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EventOn v4.0.5 (+addons) – WordPress Event Calendar Plugin


EventOn là plugin lịch sự kiện WordPress. Plugin có thể được cấu hình để hiển thị các sự kiện dưới dạng lịch lưới tối thiểu. EventOn đi kèm với trình tạo mã ngắn (shortcodes) tương tác giúp đơn giản hóa cài đặt lịch.

EventOn Plugin được tích hợp hơn 200 tính năng hữu ích như các sự kiện lặp lại có thể tùy chỉnh cao, nhiều hình ảnh sự kiện, địa điểm tổ chức sự kiện và các tính năng nâng cao như nhiều loại dữ liệu và các sự kiện tương ứng với ngôn ngữ, v.v.


Tính năng nổi bật EventON – WordPress Event Calendar Plugin

Tính năng EventON - WordPress Event Calendar Plugin

  • Hỗ trợ các sự kiện đơn và nhiều ngày
  • Tạo sự kiện trong một ngày
  • Tạo sự kiện mà không có ngày kết thúc hoặc thời gian
  • Tạo sự kiện cả ngày
  • Sự kiện trùng lặp trong wp-admin
  • Loại trừ một số sự kiện từ lịch
  • Sự kiện kéo dài cho đến khi kết thúc trong khi ẩn thời gian kết thúc
  • Đặt hình ảnh vị trí sự kiện
  • Đặt vị trí theo kinh độ vĩ độ
  • Lưu địa điểm và sử dụng lại chúng cho các sự kiện
  • Đặt thông tin liên hệ của người tổ chức sự kiện
  • Lưu tổ chức sự kiện để sử dụng lại trong các sự kiện
  • Tìm hiểu thêm về hỗ trợ liên kết sự kiện
  • Nhiều tùy chọn khác nhau về cách người dùng có thể tương tác với sự kiện
  • Sử dụng định dạng ngày và giờ phổ biến thông qua trang web của bạn
  • Schema SEO hỗ trợ nội dung cho các sự kiện lịch
  • Khả năng tự động lưu trữ các sự kiện trong quá khứ
  • Dễ dàng thêm các kiểu CSS tùy chỉnh thông qua Cài đặt eventON
  • Tùy chỉnh định dạng tháng / năm
  • Tùy chỉnh định dạng ngày và giờ
  • Khả năng thiết lập lại giao diện lịch để mặc định dễ dàng
  • Khả năng mở eventCards khi tải
  • Hiển thị danh sách các sự kiện sắp tới theo tháng
  • Đặt trước thứ tự lịch sự kiện ASC / DESC
  • Hiển thị các sự kiện nổi bật trên các sự kiện khác trong lịch
  • Chỉ hiển thị lịch với các sự kiện nổi bật
  • Tạo lịch với hình ảnh nổi bật trong danh sách
  • Hiển thị lịch cho một số tháng cố định
  • Khả năng thiết lập mở eventCard để hoạt động theo phong cách accordion
  • Hỗ trợ RTL – (văn bản từ phải sang trái)
  • Hiển thị số lượng giới hạn của các sự kiện mỗi tháng trên lịch
  • Các sự kiện được phân loại dựa trên các nguyên tắc phân loại tùy chỉnh
  • Tạo lịch chỉ với các sự kiện từ các loại sự kiện nhất định
  • Hoàn toàn tùy chỉnh tất cả dữ liệu trên các hàng sự kiện trong lịch
  • Tùy chỉnh google maps các tính năng tương tác như cuộn chuột, thu phóng, v.v.
  • AJAX điều hướng trơn tru hàng tháng
  • Thêm lịch vào chủ đề của bạn thông qua shortcode hoặc thẻ mẫu PHP
  • PayPal tích hợp để chấp nhận thanh toán cho các sự kiện
  • Hỗ trợ văn bản ngôn ngữ tùy chỉnh và bao gồm tệp POT để tùy chỉnh thêm
  • Đặt sự kiện để hiển thị theo thứ tự ngẫu nhiên
  • Chỉ hiển thị sự kiện cho người dùng đăng nhập
  • Email cá nhân để nhận thanh toán qua paypal mỗi sự kiện
  • Làm cho các trường tùy chỉnh nhất định chỉ hiển thị cho quản trị viên hoặc người dùng đăng nhập
  • Ưu tiên các sự kiện kéo dài cả tháng và năm trên các sự kiện khác
  • Thêm nhiều hình ảnh vào một sự kiện
  • Chẩn đoán và môi trường EventON thông qua cài đặt
  • Tự động thiết lập các sự kiện trong quá khứ là hoàn thành
  • Địa điểm sự kiện ảo
  • Các giá trị trạng thái sự kiện khác nhau
  • Chế độ tham dự sự kiện trực tuyến hoặc vật lý
EventOn - WordPress Event Calendar Plugin Nulled Free Changelog

= v4.0.5 (2022-3-1) =
FIXED: end time was saving as end hour
FIXED: syntax error on class-meta_boxes-health.php 74
UPDATED: Do not delete eventon settings changed to not delete by default
= v4.0.3 (2022-2-24) =
ADDED: evo_helper->sanitize_array()
ADDED: download all events as ICS to include event url in description field
ADDED: pluggable filters to expand healthcare data
ADDED: select2 dropdown for virtual event moderator field
ADDED: Option to set virtual event end time (BETA)
ADDED: ability to hide next events in live now calendar
FIXED: repeat event all day showing time
FIXED: tiles with ux_val=3a causing eventcard to not load
FIXED: colorful eventtop text color in appearance
FIXED: font family missing some classes for secondary font
FIXED: repeat events settings not showing with translations
FIXED: event custom meta field dynamic data link value not working
FIXED: gutenberg editor not updating in real time
FIXED: widget area layout issues via block based widgets
FIXED: js > evo_cal_get_basic_eventdata() passing event name as html
UPDATED: backender placeholder font color for input field
UPDATED: virtual event eventtop tag to be shown based on event attendance mode
UPDATED: virtual event settings configuration for event edit moved to separate lightbox
UPDATED: backend lightbox styles and functions
= v4.0.2 (2021-11-11) =
ADDED: ability to set default eventtop_style for calendars via settings
ADDED: related events to be sortable and draggable
ADDED: support for dynamic values for custom meta data for event
ADDED: 3:1 event card row for event card designer
FIXED: archieve pages showing events as white all
FIXED: eventon settings menu access to non admin roles using manage_eventon
FIXED: tiles with 4 in a row responsiveness
FIXED: featured image as direct image not showing extra images
FIXED: live now calendar not loading with featured images
FIXED: smaller screen content cut off
FIXED: JS evo_append_lb() function to support CAL value and set lightbox color
FIXED: eventon Settings zoom tooltip thanks @OvereatersAnonymous
FIXED: recursive_sanitize_array_fields() sanitation thank you @jamiolee
FIXED: lightbox event countdown timer not active
FIXED: lightbox eventtop color not syncing with rest of the calendar
FIXED: cancel event text not showing on non list events
FIXED: event card cell responsiveness
FIXED: quick edit to hide event time for month/year long events
FIXED: in mobile screen event data box content to spread evenly
UPDATED: Lightbox close button to stay sticky on top while scroll
= v4.0.1 (2021-10-13) =
ADDED: eventtop_style='4' clean eventtop with gaps
ADDED: legacy tile detail under image with clean style using tile_style='2'
FIXED: learn more link showing without a link
FIXED: Responsive styles and various other style conflicts
FIXED: single event box styles
FIXED: undefined function EVO_Error() caught via wordpress
FIXED: Live now calendar responsive issues
FIXED: PHP8 compatibility

= v4.0 (2021-10-7) =
ADDED: shortcode hide_cancels=yes to hide all cancel events from calendar events
ADDED: view_switcher to allow switching between different calendar views quickly using view_switcher='yes' - addons required
ADDED: event card designer via Settings
ADDED: Event image and color for related events in new bigger layout
ADDED: support to hide various parts of eventtop via shortcode hide_et_dn, hide_et_tags, hide_et_tl, hide_et_extra
ADDED: support for showing only certain parts of an event using [add_single_eventon event_parts='yes']
ADDED: virtual events filter for event filtering
ADDED: event type filter for event filtering
ADDED: event attendance mode option for event edit settings
ADDED: settings option to hide below eventtop tags
ADDED: Option to select event query method via Settings > WP EventON Core Settings
ADDED: new event health field Vaccination Required
ADDED: new eventtop date design style via eventtop_date_style='1'
ADDED: Schedule View as part of eventON
ADDED: pluggable filter eventon_event_title_editbtn for edit button on eventtop
ADDED: Ability to select single event eventtop style via settings > Single Events
ADDED: Event location coordinates generation via wp_remote_get
ADDED: Generate location coordinates button
FIXED: event type widget not working correct
FIXED: past and future event text translation error
UPDATED: calendar filtering function for post_tags specific only to events to show
UPDATED: Live now calendar styles and layout with show_et_ft_img='yes'
UPDATED: tiles event details below design and layout refresh
UPDATED: cancelled events display style
UPDATED: Shortcode generator layout and styles
UPDATED: EventON Settings page styles and layout
UPDATED: Handlebar.js library to latest 4.7.7 version
UPDATED: Moved most of ajde library to EVO_Settings() and EVO()->elements
IMPORTANT: default calendar eventtop style to colorful eventtop with gaps

= v3.1.7 (2021-7-27) =
ADDED: option to disable csv export all events formatting chracters
ADDED: shortcode option to hide happening now events only
FIXED: paypal third party button supporting currencies
FIXED: widget arrow positions
FIXED: several settings related translation strings missing
FIXED: event type widget not saving correctly
FIXED: compatibility with wordpress 5.8
FIXED: live now events with featured image styling
FIXED: widget live now icon styles
FIXED: taxonomy archive page styles formatting issues
FIXED: tooltips to use global object using elements
UPDATED: event edit page UI styles

= v3.1.6 (2021-5-20) =
FIXED: organizer page social links not working
FIXED: ux_val 4a loading event card content
FIXED: event time remaining calculated incorrectly
FIXED: location page layout issue
FIXED: schema information not showing in event
FIXED: add to google calendar only link not working
FIXED: EVO()->elements->print_date_time_selector() date_format_hidden field not working
UPDATED: eventon_ics_download input sanitation

= v3.1.5 (2021-4-16)
ADDED: option to disable event URL encoding in social share items
FIXED: further all day event issues on ICS file
FIXED: event bubble styles for event lists
FIXED: Cal date range fixed month and year value format to int
FIXED: email not sending issue using evo_helper send_email()
FIXED: default image not showing on some rare cases

= v3.1.4 (2021-4-8) =
ADDED: option to set custom email character type encoding method via settings
FIXED: all day events correction for ICS file
FIXED: email encoding changes causing errors on emails

= v3.1.3 (2021-4-6) =
ADDED: basic text area field as custom meta field for event data
FIXED: minor style changes
FIXED: year long events not showing correctly
FIXED: repeat events set for sunday not working
FIXED: health guidelines not showing when shows after virtual info
FIXED: add to google calendar not working
FIXED: add to calendar not working and time corrections
FIXED: default event image not working

= v3.1.2 (2021-3-10) =
FIXED: repeating events from future showing in wrong months
FIXED: get_event_time() not using utcoff
FIXED: widget styles changes

= v3.1 (2021-2-18) =
ADDED: zoom meeting with meeting authentication ability
ADDED: social media links support for event organizer
ADDED: pluggable filter for ics download for an event
ADDED: jitsi complete integration for virtual events
ADDED: moderator role selection option for virtual events
ADDED: all language strings duplicates to be updated when editing duplites
ADDED: event starting shortly notice for virtual events 30 minutes before
FIXED: live now bar showing NAN for days
FIXED: repeat events skipping certain months on monthly generator
FIXED: _convert_ssl_url() for urls without protocol
FIXED: colorpicker to have unique class
FIXED: undefined class error evo_admin()
FIXED: search showing same events multiple times
FIXED: event details ul ol formatting
FIXED: live bar layout issues on tile
FIXED: post event content display issues
UPDATED: color scheme for over all plugin backend
UPDATED: virtual events access section on eventcard

= v3.0.8 (2021-1-26) =
ADDED: related events to be orders in ascending order & minor style update
ADDED: jitsi, vimeo, twitch, wistia & RTMP stream as options for virtual event streaming
FIXED: font awesome backward icon compatibility
FIXED: open location in new window not saving value
FIXED: live now calendar d text translation for countdown timer
FIXED: Eventon element date picker start opening end time
FIXED: shortcode generator icon missing from classic editor

= v3.0.7 (2021-1-12) =
FIXED: number of repeats value creating 1 more than needed
FIXED: schema image url missing
FIXED: translation strings missing
FIXED: color eventon element not showing saved value
FIXED: add new event to reflect timezone set via settings
FIXED: adding custom repeats on 24 hour adds undefined value
FIXED: live now calendar with ux_val 3 clicks not working
FIXED: google map not working on ux_val 3a
FIXED: saving location showing as tags
FIXED: map scroll disable not working
FIXED: disable google maps not working
FIXED: disabling location info over image not working
FIXED: google maps API to not load on none eventon pages
FIXED: custom repeat to reset date range lock after adding
FIXED: arrow color settings not working in appearances
FIXED: zoom event image not working
FIXED: fourth week of month not saving repeat values correct
FIXED: new link to generate lanlat for locations
UPDATED: replaced repeat and featured icons on wp-admin with dashicons
UPDATED: font awesome fonts to 5.15.1

= v3.0.6 (2020-12-4) =
ADDED: shortcode livenow_bar to hide live now bar and time via shortcode for calendar
ADDED: new filter function evo_event_desc_trig_outter_styles
ADDED: new filters to support for repeat customizer addon
ADDED: new method is_future_event() to EVO_Event Object
ADDED: back custom event timezone text string
ADDED: repeat increment field to have typable input field for large numbers
FIXED: number of repeats maxed at 4
FIXED: date store running the_content filter causing conflict with other plugins
FIXED: future repeats on eventcard separate end time with dash
FIXED: repeats time not correct as initial event time
FIXED: _generate_events() return data after pluggable filter is run
UPDATED: to use EVO_Event class to fetch event image

= v3.0.5 (2020-11-23) =
FIXED: ux_val 4 not working
FIXED: event list calendar with gap between events not working
FIXED: enabling load eventon scripts only on eventON pages showing lightbox elements on page
FIXED: cancel event color on colorful events
FIXED: loggedin only events not showing
FIXED: yes no button in event edit not showing boxes

= v3.0.4 (2020-11-14) =
- FIXED: eventtop custom field textarea set to unsupported
- FIXED: eventtop custom fields user role & login validation
- FIXED: custom meta field icon not showing in event edit page
- FIXED: styles for event map on lightbox eventcard
- FIXED: undefiend author id in data_store object
- FIXED: various repeat intervals not creating correct repeat days
- FIXED: data store post_type value not passing through
- FIXED: switched handlebar.js back to v4.4.3
- UPDATED: repeat events edit user interface
- UPDATED: user interface for event edit
= v3.0.3 (2020-11-12) =
- ADDED: option in event edit to hide live event progress bar
- ADDED: new central data store object for all eventon based custom post types
- ADDED: repeat event header appearance editing into setting
- ADDED: EventON system log in eventon diagnose settings
- ADDED: event postmeta database entries count to EventON environment data in settings
- FIXED: feature event yes no button value not showing as saved
- FIXED: shortcode generator collable sections
- FIXED: cancelled events showing live now bar
- FIXED: open single event in new window opening 2 tabs in firefox
- FIXED: location archive page is_yes error
- FIXED: event edit timezone GMT value adjusted to current time and event start time
- FIXED: GMT value to be adjusted based on event start on frontend
- FIXED: day lights savings time not taken into effect for view in my time
- FIXED: minor styles fixed for frontend
- FIXED: location link open new window not working
- FIXED: future repeat event times showing past events
- FIXED: Location archive page location image error
- FIXED: cancel events still showing virtual event details in eventcard
- FIXED: event taxonomy archive page templates
- FIXED: year & month long repeat event times showing full time
- FIXED: live now bar super long for year long repeat events
- FIXED: location image styling
- UPDATED: all location information in eventcard to be linked if a location link given
- UPDATED: handlebars.js to v 4.7.6

= v3.0.2
- ADDED: Option to hide GMT time value from front end calendar
- FIXED: minor styles changes
- FIXED: time edit minute interval value issues
- FIXED: view in my time button showing on calendar by default
- FIXED: dark theme colors for new eventcard layout and other adjustments
- FIXED: eventon secondary button type color appearance missing
- FIXED: Event list events not appearing
- FIXED: Minor styles update
- ADDED: shortcode ux_val 3a - to open lightbox content via ajax
- ADDED: show after virtual event has taken place content
- ADDED: after virtual event ended content to show at certain times
- ADDED: user local time next to event time
- ADDED: option to apply timezone value to all the events
- ADDED: timezone appearances to eventON appearance settings
- ADDED: shortcode option bottom_nav to add calendar navigation arrows to the bottom of calendar
- ADDED: NEW [add_eventon_now] events happening now calendar view
- ADDED: Live events to show real-time event progress bar
- ADDED: Live events progress in real-time updating event time left
- ADDED: When live event end, auto change live event progress bar and possible tags
- ADDED: Event tiles to show event type & organize values
- ADDED: event tiles support for single events via shortcode
- ADDED: health guidelines for events, enabled via event edit
- FIXED: Event options box not showing in event edit post
- FIXED: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /plugins/eventON/includes/class-calendar-helper.php on line 119
- FIXED: event list with multiple months with hide empty months not showing anything
- FIXED: widget event title undefined issue
- FIXED: location and organizer term name translation error
- FIXED: date formatted time for event array value error
- FIXED: create zoom meeting button not showing in new event page on page load
- FIXED: search not showing results after clicking on load more events
- FIXED: ux_val for open single event page (4) not returning on dynamic clicks
- FIXED: all day events saving start seconds as 1 instead of 0
- FIXED: eventon language settings changing not working
- FIXED: tiles ux_val not setting to lightbox on default
- FIXED: event tiles height value as min-height
- FIXED: event tiles hover effect using translate instead of border adjust
- UPDATED: new event card design styles
- UPDATED: event details show more less button and section
- UPDATED: event edit fields to use eventon elements
- UPDATED: related events eventcard designs
- UPDATED: event tiles styles

Danh sách 37+ EventOn Addons – WordPress Event Calendar Plugin

  • EventON – Event Slider v2.0.2 (new)
  • EventON – ICS importer v1.1.3 (new)
  • EventON – Speakers & Schedule v1.0.3 (update 02-11)
  • EventON – Action User 2.2.3 (update 02-11)
  • EventON – Action User Plus v1.0.3 (update 25-10)
  • EventON – API Events v1.0.2 (update 25-10)
  • EventON – Dynamic Pricing v0.6 (update 25-10)
  • EventON – Lists and Items v0.10 (update 25-10)
  • EventON – PDFer v0.6 (update 23-05)
  • EventON – Reminders v0.4 (update 25-10)
  • EventON – Event Reviewer v1.0.4 (update 25-10)
  • EventON – RSVP Events Invitees v0.4 (update 25-10)
  • EventON – Yearly View v0.5 (update 25-10)
  • EventON – Bookings 1.3.1 (update 29-07)
  • EventON – Countdown timer v0.16 (update 23-05)
  • EventON – CSV Importer 1.1.8
  • EventON – Daily View 1.0.12 (update)
  • EventON – Event Lists Ext 0.21 (update 18-01)
  • EventON – Event Photos Plus 1.0.4 (update 25-10)
  • EventON – Full cal 1.1.12 (update 25-10)
  • EventON – QR Code 1.1.6
  • EventON – RSVP Events 2.7.2 (update 07-04)
  • EventON – RSVP Events Waitlist 0.3 (update 25-10)
  • EventON – Seats 1.0.9 (update 25-10)
  • EventON – Subscriber 1.3.6 (update 19-04)
  • EventON – Event Tickets 1.9.4 (update 29-07)
  • EventON – Ticket Variations & Options 0.10 (update 29-07)
  • EventON – Weekly View 1.1.3 (update 18-01)
  • EventON – Daily Repeats 0.3
  • EventON – Event Map 1.4.5 (update 25-10)
  • EventON – RSS Feed 0.3 (update 25-10)
  • EventON – Event Search 0.7
  • EventON – Single Event 1.1.6
  • EventON – Slider Addon 2.9.0 (update 25-10)
  • EventON – Sync Events 1.2.3
  • EventON – Wishlist v0.8 (new)
  • Gợi ý: Tổng hợp Plugin Booking cao cấp đa năng được sử dụng nhiều nhất WordPress

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