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SearchWP v4.2.2 (+Addons) – Instantly Improve Your Site Search


SearchWP là một plugin tìm kiếm WordPress từ các nhà phát triển SearchWP giúp dễ dàng tìm thấy nội dung trên trang web của bạn. Nó hỗ trợ tìm kiếm chi tiết về các sản phẩm thương mại điện tử, tệp PDF và Doc, nội dung tùy chỉnh, mã ngắn, phân loại và tối ưu hóa tìm kiếm tiêu đề và bài đăng.


Tính năng nổi bật SearchWP – Instantly Improve Your Site Search

searchwp plugin

  • Lập chỉ mục các tài liệu PDF và Office. Lập chỉ mục nội dung của PDF, Office, tài liệu văn bản trong thư viện WordPress.
  • Tích hợp tự động mà không cần mã hóa. Theo mặc định, SearchWP sử dụng mẫu tìm kiếm gốc và mẫu kết quả WordPress.
  • Hỗ trợ cho nhiều công cụ tìm kiếm. Tạo công cụ tìm kiếm của riêng bạn, mỗi công cụ có các tính năng riêng đáp ứng yêu cầu của bạn.
  • Phân tích từ khóa. Hiển thị kết quả tốt nhất của bạn bằng cách sử dụng phân tích hình thái từ khóa thay vì kết hợp chính xác.
  • Tìm kiếm trong số tất cả các elements. Tìm kiếm hoạt động trong mô tả sản phẩm, nội dung người dùng, shortdods và các yếu tố khác.
  • Loại trừ một số sản phẩm từ kết quả tìm kiếm.Dễ dàng loại trừ các sản phẩm khỏi kết quả tìm kiếm cho các thuộc tính đã cho.
  • Thống kê các truy vấn tìm kiếm. Theo dõi các truy vấn tìm kiếm để hiểu chính xác những gì người dùng của bạn đang tìm kiếm (hoặc không tìm kiếm).
  • Thiết lập đơn giản các thuật toán. Dễ dàng ưu tiên kết quả tìm kiếm của bạn bằng giao diện SearchWP trực quan.
  • Tích hợp với WooCommerce. Tăng doanh thu bằng cách cho phép người dùng thực hiện tìm kiếm toàn diện, bao gồm dữ liệu trong mô tả sản phẩm.
  • Tích hợp với bbPress. Cải thiện tính hữu ích của các diễn đàn của bạn bằng cách giới thiệu một công cụ tìm kiếm mạnh mẽ.
  • Tích hợp với Trình quản lý công việc WP. Cho phép khách truy cập tìm kiếm siêu dữ liệu, nếu không WordPress sẽ bỏ qua thông tin này.
  • Tích hợp với Tải xuống kỹ thuật số dễ dàng. Hãy chắc chắn rằng người dùng sẽ tìm thấy sản phẩm của bạn một cách nhanh chóng và hiệu quả.
  • Hỗ trợ cho các trường tùy chỉnh nâng cao. Ngừng bỏ qua thông tin có trong dữ liệu người dùng khi thực hiện tìm kiếm trên trang web.
SearchWP - Instantly Improve Your Site Search v4.2.2 Nulled Free Changelog

[New] Extensions admin page to install, activate and deactivate SearchWP extensions in one click
[Improvement] Performance improvement when getting engines configuration
[Fix] Search terms highlighting doesn\'t work well with quoted searches
[Fix] Posts are not dropped from the index when a taxonomy term is deleted from the site
[Fix] Stemming prevents partial matches in some cases
[Fix] Search terms highlighting give unexpected results with partial matches
[Fix] Edited document content is not preserved
[Fix] Broken URLs for the redirects to the legacy admin settings
[Fix] Class prefixing error in smalot/pdfparser lib
[Fix] PHP7 static code analyzer error in symfony/polyfill-mbstring lib

[Change] Plugin settings moved to the top-level menu
[Fix] Undefined function error during the \'index\' CLI command execution
[Fix] Merging words in some cases during HTML content tokenization

[Fix] Synonym application too broad in some cases
[Fix] Document content reindexing in some cases
[Fix] Missing method reference in Comment source
[Fix] Forced phrase search returns no results if the search string doesn't contain non-phrase tokens
[Improvement] Search string normalization
[Improvement] String highlight application when synonyms are applied
[Improvement] Handling of double quotes in synonym logic in some cases

- **[Improvement]** Apply `AND` logic when applicable during quoted search query
- **[Fix]** Default application of 'Did you mean?' functionality in some cases
- **[Fix]** Regression introduced in 4.1.19 that prevented some results from displaying in some cases
- **[New]** Filter `searchwp\native\args\post_type` to modify native search post type when necessary

[Change] Synonym processing now stops after first application unless searchwp\\synonyms\\aggressive filter returns false
[Fix] Global excerpt and highlighting process now uses original search string, disregarding any filtration in some cases

= v4.1.19 =
[New] Consider Excerpt when performing quoted search
[Fix] Multisite re/index using WP-CLI
[Fix] Highlight application with flanking punctuation in some cases
[Fix] Highlight application with stemming enabled in some cases
[Fix] PHP 8 compatibility
[New] de_DE_formal translation
[Update] Dependencies

= v4.1.18 =
[Fix] Global excerpt generation due to newline
[Fix] Relevance minimum clause implementation
[Fix] Prevent search suggestion output outside main query
[Fix] Incorrect fields argument definition in some cases (caused FacetWP facets to not render in some cases)
[Improvement] Highlight matching in some cases

= v4.1.17 =
[New] Added relevance() method to Mods to allow additional manipulation of relevance calculation during searches
[Improvement] Refactored WP All Import integration
[Fix] Character encoding when finding global excerpts in some cases

= v4.1.16 =
- **[New]** `searchwp\index\source\add_hooks` filter to allow prevention of core hook implementation
- **[New]** Integration with WP All Import to better react to import processes
- **[Improvement]** Global excerpt generation in some cases
- **[Improvement]** Indexer state handling when programmatically pausing/unpausing
- **[Fix]** Searching Media in the WordPress Admin in some cases
- **[Fix]** Handling (omitting) of entries that failed indexing in some cases
- **[Fix]** Statistics migration from SearchWP 3 (if Statistics failed to migrate, please open a support ticket for direct assistance)

= 4.1.15 =
[Change] Partial matching in synonyms has been changed, to apply partial matching add a * wildcard where partial matching should be applied
[Change] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
[Fix] Global excerpt generation in some cases
[Fix] Regression introduced in 4.1.12 that prevented results in some cases when setting AND logic to be strict

= v4.1.13 =
[IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
[Fix] Admin search of hierarchical post types
[Fix] Support ticket iframe height minimum in some cases
[Improvement] Partial match logic in some cases

= v4.1.12 =
[IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
[New] Upper threshold that prevents AND logic when too many terms make it a performance issue (default is 5 token groups)
[New] Filter searchwp\\query\\logic\\and\\token_threshold to control AND logic token threshold (return false to disable threshold consideration)
[Fix] Issue with searching Users in the WP Admin
[Fix] Issue with setting query fields in some cases
[Fix] Statistics CSS issue in Safari in some cases

= v4.1.11 =
[IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
[Fix] Regression introduced in 4.1.9 that prevented saving parent weight transfer
[Improved] PDF parsing in some cases

= v4.1.10 =
[IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
[Fix] Background process cookie validation in some cases

= v4.1.9 =
[IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
[Improvement] Reduction in index bloat in some cases
[Fix] Comment parents being incorrectly returned in some cases
[Fix] Error when weight transfer was enabled but no recipient defined
[Fix] Error when using PHP8 in some cases

= v4.1.8 =
[IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
[Improvement] Race condition prevention in background process
[Change] Index controller no longer observes site switching, if switching sites you will need to first use the searchwp\\auto_update_providers hook
[Change] Keyword stemming enabled by default during setup
[Fix] Results when keyword stemming and partial matching is enabled and tokens are exact matches and stemmable
[Fix] Statistics migration from SearchWP 3 in some cases
[Fix] Automatic integration with page builder plugin in some cases
[Fix] Issue with ACF Repeatables not appearing in some cases
[Fix] Issue with not being able to add custom Custom Field keys to an Engine Source

= v4.1.7 =
[IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
[Fix] Multisite performance issue that could lead to an Error in some cases
[Fix] Statistics migration from SearchWP v3 (Regression introduced in 4.1.0)

= v4.1.6 =
- **[IMPORTANT]** As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you *will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index*, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
- **[Fix]** Database table index optimization introduced in 4.1.5 in some configurations
- **[Fix]** Partial matches with stemming enabled during `AND` logic in some cases
- **[Improvement]** `AND` logic handling in some cases

= v4.1.5 =
[IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
[Fix] Exact match buoy in partial match logic
[Fix] Implementation of query when site is set to \'all\' to search all network sites
[Improvement] Partial match logic
[Improvement] Handling of invalid tokens when finding partial matches
[Improvement] Performance when applying delta index updates
[Improvement] Performance when dropping Entries
[Improvement] Handling of duplicate tokens in some cases
[Improvement] Native integration in non-standard environments (e.g. page builders)

= v4.1.4 =
[IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
[Fix] Error during partial match application on synonyms in some cases
[Fix] Admin search handling in some cases

= v4.1.3 =
[IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
[Fix] Synonym partial matches in some cases
[Fix] Statistics display with Statistics capability but not Settings capability
[Fix] HTTP Basic Auth credentials regression introduced in 4.1.0
[Fix] AND logic performance regression introduced in 4.1.0 in some cases
[Improvement] AND logic performance in some cases
[Improvement] Background process health check coverage
[Improvement] PHP 8 compatibility

= v4.1.2 =
[IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
[Improvement] Indexer handling of concurrent invocations, health check/restart when process encounters Errors
[Improvement] Indexer in multisite environment
[Fix] AND logic restrictions in some cases

= v4.0.34 =
- [Fix] Fixes regression introduced by Shortcodes fix in 4.0.33 (proper fix in Shortcodes 1.8.2)
- [Update] Updated updater
- [New] searchwp\\swp_query\\mods filter to add Mods to SWP_Query
- [Fix] PHP Warning introduced in 4.0.32
- [Fix] Prevention of duplicate indexing processes in some cases
- [Fix] Display issue on Statistics screen
- [Fix] PHP Warning when Admin color schemes have been removed
- [Fix] PDF parsing taking place unnecssarily in some cases
- [Improvement] Disable searchwp_search_results Shortcode when generating excerpts so as to prevent unwanted loop
- [Fix] Duplicate indexer processes in some cases
- [Fix] Inaccurate batch size handling in some cases
- [Fix] Prevent redundant search suggestion output in some cases
- [Improvement] Post stati validation when parent attribution is enabled
- [Improvement] Attachment status handling over time
- [New] RAND(seed) support by suffixing random Mod order_by with a colon and seed e.g. random:10 will be RAND(10)
- [Improvement] Adds NOT IN option to Media File Type Rule
- [Improvement] Debug HTML comment block output during Admin requests
- [Fix] Custom Attribute Options not returning proper Label after saving
- [Fix] Relocate searchwp\\query\\search_string hook to fire earlier
- [Fix] Issue when performing cross-site Multisite search
- [Fix] searchwp\\query\\tokens\\limit default value
- [New] Action searchwp\\query\\core_mods_out_of_bounds fires when core Mods are considered out of bounds

Danh sách Addons SearchWP – Instantly Improve Your Site Search

  • SearchWP WooCommerce Product Table Integration v1.0.4 (new)
  • SearchWP bbPress Integration v1.3.1 (update 28-08)
  • SearchWP BigCommerce Integration v1.0.0 (new)
  • SearchWP Boolean Query v1.4.2 (update 19-02)
  • SearchWP Co-Authors Plus Integration v1.2.0 (update)
  • SearchWP Custom Results Order v1.3.5 (update 24-01)
  • SearchWP Diagnostics v1.5.1 (update)
  • SearchWP DirectoryPress Integration v1.7 (update)
  • SearchWP EDD Integration v1.1 (update)
  • SearchWP Enable Media Replace v1.1.2 (update 20-06)
  • SearchWP Exclude UI v1.2.2 (update 10-02)
  • SearchWP Fuzzy Matches v1.4.4
  • SearchWP Give Integration v1.1 (update)
  • SearchWP HeroThemes Integration v1.2.0 (update)
  • SearchWP LIKE Terms v2.4.6
  • SearchWP Live Ajax Search v1.5.0 (update 18-01)
  • SearchWP Manage Ignored v1.0.0
  • SearchWP Meta Box Integration v1.1.0 (update 05-09)
  • SearchWP Metrics v1.4.0 (update 24-01)
  • SearchWP Nimble Builder Integration v1.0.0 (new)
  • SearchWP Polylang Integration v1.3.8 (update 03-06)
  • SearchWP PrivateContent Integration v1.3.0 (update)
  • SearchWP Redirects v1.4.1 (update 24-03)
  • SearchWP Related v1.4.6 (update 20-06)
  • SearchWP Shortcodes v1.8.2 (update 18-01)
  • SearchWP Dutch Stemmer v1.2.4
  • SearchWP German Stemmer v1.0.2
  • SearchWP Greek Stemmer v1.0.2
  • SearchWP Swedish Stemmer v2.0.2
  • SearchWP Term Highlight v2.1.14
  • SearchWP Term Archive Priority v1.2.0 (update)
  • SearchWP Term Synonyms v2.4.14
  • SearchWP WooCommerce Integration v1.3.10 (update 10-02)
  • SearchWP WP Document Revisions Integration v1.0.1
  • SearchWP WP Job Manager Integration v1.5.15 (update)
  • SearchWP WPML Integration v1.6.8 (update 10-02)
  • SearchWP Xpdf Integration v1.3.0 (update 03-06)

Gợi ý tương tự: Ajax Search Pro – Live WordPress Search & Filter Plugin

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12 bình luận
  1. 3CT Group đã bình luận

    đã có v4.1.20 r nha ad

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      mai update nha

      1. 3CT Group đã bình luận

        v4.1.21 r ad, nó update liên tục thế :))

        1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

          nhưng năng lực ad có hạn chỉ cập nhật 1 đến 2 thời điểm 1 ngày thôi. Mai nhé

          1. 3CT Group đã bình luận

            có v4.2 luôn r ad ôi

          2. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

            này phải mai mới có nhé

  2. Tiến đã bình luận

    Bạn ơi plugin này cần key ko. Hay kệ nó cảnh báo key

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      sử dụng bth thì kệ nha

  3. Nguyễn Ngọc Anh đã bình luận

    Cho mình xin key với ạ!
    Mình cảm ơn

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      Hotrowordpress tạm ngưng publish tất cả các addons dạng fullpack, vì đã có rất nhiều bạn sử dụng vì mục đích thương mại.
      Bạn vui lòng để lại 1 tên addons bạn cần ad sẽ get file và tạo folder riêng cho bạn

      1. Anh Nguyễn Ngọc đã bình luận

        Minh xin SearchWP Fuzzy Matches v1.4.4 va plugin chinh nhe

        1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

          Plugin chính bạn tải bthuong đâu có giới hạn gì đâu
          Link tải: SearchWP Fuzzy Matches

Để lại bình luận

Địa chỉ email của bạn sẽ được chúng tôi bảo mật thông tin.