Thông báo: Hotrowordpress sẽ tiến hành cập nhật lại toàn bộ plugin-themes hiện có trên blog. Thời gian hỗ trợ cập nhật từ ngày 30.03.2024, nếu cần gấp bản mới nhất vui lòng gửi mail về cho admin để nhận link download ưu tiên!

Dokan Business v3.5.6 + Dokan Theme v2.3.7 – Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugins


Dokan Pro là cách tốt nhất để xây dựng thị trường trực tuyến của bạn với WordPress

Mang lại tinh thần kinh doanh trong tầm tay của bạn. Bắt đầu tạo thương hiệu thương mại điện tử của bạn với giải pháp Thị trường đa nhà cung cấp Dokan Multi-vendor Marketplace.

Bạn có thể bắt đầu ebay hoặc eCommerce của riêng bạn. Thương mại điện tử với WordPress giờ đã dễ dàng! Thiết kế và giao diện siêu trực quan của Dokan cũng giúp người mới bắt đầu dễ dàng.


Tính năng nổi bật Dokan Pro – Dokan Theme – Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugins

Tính năng Dokan Pro plugin

  • Thị trường với các cửa hàng độc lập: Giống như Shopify, eBay hoặc Amazon, Dokan cung cấp cho nhà sản xuất một mặt tiền cửa hàng riêng lẻ và khả năng cung cấp hỗ trợ bổ sung.
  • Một số loại sản phẩm: Dokan hỗ trợ các sản phẩm ảo đơn giản, có thể sửa đổi, có thể tải xuống, sản phẩm ảo, được nhóm và đặt trước. Do đó, người bán hàng của bạn có cơ hội bán hàng vô tận.
  • Sử dụng bất kỳ chủ đề tương thích WooCommerce.
    Dokan hoạt động với bất kỳ chủ đề nào hỗ trợ WooCommerce. Các nhà phát triển cũng cung cấp cho bạn một chủ đề miễn phí để giúp bạn bắt đầu với plugin!
  • Bảng điều khiển từ trang web: Khách hàng và nhà cung cấp có quyền truy cập vào bảng điều khiển mạnh mẽ giúp dễ dàng quản lý kho sản phẩm, bao gồm bán hàng, đặt hàng, giảm giá và phiếu giảm giá.
  • Kiếm tiền với mỗi lần bán: Phí hoa hồng trên quy mô toàn cầu, từ một nhà cung cấp hoặc nhận một khoản hoa hồng đặc biệt cho một sản phẩm. Một mô hình giao dịch công bằng cho phép cả hai bên chia sẻ thành công của doanh nghiệp của bạn!
  • Lưu trữ thông tin với các báo cáo và số liệu thống kê: Người bán có thể xem báo cáo chi tiết về doanh số của cửa hàng, cũng như có được ý tưởng về hiệu suất của cửa hàng.
  • Quản lý phiếu giảm giá: Các thương gia quản lý các sản phẩm của riêng họ và giảm giá họ cung cấp. Hơn nữa, các nhà sản xuất có thể tạo phiếu giảm giá để bán hàng đặc biệt!
  • Cửa sổ thời trang: Mỗi cửa hàng trông chuyên nghiệp với một vị trí và xếp hạng lý tưởng cho việc xây dựng thương hiệu cho doanh nghiệp của bạn. Các cửa hàng cũng có thể sử dụng một số mẫu thiết kế để có được cái nhìn tốt nhất.
  • Tăng giá trị thương hiệu thông qua đánh giá sản phẩm: Sản phẩm và nhà cung cấp có thể được xem xét và đánh giá bởi khách hàng. Đánh giá tốt giúp khách hàng khác có được niềm tin và thêm giá trị cho thương hiệu. (Nhận xét nhà cung cấp – Gia hạn)
  • Quản lý đơn hàng trên đường đi!: Các nhà cung cấp có thể quản lý đơn đặt hàng của họ, đánh dấu các đơn đặt hàng là đang chờ xử lý hoặc xử lý, xem địa chỉ giao hàng và thanh toán và gửi hàng.
  • Tổng quan về xuất bản sản phẩm: Duy trì chất lượng sản phẩm trong thị trường của bạn và chặn thư rác hoặc các sản phẩm bất hợp pháp. Nếu phê duyệt xuất bản được bật, quản trị viên sẽ xem xét sản phẩm và xuất bản nó. Các nhà cung cấp có thể tạo ra các sản phẩm được công bố của họ bất cứ lúc nào.
  • Hệ thống rút tiền dễ dàng: Rút tiền rất đơn giản. Người bán có thể yêu cầu rút tiền từ quản trị viên khỏi bảng điều khiển. Quản trị viên có thể đặt ngưỡng rút tiền, chu kỳ và cũng có thể trả lại tiền cho khách hàng.
  • Quản lý SEO cho trang Cửa hàng: Người bán có thể quản lý SEO cho trang cửa hàng của họ. Họ có thể viết các thẻ meta tùy chỉnh, lưu trữ một permalink và mô tả từ bảng điều khiển.
  • Thiết lập cửa hàng đầy đủ: Người bán có thể bao gồm thông tin bổ sung về cửa hàng và nhãn hiệu của họ từ bảng điều khiển.
  • Thiết lập phương thức thanh toán: Các nhà cung cấp có thể kiểm soát các phương thức thanh toán của họ từ cài đặt bảng điều khiển, cũng như đặt phương thức đầu ra từ giao diện bên ngoài.
  • Tích hợp hồ sơ mạng xã hội cho các nhà cung cấp: Các nhà cung cấp có thể thêm hồ sơ xã hội của họ từ Twitter, Facebook, v.v. và cũng liên kết các cửa hàng Facebook của họ với hồ sơ cửa hàng của họ, giúp họ bán chéo.
  • Quản lý giao hàng cho từng cửa hàng: Với Dokan, các nhà cung cấp có thể đặt phân phối toàn cầu cho cửa hàng của họ, cũng như đặt tốc độ phân phối sản phẩm trực tiếp từ bảng điều khiển của họ.
  • Đặt hàng và nhận tiện ích trên thanh công cụ nhà cung cấp: Các nhà cung cấp có thể nhanh chóng xem vị trí hiện tại và trạng thái đơn hàng của họ trên bảng điều khiển với bộ đếm trạng thái đơn hàng.
  • Trả lại sản phẩm là vô cùng dễ dàng: Khách hàng có thể yêu cầu ủy quyền hoàn trả thông qua các nhà cung cấp. Quản trị viên sẽ xem xét yêu cầu và hoàn lại tiền.
  • Quảng cáo bán hàng: Là quản trị viên, bạn có thể gửi thông báo quan trọng đến tất cả các nhà cung cấp hoặc cửa hàng cụ thể. Quảng cáo sẽ được hiển thị trên bảng điều khiển của nhà cung cấp.
  • Khả năng quản lý bán hàng: Quản trị viên có thể kích hoạt / hủy kích hoạt người bán. Các nhà cung cấp cũng có thể được quảng cáo là những người bán hàng đáng tin cậy của người dùng cho xuất bản trực tiếp mà không cần kiểm duyệt.
Dokan Business - Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin Nulled Free Changelog

v3.5.6 Apr 26, 2022
- **fix:** The Shipping tax is not calculated on Flat Rate shipping if there is any other method under the Flat Rate shipping method
- **fix:** [MangoPay] Fixed live API key not working issue
- **fix:** Customer does not get the verification link in the email if 'Enable Subscription in registration form' is enabled in Vendor Subscription
- **update:** Added withdraw method icon filter hook: dokan_withdraw_method_icon
- **update:** Added withdraw method heading filter hook: dokan_vendor_dashboard_payment_settings_heading
- **update:** Added icons in images directory inside corresponding assets directory of withdraw methods if the icon file is missing
v3.5.4 Mar 18, 2022
- **fix:** [SPMV] Fatal error under Single Product Multiple Vendor module while trying to clone auction product
- **fix:** Fixed some translation issue under Vendor Subscription, Vendor Verification, Paypal Marketplace, Mangopay, RazorPay, and Product Advertising module
- **fix:** [OrderMinMax] Fixed a warning after clicking Order Again on a completed order
- **fix:** [Product Addons] Completion of successful add-on creation alert message has wrong css class
- **fix:** Fixed adding two products from different vendors and one of them is virtual, will receive a warning error on the cart page.
- **fix:** JS console error while loading product category & product add new pages has been fixed
- **fix:** [PayPal Marketplace] Update seller enable for receive payment status if not already updated due to failed web hook event
- **fix:** [VendorSubscription] Remove validation if no subscription is active under vendor registration form
- **fix:** [StoreSupport] fixed get support popup not working properly in single product page if only Store Support module is activated
- **fix:** [RMA] Send refund button is not working under RMA refund request screen
- **fix:** [Stripe] 'Your card number is incomplete' issue on checkout pay order page
- **fix:** [Booking/Auction] Fixed product geolocation is not working for Booking and Auction Products
- **fix:** Fixed follow button not working under 'My Account' > 'Vendors' section
- **update:** Set delivery time week start date similar to WordPress week start settings
- **update:** [MangoPay] Applied some logic to restrict unnecessary implementations for MangoPay
- **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Restart Payment flow in case of funding source error on PayPal ie: user doesn’t have enough balance
- **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Display user friendly error messages instead of generic message
- **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Set Shipping and Tax fee recipient to seller despite of admin settings, previously it was displaying error on checkout page if shipping fee recipient was set to admin
- **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Added purchasing capability for not logged in user
v3.5.3 Mar 08, 2022
- **update:** Stop loading unnecessary style and script files on every page #1628
- **update:** [StoreSupport] Added localization support for date time picker library #1783
- **fix:** vendor info was set to null if vendor haven’t assigned to any store category
- **fix:** Dokan was creating unnecessary rows in the termmeta table, now has been fixed #1796
- **fix:** fixed fatal error while checking dokan_is_store_open(), if admin didn't run dokan migrator
- **fix:** fixed fatal error on dokan migrator
- **fix:** [EU Compliance Fields] Fixed a fatal error while saving Germanized trusted product variation fields data
- **fix:** [EU Compliance Fields] fatal error on wcpdf invoice integration on php version 8.0+
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed a warning due to compatibility issue with latest version of Store Support Module
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed social profile Elementor icon widget wasn’t working properly due to conflict with latest version of font awesome library #1793
- **fix:** [StoreReviewe] fixed a fatal error while clicking Sell This Item from spmv module
- **fix:** [Dokan Stripe] Fixed gateway fee was returning 0 in case of several partial refunds requested for same order #1678
- **fix:** [Product Enquiry] Fixed loading icon always displaying after product enquiry email is sent #1797

v3.5.2 Feb 28, 2022
- **new:** [SPMV] Added product search feature under Add New Product page if Single Product Multi Vendor module is enabled. #1576
- **update:** Added seller verification badge under Store listing page, single store page, and single product page #1708
- **update:** Option to close progress bar if profile completeness score is 100% #1726
- **update:** [EU Compliance Fields] Added EU Compliance Customer Fields in Order details Billing and Billing section of Customer profile #1724
- **update:** Module page design updates #1754
- **fix:** [StoreSupport] Activating Store Support from Modules has no reflection on the single store page unless vendor update their settings #1702
- **fix:** Tools - Page Installation Pages button does not work appropriately #1719
- **fix:** Hide add new coupon button from coupon create page #1720
- **fix:** Shipping continent is not being shown under the shipping tab on the single product page. #1721
- **fix:** [Booking] Disable shipping option when virtual is enabled for bookable products #1722
- **fix:** [Booking] Resource available quantity field is empty #1723
- **fix:** Added Dokan Upgrader to delivery time schema updates #1770
- **fix:** Styles are not being saved If the announcement is drafted or edited after scheduled #1771
- **fix:** [Booking] Showing an extra comma in the Booking resource's Parent products when a connected product is deleted. #1772
v3.5.1 Feb 17, 2022
- **fix:** Multiple store open close time wasn't working for Store Open/Close time Widget
- **fix:** [Elementor] Single Store Page template was missing from Elementor template selection dropdown
- **fix:** [Elementor] Product Widgets disappeared from Elementor single Product Page template edit panel
v3.5.0 Feb 03, 2022
- **feat:** [Module] Razorpay Payment Gateway: Accept credit card payments and allow your sellers to get automatic split payment in Dokan via Razorpay
- **feat:** [Module] MangoPay: Enable split payments, multi-seller payments, and other marketplace features given by MangoPay.
- **feat:** [Module] Min Max Quantities: Set a minimum or maximum purchase quantity or amount for the products of your marketplace.
- **feat:** [Module] Product Advertising: Admin can earn more by allowing vendors to advertise their products and give them the right exposure.
- **feat:** [Store Support] Added Store Support for site admin.
- **feat:** Added support for Multiple store open close time for vendor store.
- **feat:** Automatic withdrawal disbursement.
- **feat:** Added custom withdraw method support for admin.

- **update:** Updated design for module page.
- **update:** For Store open close time widget, first day of the week will start on according to the WordPress settings.
- **update:** [Store Support] Design updated on vendor dashboard store support page and customer dashboard support page.
- **update:** Compatibility with latest release of Rank math SEO.
- **update:** [Booking] Added support for "=" symbol while creating range and setting up the cost while creating a bookable product.
- **update:** [Booking] Set the minimum allowed value for 'Minimum booking window ( into the future )' to zero(0).
- **update:** Updated some admin notices for better readability.
- **update:** [Geolocation] Added a search button under geolocation shortcode to search store/product via geolocation, also removed auto reload features for this form.
- **update:** Updated Dokan Free Shipping minimum amount calculation based on WooCommerce (compatibility with latest version).
- **update:** [StoreSupport] Added date range filtering option for vendor support tickets listing.
- **update:** [StoreSupport] Added support tickets count under My Account page.
- **update:** [ProductEnquiry] reCAPTCHA support added to product enquiry form.
- **update:** [Auction] Added Back Navigation button from auction activity list, also fixed a typo.

- **fix:** Switching subscription plan doesn't work if Paypal Marketplace module is active has been fixed.
- **fix:** Coupon was not expiring at exact expiry date.
- **fix:** [DeliveryTime] Delivery date label wasn’t displaying on frontend checkout page, now has been fixed.
- **fix:** Fixed button width mismatch under vendor dashboard report page.
- **fix:** [Auction] Starting bidding price was not resetting for Re-listing auction products, now has been fixed.
- **fix:** Shipping methods are not available when both digital and physical products are in the cart, now has been fixed.
- **fix:** [Product Subscription] Shipping functionality is not working when vendor create subscription product from vendor dashboard, now has been fixed.
v3.4.4 Dec 23, 2021
- **fix:** SEO section is not appearing while the latest Yoast SEO plugin (17.8) is installed and activated #1658
- **fix:** Refund not working if order has sub order #1656
v3.4.3 Dec 15, 2021
- **update:** [Delivery Time] Now users will not be able to choose time slots that are before the order time #1599
- **update:** [Vendor Subscription] Added sweet alert while canceling a subscription from the vendor dashboard. #1612
- **update:** Redesigned What’s New page design for Dokan Pro changelog
- **update:** [Vendor Subscription] Recurring order support added for subscriptions purchased via PayPal Standard Gateway
- **update:** [Vendor Subscription] Recurring order support added for subscriptions purchased via Dokan Stripe Payment Gateway
- **refactor:** float typecast refactored to wc_format_decimal() #1448
- **fix:** [Wholesale] prevent users to buy products at wholesale prices if they are not wholesale customers. #1607
- **fix:** [Geolocation] Location wasn’t updating if geolocation field was added before and then changed the settings to Same as store. #1615
- **fix:** Fix loading issue while loading Dokan pages when permalink sets to plain text, Also added a notice to instruct users to change permalink setting. #1621
- **fix:** [Auction] Start date and End date" fields from the edit auction product page wasn’t saving when users have not previously provided these fields data. #1622
- **fix:** Show all variation products in admin dashboard -> coupon vendor restriction section #1626
- **fix:** [Rank Math SEO] Compatibility issue with latest version of Rank Math SEO plugin #1633
- **fix:** Some string are not translating, now has been fixed #1627
- **fix:** Fixed Some deprecated warning #1642
- **fix:** Category dropdown list in Dokan Live Search was invisible in the Dokani theme. added an id to the element to add proper css in the Dokani theme to make it visible #1616
- **fix:** When variable products are edited using the bulk edit feature of the vendor dashboard, it resets the product status and switches product type to Simple. This issue has been fixed now #1644
v3.4.2 Nov 30, 2021
- **new:** [Booking] Added accommodation booking for Booking module
- **new:** [Table Rate Shipping] Added distance rate shipping under table rate shipping module
- **new:** [Auction] Added downloadable and virtual product support for auction module
- **new:** [Store Support] Added searching and filtering for support tickets from vendor dashboard
- **new:** Added manual refund button for both admin and vendors. Admin and seller can use this feature to record manual refund.
- **new:** Added a new order note for payment gateways other than Dokan payment gateways.
- **new:** Added API refund support for payment gateways other than Dokan payment gateways. Based on admin settings, if admin approves a refund request, this will be also processed from corresponding payment gateway.
- **new:** [Delivery Time] Made delivery time fields required under checkout page, also added a settings page to make these fields required.
- **update:** Caching Enhancement and Fixes
- **update:** [Store Support] Display user display name instead of username under Get Support popup form.
- **update:** [Store Review] Display user display name instead of username under Store Review popup form.
- **update:** Added necessary tooltip for various Dokan settings.
- **update:** Replaced vendor dashboard dash icons with fontAwesome icons, this was causing conflict with some third party plugins
- **fix:** Disabled bulk action product edit/delete, inline product edit/delete if vendor is not enabled for selling
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fix a conflict with Elementor module and Vendor Analytics module. (Single store page layout was broken)
- **fix:** [Import/Export] Existing categories wasn’t importing while importing products
- **fix:** [Store Support] Fixed WPML conflict for various links (some links wasn’t working if site language is other than English)
- **fix:** Store category search option was throwing error on console
- **fix:** CSV import form is not working when multisite is enabled
- **fix:** Saving announcement as draft wasn’t working
- **fix:** Vendor coupon wasn’t working for variation products
v3.4.1 Nov 12, 2021----------------------------------
- **new:** [Vendor Verification] No email sent to vendors after vendor verification status has been changed #1569
- **new:** Added date filter on Dokan —> Reports —> Logs page #1397
- **update:** [Geolocation] Reset Geolocation fields data after user clears that fields in WooCommerce shop page #1574
- **update:** [Vendor Verification] added four new action hooks after verification submit button in vendor dashboard (dokan_before_id_verification_submit_button, dokan_before_phone_verification_submit_button, dokan_before_address_verification_submit_button, dokan_before_company_verification_submit_button) #1572
- **update:** [Vendor Subscription] Added trial text after trial value on vendor subscription list page #1571
- **update:** [Auction] some sanitization issue fixed for auction module #1496
- **update:** Now Export button will export all logs based on applied filters #1397
- **fix:** [Product Subscription] Added missing param on woocommerce_admin_order_item_headers hooks #1578
- **fix:** Product variation image upload button wasn’t working due to js error #1575
- **fix:** [Geolocation] Geolocation fields asking for user address each time user visit shop page #1574
- **fix:** Fixed WC mail template overwrite wasn’t working #1567
- **fix:** [Vendor Subscription] fixed Vendor Subscription category limitation doesn't work in the quick edit panel.
- **fix:** Vendor Dashboard created coupon expired date doesn't work correctly #1560
- **fix:** [Import/Export] Fixed importing products does not get the store geolocation data #1475
- **fix:** 'Connect With Wirecard' button in vendor payment settings page was hidden, now it is shown #1526

v3.4.0 Oct 31, 2021
- **feat:** Added Admin coupon support
- **feat:** Table Rate Shipping (new module)
- **feat:** Rank Math SEO Integration (new module)
- **feat:** Product Bulk Edit feature for vendors/seller
- **feat:** [Vendor Verification] Company Verification Support for vendors (you need to enable Germanized module also to get this feature)
- **update:** Added integration...
v3.3.9 Oct 13, 2021
- **feat:** [Auction] Added auction activity feature for vendors
- **new:** Added two new filter hooks named dokan_pro_scripts and dokan_load_settings_content_shipping so that some feature can be extended via theme authors
- **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Added 60+ new country supports for Dokan PayPal Marketplace module.
- **update:** [Geolocation] Detect user geo location automatically
- **fix:** [PayPal Marketplace] Vendors, previously, could not purchase any product if they are subscribed to a vendor subscription plan, which has now been fixed
- **fix:** [Delivery Time] Vendor dashboard’s Store Settings form fields were not saving if delivery time module was enabled
- **fix:** [Geolocation] Fixed search filter URL redirect issue. Previously, when a user submitted Dokan geolocation filter form, it was redirecting in the current page URL instead of the Store listing page.
- **fix:** [Product Inquiry] Vendor Contact form didn't contain “Reply To” email address when a customer would contact a vendor via the product inquiry form. Issue has been resolved now.

v3.3.8 Oct 4, 2021
- **fix:** multiple issue fixed in WPML integration with Dokan

v3.3.7 Sep 30, 2021
**feat:** Store Location Pickup: Customers no longer have to wait for their product's delivery but rather collect it at their preferable time. They can choose from vendor-provided single or multiple pickup locations during check out and grab their purchases conveniently.
**feat:** [PayPal Marketplace] Vendor Subscription support added for Dokan PayPal Marketplace Payment Gateway
**new:** [Vendor Subscription] filter subscription by package and by stores
**new:** [Vendor Subscription] Sort subscription by start date
**new:** [Vendor Subscription] Subscription Relation Type column added under WooCommerce order table, (support added only for Dokan PayPal Marketplace module)
**new:** [Vendor Subscription] Subscription Related Orders meta box added under order details page (Support added only for Dokan PayPal Marketplace module)
**new:** Added export order permission for staffs, vendors and admins
**update:** auto process api refund for orders placed using non dokan payment gateways
**update:** [Vendor Analytics] User readable Analytics chart data title added
**update:** [Import/Export] sample file download link added in Vendor product CSV import form
**update:** Center map on location search in store listing geolocation
**fix:** fixed js deprecated warnings on various pages
**fix:** [Elementor] multiple deprecated warning fixed
**fix:** Refund amount and tax over refund check
**fix:** Dokan Pro interference removed from WooCommerce Product Import
**fix** [RMA] Fixed multiple warnings.
**fix** [RMA] Only display correct/selected refund reason in new RMA request page.
**fix:** [RMA] RMA not working for variable product
**fix:** Fixed product attribute value sanitization issue
**fix:** [Vendor Staff] Remove admin login url from vendor staff email
**fix:** hide dokan shipping setting after WPML activation
**fix:** SKU not importing when ID field is blank
**fix:** Export all button disabled when there is no data in vendor
**fix:** Hide product addon settings when creating a grouped product
**fix:** Post object and type check when change vendor support topic status

v3.3.6 Aug 30, 2021
- **feat:** [Booking] Added manual booking support feature for vendors
- **new:** Order note for Suborder and main order added when an refund request gets canceled.
- **new:** Added Net Sale section under vendor dashboard where Total order amount was deducted from the refunded amount
- **new:** Dokan a new button to get admin setup wizard on tools page
- **new:** Added Apple Signin feature under Dokan Social Login ( )
- **new:** Added refund request canceled notification email template for vendors
- **new:** Implemented sorting feature for admin Refund page
- **fix:** [Booking] fixed Dokan booking details shows wrong order information after admin creates manual booking from WordPress admin panel
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed deprecated warning notice while customising store page with Elementor module
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed WhatsApp doesn't get Store Name and URL in Elementor
- **fix:** Fixed Shipping class amount adding with other shipping class amount issue
- **fix:** Fixed inconsistency on sales report for refunded order due to caching issue
- **fix:** [Booking] Display fatal error, after deleting booking product which is associated with any customer.
- **fix:** [Wholesale] The wholesale price digits next to the comma removes while saving variations from the admin screen
- **fix:** [Vendor Subscription] Getting error while canceling the Vendor Subscription if subscription order gets deleted
- **fix:** [Stripe] Fixed last used card number was always stored on stripe non 3ds mode for non-subscription products
- **fix:** [Product Addons] vendor addon validation applies to all vendors' products if add to cart url was accessing from browser address bar
- **fix:** [Vendor Verification] Fixed WordPress site health shows critical issues when the vendor verification module is enabled (PHP Session)
- **fix:** Fixed Social Login style is broken on the checkout page login form
- **fix:** Fixed Social API Logins has session Deadlock issues by setting session time to 5 minutes
- **fix:** Fixed fatal error while changing order status if product has been deleted
- **fix:** [Product Subscription] Fixed product subscription pagination problem under vendor dashboard
- **fix:** [Vendor Subscription] Fixed vendors can publish their products under review also
- **fix:** Admin Refund page search by store name wasn't loading refunded list items

v3.3.5 Aug 16, 2021
- **fix:** activating module(s) deactivating other active modules

v3.3.4 Aug 10, 2021
- **update:** Added translation support for text 'Back to add-on lists' under html-global-admin-add.php file
- **update:** Added new Store Support email templates
- **update** Automatic coupon apply for new products
- **fix:** vendor subscription pricing table html broken in german translation
- **fix:** administrator user role added in user search for ShipStation Auth query
- **fix:** [Dokan Stripe] Card is not saving while purchasing WooCommerce Subscription products (3ds/non3ds)
- **fix:** Fixed pagination error on Vendor Review page
- **fix:** fixed couple of translation issue for Booking module.
- **fix:** Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class DokanPro\Modules\Subscription\Helper not found.

v3.3.3 Aug 2, 2021
- **New** Pending request validation added in refund request validation.
- **New** Single validation error message will be displayed during refund request validation failure.
- **New** Dokan CSV exporter has rewritten to minimize product export errors.
- **New** Dokan CSV exporter has a new option called variation with variable product export.
- **New** Dokan CSV Importer has rewritten to minimize product import errors.
- **New** Dokan Import Export logic will not be imposed during product import export from WooCommerce product export importer.
- **New** Admin can add new vendor staff from wp-admin users add/edit page
- **New** [Dokan Auction] Validation error feedback for auction product same SKU
- **New** [PayPal Marketplace] added a settings fields to get bn code from admin
- **Update** Pending request validation added in refund
- **Update** [Vendor Review] Review date time display according to admin selected date time format
- **Update** [Wirecard] Dokan Wirecard module compatibility with WordPress version 5.8
- **Fix** [Delivery Time] JS error fix for fresh installation vendor info
- **Fix** [Wholesale] Product addon and RMA addon not working with wholesale product fixes
- **Fix** New subscription order is being created for profile save is resolved
- **Fix** 'Error: dokan is not defined' in checkout page after transaction is processed via paypal marketplace
- **Fix** fatal error ‘Class Abstract_Dokan_Background_Processes not found’ while activating dokan lite and pro together

v3.3.2 Jul 15, 2021
- **fix:** [PayPal Marketplace]fixed PayPal Marketplace refund conflict with other payment gateway’s refund.
- **fix:** [Stripe] fixed deduct gateway fee from vendor balance table after a refund is approved via Stripe 3ds and non-3ds
- **fix:** [Stripe] fixed Stripe non3ds refund is not working if admin commission is set to zero
- **fix:** fixed Order on Cash on delivery deducting money from Vendor balance while processing Refund

v3.3.1 Jul 12, 2021
- **feat:** [New Module] Added a new module named EU Compliance Fields,
- **feat:** [Vendor Subscription] Added Vendor Subscription information section under single vendor edit page
- **update:** [Vendor Subscription] Hide Create and Add New button if only one product creation is allowed
- **update:** Added Composer 2 support
- **fix:** [Vendor Subscription] Fixed create and add new product button redirect according to subscription package allowed product
- **fix:** [Vendor Subscription] fixed fatal error PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_allowed_product_categories() on null, while import product from csv if vendor subscription module is active and vendor doesn't have any purchased subscription
- **fix:** [Delivery Time] fixed theme compatibility issues
- **fix:** [Delivery Time] fixed delivery-time, datepicker is not a function error
- **fix:** Fixed rewrite rules issues after Dokan Pro plugin is activated for Dokan Pro and all Modules
- **fix:** [Booking] Fixed Booking calendar styling issue for all-day bookings
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed fatal error on elementor StoreSocialProfile widget

v3.3.0 Jul 01, 2021
- **feat:** [module] Added a new Payment Gateway named ‘Dokan PayPal Marketplace’ under Dokan Pro Business and Enterprise Plans
- **feat:**: [module] Added a new module named ‘Delivery Time: Let customers choose their delivery date & time’ for all Dokan Pro Plans
- **new:** [Elementor] Added product filtering options for Single Store Page Elementor widget
- **new:** [Elementor] Added SPMV support for Ssingle Store Page Elementor widget
- **new:** [Elementor] Added Social widget support for Single Store Page Elementor widget
- **new:** [Elementor] Added RMA module support for Singe Store Page Elementor widget
- **new:** Added a new settings to enable/disable Product shipping tab and optimised query for vendor available shipping listing
- **new:** Added a Register button on login popup form
- **fix:** Removed existing role from an user while user become a vendor
- **fix:** Set admin default map address as Geolocation data when a new seller is registered
- **fix:** Shipping tax status from vendor shipping methods have no effect
- **fix:** Left/Right Map position redirect to the another page issue fixed
- **fix:** Subscription pack list broken when use difference languages
- **fix:** Unusual number of emails to the vendor staffs on a new order
- **fix:** Disabled shipping zone on single product tab if methods not found
- **fix:** Become a vendor button not showing when user role is other than customer
- **fix:** Wrong direction for shipping status email templates issue fixed
- **fix:** Disabled shop query when geo map turn off from dokan admin settings
- **fix:** [SPMV] Sell this item not showing when vendors subscription module is enabled, but the subscription is disabled
- **fix:** [Booking] Cancellation time gets changed from Weeks to Months after saving a Cancellable Booking Product
- **fix:** Return Request - Conversations issue for special characters
- **fix:** Store dropdown vendor name placeholder changed to Store Name in admin reports page
- **fix:** Login Popup css fixed for guest user
- **fix:** Email template override directory location correction
- **fix:** RMA policy content format now saves correctly

v3.2.5 May 11, 2021
- **fix:** Products not showing on vendor dashboard product listing page on vendor dashboard product listing page when vacation module is disabled or doesn't exists

v3.2.4 May 8, 2021
- **feat:** Shipping Status for vendors
- **new:** Attach source to customer object first so that payment get processed successfully and then remove source if necessary: stripe non3ds
- **fix:** Android product live search issues fixed
- **fix:** Vendor variation product import error fixed
- **fix;** Store category not saving from setup widget
- **fix:** Updating product details using Quick Edit resets the Shipping Class
- **fix:** Does not reflect today's report in sales by day or overview
- **fix:** Product doesn't go offline while activating vacation mode
- **fix:** Product status changes to online if product updated from quick edit in vacation mode.
- **fix:** All log table filter in translation for admin reports
- **fix:** Vendor can create tag in product import support
- **fix:** Vendor store page title replace with store SEO title
- **fix:** Store follow email triggering though email is disabled in WC email
- **fix:** Update store progress bar when stripe connected
- **fix:** Refund amount and tax over refund check
- **fix:** 'Cannot charge a customer that has no active card' error if trying to process payment from guest user with non-connected vendors
- **fix:** Set newly added card as default payment source while updating a vendor subscription
- **fix:** Don't save card if save card checkbox is not selected - Stripe 3DS
- **new:** Live search with suggestion set by default

= v3.2.3 Apr 30, 2021 =
- **feat:** Digital and Physical product types selling option for vendors
- **new:** Verification clickable link added on new staff notify email body
- **new:** IP and agent info removed from product enquiry email
- **new:** Store support for WooCommerce customer my account order details page
- **new:** Product shipping tab added continent countries and states data
- **new:** The Per Class calculation type option is selected by default for flat rate shipping
- **new:** Add new filter hook on admin vendor report order status filters
- **fix:** Vendor category box hide when outside click on store listing page
- **fix:** Translation issue fixed on store support modal
- **fix:** Vendor product quick edit product status not changing issue fixed
- **fix:** RMA script loading issue on product edit page
- **fix:** Variation product not working with RMA issue fixed
- **fix:** RMA: Customer is seeing the default Refund Reasons instead of the overridden refund reasons set in the edit product form
- **fix:** Vendor setting page store support for product option fully disable when disabled it from admin
- **fix:** Wrong instruction for the map zoom level in the geolocation settings fixed now
- **update:** [Stripe] Rearranged Stripe API Credentials Fields on Stripe Connect Payment Gateway Setting page
- **fix:** [Stripe] Error: Cannot charge a customer that has no active card, while checking out as guest
- **fix:** Fix the dokan-hide class placement on the store-settings.php
- **fix:** Germanized for WooCommerce and Email Verification conflict
- **fix:** user subscription pagination query
- **fix:** Generate Shortcode Button doing_it_wrong error
- **fix:** RMA individual product warranty type
- **fix:** product import updating another vendor product

= v3.2.2 April 01, 2021 =
- **new:** [Stripe] Added 3DS auth flow for changing payment method from My Account -> Payment Methods page
- **new:** [Stripe] Added Change payment method for subscriptions from My Account -> Subscriptions for Stripe 3ds mode
- **new:** [Stripe] Added failed order processing feature for both Stripe 3ds and non3ds payment method
- **new:** [Stripe] added metadata for stripe transactions for 3ds mode, this will help track transfers made on vendors account and the vendors will also be able to track orders made on their account.
- **new:** [Stripe] Added support for renewing subscription via modal for stripe 3ds mode
- **new:** [Stripe] Implemented automatic refund for stripe 3ds mode (refund will be processed from admin stripe account, then the transferred amount from vendor account will be automatically reversed to admin account)
- **new:** [Stripe] added announcement notice if vendors stripe account is not connected with stripe (both 3ds and non-3ds). In 3ds mode, if vendor stripe currency is not similar to site currency they will also receive announcement notice. Added two new admin settings to control this behavior.
- **new:** New action hook added - dokan_auction_before_general_options
- **update:** Product image support added for new order email vendor staff
- **update:** Dokan shipping multiple issues fixed and some enhancements
- **update:** show store name instead of selected vendors if announcement sent to a single vendor in announcement listing page.
- **Enhancement:** Dokan tools page "Install Pages Button" disabled after successful Installation of page
- **Enhancement:** Stock unwanted management options removed
- **fix:** [Stripe] fixes non3ds refund-related issues (refund doesn't work if a vendor is not connected with stripe.)
- **fix:** [Wirecard] Floating point error on Wirecard integration
- **fix:** [Store SEO] dokan_sellers-sitemap.xml file returns uncaught error
- **fix:** Product review list, empty bulk action error
- **fix:** variable subscription and variable product conflict
- **fix:** Sale Price: Sale price is not working with the variable product.
- **fix:** Products: Date Picker is unavailable for product variations
- **fix:** Store Email: The Store Email sends an email from the WordPress email instead of the site admin email
- **fix:** Booking: Booking shows order number when the booking status is In Cart
- **fix:** Booking resource label does not display after save
- **fix:** store review data display and pagination
- **fix:** loco translate strings can not be translated
- **fix:** Featured stores Elementor widget is broken issue fixed #1146
- **fix:** Reply to custom email added on product inquiry email #1181
- **fix:** Store support form conflicting with Elementor in the single store page
- **fix:** Fatal error on RMA details page when product somehow got deleted issue fixed
- **fix:** Pagination not working on vendor return request page issue fixed #1152
- **fix:** Store link added on RMA request page
- **fix:** Vendor search filter form widget not working for vendor search issue fixed
- **fix:** Auto-zoom set minimum zoom label check with admin option
- **fix:** The external product type fields show permanently
- **fix:** Report Export and filter date range in different language does not work
- **fix:** Germanized plugin support for email verification footer placement

= v3.2.1 Mar 05, 2021 =
- **feat:** External product support added for vendor
- **feat:** Added rest api support for follow store
- **new:** Announcements 3 new options added enabled sellers, disabled sellers, featured sellers
- **new:** Added Announcement menu for vendor dashboard
- **new:** Vendor withdraw area added threshold days if that vendor have individual
- **new:** Disable "Support Button" for single product page in vendor settings page when Admin disable support from admin settings.
- **fix:** Fixed some PHP 8 warnings
- **fix:** Vendor report date filter conflicts with non english / local languages set as site language
- **fix:** Apply product lot discount on order
- **fix:** Typos in edit product page and subscription page
- **fix:** Whole price is not stored as decimal when decimal separator is comma
- **fix:** Combine commission field is missing on setup wizard issue fixed
- **fix:** Vendor analytics menu not showing for administrator users issue
- **fix:** Turn off geolocation autozoom for single product page
- **fix:** Mapbox zoom icons missing issue fixed
- **fix:** Elementor buttons icon missing issue resolved
- **fix:** Error showing in store support ticket details if order remove somehow
- **fix:** Dokan pages duplicate issue fixed when try to use tools from Dokan admin area
- **fix:** Parent SKU not saving on variation product issue fixed
- **fix:** Warning showing product listing page when imported product
- **fix:** Design related problem in all logs issue report in Dokan admin area
- **fix:** Deprecated Gplus cleanup
- **fix:** Fixed an issue where booking details page showing index error warning
- **fix:** Booking SKU not saving, hidden input problem
- **fix:** Some filter was being used as action
- **fix:** Product Discount price is not updating if vendor subscription module is active
- **fix:** Admin dokandar staff module access issue fixed

= v3.2.0 Jan 29, 2021 =
**feat** [Livechat] Added WhatsApp provider for livechat
**feat** [Livechat] Added provider for livechat
**new** [Geolocation] Added new settings where admin can set whether to display the map in shop or store listing page or both page
**new** [Store Support] Added Store support form for single product page
**new** [Vendor Subscription] Added separate email subject and body for subscription cancellation and alert emails
**new** [Vendor Subscription] Added Dokan upgrader to move existing vendor subscription data to new keys
**new** [Vendor Subscription] Update Billing Cycle Stops fields if Billing Cycle Type changes
**update** [Vendor Subscription] Changed product_pack_startdate and product_pack_enddate value from date() to current_datetime(), this will fix timezone mismatch
**update** [Vendor Subscription] Changed _subscription_period_interval, _subscription_period, _subscription_length into _dokan_subscription_period_interval, _dokan_subscription_period, _dokan_subscription_length. This was causing conflict with WooCommerce Subscription
**update** [Vendor Subscription] Disable email verification if subscription module is enabled in the registration form
**fix** [Import Export]: All metadata are not exporting
**fix** [Auction] Dokan auction product addons are not saving
**fix** [SPMV] Fixed seller can clone product using sell this item without a subscription
**fix** [Vendor Subscription] Product duplicate button based on active subscription
**fix** [Booking] Booking buffer period duration unit label is not translatable
**fix** [Vendor Subscription] Email Subscription Ending Soon email is never sent
**fix** [Vendor Subscription] Recurring payment is not canceling if admin assigns non-recurring subscription from the admin dashboard.
**fix** [Vendor Subscription] Subscription purchased by PayPal was canceled immediately if subscription pack is not recurring
**fix** [Vendor Subscription] Added additional fee if commission type is combined for non-dokan payment gateways
**fix** [Stripe] Multiple stripe webhook was creating, moved webhook creation code under activation/deactivation hooks, deactivate and active module to apply these changes
**fix** [Stripe] Fixed fatal error if the source string is empty if users try to change payment method from my account page
**fix** [Stripe] Fixed fatal error if the order value is less than or equal to zero for Stripe 3DS mode, this was causing the whole payment to fail.
**fix** [Auction] Relist feature is unavailable on the vendor dashboard
**fix** [Auction] Vendors can not add & save new tags on Auction type products
**fix** [Elementor] Fixed Elementor module causing issue with support ticket mail
**fix** [Geolocation] Fixed Mapbox issue with RTL supported language
**fix** [Geolocation] Fixed Geolocation position settings left and right area
**fix** [Geolocation] Geolocation map autozoom when getting long distance between multiples stores/products locations
**fix** [Export/Import] Hide export button when no product found for that author
**fix** [Vendor Analytics] Vendor analytics deprecated warning
**fix** [Subscription] Delete recurring subscription key after a subscription has been deleted
**fix** [Store Support] Fixed wrong order reference URL in support tickets in WooCommerce my account and Dokan vendor dashboard area
**fix** Product add pop-up validation error message style fix
**fix** Fixed dokan_admin js var undefined issue at add/edit product page
**fix** Fixed undefined ID notice while creating products from vendor dashboard
**fix** Downloadable options panel not showing
**fix** Fixed Vendor Setting to discount on order calculation error
**fix** Fixed product view undefined index error for post_type
**fix** Dokan Shortcode Block returns "This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed." error while trying to add a shortcode
**fix** Fixed WPML conflict with menu and widget page when users try to switch between language

= v3.1.4 Jan 11, 2021 =
* update: Added disconnect button on dokan admin setting and some issues fixed on vendor analytics
* update: Product add-on module template override does not work
* update: Changed social login sign in URL from dokan_reg to vendor_social_reg on query param
* fix: Import option allows vendors to create categories
* fix: If admin commission for flat type commission is set to zero it was showing not set
* fix: Text-domain missing on confirmation alert
* fix: Default attribute was not displaying when variation product edit form vendor dashboard
* fix: Vendor details admin commission label changed on the admin area
* fix: Fixed vendor staff was not receiving new order email issue
* fix: Fixed Variations was not saving correctly
* fix: Fixed store support form showing wrong with Elementor
* fix: Replaced WP SEO deprecated functions
* fix: Fixed product location mismatch if created from admin
* fix: Vendor verification image breaks after upload and the uploaded file is not accessible
* fix: Auction product SKU is not updating or saving
* fix: Single Product Multiple Vendor redirection for auction and booking type product
* fix: Updated stripe codebase and fixed some issues with Stripe modules
* fix: Responsive dashboard product and order table
* fix: Removed addon validation for Dokan Subscription product
* fix: Vendor updates other vendor product if SKU/ID is same, instead of creating a new product for requesting vendor
* fix: Make product status draft after a vendor/admin immediately cancels their subscriptions

v3.1.3 Dec 20, 2020
- [update] WireCard: Added tax/discount for Vendor Subscriptions, previously only actual product price was sent to API
- [update] WireCard: Added a new exception if vendor account is not linked with wire card, now the user will get proper error messages instead of Something went wrong
- [fix] Refund and announcement listing loading problem and text-domain issue fixed
- [fix] Booking addon options are missing on the Booking type product edit panel
- [fix] Variable product image upload when yoast seo plugin is active
- [fix] Added tax fields for vendor subscription type product, previously users weren't able to select tax for vendor subscription products
- [fix] Translation support for list tables on Dokan admin pages
- [fix] Booking simple product changes to virtual product
- [fix] Fixed Dokan Stripe 3ds recurring issue with vendor subscription products
- [fix] Dokan order discount mismatch when recalculate from admin panel order details page
- [fix] Fixed cart coupon option disabled for multi vendors
- [fix] WireCard: added some new exceptions to display formatted errors to users
- [fix] WireCard: Fixed product pack end date for vendor subscription, previously this was causing subscription to get canceled automatically before subscriptions actual end date
- [fix] WireCard: Fixed decimal issues on product price, this was causing API error due to mismatch order total
- [fix] WireCard: Removed rmccue/requests library from vendor folder, WordPress already has this library pre installed. This was causing a fatal error on some installations
- [fix] Limit your zone selected by default when zone created with a country
- [fix] Disallow direct access vendor verification uploaded documents folder
- [fix] Fixed Dokan Stripe resource missing api error for empty source provided via api call

== v3.1.2 Dec 01, 2020 ==
- [fix] Vendor gets error while purchasing normal product with PayPal in checkout page
- [fix] Single product multi vendor products showing others vendor area issue when SPMV product duplicated
- [fix] Admin commission set 0 by default when create/update vendor form admin area
- [fix] Enable vacation mode is hiding products from vendor dashboard, vendor not able to see the products
- [fix] Vendor staff not able to add/edit any product on vendor dashboard, also fixed capabilities issue and imporove code standard
- [fix] Vendor shipping settings page showing js error issue when try to add/update any shipping zone
- [fix] Update vendor review REST API and fixed some errors
- [fix] SMS verification error message translation not available
- [fix] SMS verification error handling for vendors
- [fix] Booking product virtual option not saving while 1st time create form vendor dashboard
- [fix] Coupon minimum amount not working with variation products issue fixed
- [fix] Vendor product addon appears in every product in marketplace when that vendor logged in
- [fix] Product wise Commission is not working in subscription product on admin area product edit page
- [fix] Report csv header mismatch issue fixed
- [fix] Stripe Dashboard does not show the price including the tax for vendors
- [fix] SKU data not importing when CSV import on vendor dashboard
- [fix] Booking single day no data showing, responsiveness issue fixes form vendor dashboard booking details page
- [fix] Product seo default meta description removed from vendor dashboard product edit page
- [fix] Check product pack end date before cancelling vendor subscriptions
- [fix] Downloads files showing multiple entries when have suborder
- [fix] Variable product showing extra fields when subscription type product update from vendor dashboard
- [fix] Bookable Product: Booking by day view which is missing in Booking calender.
- [fix] If the processing fee is not 0 and if the dokan_gateway_fee_paid_by meta is blank then the processing fee is paid by the admin.

== v3.1.1 -> Nov 16, 2020==
- [Fix] Stripe Refactor
- [fix] Customer subscription cancel status not showing for vendor
- [fix] Wholesale product checkbox not working when product status pending
- [fix] Product wise commission not working comma decimal issue fixed
- [fix] Dokan modules section active/inactive issue
- [fix] Product addon select field not saving when price field blank
- [fix] PHP 5.6 Compatibility, **update: required minimum php version is set to 7.0.0
- [fix] Duplicate product not working when try any product duplicate
- [fix] Fixed translation issue for Dokan pro
- [fix] Modules url changes on module title and image in Dokan admin
- [fix] Dokan booking calendar only shows one booking on a single day

- [new] Vendor Analytics
- [new] Live search with autocomplete list
- [update] Refactor and fix stripe connect module
- [fix] Add gateway fee payee indicator in admin report logs
- [fix] Booking confirmation not working when trying to confirm it from the booking list
- [fix] Text domain fix on export and import fix
- [fix] Activate only available modules during plugin activation
- [fix] Product type not changing to grouped
- [fix] Branding issue on Dokan seller search on store list page
- [fix] Vendor earning in order details after the refund
- [fix] Vendor export statement in report
- [fix] Remove external product type from subscription allowed product types
- [fix] Subscription product price not saving when WC auction plugin active
- [fix] Featured sellers showing more than limit
- [fix] Product tags search not working properly on quick edit area
- [fix] Text domain issue when report abuse delete in js end
- [fix] JS console error fixed on report abuse module edit product page
- [fix] Text domain missing on Wholesale module
- [fix] Subscription plan page design broken when different language use
- [fix] Vendor product csv import ui issue
- [fix] Dokan Pro core email template locations
- [fix] Store default geolocation when creating product first time
- [fix] Coupon product and exclude product field move to search select with variations
- [fix] Missing report header in csv
- [fix] Missing translation string for Dokan Subscription module
- [fix] Product variation toggle issue, variation downloadable file delete issue
- [fix] Product inquiry email spelling mistake
- [fix] Vendor can modify other vendor product
- [fix] Multi vendor duplicate SKU
- [fix] Vendor not getting email confirmation
- [fix] Can not quick update products when product limit reached
- [fix] Product addons vendor staff vendor view
- [fix] CSV import feature column to false if not admin
- [fix] Export wholesale column missing
- [fix] Edited product status not working properly
- [fix] Simple subscription layout break when vendor subscription active
- [fix] Product add-on type File upload does not show the file on vendor order
- [fix] Auction start,end field disable from keyboard
- [fix] Announcements week days to month
- [fix] Product discount price scheduled issue
- [fix] Import restriction on subscription category
- [fix] Wholesale customer registration email to admin
- [fix] Report custom date not working for daily sales & statements
- [fix] New refund request email not sending to admin
- [fix] WooCommerce deprecated function changes
- [fix] Refund issue with decimal formatting number order total

Hướng dẫn activate Dokan Pro (Business) + Dokan – WooCommerce Booking Integration

  1. Vui lòng tải và cài đặt bản Dokan Lite được cung cấp trên kho lưu trữ, sau khi cài đặt Dokan Lite, bạn có thể cài đặt và kích hoạt Dokan Pro
  2. Đối với Dokan – WooCommerce Booking Integration, trước khi kích hoạt bạn cần cài đặt các plugin sau:
  • Xem thêm: tổng hợp Plugin WordPress cao cấp, cập nhật hàng ngày được chia sẻ miễn phí

password: Xem hướng dẫn cuối bài viết

Trong gói Dokan Business bao gồm:

  1. Dokan Business v3.7.0
  2. Dokan Lite v3.7.0
6 bình luận
  1. Leo đã bình luận

    Các phiên bản Dokan mới nhất bị xóa rồi hả admin?

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      update bản mới rồi á. trong đó có 7 server download, thường thì sẽ bị report nhưng không bị xóa hết đâu bạn nhé@@

  2. thang đã bình luận

    Mình đã cài nhưng không activate, bạn hỗ trợ giúp mình được không

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      nó hiện activate thì kệ nó đi. Cứ sử dụng bth nhé

  3. thang đã bình luận

    Mình cài Dokan Pro vào làm sao để kích hoạt nhỉ. hay phải mua bạn ơi

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      blog này ko có mua bán gì nhé. Đợi ad cập nhật v3.1.3 lên rồi cài lại nhé

Để lại bình luận

Địa chỉ email của bạn sẽ được chúng tôi bảo mật thông tin.