Thông báo: Hotrowordpress sẽ tiến hành cập nhật lại toàn bộ plugin-themes hiện có trên blog. Thời gian hỗ trợ cập nhật từ ngày 30.03.2024, nếu cần gấp bản mới nhất vui lòng gửi mail về cho admin để nhận link download ưu tiên!

WPForms Pro v1.7.5.3 NULLED – Drag & Drop WordPress Forms Plugin


WPForms Pro là plugin hình thức liên hệ WordPress tốt nhất.

Tạo biểu mẫu liên hệ với WPForms rất dễ dàng và thuận tiện. Trình chỉnh sửa trực quan Drag & Drop được sử dụng, điều này làm cho plugin này trở nên thân thiện hơn với người dùng (rất thuận tiện khi sử dụng).

Nhiệm vụ chính của WPForms là làm cho plugin trở nên thân thiện với người dùng nhất có thể. Vì không phải ai cũng quen thuộc với HTML / CSS để trực tiếp sửa các trường mẫu, v.v. Do đó, nó không chứa một số chức năng khó hiểu, nằm trong các plugin khác.

Tìm hiểu thêm: Tổng hợp biểu mẫu liên hệ WordPress không giới hạn miễn phí

Tính năng nổi bật WPForms – The World’s Best Drag & Drop WordPress Forms Plugin

  • Drag & Drop Form Builder: Dễ dàng tạo một hình thức tuyệt vời chỉ trong vài phút mà không cần viết bất kỳ mã nào.
  • Form Templates: Bắt đầu với các mẫu biểu mẫu dựng sẵn để tiết kiệm nhiều thời gian hơn.
  • Responsive Mobile Friendly: WPForms đáp ứng 100% nghĩa là nó hoạt động trên thiết bị di động, máy tính bảng và máy tính để bàn.
  • Smart Conditional Logic: Dễ dàng tạo các hình thức hiệu suất cao với logic điều kiện thông minh của chúng tôi.
  • Instant Notifications: Trả lời các khách hàng tiềm năng một cách nhanh chóng với tính năng thông báo biểu mẫu tức thì của chúng tôi cho nhóm của bạn.
  • Entry Management: Xem tất cả khách hàng tiềm năng của bạn ở một nơi để hợp lý hóa quy trình làm việc của bạn.
  • Payments Made Easy: Dễ dàng thu thập các khoản thanh toán, quyên góp và đơn đặt hàng trực tuyến mà không cần thuê nhà phát triển.
  • Marketing & Subscriptions: Tạo các hình thức đăng ký và kết nối nó với dịch vụ tiếp thị email của bạn.
  • Easy to Embed: Dễ dàng nhúng các biểu mẫu của bạn trong bài đăng trên blog, trang, tiện ích thanh bên, chân trang, v.v.
  • Spam Protection: Captcha thông minh và honeypot của chúng tôi tự động ngăn chặn việc gửi thư rác.

tính năng WPForms Pro

WPForms Pro - Drag & Drop WordPress Forms Plugin v1.7.5.3 Nulled Free Changelog

[v1.7.5.3] - 2022-07-19
### Added
- New filter to modify CSS classes of the form submit button on the frontend.

### Changed
- The PayPal Standard transaction URL now uses a new format on the Entry details page.
- Improve cached templates handling in the Form Builder.

### Fixed
- Retrieving a current URL should not strip a custom port.
- "JavaScript file not found" error when the "Load Assets Globally" option was enabled in Settings > General.
- WordPress database error when upgrading from WPForms Lite to WPForms Pro.
- Do not cache an incorrect or empty response from the Templates API.
- PHP warning raised in certain notifications configuration when PayPal payment status is changed to Completed.

[1.7.3] - 2022-03-16
- Support for PHP 5.5 has been discontinued. If you are running PHP 5.5, you MUST upgrade PHP before installing WPForms 1.7.3. Failure to do that will disable WPForms core functionality.
- Support for WordPress 5.1 has been discontinued. If you are running WordPress 5.1, you MUST upgrade WordPress before installing WPForms 1.7.3. Failure to do that will disable WPForms core functionality.

### Added
- Forms now can be moved to Trash and restored on the Forms Overview page.
- Forms now support Revisions with new UI and ability to switch between them.
- Exported entries (.csv and .xlsx) now have an Entry Status column that indicates completed, abandoned, or partial entry.
- Export Entries and Form Template Export selection on the Tools > Export page now support search.

### Changed
- Improved support for WordPress Core UI colors and admin themes in the admin notifications panel.
- Improved submitted email field value validation (take into account real-world usage and RFC information).
- Improved `wpforms_get_ip()` IP detection quality by taking care of proxies (e.g. when the site is behind Cloudflare).
- Improved Time selector display with a limited number of choices.
- Updated Action Scheduler library to 3.4.0.
- Improved the manual addon installation message if automatic installation fails, added links to the downloads page and a manual installation guide.
- Hide Sub-Labels option should be hidden for some formats in the Name and Date / Time fields.
- Improved performance of Action Scheduler tasks.
- Drop jQuery matchHeight library in favor of a CSS solution.
- Abandoned and partial entries are now displayed in search results on the Entries page.
- Unified and improved modals across all plugin pages and the Form Builder.
- Forms now can be deleted when the user who created them is deleted.

### Fixed
- Confusing alignment of Print Preview options on small screens.
- Long field titles didn't wrap within the field container.
- Stuck on loading the Form Builder when switching to a new form template with unsaved changes and dismissing the native browser prompt.
- Buttons had no spacing when the Embed button is not available for a user without the capability to edit pages and/or posts.
- Fly-out menu was not auto-hiding on the Entries page with Survey Results enabled.
- Incorrect position of the notification counter in the admin bar when a notification was dismissed.
- Misaligned buttons in the Entries navigation block on the single Entry admin page.
- Make the form Submit button disabled all the time after the submit action when AJAX form submission or confirmation redirect are enabled.
- Toggle control labels did not have a hand cursor.
- The `iframe` element in the HTML field was not displaying after meeting a conditional logic in the Twenty Twenty theme.
- The dropdown list was shown partially when located at the end of the form in the Twenty Twenty theme.
- Country flag from the Phone field was overlapped in the Enfold theme.
- Multiple selected options in the Classic Dropdown field didn't have a visual active state.
- CSV export filesystem issue on WordPress VIP platform.
- Deprecation notice when processing smart tags.
- False JavaScript issue error when WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript execution option is on.
- PHP notice generated when email notifications were sent.
- "Did You Know" block now always spaned across all columns.
- Validation error if an email was not required and left empty.
- Email field validation failed with long and invalid emails.
- Import from other plugins.
- Compatibility with PHP 8.1.
[v1.7.2.2] - 2022-02-03
### Fixed
- Compatibility with current versions of the User Journey and Form Locker addons.

[v1.7.2.1] - 2022-02-03
### Fixed
- Compatibility with PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1.
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.9, including its new Full Site Editing feature.
- Broken cache directory path if `WP_CONTENT_DIR` is set in the `wp-config.php` without trailing slash.
- PHP Notice when using the `wpforms_log()` function in certain conditions.
- Type mismatch brakes a list of scheduled actions in Action Scheduler if typed arguments are passed.
v7.2 - 2022-01-04
### Added
- Search by form name and description is available on the Forms Overview page.
- New "Author" column in the Forms Overview table to display a name of a person who created the form.
- Display log records on the single Entry page when an entry note has been added or deleted.
[] - 2021-11-11
## Fixed
- Email address validation against allowlist or denylist always fails.
- Country flag from Phone field position on top of Dropdown field choices on Edit Entry page.
- Legacy Stripe field not showing years in credit card expiration subfield.
[v1.7.1] - 2021-11-09
### Added
- Time values are now validated against Limit Hours settings of the Date / Time field.

### Changed
- Updated bundled Dropzone.js library to 5.9.3.
- Improved translations by removing confusion if non-translatable placeholders are used.
- Improved support for WordPress Core UI colors and admin themes in admin bar menu.
- Improved format and limits validation of modern File Upload field.
- Improved display of empty and hidden field labels in Form Builder preview.
- Field helper notification in the Form Builder now can be dismissed.
- Improved and standardized look of classic and modern Dropdown field across Form Builder, admin area and frontend.
- Display "Save and Resume" link in Page Break field preview in Form Builder if Save and Resume is turned on.

### Fixed
- Empty fields are displayed on Entry details after editing an Entry with Page Break or Entry Preview fields.
- Strip slashes from Paragraph Text field when the value is dynamically populated.
- SMTP settings page linked to Setup Wizard even when SMTP settings are already configured.
- Occasional fatal error when moving Page Break field while another field is being added on slow Internet connections.
- Entry Print Preview displays empty admin page if Entry ID is not valid.
- File upload error when custom validation of any other field fails.
- Notifications count in the admin bar is misaligned.
- Field helper notification in the Form Builder overlaps and blocks Duplicate and Delete actions when hovered.
- Inconsistent new lines in different field types in Entry Preview.
- Non-latin (Punycode) email addresses are not converted for display in email suggestion hints.

[1.7.0] - 2021-10-05
### Added
- New field - Rich Text.
- Uncanny Automator integration.
- New filters to programmatically hide certain field values from the Entry Preview output.

### Changed
- The "Back to All Entries" link is replaced on the "Back to Entry" on the Edit Entry page.
- Improved form builder education: install and activate payment addons without leaving the form builder.
- Updated jQuery Validation library to v1.9.3.

### Fixed
- Incorrect handling of language files downloads when the plugin is activated, or site language is changed.
- Page Break: disabling the Previous button does not work.
- Alignment for admin notification counter.
- Keyboard does not focus on a numeric keyboard on mobile devices with the US-format Phone field.
- Placeholder styling issue in Modern Multiple Dropdown field that is Conditionally Shown.
- Ability to delete uploaded files on the Edit Entry page.
- Javascript error in Elementor page builder.
- Embedded forms into global sidebar report about an error in the Divi page builder.
- Change settings were not applied for a Duplicated Modern Dropdown field.
- Do not allow Entry editing when a form template is changed on the Blank Form.
- PHP fatal error generated on some installs when spawning cron as an unauthenticated user.
- Form fields not displaying full width on mobile devices with Base form styling selected.

## [1.6.9] - 2021-08-24
### Added
- New field - Entry Preview.
- Keyboard Shortcuts informational popup in the Form Builder, triggered with `Ctrl + /` shortcut.
- Separate category for templates added by addons.
- Smart Tags support in Confirmation Messages.
- Advanced Entry search by Entry ID, Entry notes, user IP, and user agent.
- Punycode support for the Email field to allow using international domain names.
- Compatibility with PHP 8.

### Changed
- Display only WPForms related actions on the Tools > Scheduled Actions page.
- Enable AJAX form submission by default for new forms created using Blank template and addon templates.
- Default state on the CAPTCHA Settings screen on new installs is now set to None.
- Improved consistency of various modal popups in the Form Builder.
- Do not allow Entry editing when there are no fields with editable values.
- Speed up form preview in the Form Builder by limiting the number of choices displayed.
- Updated ActionScheduler library to 3.2.1.
- Updated Flatpickr JS library to v4.6.9.

### Fixed
- Tooltip is not working for the Form Locker Message box options.
- Avoid error by allowing objects implementing the `__invoke()` method as a hook callback.
- Missing down arrow in the Dropdown field in the Twenty Twenty-One theme on a fresh install.
- Clicking on the Field Options tab in the Form Builder always opens options for the first field in the form.
- Form Setting panels can be broken by horizontally resizing textarea fields.
- Unable to remove or duplicate the Section Divider field with an empty label.
- Insert/edit link button not working in the Confirmation Message editor.
- Prevent editor styles from loading on various settings pages.
- Missing Conditional Logic class in the Lite version causing errors when using custom integration that extends the `WPForms_Provider` class.
- Console error in Chrome when re-ordering choices in the Dropdown, Checkboxes and Multiple Choice field settings.
- Unrelated admin notices are no longer displayed on the WPForms admin pages.
- Modern Dropdown and Custom Captcha fields not initialized properly in the Divi Builder.
- Dropdown preview in the Form Builder not updated if the first option's value is empty.
- Password strength meter generating JavaScript error in WordPress <5.5.
- Preserve reply-to in the Notifications settings when creating a form from a template.
- CSS improvements of View and Edit Entry pages when there are no fields.
- The Address field in the International format now renders correctly when subfields are turned off.
- Translations are not fully loaded when changing the site language.
- Minor button styling issue in WordPress 4.9.
- Various Dropdown field CSS issues in the Form Builder.
- Misaligned icon in the Dashboard widget.

[v1.6.8.1] - 2021-07-21
### Changed
- Allow using right click to open a form preview in new tab or window.

### Fixed
- Notifications disabled on the previous version were enabled after the 1.6.8 update.
- Single Item field set to Hidden type now does not have unnecessary padding.
- Block preview in new WordPress 5.8 Widgets Block Editor now aligned properly.
- Omit a redundant number of files option from the Classic File Upload field.
- Some fields had no padding on the Edit Entry screen if the value was empty.
- Word wrapping issues in various places for non-English languages.
- Remove excessive whitespaces after in the Notification name after cloning.
- HTML field in notification emails is now displayed honoring the field's conditional logic.

[v1.6.8] - 2021-07-13
### Added
- Form Builder visual modernization and improved user experience.
- Form Builder is now more optimized, loading and performing faster.
- More tooltips in various areas of the Form Builder to provide context for different options.
- A lot more Templates that you can use for one-click forms creation.
- Categorize Form Templates into different sections and improve search, allowing faster access and better user experience.
- New Preview button for all Templates, so you can check how your form will look like before applying the Template.

[v1.6.7.3] - 2021-07-02
### Changed
- Renamed a misspelled `wpforms_display_sumbit_spinner_src` filter to `wpforms_display_submit_spinner_src`, old name is now deprecated.

### Fixed
- Expired transients are not deleted automatically.
- Entries count race condition under high load in the plugin Lite version.
- Form Builder product education links.

[v1.6.7.1] - 2021-06-15
### Changed
- Password strength text in the Form Builder matches the text on a frontend now.
- Improved logic of pasting a text in the fields with word and character limits.
- Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.2.9.
- Some admin notices can be dismissed on a per-user basis.

### Fixed
- Smart Tags don't parse dot and comma symbols well.
- Occasional PHP Notices on getting addons' download URLs and printing the entry.
- In rare cases, WPForms functions calls are not handled correctly inside the third-party frontend AJAX calls.
- Tooltipster JS error on Edit Entry page.
- Incorrect `wpforms_smart_tag_process` filter deprecation notice.
- Compatibility with the Elementor 3.1.x, 3.2.x and 3.3.x.
- Broken XLSX of exported entries in rare cases when server temporary directory is not writable.
- Cleanup database from obsolete data after preparing an entries export file for download.
- Properly handle errors reporting when entries exporting failed for some reason.

[v1.6.7] - 2021-05-11
### Added
- Additional Print Entry screen controls for adding HTML fields and Section dividers into the printed page.
- Minimum password strength validation for a Password field.

= [v1.6.6] - 2021-03-30 =
### Added
- Ability to delete uploaded files when editing a form entry.
- Delete all uploaded files to clean up space when the associated entry is deleted.
- Support currencies with no decimals.
- WordPress 5.7 new color scheme compatibility.

### Changed
- Hide the "Add New Notification" button, when the Notifications were turned off.
- Allow using 0/false values in choices label for Checkboxes, Multiple Choice, Dropdown fields.
- Better AJAX form submit error messages handling for the Email field.
- Refactored Tools page with all of its subpages for easier long-term support.
- Exclude Page Break, Custom Captcha, HTML, and Section Divider fields from a single entry export file.
- Updated the WPForms > About Us page.
- Updated Dropzone lib to 5.8.1 (fixes IE11 issue).
- Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.2.7.
- Replaced jQuery.ready() function usage with a recommended way since jQuery 3.0.

### Fixed
- Front-end slow loading of a form with Conditional Logic, when applied to fields with image choices.
- Incorrect Edit Entry page layout where fields are rendered, when fields have custom CSS classes that modify the form structure (i.e. by adding columns).
- HTML layout is broken on the Analytics page for some site languages.
- Incorrect permission checks for different places in the dashboard and the Form Builder.
- RTL support for Name, Email, Password, Address, and Date/Time fields.
- Incorrect total form count value for different user's roles on the Forms Overview page (All Forms).
- Speed up the Form Builder rendering by loading certain scripts only when the Embed functionality is triggered.
- Validation for Rating Field is still required even though the selection is still showing.
- The `iframe` HTML element was not rendered incorrectly in the Twenty Twenty theme.
- The Checkboxes and Multiple Choice fields CSS issues in Twenty Twenty-One theme.
- On WordPress 4.9.0-4.9.4 and certain FTP configurations there could be an error while trying to automatically download the translations.
- Omit Dynamic Choices fields from conditional logic settings.
- Allowlist/Denylist validation was broken for the Email field in a multi-page form.
- Error message text was missing or incorrect when an addon installation failed on certain WordPress/server configurations.
- Correctly format big amounts in the Single Item payment field.
- Single Item payment field shows an "Amount mismatch" error on the form submit on PHP 8.0.
- PHP notice generated while exporting a form with the Divider field, which has Conditional Logic.
- PHP fatal error generated when using `{entry_date format="m/d/Y"}` smart tag in a Notification message of the plugin Lite version.
- Display the Payment Gateway Information option on the Entries Export page only if any of the payment addons is active.
- Incorrect WPForms custom capabilities display in the Members plugin.
- Columns sorting on the Forms Overview page made by non-administrators (using the Access Control functionality) could break forms in certain cases.
- WPForms Challenge was drunk in the Firefox browser.
- reCAPTCHA doesn't render in a popup when the same form exists in another place.

= [] - 2021-02-23 =
- Incorrect validation in the Single Item field with 'user defined' type and 'required' status when paying in thousands.
- PHP notice while exporting a form template with no form fields.
- On certain WordPress/server configurations there could be an error while trying to automatically download the translations.

= [v1.6.5] - 2021-02-16 =
### Added
- Automatically download translation files for the core plugin and its addons.
- Export all entries in the Microsoft Excel (.xslx) format, which should fix CSV-related compatibility issues.
- Clone Notifications in the Form Builder to quickly recreate a lot of them.

### Changed
- Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.2.6.
- Convert "Viewed" and "Starred" export entry values to "Yes"/"No".
- Reload the Form Builder after Save and Embed option usage, and going back using the browser Back button.
- Improved empty states for Single Entry view.
- Disable From Name and From Email fields in Form Builder > Notifications when the WP Mail SMTP plugin forces those values.

### Fixed
- RTL support for the Smart Phone field.
- Properly display entry time when the site has a timezone with fractional offset.
- The Gutenberg block JavaScript issue in WordPress 5.0-5.1.1 versions.
- The Gutenberg block CSS issues in Twenty Twenty-One theme.
- AMP incompatible script for Lite version.
- Address field should have US country pre-defined when US mode is active.
- Multiple choice selected choice resets to default while editing the entry.
- Logs records on WPForms > Tools > Logs may not be clickable under certain circumstances, preventing previewing the logged information.
- Email Summaries ignoring timezone offset while generating reports.
- CSS issue in WordPress 5.5+: the form title centered on single entry view if starred.
- Email Suggestion feature when using two or more forms on a page.
- Shorten the names of uploaded files to avoid broken links on a single Entry page and in emails.
- Missing on-hover tooltips' after cloning/duplicating elements in the Form Builder (Notifications, fields, etc).
- Minor styling issues on the WPForms > Tools > Logs page.
- Issues while importing forms saved in UTF-8 with BOM.
- Improve performance of the WPForms Challenge.
- WPForms module icon compatibility with the latest Elementor version.
- Incorrect CPT and taxonomy terms alphabetical sorting of the Dynamic Choice option values for fields that support this Advanced Option.
- Properly clean up all orphaned CSV files after the export has been completed.
- Compatibility with WordPress 4.9 on the WPForms > Analytics/SMTP pages.
- Incorrect required File Upload field post-processing when upload failed.
- AJAX form submissions and file uploading on some server configuration.
- Improve Admin Menu Bar support since WordPress 5.2.
- Do not allow submitting the form with required but empty (or equal to 0) user-defined Single Item payment field value.

= [v1.6.4.1] - 2020-12-28 =
### Added
- Frontend form warning indicating missing WPForms JS (visible to admin only).

### Changed
- Help hCaptcha process all requests in a more efficient way, so bot detection will work better.

### Fixed
- Improve pagination on Tools > Logs page inside the plugin admin area.
- Various JavaScript issues on create post/page/form pages in WordPress 5.6.
- Edge cases when custom fields mapping for providers was broken.

= [v1.6.3.1] =
- Added: Native integration with Divi.
- Added: Email field Allowlist/Denylist restrictions, see Email field Advanced Options.
- Added: Date/Time field restrictions, see Date/Time field Advanced Options.
- Added: Form builder Help - contextual help, search docs, and more.
- Added: Breadcrumb navigation when searching/filtering entries.
- Added: Logging, which can be enabled for troubleshooting from WPForms > Tools > Logs.
- Added: Site Health check to detect if WPForms uploads directory is writable.
- Added: {entry_date format="m/d/Y"} smart tag.
- Changed: Nicely notify users in the Form Builder when their WordPress session has expired, and they can't save the form anymore without a page reload.
- Changed: Better AJAX form submit field error messages handling.
- Changed: Updated IntlTel javascript library.
### Fixed
- Entry timestamps could be off by several hours for certain timezones.
- Form title display issue inside the form builder with smaller view ports.
- Elementor widget display issue on frontend when no form has been created.
- Addons page activation/deactivation failing.
- Fixed: Custom metabox heading styling due to WordPress core changes.
- Fixed: Page title smart tag not working in some use cases when using AJAX form submissions.
- Fixed: Smart phone field assets loading when US or International formats are selected.
- Fixed: Various admin area display issues when the field label is empty.
- Fixed: Logo Translate plugin integration issues.
- Fixed: Addons page grid display issues.
- Fixed: Elementor widget edge case issues.
- Fixed: Filtering entries by the date given incorrect results due to timezones.
- Fixed: Form submit button disabled state issues when using Modern file upload format.
- Fixed: Form settings could show before the form was created.
- Fixed: Form builder styling inconsistencies with Dropdown field styles.
- Fixed: Input mask issues with some mobile browsers, notably Chrome.
- Fixed: Database migration errors in some edge cases during plugin updates.
- Fixed: Always display the WPForms admin area in the user's language regardless of the site language.
- Fixed: Do not load certain JS variables twice on the front end.
- Fixed: Conditional logic for modern dropdown and payment dropdown fields should properly process ending space in field values.


Danh sách Addons WPForms Pro Plugin

  • WPForms AJAX Submit v1.2.4
  • WPForms AWeber v1.2.0
  • WPForms Drop Uploader v1.0.2
  • WPForms Campaign Monitor v1.2.1 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Custom Captcha v1.3.1 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Conversational Forms v1.6.0 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Drip v1.4.2 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Form Abandonment v1.5.0 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Form Templates Pack v1.2.2 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Form Locker v1.2.3 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Form Pages v1.4.1 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Geolocation v2.0.0 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms GetResponse v1.4.0 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms MailChimp v2.1.0 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Multilingual v0.1.2 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Offline Forms v1.2.2 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms PayPal Standard v1.4.0 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Post Submissions v1.3.2 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Sendinblue v1.0.0 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Signatures v1.3.1 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Stripe v2.5.0 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Surveys and Polls v1.6.4 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms User Journey v1.0.1 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms User Registration v1.3.3 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Webhooks v1.0.0 (update 14-09)
  • WPForms Zapier v1.4.0 (update 14-09)

Xem thêm: kho lưu trữ Plugin WordPress cao cấp cập nhật hàng ngày

password: Xem hướng dẫn bên dưới

Decryption key: ZMGltVRXzTWGzYbbYnH5zg

17 bình luận
  1. Phuc đã bình luận

    Admin có thể giúp mình addon page locker version 2.0.0 không ạ tks admin.

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      Ok mình sẽ update plugin +addon nhưng ko chắc chắn sẽ là bản mới nhất nhe. Bạn check version trong bài viết sau khi update nha

  2. Quân đã bình luận

    hello Admin, Cài Addon Zapier rồi mà vẫn bị ẩn, đòi upgrade

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      chụp lại màn hình lỗi giúp ad

    2. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      thử chuyển phiên bản lên PRO bằng cách
      Truy cập đường dẫn wpforms.php (plugin chính), tại line 39 sửa
      ‘type’ => ‘Basic’ -> ‘type’ => ‘PRO’

  3. diepvu đã bình luận

    addon Zapier không được admin ơi, cài rồi mà vẫn ẩn

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      update r nhé

  4. Duan đã bình luận

    Bạn ơi, chức năng Addon không hoạt động thì phải làm sao ạ

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      addons nào ko hoạt động v bạn

  5. Thoại Lê đã bình luận

    Tất cả Add on luôn đó bạn
    ở trang Add on thông báo không cho truy cập

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      @@ bạn ko thấy mình để addon tải riêng ra hả. CÀi addons như là cài plugin thôi

  6. Thoại Lê đã bình luận

    Hello admin
    Plugin này còn thiếu các Add On đó bạn
    Trong mục thêm Addon không cho
    Admin xem lại thử nhé

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      addons nào v bạn. Mình ko có đủ đâu, mà đưa link author đây mình check cho

  7. huy đã bình luận

    ad ơi cho mình hỏi add WPForms Pro Addons vào kiểu gì vậy

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      giải nén ra upload như cài plugin á

  8. Kane Andy đã bình luận

    Xin license code ạ

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      bạn kiểm tra xem có hạn chế chức năng nào ko nhé, này null ko key

Để lại bình luận

Địa chỉ email của bạn sẽ được chúng tôi bảo mật thông tin.