CartFlows Pro v1.9.1 – Get More Leads, Increase Conversions, & Maximize Profits
CartFlows Pro giúp nhận được nhiều khách hàng tiềm năng hơn, tăng chuyển đổi và tối đa hóa lợi nhuận, mà không phải mua thêm quảng cáo phải trả tiền hoặc tạo thêm lưu lượng truy cập…
Biến trang web của bạn thành một máy giao dịch bằng cách sử dụng kênh bán hàng bằng một lần nhấp với xác minh, tăng / giảm doanh thu và hơn thế nữa …
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Kênh bán hàng là một chuỗi các bước mà khách hàng thực hiện trên trang web của bạn.
Tính năng CartFlows Pro Plugin – Get More Leads, Increase Conversions, & Maximize Profits
- Nhập Demo chỉ với 1 cú click chuột, mẫu được làm cho: Elementor, Beaver Builder, Divi Builder, Thrive Architect, Gutenberg (Planned)
- Kiểm tra chuyển đổi Thanh toán: CartFlows thay thế quy trình thanh toán phức tạp của bạn bằng thanh toán được tối ưu hóa
- Với CartFlows, bạn có thể thêm các lần đặt hàng vào các trang thanh toán của mình.
- Hành trình của người mua của bạn không cần kết thúc tại quầy thanh toán. Với CartFlows, bạn có thể tạo một loạt các ưu đãi bổ sung sau khi thanh toán.
Cart Abandonment
Analytics & Tracking
Templates For Everything
Dynamic Linking
Checkout Custom Fields
Global Checkout
CartFlows Pro - Get More Leads, Increase Conversions, & Maximize Profits v1.9.1 Pro Nulled Free Changelog
v1.9.1 - Thursday, 31st March 2022
- New: New filter `cartflows_checkout_trigger_update_order_review` introduced to refresh the checkout page after CartFlows ajax calls.
- Fix: Upsell order was failing for PayPal Payments gateway for payment request length restrictions from PayPal.
- Fix: Numeric comparison was not working for order bumps.
- Fix: Discount was getting removed if the variation is changed when using Popup design.
- Fix: Product Options width was not full-width in the mobile devices for the DIVI theme.
- Fix: Fixed deprecated function notices of Elementor.
v1.9.0 - Wednesday, 16th March 2022
- New: Added a pre-checkout offer preview in the checkout page setting.
- New: Added a new option in global settings for pre checkout offer to enable/disable globally.
- Improvement: Added Modern Checkout Compatibility.
- Improvement: Adding the CPSW fee details in CartFlows Upsell so it will be shown in WooCommerce order details.
- Improvement: Removed pre-checkout styling option from page builder module and added in checkout page backend settings.
- Improvement: The one-column checkout layout has been removed and added to the free version of CartFlows.
- Improvement: The floating label's style has been modified and named as modern labels. Now It will available in free version of CartFlows.
- Fix: Fatal error if the selected product in the order bump is not available on the website.
- Fix: The order bump checkbox gets unchecked after product option selection.
- Fix: The product category condition was not working for dynamic offers if the variation product has been selected.
v1.8.2 - Friday, 28th January 2022
- Improvement: WooCommerce templates updated.
- Improvement: Removed deprecated function of LearnDash.
- Fix: The global checkout tag wasn't displaying for the checkout step.
- Fix: The menu settings dropdown was not working.
v1.8.0 - Tuesday, 28th December 2021
- New: Introduced the Dynamic Order Bumps.
- New: Introduced "Dynamic Offers" aka "Rule Engine" for conditional redirects.
- New: Introduced Canvas 1.0 for a better overview of the flow.
- New: Added upsell/downsell support for Checkout Plugins Stripe for WooCommerce.
- Improvement: Updated the logic of custom checkout fields.
- Improvement: Fixed deprecated notices for Elementor.
- Fix: Optin fields were not displaying due to the console error.
- Fix: Affiliate commission was not getting recorded for the separate orders of upsell/downsell offers.
v1.7.2 - Monday, 20th September 2021
- New: Added custom compatibility of PayPal Payments Gateway.
- Improvement: Improved the multi-currency support for Upsell/Downsells.
- Improvement: Deleted variation steps will not display in the Flow analytics.
- Fix: Animate tab text option was not getting displayed.
- Fix: Vertical navigation in step and flow setting was not working for RTL and translation.
- Fix: Showing session expired error message on the upsell/downsell with Mollie iDeal gateway.
- Fix: The Variation popup was not displayed if the first product/variation was out of stock.
- Fix: Default variation was not getting displayed in the variation popup if set.
- Fix: Subscription period text was not getting translated in the product options section.
- Fix: Unable to change the text of title field in order bump style-3.
- Fix: Order bump migrate notice was displayed even if the WooCommerce was not installed.
- Fix: The order bump product was not removed from the checkout page if zero value product was added.
- Fix: The order bump conditional redirection option was not working if there was no Upsell in the flow.
Version 1.7.1 - Thursday, 22th July 2021
- Fix: PHP-8.0 compatibility issue.
v1.7.0 - Wednesday, 21th July 2021
- New: Multiple Order Bumps - Ability to display multiple order bumps on the checkout page with new styles.
- Deprecated: Legacy Admin UI has been removed.
- Deprecated: Order bump settings have been removed from all page builder settings.
v1.6.13 - Tuesday, 22nd June 2021
- Improvement: Revamped the Facebook Pixel Tracking integration.
- Improvement: Revamped the Google Analytics integration and GA-4 support added.
- Fix: Separate order of Upsell/Downsell was not getting a refund via PayPal Express Checkout.
- Fix: Two-step layout's background color for note and next step button was not applying from Gutenberg block.
Version 1.6.12 - Wednesday, 12th May 2021
- Improvement: Hardened the security of the plugin.
- Fix: Admin notices conflict with Gravity Forms.
- Fix: Upsell order was not refunding for stripe.
- Fix: A date/time difference in scheduled subscription, if the subscription product is purchased from upsell/downsell.
= v1.6.11 - Thursday, 22nd April 2021 =
- New: Now, you can add products from the URL on the Checkout page.
- Fix: The processing offer order popup was getting added on the rest of the CartFlows Pages.
- Fix: Product option settings are applying even if it is disabled.
- Fix: Product images in product options & order bump were getting stretched in mobile view for safari browser.
- Fix: Design settings of the shortcodes was getting applied even if it is disabled.
= v1.6.10 - Wednesday, 7th April 2021 =
- Improvement: Showing the variable subscription price string on product options.
- Fix: Upsell product is out of stock issue, display out of stock message to a user
- Fix: Not reducing the offer product's stock for WooCommerce square payment gateway.
- Fix: Upsell order fails for mollie payment gateway.
= v1.6.9 - Wednesday, 24th March 2021 =
- Improvement: Upsell/Downsell price shortcode will display the price as per WooCommerce's tax settings.
- Improvement: Added the Multicurrency support for the offer price shortcode.
- Fix: Divide by zero error in flow analytics.
= v1.6.8 - Tuesday, 16th March 2021 =
- Fix: Coupon was getting applied to the recurring total while using product options.
- Fix: Flow conversion was not working due to a cookie issue.
- Fix: Incorrect price was shown in the Google Pay and Apple Pay button while changing the checkout page's product options.
= v1.6.7 - Wednesday, 10th March 2021 =
- Improvement: WordPress 5.7 Compatibility added.
- Fix: Showing the error if order bump is enabled but product is not selected.
- Fix: Google analytics events for order bump was not triggering.
= v1.6.5 - Thursday, 25th February 2021 =
- New: Added default product selection option in product options on checkout setting.
- Fix: Multicurrency issue for the product options.
- Fix: Coupon was not getting applied if set in Order Bump.
= v1.6.4 - Thursday, 18th February 2021 =
- Fix: Single checkbox issue in product variation.
- Fix: Two-Step button text was not updating from the Beaver Builder widget.
= v1.6.3 - Thursday, 11th February 2021 =
- New: Added the support to apply the coupon through the URL parameter.
- Fix: CartFlows modules were not getting displayed on the Beaver Builder's Module Setting page.
- Fix: Request timeout to license activation API request.
- Fix: Conflict with WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips while creating invoices.
- Fix: Fatal error on upsell settings page if product id not found.
= v1.6.2 - Thursday, 4th February 2021 =
- Fix: Two Step button text was not updating from Elementor widget.
- Fix: A/B Split testing setting was not getting saved.
= v1.6.0 - Tuesday, 5th January 2021 =
- New: Introduced new admin UI.
- Fix: Floating label issue for select field.
- Fix: Fatal error if product selected in pre-checkout offer is not found.
- New: Introduced Gutenberg Blocks.
- Fix: Colors were not getting updated for the Pre-checkout offer with Divi.
- Fix: Order Bump was not showing when the checkout page was set as the home page.
- New: Introduced Beaver Builder widgets.
- Fix: Split Testing was not getting enabled if the WooCommerce was not installed.
- Fix: Flow Analytics was not working for extensive data.
- New: Introduced Elementor widgets.
- New: Added the WooCommerce Square payment gateway support for the upsell and downsell.
- Improvement: Flow Analytics admin DB calls optimized.
- Fix: Flow Analytics was not displaying on some servers.
Free v1.7.3 - Friday, 6th November 2020
Free v1.7.3 - Tuesday, 21th December 2021
- Improvement: Improved Starter templates compatibility.
= VERSION 1.6.14 – WEDNESDAY, 12TH MAY 2021 =
Fix: If one of the variations is out of stock on checkout, it will be skipped, and the next will get added.
= v1.6.13 - Thursday, 29th April 2021 =
- Improvement: Hardened the security of the plugin.
= VERSION 1.6.12 – THURSDAY, 22ND APRIL 2021 =
New: Added the regenerate CSS option to regenerate the step’s dynamic CSS for shortcodes.
New: Added an option to overwrite the global disallow indexing option for flow.
Improvement: Added the placeholder images for the checkout products.
Improvement: Added the quick view button for the step.
Fix: Multiple flows and steps were getting imported if clicked multiple times on the import button.
Fix: Long flow and step name length reduced.
Fix: Font weight field was getting set to default after refresh.
Fix: Font family field was not searchable.
Fix: PHP error while searching the products.
Fix: Showing no product selected notice in the editor for global checkout page.
= VERSION 1.6.11 – WEDNESDAY, 7TH APRIL 2021 =
New: Added an option to delete plugin data on plugin deletion.
Improvement: In test mode, it will add selected products to checkout instead of random if test mode is enabled.
Improvement: Latest Google fonts updated.
Fix: Critical error if product variations not found while searching for the product.
Fix: No product assigned badge for steps in some cases.
Fix: Color field’s reset button was not working.
= Version 1.6.9 March 10, 2021 =
WordPress 5.7 Compatibility added.
Showing regular price even if the sale price is set in the product setting.
Float values was getting converted in Integer format in order bump product discount setting.
Updated step title was not getting displayed in the flow analytics.
Unable to distinguish between the checkout style free and pro options.
v1.6.8 - Thursday, 25th February 2021
- New: Dynamic Flow. Now you can start your flow from the product's single page too.
- New: Default product selection option in product's options on checkout setting.
- Improvement: Added an option in the new UI to publish the private flow.
- Fix: Error while auto-renewal of subscription product when Google Analytics is enabled.
v1.6.5 - Thursday, 4th February 2021
- New: Added the support for the prefill checkout fields using query parameters.
- Fix: Showing an activate license notice while creating a flow from scratch.
- Fix: A/B Split testing setting was not getting saved.
- Fix: Request timeout error while importing a template.
- Fix: Checkout was not working when the optin step was set as a home page.
v1.6.3 - Monday, 18th January 2021
- Fix: Checkout steps backend was not working when a variation product was selected.
v1.6.2 - Monday, 18th January 2021
- Improvement: New UI RTL support added.
- Fix: Checkout product selectio1n settings saving issue when empty.
- Fix: Thank you page meta settings saving issue.
- Fix: Reset Analytics button was not working.
= v1.6.1 - Thursday, 7th January 2021 =
- Fix: Global settings field dependency logic.
= v1.5.22 =
- Fix: LearnDash and Tutor LMS permalink conflict.
- Xem thêm: Tổng hợp WordPress Plugin cao cấp miễn phí, cập nhật hàng ngày
- CartFlows Pro v1.9.1 Pro + v1.9.1 Free (update 04-03-2022): CARTFLOWS-PRO-V1.9.1-FREE-V1.9.1.ZIP
Password: Xem hướng dẫn bên dưới nhé
- CartFlows Pro Templates:
Lưu ý: Xóa tất cả các phiên bản CartFlows cũ (Free và Pro). Bây giờ hãy cài đặt plugin CartFlows Free và sau đó là plugin CartFlows Pro. Không tự động cập nhật plugin.
License Key: GPL001122334455AA6677BB8899CC000
Ở trang Checkout không biết tại sao không vào được đó admin, cả edit Elementor và view đều không được, nhờ admin xem giúp, cảm ơn admin nhiều
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_strpos() in /home/hocvienc/web/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/hocvienc/web/ Cartflows_Checkout_Markup->get_ajax_endpoint(‘/?wc-ajax=%%end…’, ‘%%endpoint%%’)
#1 /home/hocvienc/web/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(‘/?wc-ajax=%%end…’, Array)
#2 /home/hocvienc/web/ apply_filters(‘woocommerce_aja…’, ‘/?wc-ajax=%%end…’, ‘%%endpoint%%’)
#3 /home/hocvienc/web/ WC_AJAX::get_endpoint(‘%%endpoint%%’)
#4 /home/hocvienc/web/ WC_Frontend_Scripts::get_script_data(‘wc-cart-fragmen…’)
#5 /home/hocvienc/web/
nó ghi rõ rồi mà, bạn thiếu mb_strpos. Nếu sử dụng VPS hoặc hosting thì cài đặt hoặc bật exễtnsion này lên. Hosting có phần php extension đó. Ko thì liên hệ kyz thuật nhờ họ bật lên nhé
cảm ơn admin
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cài bth nhé. Giải nén ra bên trong có 2 file zip cài lần lượt free + pro
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