Thông báo: Hotrowordpress sẽ tiến hành cập nhật lại toàn bộ plugin-themes hiện có trên blog. Thời gian hỗ trợ cập nhật từ ngày 30.03.2024, nếu cần gấp bản mới nhất vui lòng gửi mail về cho admin để nhận link download ưu tiên!

Brizy Pro v2.4.38 – WordPress Builder Plugin


Brizy Pro là một trình xây dựng trang WordPress cực kỳ trực quan. Để tạo trang của bạn, trước tiên bạn cần thêm một khối.

Bạn có thể sử dụng một blocks trống hoặc bạn có thể chọn từ các blocks làm sẵn. Giao diện Brizy Pro rất độc đáo là một phần xảy ra khi bạn bắt đầu thêm các mục. Thay vì có một sidebar hoặc cửa sổ bật lên nơi bạn tùy chỉnh / tạo kiểu cho một phần tử, hầu hết mọi thứ xảy ra bên trong (bao gồm cả nhập văn bản). Kết quả là một cách rất nhanh để tạo các trang.

Brizy Pro giúp bạn không còn những trải nghiệm rời rạc, tạo ra mọi thứ trực quan, ngay trước mắt bạn. 

Sắp xếp và di chuyển bất cứ thứ gì bạn nhìn thấy trên màn hình bằng một chuyển động đơn giản của con trỏ.

Brizy Pro được xây dựng trên React, thư viện JavaScript mã nguồn mở do Facebook phát triển. Đây là go-to technology for UI.

Forms, Sliders & Tabs chỉ là một vài trong số các công cụ cao cấp có trong phiên bản Brizy Pro

  • Xem thêm: Elementor Pro – trình tạo trang WordPress kéo thả toàn diện


Tính năng nổi bật Brizy Pro – The Best Website Builder

Brizy Pro Plugin

  • Drag & Drop
  • Real Time Editing
  • 26 Builder Elements
  • Responsive Control
  • Contact Forms
  • Sliders
  • Global Blocks
  • Saved Blocks
  • Reorder Blocks
  • Undo / Redo
  • Autosave
  • Right Click Menu
  • Headers & Footers
  • Pop-up Builder
  • Role Manager
  • Pre-made Blocks
  • Video Backgrounds
  • Shadows
  • Border & Corner Radius
  • Entrance Animations
  • Image Focus & Zoom
  • 4000+ Vector Icons
  • Shape Dividers
  • 300+ Layouts & Blocks
  • 12 PRO Elements
  • Image & Video Filters
  • Custom Fonts
  • Google Maps Styling
  • WordPress Templates
  • Dynamic Content WordPress
  • Text
  • Images
  • Videos
  • ACF Integration
  • Toolset Integration
  • Pods Integration
  • Metabox Integration
  • Posts Element
  • Menu Element
  • Sticky Header Functionality
  • Block Conditions
  • WordPress eMail Integration
  • WordPress Leads
  • Pop-up Builder
  • 14 Premium popup designs
  • Advanced Contact Form
  • White Label Options
  • ConvertKit Integration
  • Drip Integration
  • Mailchimp Integration
  • Sendinblue Integration
  • Zapier Integration
  • Campaign Monitor Integration
  • ConvertKit Integration
  • Active Campaign Integration
  • Get Response Integration
  • MailJet Integration
  • e-goi Integration
  • Hubspot Integration
  • MailerLite Integration
Brizy Pro - WordPress Builder Plugin v2.4.38 Nulled Free Changelog

= v2.4.38 - 2024-03-26 =
* Fixed: dynamic content

= v2.3.26 - 2022-03-10 =
* New: Show progress on story when autoplay is on
* Updated: Removed loop from story
* Fixed: Disabled Lottie link for responsive
* Fixed: Background image for Header blocks with Sticky option on
* Fixed: Posts include and exclude select

= v2.3.25 - 2022-03-02 =
* New: Add links to any slide in Stories
* New: Auto slide option for Stories
* Fixed: Prefetching fonts in white label Agency and Reseller plans
* Fixed: Reset password
* Fixed: Added hover state on Back to Login and Register links in the Login element
* Fixed: Loop for VideoPlaylist element
= v2.3.24 - 2022-02-09 =
* New: Stories - added Lottie render option
* Fixed: Timeline element - element spacing bug on mobile
* Fixed: Timeline element - line and border display issues
* Fixed: Buttons and Icons - custom class, ID population
* Fixed: Playlist element - cover image not working

= v2.3.22 - 2022-02-03 =
* Fixed: Saves scripts relative to the plugin main folder
* Fixed: Get license key in the multisite environments
= v2.3.21 - 2022-01-17 =
* Fixed: Color and align for text element

= v2.3.20 - 2022-01-14 =
* Fixed: Load One Site License admin notice only on multisite

= v2.3.19 - 2022-01-10 =
* New: Added spacing for text in timeline
* Fixed: Do not opened PromptConditions when make it global on a simple page
* Fixed: Image toolbar with dynamic content
* Fixed: Sanitize the white label prefix
* Fixed: WPML Menu switcher is missing from Brizy pages

= v2.3.18 - 2021-12-20 =
* New: Archive for title and excerpt
* Fixed: Text gradient in safari

= v2.3.17 - 2021-12-13 =
* Fixed: MegaMenu Drag and Drop
* Fixed: Popup v1 alignment
* Fixed: Carousel dots style on 2021 theme
* Fixed: The canonical URL for brizy pagination
* Fixed: Use original URL of the image when featured image is used as background
* Updated: Exclude WP navigation from simple page
* Improved: TranslatePress compatibility for the Menu element
= v2.3.15 - 2021-11-09 =
* Improved: Changed the default Twitter handle when you added it to the page
* Improved: Changed icon in toolbar for Navigation
* Fixed: Regex for some placeholders in Dynamic content
* Fixed: Carousel sidebar for mobile and tablet
* Fixed: Gallery sidebar for responsive
* Fixed: The lines in the timeline element now connect correctly on mobile
* Fixed: Changed default paragraph text value for Carousel
* Fixed: Alt attribute for logo on dynamic content
* Fixed: Show and Hide posts title on navigation post on single post
= v2.3.14 - 2021-10-18 =
* Improved: Show display conditions popup on setting a global Block
* Improved: Active tags hover behavior for Posts element
* Improved: White label options, removed Brizy from custom font upload
* New: 9 design layout packs
* New: Added categories in Posts element
* Fixed: Story text and images flickering on different devices
* Fixed: Some PRO layouts are displaying in the FREE category
* Fixed: File upload on Lottie element
* Fixed: Nested Switcher elements
* Fixed: Styles issues for nested Switcher elements
* Fixed: Menu element font broken by Twenty Twenty-One theme
* Fixed: UI issues when Dynamic content is larger in toolbar
* Fixed: Mega Menu hover transition
* Fixed: Content alignment when you activate membership options in Footer blocks
* Fixed: Dynamic content value in Countdown element
* Fixed: Close option hover on Image Gallery lightbox
* Fixed: Post loop setup global post on every iteration
* Fixed: Added back the post tags placeholder
* Fixed: Product short description does not work in the products element
* Fixed: Woocommerce Product Bundle plugin failed to open stream
* Fixed: Renamed brizy_dc_post_tags to brizy_dc_post_terms and changed it according to its name

= v2.3.13 - 2021-09-16 =
* Fixed: Shortcodes Element in popup
* Fixed: Mega Menu preview position
* Fixed: Options toolbar position inside Sticky Header
* Improved: Mega Menu passive events on touch
* Improved: Page loading speed on preview when you have custom fonts on your page
* Fixed: False positives malware File Found notifications
* Fixed: Brizy Yoast pagination incompatibility
* Fixed: Post Loop, Pagination, Tags refactoring
* Fixed: Apply do_shortcode in the post loop on every item

= v2.3.11 - 2021-08-26 =
* Fixed: Editor for Internal Popup

= v2.3.10 - 2021-08-24 =
* Fixed: Global popup bug
* Fixed: Icon link in Story
* Fixed: Mega Menu secondary level bug
* Fixed: Hamburger Menu on mobile bug
* Fixed: Mobile menu bug when using Astra theme

= 2.3.8 - 2021-08-17 =
* Improved: White Label, removed keyword Brizy from two places in the code
* Fixed: Global popup
* Fixed: Cache assets on Brizy websites
* Fixed: Fatal error on compile templates for single product

= v2.3.7 - 2021-08-06 =
* Fixed: Assets on preview
* Fixed: Toolset and metabox custom fields

= v2.3.4 - 2021-08-04 =
* New: Added Free stories category in sidebar when you add stories
* New: Added 10 new Layout Packs (Templates)
* Improved: Renamed a couple of Story templates
* Improved: Stories templates global styling, previews, thumbs, etc

= v2.3.3 - 2021-07-26 =
* New: Added icon position option for Menu item
* Improved: Removed submenu lvl limit for the Menu element
* Improved: White label for blocks and layouts syncing popup
* Improved: White label for the default global style name
* Fixed: Adapt Pods placeholder to the latest version of dynamic content
* Fixed: Filters for dynamic images
* Fixed: Submenu styles for the Menu element

= v2.3.2 - 2021-07-23 =
* Fixed: Comments placeholder
* Fixed: Carousel with dynamic content
* Fixed: Empty items in Posts component

= v2.3.0 - 2021-07-19 =
* New: Dynamic Content in editor mode
* New: Added pagination in Archive element
* New: Added reorder option in Carousel
* Improved: Moved password link to type links dynamic content
* Improved: Posts include, exclude filters
* Improved: Login element
* Fixed: Action priority
* Fixed: Changed the behavior for offset attribute in Posts element

= v2.2.13 - 2021-07-13 =
* Fixed: empty breadcrumbs when there are no conditions in the template
* Fixed: translate membership string View as role
* Fixed: show role change only for allowed users

= v2.2.12 - 2021-07-07 =
* Fixed: Menu transparency bug and icon size spacing unit
* Fixed: Login submit button normal color
* Fixed: Custom audio not close automatically
* Fixed: Cart element display total with calculated taxes
* Fixed: Cart element do not ignore the settings of WooCommerce currency position
* Fixed: Login Element - Wrong Password Redirects to standard WP login page
* Fixed: Empty breadcrumbs when the template has the condition for search archive

= v2.2.11 - 2021-05-18 =
* Fixed: Mega menu scrollable

= v2.2.10 - 2021-05-13 =
* Fixed: Mega menu in small viewport
* Fixed: Lightbox blurred image

= v2.2.9 - 2021-04-12 =
* Fixed: Burger Menu scroll with anchor
* Fixed: Global popups in global Block

= v2.2.8 - 2021-04-08 =* New: Added horizontal align for Table aside and header
* New: Placeholder for active menu item
* New: Calculate the excerpt for posts edited with Brizy by excluding the header and footer
* Fixed: Show plugins when the white label is enabled
* Fixed: Post content placeholder for posts edited with Gutenberg
* Fixed: Always render comments to HTML5
* Fixed: Align left for Image Gallery element
* Fixed: Hovers for custom Video element
* Fixed: Typography for Menu element
* Fixed: Added href for title in Menu element

= v2.2.7 - 2021-03-23 =
* New: Placeholder for menu item active
* Fixed: Post content placeholder for posts edited with Gutenberg
* Fixed: Always render comments to HTML5

= v2.2.6 - 2021-03-09 =
* Fixed: ImageGallery bugs
* Fixed: Image lightbox CSS
* Fixed: Updated .POT file
* Fixed: Return only IDs in post loop upsells
* Fixed: Add to product gallery script dependencies
* Fixed: White Label prefix in multi-site networks
* Fixed: List of integrations

= v2.2.5 - 2021-02-16 =
* New: Membership functionality
* Fixed: Global Popups CSS

= v2.2.4 - 2021-02-04 =
* Fixed: Excerpt component

= v2.2.3 - 2021-02-02 =
* Improved: Code refactoring and optimization
* Fixed: Popups on links within RichText element
* Fixed: Broken URL for uploaded fonts

Version 2.2.2
FIXEDGlobal Popups

Version 2.2.1
NEW Added margin option in Footer
FIXED Lottie in section
FIXED Post content line breaks with classic editor
FIXED License form for other languages
FIXED Pagination refactoring
FIXED Posts loop no products with polylang
FIXED calculate the excerpt a bit different for posts edited with Brizy

= v2.2.0 - 2020-12-03 =
* New: 14 Pre-made Layouts and Landing pages

= v2.1.3 - 2020-11-13
* Fixed: Show editor elements on Product page
* Fixed: Show cart on Woocommerce pages
= v2.1.2 - 2020-11-12 =
* Fixed: PostContent in template
= v2.1.1 - 2020-11-10 =
* Improved: WooRating better color defaults
* Improved: WooCart vertical align option also appears when height is Auto
* Fixed: MegaMenu offset and width options
* New: Multiple WooCommerce elements
* New: Added shop page option in template rules

* Fixed: Featured image upload
* Fixed: MenuPro dropdowns toolbar was missing typography and color options
* Fixed: MenuPro was escaping HTML Entities
* Fixed: Videos inside Switcher element were continuing to play when switching between tabs
* Fixed: Media upload on white label settings page
* Improved: MegaMenu alignment
* Improved: Integration SDK
* Fixed: Posts element columns were sometimes of different heights
* Fixed: Show License page if white label is activated and the white label menu is available
* Improvement: Playlist element
* Fixed: RichText dynamic content wasn't editable in posts
* Fixed: Custom font with white label
* Fixed: Call do_shortcode on every iteration in post loop
* Fixed: Breadcrumbs styles
* Fixed: Remove a warning in white label
* Fixed: Added white label flag in config
* Fixed: Mark all pages to be re-compiled if the white label prefix is changed

Password: Xem hướng dẫn bên dưới nhé

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