Thông báo: Hotrowordpress sẽ tiến hành cập nhật lại toàn bộ plugin-themes hiện có trên blog. Thời gian hỗ trợ cập nhật từ ngày 30.03.2024, nếu cần gấp bản mới nhất vui lòng gửi mail về cho admin để nhận link download ưu tiên!

Divi Supreme Pro v4.8.63 – Custom and Creative Divi Modules


Divi Supreme Modules Pro mở rộng khả năng và chức năng của Divi, cũng như mở rộng chúng với các mô-đun tùy chỉnh để giúp bạn tạo các trang web tuyệt vời.

Divi là một công cụ tuyệt vời để tạo một trang web, nhưng không có plugin phù hợp, nó có thể mất nhiều thời gian và tiền bạc hơn. Đó là lý do tại sao chúng tôi cung cấp nhiều hơn một tính năng. Nhiệm vụ của Divi Supreme là giúp người dùng Divi tạo trang web theo cách dễ nhất, nhanh nhất và hiệu quả nhất.

  • Gợi ý: Divi Builder – Trình Thiết Kế Trang WordPress


Tính năng nổi bật Divi Supreme Modules Pro – Custom and creative Divi modules to help you build amazing websites

tính năng Divi Supreme Pro

  • Gradient Text
  • Supreme Button
  • Contact Form 7
  • Glitch Text
  • Image Text Reveal
  • Price List
  • Business Hours
  • Animated Gradient Text
  • Card Carousel
  • Flipbox
  • Facebook Feed
  • Embed Google Map
  • Icon Divider
  • Typing Effect
  • Shuffle Letters
  • Icon List
  • Shapes
  • Text Divider
  • Facebook Comments
  • Text Badges
  • Floating Multi Images
  • Star Rating
  • Image Carousel
  • Dual Heading
  • Scroll Image
  • Supreme Image
  • Twitter Timeline
  • Menu
  • Image Hover Reveal
  • Tilt Image
  • Caldera Forms
  • Image Hotspots
  • Card
  • Mask Text
Divi Supreme - Custom and Creative Divi Modules Changelog

v4.8.63 – 21.07.2022
No changelog as of yet as still showing previous version only.
v4.8.62 – 18.07.2022
Fixed: Default Button and Button URL values for Divi Advanced Tabs Module.

v4.8.44 – 05.04.2022
Added: CSS Selector for Divi Custom Attributes Extension.

v4.8.43 – 01.04.2022
Fixed: Divi Icon List css selector due to new Divi CPT update.
New Update Changelog v4.8.42​
Updated - CSS and JS files
Enhanced - Divi Flipbox child css selector due to Divi static css conflict.

v4.8.40 – 18.03.2022
Fixed: Popup not working in Card and Card Carousel button.
Enhanced: Popup button target method.

New Update Changelog v4.8.39​
Fixed: Divi Card Carousel title header tag.

v4.8.38 – 15.03.2022
Fixed: Popup link trigger.
Enhanced: Popup switching method.

New Update Changelog v4.8.37​
Added: Trigger by CSS Class for Divi Popup.
Fixed: Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in Card Carousel item.
v4.8.35 – 10.03.2022
Enhanced: Divi Popup js file size to 6kb, previously at 26kb.
Enhanced: missing a “SameSite” attribute for Divi Popup.
Fixed: Divi Facebook Like Button module width issue.
Fixed: Divi Image Hotspots CPT icon font size rendering in Builder.
Updated: cookie.js version
v4.8.34 – 01.03.2022
Added: Overlay padding in Divi Masonry Gallery Module.
Added: Block elements styling in Divi Flipbox Module.
Fixed: Divi Card Module Text Alignment not working in frontend.

v4.8.33 – 25.02.2022
Fixed: Easy Theme Builder for header top padding issue with Divi style css.
Enhanced: Divi Card Carousel JS $ not found in some cases.

v4.8.32 – 24.02.2022
Enhanced: Move dsm_delete_library_transient outside of Popup Function.
Fixed: Divi Card Module overlay icon alignment.
Fixed: Divi Blog Carousel – Readmore button margin not working.
Enhanced: Divi Card Carousel now works with Conditions.
Fixed: Divi Masonry Gallery lightbox images not working in some cases.
v4.8.31 – 18.02.2022
Removed: Force load required module styles for Blurb and Image module.
Fixed: Divi Icon list module CPT list-style-type.
Added: ID/CSS Input field to Divi Image Hotspot item.
Fixed: Divi Image Carousel module only showing the first world of Alt text.
Enhanced: Accept different condition for lightbox, custom URL and download for Divi Image Carousel module.

v4.8.3 – 16.02.2022
Enhanced: Remove importancy on node element when using Easy Theme Builder.
Fixed: Safari Bug when using Supreme Image module.
Fixed: Parallax Background Effect for Divi Flipbox Module.
Fixed: Divi Card Carousel Arrow positioning.
Fixed: Divi Breadcrumbs module alignment on frontend.
Fixed: Divi Text Notation module when using Divi native animation.
v4.8.2 – 14.02.2022
Removed: Dynamic Assets Notification.
Updated: Facebook SDK version to version 13.0.

v4.7.55 – 02.02.2022
Fixed: Divi Image hotspot item et_pb_border position value not correct due to Divi style static css.
Fixed: Divi Image Text Reveal not showing properly in Visual Builder.
Fixed: CSS global classes for equal height conflict.
Enhanced: Divi Facebook Page Feed Module width not correct due to lazyload in some cases.
Enhanced: Allow empty value for Divi Custom Attributes.
v4.7.54 – 20.01.2022
Fixed: Fix Popup not showing when using Divi Builder.
Enhanced: Popup compatibility with Divi Theme, CPT and Divi Builder.

v4.7.53 – 11.01.2022
Fixed: Fix Popup to prevent black overlay or duplicated popup.
Enhanced: Divi Icons for Popup Close Icon compatibility.

v4.7.51 – 08.01.2022
Fixed: Missing PHP file for Divi Icon Divider Module (Thanks to Tommy).

v4.7.50 – 07.01.2022
Enhanced: Load icons assets to Divi et_global_assets_list.
Enhanced: New Divi Icon update Compatibility.

v4.7.47 – 17.12.2021
Added: dsm-skip-lazyload css class to Divi Masonry Gallery.

v4.7.44 – 07.12.2021
Fixed: Popup animation.
Fixed: Popup Library not rendering due to prehend classes.

v4.7.41 – 20.11.2021
Fixed: Divi Text Notation module not rendering in Frontend due to Assignment to constant variable..

v4.7.40 – 11.11.2021
Fixed: Divi Masonry Gallery module not rendering in Divi Popup.
Enhanced: Divi Masonry Gallery lazyload function and remove skip lazy css class.
Enhanced: Make sure images are loaded fully before calling Divi Masonry Gallery.
4.7.39 – 09.11.2021
Enhanced: Load assets to Divi et_late_global_assets_list.
Enhanced: New Divi Icon update Compatibility to Flipbox, Icon Divider, Icon List, Contact Form 7, Blog Carousel, Post Carousel, Tilt Image Module, Image Hotspots, Scroll Image, Supreme Button, Card, Image Accordion modules.
Fixed: Blog Carousel – Custom Button Styling due to CSS class typo.
Added: Popup to Slider and Fullwidth Slider.
4.7.38 – 26.10.2021
Fixed: Post Carousel – Typo – Post Excerpt.
Fixed: Blog Carousel – Typo – Post Excerpt.
Fixed: Allow common character in Divi Text Rotator Module.
Fixed: Paragraph tag not working in Divi Text Notation Module.
Fixed: Contact Form 7 – Doesn’t show loader icon due to new update – Added has-spinner css class.
Added: Blog Carousel – Missing Touch Dragging and Drag option.
Enhanced: Dequeue supreme-modules-pro-for-divi-frontend-bundle-js – for speed optimization.

4.7.37 – 13.10.2021
Fixed: Categories not showing up when using Theme Builder on the frontend – Divi Breadcrumbs Module.
v4.7.36 – 01.10.2021
Fixed: Divi Image Hotspot module Icon due to dynamic Icon assets not loaded.
Fixed: Divi Image Hotspot module tooltip not showing in Visual Builder in some cases.
Fixed: Divi Tilt Image module Alt, title and CSS Class not rendering on frontend.
Fixed: Alt and Title option to Divi Tilt Image module.
Fixed: Divi Tilt Image module alignment not rendering properly in Visual Builder.
Fixed: Divi Tilt Image module tilt effect wrapper on frontend.
Renamed: Horizontal to Vertical for Divi Image Carousel module.

v4.7.35 – 23.09.2021
Fixed: Divi Post Carousel Button styling.

v4.7.33 – 31.08.2021
Enhanced: Divi popup JS jQuery conflict in some cases.

v4.7.31 – 30.08.2021
Fixed: Load Divi Library issue (For those who had 4.7.3).
Enhanced: PHP8 Compatibility.

v4.7.2 – 24.08.2021
Fixed: Contact form 7 button conflict with Theme Customizer Button styles.
Added: Divi Popup Extension to Divi Supreme Child Modules.
Added: Divi Scheduled Element to row inside one of Divi’s specialty sections layout.

v4.5.6 – 02.07.2021
Fixed: Delay Option for Divi Lottie Module.
Enhanced: Beta testing WPML text translation for Divi Buttons, Divi Typing Module and Divi Block Reveal Text Module.

v4.5.4 – 01.07.2021
Fixed: Missing Delay option in Divi Lottie Module.
Fixed: Animation start segment for hover/click not accurate in Visual Builder – Divi Lottie Module.

v4.5.3 – 26.06.2021
Fixed: Animation start segment for hover/click not accurate – Divi Lottie Module.

v4.5.2 – 24.06.2021
Fixed: Divi Card Module – Responsive Inline and Stacked issue.

v4.5.1 – 18.06.2021
Enhanced: Divi Image Carousel Module – “Image elements do not have explicit width and height”.
Enhanced: Divi Image Carousel Module images flickering in Safari.

v4.4.6 – 26.05.2021
Enhanced: Divi Embed Google Map.
Note: The Embed Google Maps JavaScript API v2 is deprecated and has turned off on May 26, 2021 by Google. As a result, all site’s v2 embed maps will stop working, and will return JavaScript errors. Million of websites has been affected by this. Google Embed Map now required a API key even for embed map.

v4.4.5 – 25.05.2021
Added: Sub Menu Collapse Option to Divi Menu Module.
Added: Sub Menu Arrow Styling Option to Divi Menu Module.

v4.4.3 – 20.05.2021
Fixed: Divi Card Carousel Badge position due to flex CSS.
Enhanced: Divi Card Carousel image CSS.

= v4.3.7 – 11.05.2021 =
Fixed: Image Alignment in Divi Card Carousel Module.
Fixed: Image Alignment in Divi Card Module.
Added: Image Width in Divi Card Module.

= v4.3.6 – 06.05.2021 =
Fixed: Alignment not rendering for Item Layout Horizontal in Divi Icon list Module.
Added: Use Tooltip option for Divi Image Hotspot. You can now disable tooltip in Divi Image Hotspot Module.

= v4.3.4 – 04.05.2021 =
Fixed: Divi Card Carousel Responsive Show Arrows and Show Pagination.
Fixed: Divi Card Carousel Image Alignment.
Added: Show Labels on Hover in Divi Before After Image Slider Module.
Added: Animate Viewport in Divi Typing Effect.
Added: Animation Viewport Repeat in Divi Typing Effect.

= v4.3.3 – 23.03.2021 =
Fixed: Divi Card Carousel link issue when loop is enabled.

= v4.3.2 – 22.03.2021 =
Added: Carousel Direction “Left to Right” and “Right To Left” to Divi Image Carousel, Divi Card Carousel, Divi Blog Carousel Module.
Added: Popup Extension to Pricelist Child Item.
Fixed: Chrome not showing shadow in all carousel module cube effect.

= v4.2.2 – 18.02.2021 =
Fixed: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function et_builder_get_blocklisted_post_types() due to older Divi version.

= v4.2.1 – 16.02.2021 =
Fixed: Divi Supreme Image lightbox title showing Alt Text.
Fixed: Easy Theme Builder causing top padding in Visual Builder.
Fixed: Divi Blog Carousel image and author link not working in some cases.
Added: Divi Post Carousel Module.

= v4.2.0 – 09.02.2021 =
Fixed: Divi Blog Carousel button link not working in some cases.
Added: ID and CSS input field to both Divi Card Module button.

= v4.1.9 – 07.02.2021 =
Enhanced: Divi Image Carousel exclude lazy load by adding css class lazy-skip.
Enhanced: Divi Breadcrumbs Module supports 3 level sub category.
Fixed: Divi Breadcrumbs Module “No Breadcrumbs” when using in Theme Builder.
Fixed: Divi Image Hotspot Module CPT, Theme Builder and WooCommerce wrong positioning due to child CSS selector.

= 4.1.7 – 27.1.2021 =
Enhanced: Divi Supreme License Key Activation and Deactivation.
Added: Divi Supreme License Key Expiry date to License Page.

= 4.1.6 – 26.1.2021 =
Fixed: Divi Price List Module default value in Visual Builder.
Enhanced: Admin Label to Divi Price List Module.
Enhanced: Divi Typing Effect when using with Divi’s Animation Delay.
Added: ID to both Button #1 and Button #2.
Added: Lightbox to Divi Floating Multi Images Module.

= v4.1.5 – 22.1.2021 =
Fixed: Divi Masonry Gallery Zoom Animation on Hover.
Enhanced: Admin Label to Child Module – Divi Icon List, Divi Card Carousel, Divi Business Hours, Divi Image Hotspots, Divi Image Accordion, Divi Floating Multiple Images.

= v4.1.4 – 21.1.2021 =
Fixed: Divi Image Accordion module in Custom Post Type and Theme Builder.
Enhanced: Divi Icon List Module Tooltip where in some cases the next column index is set to 2 causing Tooltip for not showing up.

= v4.1.3 – 20.1.2021 =
Fixed: Remove et_pb_image_wrap css class property and style due to conflict.

= 4.1.2 – 20.1.2021 =
Fixed: Divi Content Toggle Module rendering issue on frontend when not using with Divi Gallery Module.

= 4.1.1 – 19.1.2021 =
Fixed: Typo for Animation Button #1 in Divi Button module.
Fixed: Divi Content Toggle Module rendering issue when using Divi Gallery Module.
Fixed: Divi Icon List line height not rendering for both Visual Builder and Frontend.

= v4.1 – 18.1.2021 =
Fixed: Divi Menu Module margin CSS selector not rendering properly.
Fixed: Exclude Current Item in Divi Breadcrumbs Module item styling.
Enhanced: function et_fb_enabled() is deprecated.

= v4.0.7 – 8.1.2021 =
Fixed: User Roles in Divi Scheduled Element extension where in some cases array is not getting full user roles.

= v4.0.6 – 6.1.2021 =
Enhanced: Rewrote Divi Image Accordion Module due to conflict.
Added: 5 Animation to Divi Image Accordion module.
Added: Sequenced Animation to Divi Image Accordion module.
Added: Make item expanded option to Divi Image Accordion module.
Added: Heading Level to Divi Content Toggle Module.
Added: Shortcode type to Divi Content Toggle Module.

= v4.0.5 – 5.1.2021 =
Added: More options to Divi Image Accordion Module.
Fixed: Divi Image Accordion overlay on frontend.

= v4.0.4 – 30.12.2020 =
Added: Divi Image Accordion Module.
Enhanced: dsm-modules-vb.js jQuery.fn.load() is deprecated due to WordPress 5.6

= 4.0.3 – 21.12.2020 =

Added: Thumbnail Image Type for Divi Blog Carousel Module.
Changed: Horizontal to Vertical option text for Divi Blog Carousel Module.
Updated: SWIPER JS version.
Fixed: Wrong slug className for Divi Icon List Module.
Fixed: Wrong slug className for Divi Image Hotspot Module.

= 4.0.2 – 21.12.2020 =

Fixed: Missing HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE.

= 4.0.1 – 14.12.2020 =

Fixed: Infinite loop in Divi Blog Carousel Module on the frontend.
= 4.0 – 13.12.2020 =

Added: CSS Class to Divi Card Carousel Module Button.
Added: Multiple Row option to Divi Card Carousel Module.
Added: Divi Content Toggle Module.
Added: Divi Blog Carousel Module.
Added: WPML compatibility Divi Supreme Button Module and Divi Block Reveal Text Module.
Fixed: Divi Card Carousel Module layout default value.
Fixed: Divi Card Module layout default value.
Fixed: Button Styling when using Button Layout in Divi Supreme Popup – Override issue.
Fixed: Wrong Plugins Localization in plugin_action_links.
Fixed: event shorthand is deprecated for notices-dismissal in WordPress 5.6
Removed: Duplicated variable in Divi Card Carousel Child.
Enhanced: Run through plugin with Elegant Theme’s marketplace-phpcs to ensure code quality.
Enhanced: Check through plugin with WordPress Coding Standards to ensures code quality and adherence to coding conventions.
Enhanced: Ensure JavaScript is only loaded when using modules and extensions for speed optimization.

### 3.9.99 – 01.12.2020
- Enhanced: Easy Theme Builder for Header conflict with menu arrow.
- Enhanced: Easy Theme Builder for Header conflict with Divi Switch.
- Added: Multiple Row option to Divi Image Carousel Module.

### 3.9.98 – 30.11.2020
- Added: Scheduled Element and Popup Extensions to all Divi Supreme’s modules.

### 3.9.97 – 30.11.2020
- Added: Disable Touch/Dragging option in Image Carousel Module and Divi Card Carousel Module.
- Updated: Swiper latest version.
- Enhanced: All Divi Supreme’s Carousel javascript files.

### 3.9.96 – 27.11.2020
- Fixed: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by message in some cases when end user is trying to activate/deactivate license key.

### 3.9.95 – 25.11.2020
- Removed: One JS script enqueued in Visual Builder (Improve speed load).
- Fixed: Unit in Divi Shuffle Text Module.
- Enhanced: Divi Block Reveal Image Module Animation in Visual Builder.
- Enhanced: Divi Block Reveal Text Module Animation in Visual Builder.
- Added: Dynamic Link in Divi Icon List Module.
- Zoom on Hover in Divi Masonry Module.

### 3.9.93 – 18.11.2020
- Enhanced: Hide options when Infinite Smooth Scrolling is enabled in Divi Image Carousel Module.

### 3.9.92 – 11.11.2020
- Fixed: Animation speed unit in Divi Animated Gradient Text Module.

### 3.9.91 – 05.11.2020
Changelog Not Found!

### 3.9.9 – 05.11.2020
- Added: Bottom Gap to Item, Seperator and Current Item for Divi Breadcrumbs Module.

### v3.9.7 – 30.10.2020
- Enhanced: Divi Breadcrumbs module Home Icon to show only if Show Home icon is enabled.
- Fixed: Divi Breadcrumbs module CSS selector for Seperator.
- Fixed: Divi Breadcrumbs module item padding.

### v3.9.4 – 29.10.2020
- Fixed: Divi Breadcrumbs Module hover css selector.
- Enhanced: Divi Breadcrumbs Module transition.

### v3.9.3 – 29.10.2020
- Enhanced: Run ElegantTheme’s version of phpcs and WPCS to ensure code quality.

### v3.9.2 – 29.10.2020
- Enhanced: Divi Masonry Gallery module lazyload and layout issue on load by loading on viewport.

### v3.9.1 – 28.10.2020
- Added: Divi Breadcrumbs Module.
- Enhanced: Video lightbox autoplay.

### v3.9.0 – 23.10.2020
- Fixed: Divi Card Carousel image alignment.

### v3.8.9 – 22.10.2020
- Added: Scheduled Element extended to child modules of Video Slider, Accordion, Pricing Table, Slider, Counter, Floating Multi Images, Icon List, Image Hotpost and Business Hours module.

### v3.8.8 – 21.10.2020
- Fixed: Layout option in Divi Card Carousel module when no responsive is in use.
### v3.8.7 – 20.10.2020- Fixed: Equalize card height and stacked layout option conflict in Divi Card Carousel module.

### v3.8.6 – 20.10.2020
- Added: Auto height option to Divi Card Carousel module.

### 3.8.4 – 15.10.2020
- Added: Loop number of times in Divi Lottie Module.
- Added: Click Trigger in Divi Lottie Module.
- Enhanced: Divi Lottie Module animation.
- Enhanced: Divi Lottie Module will show frame at 4 when using hover/mouseover and on click trigger as default for placeholder.
- Fixed: Divi Lottie Module hover/mouseover method and mouseout conflict.

### 3.8.3 – 15.10.2020
- Added: Link URL, Link Target and Download as file in Media Library for Divi Masonry Gallery module.

### 3.8.2 – 13.10.2020

- Fixed: Divi Card Carousel mobile responsive slide to show.
- Fixed: Divi Image Carousel mobile responsive slide to show.

### 3.8.1 – 09.10.2020

- Fixed: Divi Masonry Gallery Border, Box Shadow and Overlay.

### 3.8.0 – 08.10.2020

- Fixed: Divi Masonry Gallery Module Syntax Error.

### 3.7.9 – 08.10.2020

- Fixed: Divi Supreme admin css not enqueued when using Theme Builder.
- Fixed: Divi Facebook Embed Module – Show Text option in visual builder.
- Added: Divi Masonry Gallery Module.
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