Update the version to check in Outdated WP Staging Hooks notice #1118
* Fix: Fixed conflict with Rank Math Seo PRO when Rank Math Seo PRO is activated network wide in multisites #1111
* Fix: Make Scan::hasFreeDiskSpace() return other info even if disk_free_space is unavailable #1093
* Fix: Fix an issue where MySQL views were not being deleted correctly during the database cleanup step of the backup export #1098

= v3.2.6 =
* Feat: Compatible up to WordPress 5.7.2
* Enh: Preserve directories/tables selection and excludes rules for RESET and UPDATE process #809
* Enh: If any wpstg process is running allow to stop that process within RESET modal #942
* Fix: Fix multisite subsite capabilities on the staging site #852
* Fix: Properly resets the properties between Cloning tasks #896
* Fix: Avoid PHP warning when building version of missing asset file #929
* Fix: Clean leftover wpstg-tmp-* and wpstg-bak-* directories from plugins and themes directories while push #954
* Fix: Make RESET modal show error message within modal on failed response instead of browser logs #942
* Fix: Replace wpstgGetCloneSettings() in mail-settings.php with CloneOption::get() #956
# Fix: Little typo changed effect to affect #963
# Fix: Made node_modules dir to be only excluded from WP Staging's Plugins #963
* Fix: Fix UPDATE and RESET for old wpstg clones which are without appended underscore db prefix #958

= v3.2.5 =
* Feat: Compatible up to WordPress 5.7.1 #855
* Feat: Check disk space according to selected directories #761
* Feat: Make the staging site admin bar background color customizable #758
* Feat: Add UI to exclude certain files or folders by rules #726
* Feat: Show success popup on UPDATE and RESET jobs' completion #818
* Enh: Disallow hypen in table prefix #819
* Enh: Directory navigation in file selection to infinite deep level #768
* Fix: Fix copy of big external tables #795
* Fix: Exclude mainsite uploads dir content while cloning non-main sites in multisite #755
* Fix: Fix RESET process for destination dir outside WP Root #808
* Fix: Exclude blog_versions table from SearchReplace job as well #807
* Dev: Integrated Rollup for bundling/minifying/concatenating assets #828
* Dev: Remove console.log() output #874
* Fix: Fix issue where sub directories can only be collapsed when parent directory is checked #835
* Fix: Push now works if the ANSI_QUOTES sql_mode is enabled, as it is by default on Digital Ocean #839
* Fix: Fix isStagingSiteCloneable index not found when saving settings on old staging site #846
* Fix: Fix: Showing warning alert during PUSH when user tries to navigate to other page or close the browser/tab #848
* Fix: Fix unable to connect external database when making sure staging site doesn't use production site database and prefix #851
* Fix: Database backup's DELETE now works when deleting backup with no table #857
* Fix: Fix cloning not working due to warnIfClosingDuringProcess not being called properly #871

= v3.2.4 =
* Enh: Add Shutdownable interface to replace usages of __destruct in the code #729
* Enh: Refactor on how the plugin keeps track of a request running time #766
* Fix: Replace deprecated jQuery click method #730
* Fix: Fix overlapping of sweetalert confirmation on push with sidebar #742
* Fix: Exclude wp staging content folder during staging #741
* Fix: Add sanitizing for path to fix comparing for Windows paths #751
* Fix: _cerber_files tables are excluded and could not be copied Fix #770
* Fix: Replaced jQuery assignment with an IIFE wrapper #761
* Fix: Fix extra directories scanning #779
* Fix: Wrap a few error_log calls in WPSTG_DEBUG to avoid cluttering the log #783
* Fix: Improve symlink consistency and add better error logs for symlink #786
* Fix: Fix extra directories check if an empty needle is provided to strpos in it #788
* Dev: Update php-scoper and other development dependencies #744
* Dev: Build javascript when building the distributable version of the plugin #750
* Dev: Internal helper CLI command to order the changelog notes according to type #749
* Dev: Refactor Job(s) implementation to use the Resources Trait #765
* Dev: Add internal documentation to versioning and hotfixes #780

= v3.2.2 =
* Feat: Compatible up to WP 5.7
* Feat: Check database connection in clone data edit #650
* Feat: Exclude .wp-staging-cloneable file from cloning and update #718
* Feat: Show notice if a user is using an outdated version of WP Staging Hooks plugin #716
* Feat: Add single disabled items notice with better message #717
* Feat: Add options to enable/disable staging sites cloning from UI #722
* Enh: Use included directories instead of excluded directories to increase cloning speed #671
* Enh: Stringify directories array var in $_POST to reduce $_POST size during cloning #671
* Enh: Replace relative paths exclude to absolute and wildcard paths exclude during cloning #671
* Enh: Detect snapshot tables using regex #694
* Enh: Enable disable save button in clone data edit during database connection #700
* Enh: Improve exclude filters for Push process #720
* Enh: Move Backend/public/img to assets/img #719
* Enh: Unify Single and Multisite Classes #713
* Enh: Keep other staging behavior when the staging site is cloneable #722
* Fix: Lost password link generation in staging sites #697
* Fix: Fix cloning on multisite for PHP 5 #725
* Fix: Skip symlink scanning during directory scan #736
* Dev: Internal refactoring of database backup to avoid long-lived branch #624
* Dev: Enforced changelog entries in CI #695
* Dev: Refactored webdriver tests to make them faster #656
* Dev: Refactor how the automated test workflows are generated. Add new webdriver test before release with default settings #712
* Enh: Refactor search and replace jobs to use memory and time-consumption aware trait #702
* Dev: Increased default file batch limits for faster development environment and CI #706
* Dev: Renamed all code and UI references of Snapshot to Backup #715
* Dev: Add helper to manage clone settings #717

= v3.2.1 =
* Feat: Compatible up to WP 5.6.2
* Feat: Option to clean folders uploads, plugins and themes before updating staging site
* Feat: Option to clean folders uploads, plugins and/or themes during push
* Feat: Option to symlink uploads folder incl. images from staging to production site. No need to copy images between staging and production site anymore
* Feat: Show creator user name of staging site
* Feat: Add option to toggle mail sending through settings on staging site
* Feat: Add filters for overriding mail sending
* Feat: Add option to reset clone
* Enh: Show notice if sending mails are disabled
* Enh: Show message and stop execution if php version is lower than 5.5
* Enh: Abort cloning process if table already exists in external database
* Enh: Improve design of clone and database backup overview item
* Enh: Move action of clone and database backups to dropdown
* Enh: Delete opcache for wp staging classes after installation
* Fix: Can not update database credentials in staging sites wp-config.php under rare circumstances
* Fix: During the update process if options table was not selected it didn't get skipped
* Fix: Error if WP is lower than 4.6
* Fix: Can not delete entire staging site on error
* Fix: Activating pro version does not properly disable free version

= v3.1.8 =
* New: Compatible up to WordPress 5.6
* Fix: Can not clone properly network site if it is in a subfolder
* Fix: Uninstall function throws fatal error
* Fix: Do not write sensitive information into debug.log
* Fix: Update notification shown even if there is no more recent version
* Dev: Prefix composer vendor libraries
* Dev: Add more tests to improve QA

= v3.1.5 =
* HotFix: Activation hook is not fired after first time installation and wpstg optimizer and cron tasks are not set up
* New: Add special admin notice if plugin is not tested with latest WordPress version

* Fix: Fatal error on activation (Syntax error)
* Feature: Disable sending emails on staging site
* Feature: Edit button to reconnect broken staging site
* Feature: Copy themes to tmp folder first before pushing to production site
* New: Compatible up to WordPress 5.5.1
* New: Rename Snapshots to Backup
* New: Add WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE constant for staging site
* New: Better and wider test coverage
* New: Implementing of automated CI tests
* New: Huge code base refactor for cleaner code
* New: Updated authentication mechanism for ajax requests
* New: Show welcome video message
* New: Show message asking for admin credentials on login form
* New: Move WP STAGING menu down below the menu Plugins
* New: Selected tables are highlighted with a blue background color
* Fix: Show access denied message if a non but existing user tries to access the staging site
* Fix: Remove wp_logout() in staging site login form to prevent multiple login log entries with plugin WP Activity Log
* Fix: Wrong german translations
* Fix: Cloning fails if there is no underscore in table prefix
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WP Staging Pro v4.1.8 final NULLED – One-Click Solution for Creating Staging Sites

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