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Search & Filter Pro v2.5.12 – The Ultimate WordPress Filter Plugin


Search & Filter Pro – tìm kiếm theo trường người dùng, thẻ meta, phân loại, thẻ, danh mục, tác giả, loại tin nhắn, ngày, v.v. Nó cho phép bạn tìm kiếm và lọc tin nhắn / tin nhắn / sản phẩm của người dùng theo bất kỳ số lượng tham số nào, cho phép người dùng của bạn Thật dễ dàng để tìm thấy những gì họ đang tìm kiếm trên trang web của bạn, cho dù đó là một bài đăng trên blog, một sản phẩm cửa hàng trực tuyến và nhiều hơn nữa.


Changelog: Search & Filter Pro – The Ultimate WordPress Filter Plugin

Download Search & Filter Pro v2.5.12 - The Ultimate WordPress Filter Plugin Nulled Free

= v2.5.12 =
* Fix - Support ajax in multiple results areas when using our third party integrations
* Fix - an issue with the author field not hiding admin authors (when that option was enabled)
* Fix - pagination issues with some of our integrations when using multiple search forms + results
* Fix - an issue where the query was not integrating with the Custom Layouts block
* Fix - issues in the admin UI since WordPress 5.9
* Fix - update to using wp_initialize_site for multisite - thanks to Chrissyd
* Update - minimum required WordPress version to 5.1

= v2.5.11 =
* Fix - an issue with ajax and the results URL not being correctly detected
* Fix - updated some of our plugin update procedures
* New - options to use text input control for selecting post meta keys (to prevent loading of all meta keys in large databases) - available via the settings page
* New - action - `search_filter_remove_pagination` - use this before your template pagination functions to stop S&F from modifying the pagination
= v2.5.10 =
* Fix - Fix an ajax issue for Dynamic Content maps - * Note: if you are using the maps + posts display method, you might need to reset this option.
* Fix - Translate the labels for options in the `sort` field via WPMLs Advanced Translation editor

= v2.5.9 =
* Fix - Update fix for Dynamic Content maps integration
* Fix - An issue with with WPML Advanced Translation Editor (the text for our submit and reset buttons was not being detected)

= v2.5.8 =
* Fix - an issue with Ajax and Dynamic Content's Google maps widget
* Fix - a PHP notice in our admin notices
* New - experimental hook for displaying WooCommerce variations individually

= v2.5.7 =
* Fix - scroll (on pagination only) was not working correctly
* Fix - duplicate search form stopped working in a previous update
* Fix - an issue with the cache not progressing on nginx + php8
* Fix - a PHP8 admin issue where checkboxes were not being set
* New - initial support for Posts + Maps combined
* New - basic support for multiple ajax areas via hooks
* New - support for WPMLs advanced translation editor

= v2.5.6 =
* Fix - a PHP issue due to a trailing comma

= v2.5.4 =
* Fix - a WooCommerce issue that was introduced where variations data was not being saved correctly

= v2.5.3 =
* Fix - `hide empty` in taxonomy fields was ignoring certain posts completely based on their post stati
* Fix - issues with the combobox "No Results Message" with post meta fields
* Fix - js warnings on admin pages
* Fix - issues relating to jQuery migrate plugin being removed
* Fix - an issue with refocussing the search box after pressing enter to submit
* Fix - a css issue with the datepicker dropdown
* Remove - js library dependency for admin tooltips
* Update - Select2 library to 4.0.13
* Compatibility + tested upto WP 5.6
* New - Display Results method - integration with Dynamic Posts v2 from Dynamic Content for Elementor

= v2.5.2 =
* Fix - a warning about stripslashes expecting a string
* Fix - an issue where getting labels for ACF fields was failing on private posts
* Fix - an issue with infinite scroll not working when the pagination selector was not set
* Fix - a JS warning where we using attribute to set checked state in certain admin screens
* Fix - an issue where infinite scroll was causing issues on taxonomy archives
* Fix - an issue where scrolling to results was fired before the content had loaded, causing an unwanted offset
* Fix - an issue with EDD Purchase buttons not using ajax to add to cart after a search
* Fix - an issue when WooCommerce is enabled with S&F, and interference being caused to non related search forms
* Fix - some compatibility issues with WPML and WooCommerce product variations
* New - better integration with WC products shortcode, simply add a `search_filter_id` argument to integrate

Tải Xuống:  Search & Filter Pro

2 bình luận
  1. Vũ Ba đã bình luận

    Admin cho em xin pass download của plugin này với ạ, Tks Ad !

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      mặc định tất cả là hotrowordpress nhé, cái nào nhập ko đúng thì cmt lại nha

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