Thông báo: Hotrowordpress sẽ tiến hành cập nhật lại toàn bộ plugin-themes hiện có trên blog. Thời gian hỗ trợ cập nhật từ ngày 30.03.2024, nếu cần gấp bản mới nhất vui lòng gửi mail về cho admin để nhận link download ưu tiên!

Docy v3.4.0 – Documentation and Knowledge base WordPress Theme with Helpdesk Forum


Docy – Documentation and Knowledge base WordPress Theme with Helpdesk Forum là một chủ đề WordPress tài liệu trực tuyến mạnh mẽ, đáp ứng và hiệu suất cao có thể hỗ trợ bạn phát triển nhanh chóng tài liệu cho sản phẩm tiếp theo của bạn. Bạn có thể tạo tài liệu một cách hiệu quả để lập tài liệu API, khung, plugin, phần mềm, mẫu, bất kỳ loại sản phẩm nào. Docy WordPress Theme  bao gồm rất nhiều yếu tố để làm cho tài liệu của bạn tương tác và hiệu quả. Chủ đề này hoàn toàn đáp ứng và thân thiện với thiết bị di động.

Tự động cập nhật chủ đề hoàn toàn Hỗ trợ chế độ tối / sáng

Trung tâm hỗ trợ với tài liệu Onepage & Multipage bbPress Forum

Unlimited Onepage & Multipage plugin được tích hợp & bao gồm khả năng tương thích Full Elementor, Elementor Pro và PRO ElementsGutenberg được tối ưu hóa hoàn toàn tương thích với WPML GDPR Ready bao gồm Child Theme

Docy - Documentation and Knowledge base WordPress Theme with Helpdesk Forum 1

Chúng tôi thiết kế Docy cho người đọc, tối ưu hóa không phải cho lượt xem trang hoặc mức độ tương tác – mà là việc đọc. Và nó chỉ ra rằng bối cảnh là một phần quan trọng của việc học.

Docy – Documentation and Knowledge base WordPress Theme with Helpdesk Forum không chỉ là một chủ đề mà còn là một gói công cụ để tạo tài liệu sản phẩm một cách tốt nhất. Docy tuân theo phương pháp viết mã tốt nhất bằng cách duy trì các tiêu chuẩn Chúng tôi đã phát triển chủ đề thân thiện với công cụ tìm kiếm (tối ưu hóa SEO) và hoàn hảo trên mọi thiết bị (máy tính để bàn, máy tính xách tay, thiết bị di động, iPad).


Các tính năng và công cụ của Docy – Documentation and Knowledge base WordPress Theme with Helpdesk Forum

Docy - Documentation and Knowledge base WordPress Theme with Helpdesk Forum 2

Docy WordPress Theme có một số công cụ tuyệt vời sẽ giúp bạn xây dựng tài liệu sản phẩm của mình một cách tương tác và thân thiện với người đọc. Dưới đây là một số tính năng chính giúp chủ đề tốt hơn các chủ đề cơ sở kiến ​​thức khác.

  • Trình chuyển đổi chế độ tối  .
  • Trình chuyển đổi kích thước phông chữ 
  • Các trang tài liệu dựa trên vùng chứa có chiều rộng đầy đủ và chiều rộng hộp.
  • Mục lục bài viết (trên trang này)
  • Tài liệu có tiêu đề dính và không dính
  • Trình tải trước động, nhiều thông tin trên mọi trang
  • Chú thích để tham khảo tài liệu
  • Chú giải công cụ xem trước trang
  • Chỉ báo thư mục
  • Nội dung có điều kiện
  • Điểm truy cập hình ảnh để chỉ ra các phần được nhắm mục tiêu của hình ảnh
  • Bố cục đáp ứng
  • CSS3 & HTML5 được xác thực theo tiêu chuẩn
  • 100% hợp lệ và mã hóa ngữ nghĩa
  • Hơn 40 trang Docy – Documentation and Knowledge base WordPress Theme with Helpdesk Forum
  • Sticky sidebar
  • Full-width layout
  • Syntax highlighter
  • Tabs
  • Alerts / Messages / Notes
  • Accordion
  • Lightbox
  • Tooltips
  • Carousel
  • Điều hướng cây tệp
  • Mục lục
  • Tài sản tabl e
  • Phản hồi bài viết
  • Dễ dàng tùy chỉnh.
  • Bootstrap 4 đáp ứng
  • Phong cách độc đáo và hiện đại.
  • Mã Tối ưu hóa Công cụ Tìm kiếm.
  • Tích hợp Mailchimp.
  • Tất cả các trình duyệt hiện đại được hỗ trợ.
  • Mã được nhận xét tốt

Docy - Documentation and Knowledge base WordPress Theme with Helpdesk Forum 3

Nguồn và Tín dụng

  1. Icon Font: The Elegant Icon
  2. Icon Font: fontawesome
  3. Images: Freepik, Unsplash

Docy - Documentation and Knowledge base WordPress Theme with Helpdesk Forum 4

Changelog: Docy – Documentation and Knowledge base WordPress Theme with Helpdesk Forum

Download Docy v3.4.0 - Documentation and Knowledge base WordPress Theme with Helpdesk Forum Nulled Free

v3.4.0 - (16 March 2024)
New: Page title switcher option added for Search banner in Theme Settings > Header > Search banner (Now you can enable or disable the page title on the search banner)
New: Search banner show/hide on the page in Theme Settings > Header > Search banner (Now you can show Search banner on pages instead of the default Title-bar design)
New: Navbar color option in 'Theme Settings > Header' page (Now you can globally set the navbar color from the Theme Settings)
New: Remove Checkout Fields option added in the 'Theme Settings > Shop' page (Now you can remove any checkout field from the checkout page)
New: Checkout Fields customization options added in 'Theme Settings > Shop' page (Now you can change the checkout fields label, placeholder)
New: Popular keywords option added in Theme Settings > Header > Search banner (Now you are able to Select your preferred keywords type static/dynamic )
New: Shop tab added in search result
Tweaked: Dark mode improved with the Gradient background Search Banner (Now the dark mode will work perfectly with the Gradient background Search Banner)
Tweaked: Compatibility improved with the latest wooCommerce block based cart and checkout page
Tweaked: Checkout page design improved (input fields, spacing, button design, etc.)
Tweaked: Shop product archive page design improved
Tweaked: Mobile menu improved with the White Navbar style (Active color)
Tweaked: Mobile menu design improved (made the scrollbar hidden on the menu item with description)
Tweaked: Dark mode colors improved
Tweaked: Theme Form design improved
Tweaked: Replace author meta by bbPress built in function
Tweaked: Removed duplicated JS, (same JS exist in EazyDocs)
Tweaked: Breadcrumb added in search banner Elementor template
Tweaked: Select Blog Banner Layout
Tweaked: Tooltip design improved
Tweaked: Some text has been made translatable
Tweaked: Subscription button is made visible to logged out visitors (A login notice will appear when clicked on the Subscribe button)
Fixed: Topic create as anonymous issue solved (It was problem with BBP Core plugin)
Fixed: Single doc widget preset 4 show more button issue solved
Fixed: Topic query by tag issue resolved in topic page

2.1.9 (17 July 2022)
Tweaked: Dark Mode colors improved
Tweaked: Single Doc Elementor widget's Doc Topic Boxes Cards are now clickable
Fixed: Docs Tabs not working with chines language (choose numbered ID for not supported language)
Fixed: PHP error with Pro Elements in the Docy Core plugin
Fixed: Search Banner was missing on the Shop, Product pages
1.6.9 (11 April 2022)
New: Tab, Accordion, Notice/Message, Changelogs, Cheat Sheet, Image Hotspots and Docy List Gutenberg blocks added
Tweaked: Some responsive issues
1.6.6 (04 April 2022)
New: Performance improved (reduced use of wp_kses_post function to improve the performance)
Tweaked: RTL improved

1.6.5 (24 March 2022)
New: RTL (Right to Left language) compatibility added

1.6.4 (07 March 2022)
New: Reading Minutes added to Recent Posts widget
Tweaked: Improved view on small devices (responsive)
Tweaked: Doc meta-design improved (icons removed to make it minimal and clean)
Tweaked: Ask Questions page design
Tweaked: Dark mode (Creative Helpdesk homepage, navbar shadow)
Tweaked: Comments template (spacing, author avatar image was stretching from WordPress 5.9.x version) and Comment form design (input field, placeholder size)
Tweaked: Search Results page design (visual hierarchy)
Tweaked: Comments design (spacing, markup improved)

1.6.2 (19 February 2022)

Fixed: Unexpected 0 was showing on the bottom of the ajax loaded doc pages.
Fixed: Search Banner hide option (Theme Settings > Header > Search Banner) was not working on Doc details page
Tweaked: Doc left sidebar height on sticky mode adjusted on Laptop device
1.6.3 (26 February 2022)

Tweaked: New Topic Form shortcode design (located on the ASK Question page in the demo content)
Tweaked: Removed character "|" showing on click before to the Forum Topic subscription button
Tweaked: Forum Topics (Humanize time used instead of date)
Tweaked: Navbar Menu item color changed to #ebebeb (for white navbar only)
Tweaked: Forum Topic details page design improved (pagination, spacing)
Fixed: Navbar Menu color was white (wrong color) on the Category archive page
Fixed: When leaving the Search Banner Simple Light background image empty it shows the default ones (it should display blank if remove the image from settings).
1.6.1 (16 February 2022)

New: Loading documentation articles asynchronously via Ajax (you can disable ajax from Theme Settings > Doc Settings)
New: Article reading progress bar for Documentation and Post articles
Fixed: Forum Topics archive page layout breaks if no topics open
Tweaked: Docs Elementor widget (active doc select option and controls added for custom ordering)
Tweaked: Footnote design improved
1.6.0 (11 February 2022)

New: Multi Helpdesk demo added (available on One-Click Demo import)
Fixed: Docy Button widget's Font-Awesome icon was not rendering
Fixed: Background color changing option was not working for Simple Footer
Fixed: Breadcrumb on Search Results page
New: Box style controls added to Single Doc widget
Tweaked: _register_controls() function replaced with register_controls() in the Docy Core Elementor widgets
Tweaked: (bbPress) Recent Replies design improved
Tweaked: Forum Topic Single page design (Time on Best Answer reply, Border added for image)
Tweaked: Forum Topic Single page responsive view improved
Tweaked: Dark Mode colors
Tweaked: Subscribe widget (added some extra controls, removed default container to make it more flexible to customize)
Tweaked: "Docy Search Form" Elementor widget improved
1.5.9 (01 February 2022)

Fixed: Breadcrumb was broken on the Topic Reply Edit page
Tweaked: Dark Mode colors
Tweaked: Forum Topic page design improved (admin links, user badge, best answer badge)
Tweaked: Responsive view on small devices (tablet mobile view) improved
1.5.8 (26 January 2022)

Fixed: Font size switcher default font size switch was not working
Tweaked: Home Forum demo responsive view improved
Tweaked: Single Forum widget design
Tweaked: Reply edit page design (duplicate box-shadow removed, page background color added)
Tweaked: Doc right sidebar shown on mobile
Tweaked: Sticky menu enabled on mobile
Tweaked: Topic/Reply link added with date
1.5.7 (23 January 2022)

Fixed: Doc link was not working if doc slug change in the "(Docly) Docs List" WordPress widget
Tweaked: PRO Elements plugin's Elementor plugin active notice removed from the dashboard
1.5.6 (19 January 2022)

Tweaked: Mobile menu responsive view (on mobile & tab screen)
Tweaked: Doc single page responsive view (on mobile & tab screen)
Deleted: Megamenu (since we aren't using this feature on the theme demo, we deleted this feature)
Replaced: Code Syntax Highlighter Elementor widget replaced with the Code Highlight widget (used from the PRO Elements plugin)
Fixed: Mobile was missing on OnePage (on mobile and tab devices)
1.5.5 (13 January 2022)

New: Home Forum
New: PRO Elements (Elementor Pro alternative) included
New: Show/Hide Estimated reading time & views on single doc page
Fixed: Helpful vote (yes/no) on doc single page
Tweak: Docy Search widget customizability
1.5.4 (31 December 2021)

New: Home Forum
New: PRO Elements (Elementor Pro alternative) included
New: Show/Hide Estimated reading time & views on single doc page
Fixed: Helpful vote (yes/no) on doc single page
Tweak: Docy Search widget customizability
1.5.3 (20 December 2021)

New: Resolved topic feature added for forum topic
New: Best answer feature added for forum topic reply
New: Resolved topic badge on-topic list page added
1.5.2 (14 December 2021)

New: Container box-shadow on-off switcher added to Theme Settings > Color Schemes
New: Private reply feature added for forum topic reply
New: Solved topic feature added for the forum topic
New: Best answer feature added for topic replies
New: Attachment upload option for topic replies
New: [code] shortcode. Now you can place code anywhere with the [code lang=""] you code goes here [/code] shortcode.
1.5.1 (8 December 2021)

Fixed: PHP errors on blog pages
Fixed: Buttons text change option was not showing for Single Doc Elementor widget
1.5.0 (7 December 2021)

New: 'terms' shortcode added for showing taxonomy list with description
New: Post views, Estimated reading time for Docs
Tweaked: Search form design
Fixed: bbPress Forums, Topics, Replies were not included in the Search Results > All
1.4.9 (03 December 2021)

New: docy_terms shortcode added for showing taxonomy list with description
New: Creative banner layout for the blog post
New: Video post format support added for blog single page
New: Forum user roles icon changing options added to Theme Settings > Forum > Users
Fixed: White logo was showing instead of black logo on the mobile menu items container
Tweaked: Blog grid layout post design improved
Tweaked: Forum single page design (Reply, Favorite button hover)
1.4.8 (24 November 2021)

New: Dual Box Notice, Note With Icon, and Block Notice style presets added in Docy Alert/Notice Elementor widget
Tweaked: Shortcode inserts support enabled in the Forum post and forum reply content.
Tweaked: Forum single design hierarchy improved (content paragraph color changed)
Tweaked: Forum single page view improved on mobile devices
Fixed: Style changes were not working on the Elementor editor for the Table Elementor widget
Fixed: Navbar menu default colors were showing wrong somewhere
Fixed: Category and Tag Descriptions show instead of post excerpt on the Category and Tag single pages
1.4.7 (19 November 2021)

Tweaked: Steps panel design
Tweaked: Forum user profile page design improved
Tweaked: Blog page design improved
Tweaked: Dark mode colors
Tweaked: Post-meta-design improved by keeping it minimal (forum reply meta, blog post comment meta)
Fixed: Forum user profile page (duplicate title bar, user topics, user favorites)
Fixed: Action button background color was not changing from Page Options
1.4.6 (03 November 2021)

New: Sticky Navbar options added to Theme Settings > Header > Layout & Settings
New: Navbar Menu Alignment option added to Theme Settings > Menu
Tweaked: Typography improved (tags widget, paragraph font size, color, letter-spacing)
Tweaked: Dark mode colors
Tweaked: Doc single page (feedback area design improved)
1.4.5 (20 October 2021)

New: Dark Mode options tab added on the Theme Settings page.
Tweaked: Dark Mode option moved from Theme Settings > Header > Dark Mode to Theme Settings > Dark Mode
Fixed: Navigation colors based on selected value from Theme Settings and Page settings
Fixed: Github social icon was not showing
Deleted: Privacy consent bar feature removed and the Privacy settings tab deleted from the Theme Settings page due to error occurred for that feature.
1.4.4 (13 October 2021)

New: Theme Settings > Header > Layout & Settings
Fixed: Some options were not working in Theme Settings > Blog
Fixed: Some options were not working in Theme Settings > Footer
Tweaked: Dark Mode colors
1.4.3 (10 October 2021)

Fixed: Search banner and the static positioned header was showing on the page
Tweaked: Dark mode colors
1.4.2 (10 October 2021)

Fixed: Docy Core plugin was not installing
New: Search Banner Show/Hide option added to Theme Settings > Header > Search Banner.
Tweaked: Search banner show/hide switch replaced with Group Buttons on Options :: Doc > Header Settings
1.4.1 (09 October 2021)

New: Theme register/verify menu in the WordPress dashboard
New: Theme auto update (will unlock on register/verify the theme)
Tweaked: Docy Core plugin moved to our server.
1.4.0 (06 October 2021)

Fixed: JavaScript console error
Fixed: Forum Topic Replies (the last reply was not showing and +1 reply count was showing in the pagination)
Fixed: Duplicate titlebar/banner was showing on the Forum search results
Tweaked: Dark mode colors (banner search input field color, Forum Topics background color)
1.3.9 (04 October 2021)

New: WPML compatibility added for the Docy Core's Elementor widgets
New: Section Excerpt limit option added to Theme Settings > Doc Settings
Tweaked: "FAQ Tabs" Elementor widget (Category Order and Order by options added under the Filter tab)
Tweaked: Border Radius, Margin controls added under Style Search Keywords section in the Hero Eelementor widget
Fixed: JavaScript console error for Dropdown Options on the Doc right sidebar
Fixed: Single post TOC layout Sticky Toc switcher was not working
1.3.8 (27 September 2021)

Fixed: Page content show on menu dropdown item hover when has mega menu
Tweaked: Logo and navigation condition
Tweaked: Performance improved (artplayer.js, fontawesome css minified, removed some unnecessary CSS)
Tweaked: content-single-topic-lead.php template used for Topic lead post on Forum Topic page.
1.3.7 (19 September 2021)

New: Blog Toc post layout (
Tweaked: Performance improved (some garbage css deleted)
1.3.6 (07 September 2021)

New: "Options :: Post" metabox fields added for blog Post
New: Post banner type (Colorful, Image) added to Options :: Post > Banner
Tweaked: Dark Mode colors
Tweaked: Language parameter (?lang=) added inside the Ajax search forms for WPML compatibility
1.3.5 (04 September 2021)

New: See More link added to the Related and Recent Docs
Fixed: Custom JS code wasn't rendering
Tweaked: Search Results page dark mode
Tweaked: Feedback links markup updated (used p tag instead of h6) at the bottom of the doc details page's feedback link
Tweaked: Loading Spinner position in the Hero 01 (Creative Helpdesk homepage)
Tweaked: Dark Mode colors
1.3.4 (31 August 2021)

Tweaked: Aesthetic Search Banner (white logo enabled)
Tweaked: Pagination added on the top of the replies to the Forum Topic details
Tweaked: Forum Topics Details Revisions typography improved
Tweaked: Topic edit form design
Tweaked: Light Banner design improved
1.3.3(29 August 2021)

Fixed: Page Titlebar design
1.3.2 (29 August 2021)

New: Theme Settings > Forums > Topic Details (Replies Order option added)
Tweaked: Forum Topic details page design improved
Tweaked: Ajax Search Results popup in dark mode (made it dark)
Tweaked: Topic Edit and Reply Edit pages (deleted duplicate titlebar, breadcrumbs and spacing)
Tweaked: Dark Mode colors
Fixed: Doc printing (printing the doc page was printing the layout of the page top bar, search bar, footer, etc).
Fixed: Doc left sidebar toggle
1.3.1 (26 August 2021)

New: Loading spinner added in search form on Ajax search
Tweaked: wpml-config.xml file updated with still_stuck_text, help_form_link_text, doc_feedback_label
Tweaked: Dark Mode colors
Tweaked: Overall theme design improved (design hierarchy improved on Forums Archive, Forum Topic, Search Results, Blog Single pages)
Tweaked: Theme Settings > Doc Settings > Search Banner Merged to Theme Settings > Header > Search Banner
Tweaked: Aesthetic Search Banner design
Fixed: Keywords in Hero section were not showing.
Fixed: Search form's submit button of Aesthetic Banner design was broken.
Fixed: Forum freshness (who was last active in a forum) link was not showing correctly
Fixed: Doc left sidebar toggle was not working on Full width layout
1.3.0 (19 August 2021)

Fixed: JS error on console (TypeError: $(...).tooltipster is not a function)
Fixed: Some images were not importing on demo import
Tweaked: SVG image uploading and importing are allowed
Updated: Online Documentation link updated to
1.2.9 (17 August 2021)

Fixed: Tooltip popups were not appearing.
Fixed: Author links of Forum Reply on Forum Topic page
Updated: Tooltipster JS plugin to 4.2.8 from 4.2.7
Tweaked: Removed the Reply button from the Forum Topic reply
New: Edit, Move, Split, Trash, Spam, Unapprove, Reply links added for the logged in users at the bottom of the Forum Topic reply
1.2.8 (11 August 2021)

Fixed: Action button colors not changing from Theme Settings
Fixed: Ajax search was not working on typing on the doc banner's search input field
Updated: Language (docy.pot) file
1.2.7 (08 July 2021)

Fixed: Forum Tab conditionally removed from Search results page if bbPress plugin deactivated.
Fixed: Search Banner not showing on the 3rd depth doc page
1.2.6 (21 June 2021)

Tweaked: Alert Elementor widget (display flex issue fixed)
Fixed: When you unfold the doc section tree, the section title jumps a line and this happens only since the last theme update.
Updated: Smart bbPress nVerify plugin
1.2.5 (12 June 2021)

Fixed: Forum Tab conditionally removed from Search results page if bbPress plugin deactivated.
Fixed: Search Banner not showing on the 3rd depth doc page
1.2.6 (21 June 2021)

Tweaked: Alert Elementor widget (display flex issue fixed)
Fixed: When you unfold the doc section tree, the section title jumps a line and this happens only since the last theme update.
Updated: Smart bbPress nVerify plugin
1.2.5 (12 June 2021)

New: Search Form on the Header
New: Integrated the Smart bbPress nVerify plugin and included it with the theme.
1.2.4 (10 June 2021)

New: Filter (search doc in documentation chapters) option added to the doc single page.
New: Doc left sidebar collapse
Tweaked: Third depth doc support
Fixed: Fixed some responsive issues on the doc single page
1.2.3 (8 June 2021)

Fixed: Ajax Search not working (immediate fix)
1.2.2 (8 June 2021)

New: Changelogs (custom post and Elementor widget)
Fixed: Doc navigation active color not applying when the titles start with number
Tweaked: Performance improved (docs-single.js and dark-mode.js file separated and loaded with dependency)
Tweaked: Some design part of the theme
Updated: Demo contents (changelogs added)
1.2.1 (05 June 2021)

New: Ajax Search options tab added to Theme Settings > General
New: "Style Keywords" group of controls added to the "Hero Search" Elementor widget
Tweaked: Dependency added to the Ajax search tab (if bbPress forum isn't active, the Forum search tab will be deactivated automatically)
Tweaked: PHP errors fixed (php errors produce on demo content if bbPress plugin deactivate)
1.2.0 (01 June 2021)

Tweaked: Onepage doc (left navigation active class added and other improvements)
New: Filter tabs (Docs, Forum, Blog) added on the Ajax search results
Tweaked: Search results page (filter tabs added, search result items redesigned)
Tweaked: bbPress breadcrumb design alignments
Tweaked: Dark Mode support enabled for the forum search results page
Tweaked: Dark Mode colors
Tweaked: Performance improved by deleting the unnecessary CSS files and dependency created for forum.css CSS files
1.1.9 (27 May 2021)

Fixed: Style broken issues cause by upgrading to Bootstrap 5
Tweaked: Improved some design
1.1.8 (25 May 2021)

New: OnePage documentation
New: Upgraded to Bootstrap 5 support
Tweaked: Doc Sidebar position adjusted on stick up the Navigation Header
1.1.7 (18 May 2021)

Fixed: Links option not showing on Theme Settings > Footer > Footer Bottom
Fixed: Updated and New Metafields conflicts with the old metafields
Fixed: Action button metafield options not working
1.1.6 (08 May 2021)

Tweaked: Color Options (Theme Settings > Color Scheme)
Fixed: Search Banner 02
Tweaked: Theme Settings > Header > Search Banner
Tweaked: Dark Mode
Tweaked: Doc page meta (Options :: Doc > Header)
Tweaked: Header and Banner page meta
1.1.5 (05 May 2021)

Tweaked: Docs archives page
Tweaked: Single doc Elementor widget
New: New Single Documentation and Multi Documentation pages added
Updated: Language file (languages/docy.pot)
1.1.4 (03 May 2021)

New: Cool Knowledge base Homepage demo
Fixed: Testimonial skin-2
Fixed: PHP error - explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in docy-core/widgets/Docs.php on line 185
Tweaked: Dark Mode
1.1.4 (03 May 2021)

New: Cool Knowledge base Homepage demo
Fixed: Testimonial skin-2
Fixed: PHP error - explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in docy-core/widgets/Docs.php on line 185
Tweaked: Dark Mode
1.1.3 (02 May 2021)

Fixed: Search form overlaps by the overlay color on focus
Tweaked: Dark Mode
1.1.2 (01 May 2021)

New: Cool, Light and Community Search Hero (design inspired from our Docly theme)
New: Theme Settings > Typography Settings
New: Related docs
New: Recently viewed docs
Fixed: PHP errors on docs page
1.1.1 (25 April 2021)

Tweaked: Dark Mode
Tweaked: Overall design
Tweaked: Header responsive
Fixed: Action button meta
New: Child Theme included
1.1.0 (21 April 2021)

Fixed: The full theme checked and fixed the random issues
New: Light Knowledgebase and Classic Helpdesk
New: One-Click Demo Importer integrated
Tweaked: The overall theme design
1.0.0 (19 April 2021)

Initial Release
  • Xem thêm: Tổng hợp giao diện Themeforest Theme cao cấp, cập nhật miễn phí

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