Thông báo: Hotrowordpress sẽ tiến hành cập nhật lại toàn bộ plugin-themes hiện có trên blog. Thời gian hỗ trợ cập nhật từ ngày 30.03.2024, nếu cần gấp bản mới nhất vui lòng gửi mail về cho admin để nhận link download ưu tiên!

Veen v2.3.0 – Minimal & Lightweight Blog for WordPress


Veen – Minimal & Lightweight Blog for WordPress là một Blog siêu hiện đại tập trung vào tốc độ cao và hiệu ứng đẹp mắt, chủ đề hoàn toàn phù hợp với bất kỳ loại blog nào, đặc biệt là blog cá nhân, nhiếp ảnh, du lịch hoặc tiểu sử. Nó siêu nhẹ , chủ đề nhanh này được thực hiện bằng nhiều kỹ thuật để đạt được Điểm số xuất sắc trên Google , chúng tôi cũng lưu ý đến chất lượng mã và SEO. Nó rất dễ sử dụng và tùy chỉnh. Bao gồm 11 widget hải quan và một bảng tùy chọn chủ đề mạnh mẽ để giúp quản lý dễ dàng hơn. Veen tương thích với AMP và nó đa ngôn ngữ, bao gồm: tiếng Tây Ban Nha và tiếng Anh. và bạn có thể dễ dàng dịch nó sang bất kỳ ngôn ngữ nào bạn muốn.

Quan trọng: Chủ đề này có khả năng đạt điểm cao trên Google Insight (lên đến 100%) cho Máy tính để bàn Kiểm tra các yếu tố có thể ảnh hưởng đến tốc độ tại đây.


Kiểm tra báo cáo Tốc độ Veen – Minimal & Lightweight Blog for WordPress

Kiểm tra tốc độ Veen theme

Đặc trưng Veen – Minimal & Lightweight Blog for WordPress

Veen - Minimal & Lightweight Blog for WordPress 2

  • Thiết kế siêu nhẹ và hiện đại.
  • Tối ưu hóa cao và nhẹ (kích thước chỉ 1,5mb).
  • Hỗ trợ AMP (Chế độ chuyển tiếp) Kiểm tra Trang chủ AMP và Bài đăng đơn AMP.
  • Cập nhật liên tục.
  • Bản dịch đã sẵn sàng (bao gồm tiếng Anh và tiếng Tây Ban Nha).
  • Mã được tối ưu hóa và tối ưu hóa.
  • Hỗ trợ đồ thị mở.
  • Được xây dựng với SCSS và được biên dịch trước với Prepos 7 (tương thích với Windows và Mac).
  • Phần quảng cáo chuyên dụng (bên dưới tiêu đề, trước và sau nội dung bài đăng, tùy chỉnh quảng cáo để đặt ở bất cứ đâu).
  • Phần quảng cáo giữa các cột lưới. demo ở đây
  • Thanh bên dính cho các bài đăng
  • Lazy Load cho Danh sách (trang chủ, kho lưu trữ, danh mục, v.v.).
  • Tải cho nội dung bài đăng một cách lười biếng.
  • Lazy Load để nhúng (iframe như Youtube / Vimeo / Soundcloud).
  • HTML5 & CSS3 đã sẵn sàng.
  • 3 vị trí bài đơn
    • Toàn bộ băng thông với Sidebar, xem tại đây .
    • Toàn bộ băng thông không có Thanh bên, xem tại đây .
    • Cổ điển: hình ảnh bên trong bài viết, xem tại đây .
  • Không có Kiểu thanh bên cho Bài đăng và Trang xem ở đây .
  • Trang Thẻ tùy chỉnh, xem tại đây .
  • Trang Tác giả tùy chỉnh, xem tại đây .
  • Trang 404 tùy chỉnh xem tại đây .
  • Giới thiệu về tôi Widget.
  • Tiện ích đám mây thẻ tùy chỉnh.
  • Phòng trưng bày tùy chỉnh.
  • Các phần quảng cáo.
  • Hỗ trợ Disqus và Facebook.
  • Đáp ứng đầy đủ.
  • Hỗ trợ video (Vimeo, Youtube, v.v.).
  • Sẵn sàng cho màn hình Retina.
  • Biểu tượng Font Awesome.
  • Hoạt động trên Android, Ipad và Iphone.
  • Tài liệu bao gồm.
  • Thiết kế sạch.
  • Được mã hóa tốt.
  • Chức năng điều hướng.


Download Veen v2.3.0 - Minimal & Lightweight Blog for WordPress Nulled Free
v2.3.0 - 25 October 2021
Summary: Fixes and improvements

- Fixed: Incorrect color for search menu icon when Minimalist Header is selected.
- Fixed: PHP warning from post thumbs widget.
- Fixed: Order by days not working on post thumbs widget.
- Fixed: Incorrect alignment of Gallery Block on Gutenberg editor.
- Fixed: Javascript error when Theme Optimization is "OFF".
- Fixed: Icon shortcode size not applied properly.
- Improved: Breadcrumb HTML.
- Improved: Core Framework.
- Improved: Tested Theme compatibility up to WP 5.8
- Added: Turkish Language.
- Added: Legacy Search box widget (only for customers who are using WP 5.8 and want the old search box style).
- Added: New option "offset" for articles modules (grid, sidebar, classic).

v2.2.0 - 03 May 2021
Summary: Fixes and improvements

- Fixed: Custom Embed not working for Video Posts.
- Fixed: AMP Validation error.
- Fixed: Mobile Logo Font Size not working on sticky logo (mobile devices).
- Fixed: Incorrect Avatar on About me Widget.
- Fixed: Custom Sidebar not displayed if Article sidebar is empty.
- Fixed: Incorrect alignment of Quotes Block on Gutenberg editor.
- Fixed: Incorrect color for CF7 success message.
- Fixed: Share Post on Linkedin always display homepage instead of Post url.
- Improved: Core Framework
- Improved: Sticky posts will no longer appear on widgets, this will prevent incorrect amount of posts.
- Improved: Now views counter uses ajax, this will improve the counting for heavy cache plugins.
- Improved: CLS warning for Logo image on Google insight reports.
- Added: New field custom script on, on Theme options -> adv settings.
- Added: New filter "last X days" for Recent post widget.
- Added: "Order by" filter to Posts by Category widget.
- Added: Rank Math breadcrumb compatibility.

v2.1.4 - 17 December 2020
Summary: Important Fix

- Fixed: Pagination not working on Grid Posts style (bug from v2.1.3).
- Improved: Javascript compability for future releases (WP 5.7) of jQuery

v2.1.3 - 14 December 2020
Summary: Important Fixes

- Fixed: Shortcodes Generator not working on WP 5.6
- Fixed: Pagination not working properly on AMP pages (page nº 2 and greater was not redirected properly if custom home is being used), this issue is only related to AMP plugin v2.0 and greater.
- Fixed: Advertising module (on custom home page) was escaping custom codes (scripts or iframes).
- Fixed: Admin Post image (thumbnail) disappears on latest version of WordPress.
- Fixed: Incorrect image size if Fullcover style is selected on Theme options (as global), this generate some blurriness on the featured image.
- Fixed: Widget Gallery not working properly.
- Fixed: Incorrect image size on Grid Posts for Archives pages (category, tags or author).
- Added: Breadcrumb support for Yoast SEO and NavXT plugins, the new option can be enabled on Theme options -> Blog -> global options.
- Added: Sticky Header option for mobile.

v2.1.2 - 25 October 2020
Summary: Fixes and improvements

- Fixed: Recent Tweets widget not working.
- Fixed: Shortcodes not working on Footer Copyright section.
- Fixed: Incorrect margin on Safari mobile if Footer has custom background color.
- Fixed: Meta container appears even if all meta data is disabled (views, comments, etc) on Single Post image.
- Removed: Prefetch optimization option, it was generating some issues with Disqus comments and also is not generating enough speed benefits like Preload option.
- Improved: Now shortcodes works inside EP Tabs container.
- Added: HTML 5 validation for email field on comments section.
- Added: New Autoplay option for Post Slider module.

v2.1.1 - 08 September 2020
Summary: Fixes and improvements

- Fixed: Author avatar (about me widget) do not appear on AMP pages.
- Fixed: Disable single post featured image was disabling featured images on widgets (which was not intended).
- Fixed: Some icons do not appear on customizer.
- Fixed: Warning from Header logo.
- Fixed: Disable default theme google fonts option not working.
- Fixed: Gallery format Incorrect height on mobile devices.
- Fixed: When selecting "Resize for smaller devices" + "aligncenter" to embeds, the element disappears (youtube, vimeo, etc).
- Fixed: Incorrect height for custom embed on mobile devices (it was fully replaced with responsive embeds).
- Fixed: moz-document warning on AMP plugin 2.1.
- Improved: Dot size for text logo on mobile devices (now is smaller).
- Improved: Show comments toggle animation.
- Improved: Gutenberg gallery captions layout.
- Improved: Sticky header when resized.
- Added: Unique ID to all home modules and for other stories and related posts (single content), so they can be linked with custom anchors.

v2.1.0 - 20 August 2020
Summary: Fixes and improvements

- Fixed: Posts ordered by views filter not working properly (this is a progressive fix and every time a post is visited is fixed automatically).
- Fixed: Update core plugin notification do not appear when using Veen child theme.
- Fixed: Incorrect border color for blockquote from Styling options.
- Fixed: Double title if no featured image is assigned but optimized image is added to posts.
- Fixed: Custom Color not applied properly to bold links.
- Fixed: Meta container appears even if all meta data is disabled (views, comments, etc).
- Improved: Gravatar cache policies warning.
- Improved: Now if Lazy load is enabled, it will be applied to Gravatar (comments section).
- Improved: 4 columns grid layout on devices below 1200px
- Improved: How update Core plugin notification appear.
- Improved: Versioning of assets when using Veen Child Theme.
- Improved: How SCSS files are generated (developer friendly).
- Improved: How lightbox is applied to Gutenberg Galleries.
- Improved: Now Gutenberg Galleries and Single Gutenberg image will display caption on Lightbox.
- Improved: Latest tweets widget, now the amount of tweets is more accurated.
- Improved: Tested Theme compatibility up to WP 5.5
- Improved: If no menu is assigned to header, the mobile menu icon will not appear.
- Added: New option to exclude replies on Latest Tweets widget.
- Added: * New option to move the titles below images on Theme options -> blog -> global options.
- Added: TikTok to social profiles.
- Added: Email to social profiles.

v2.0.0 - 14 July 2020
Summary: Big Update: Core Web Vital (CWB) and features.

TTI: Time to interactive.
LCP: Largest Contentful Paint

- Fixed: Disqus console error if comments are not open.
- Fixed: Sticky logo not displayed when 2 different logos are uploaded.
- Fixed: Archives incorrect alignment when Minimalist header is selected.
- Fixed: Secondary Color not applied to Blockquotes.
- Fixed: Dropcap incorrect Font family (when custom font family is selected).
- Fixed: Font Weight not applied on sidebar and footer titles (when custom font family is selected).
- Fixed: When title max length is assigned, sometimes missing character appears on Japanese language.
- Fixed: Incorrect alignment for page sidebar on mobile devices.
- Fixed: Incorrect title alignment on Fullwidth page template.
- Fixed: Header height overlap when entering in Fullscreen mode events, for example: Youtube.
- Fixed: Incorrect Featured Category for Slider module when demo content is imported.
- Fixed: Incorrect alignment for videos on AMP pages.
- Fixed: False/Positive for videos on Edge browser (not loading due a block of smart screen).
- Fixed: Incorrect color for header social buttons.
- Fixed: Incorrect color on hover for search button.
- Fixed: Align center not applied on images with links.
- Fixed: Featured image not listed on wp-admin -> all posts.
- Fixed: * Some fields listed on Theme Options do not appear on Customizer.
- Improved: * Now licenses can be reactivated on reinstallations.
- Improved: * Updated Theme Options Framework, now search options will work as expected.
- Improved: * Now all options inside customizer has the same order from the Theme Options section.
- Improved: Now fonts icons are loaded in a separated file, to reduce the load of other critical CSS.
- Improved: Removed transparent option from certain colors that shouldn't be transparent on Theme Options.
- Improved: Validation of transparent and rgba colors on Theme Options.
- Improved: Now Firefox will use a simplified effect for titles.
- Improved: Mask image size for main titles effect.
- Improved: Lazy load detect on single post content.
- Improved: Custom Scripts on Footer are fully removed in AMP pages to prevent JS errors (New AMP custom code will replace this functionality).
- Improved: Automatic paragraphs on text editor module.
- Improved: Reduced main container width on Notebooks (1366px and less), this will prevent sticky share incorrect layout and some other floating elements.
- Improved: Sticky logo max width to unlimited instead of 174px.
- Improved: Reading time for Cyrillic languages.
- Improved: If max title length is assigned and the title is less than the limit, the "..." (dots) will not appear if not needed.
- Improved: Now subscribe form will open a new window, this will reduce bounce rate.
- Improved: Share buttons URL to Permalink
- Improved: Reading time on search results (some pages do not need reading time).
- Improved: Accessibility titles inside single post.
- Improved: Several changes to improve LCP on Articles list.
- Improved: Several changes to improve LCP on Single Post Content.
- Improved: Now Code Prettify (prism) will be loaded only if needed on every page.
- Improved: Pasive listener warning for CWB.
- Improved: Now functions/sidebars.php, post-formats.php and theme-functions.php can be used inside the child theme, to override any function of these files.
- Added: Rel noopener and nofollow to several external links (social) and share buttons.
- Added: New option to select the words per minutes for reading time.
- Added: Custom Code for AMP pages, this will allow add Analytics codes and others.
- Added: New option to disable featured image on all single post (theme options -> blog -> single post content).
- Added: Now title can be disabled on Fullwidth page template.
- Added: New option to select the Author's page layout (grid, classic, with sidebar, etc) on theme options -> blog -> layouts.
- Added: New option to change mobile body font size, and mobile single post font size.
- Added: * Fallback license validation method for those FTP who don't allow edit/create files.
- Added: * AMP Compatibility for all Pages (categories, tags, search results, 404 and author).
- Added: * New optimization section (advanced settings).
- Added: New option to select theme font icons method (standard, javascript or in footer), this will improve TTI and reduce a little the LCP from CWB.
- Added: New option to add a delay to the font icons load (only available for Javascript method).
- Added: New option on Optimization -> adv settings, now low priority CSS can use Prefetch, Preload or Standard methods.
- Added: New optimization option, now Async scripts can be removed automatically from the source code.

v1.2.3 - 5 May 2020
- Fixed: Critical error when the theme is changed and Veen functions plugin is still active.
- Fixed: Author Position warning.
- Fixed: Author Avatar not displayed consistently if optimized Avatar is uploaded.
- Improved: Image quality for Fullcover posts and some text changes for recommended sizes (for old customers it is highly recommended to install regenerate thumbnails plugin).

v1.2.0 - 27 April 2020
- Fixed: Warning when main effect is empty from Theme Options panel.
- Fixed: Meta tag title when using a Front Page.
- Fixed: Subscribe custom background color not applied.
- Fixed: Warning when author position is empty.
- Improved: Added description on tag archives page.
- Improved: Sticky header, now menu items will always aligned to the middle (in case of large logos).
- Improved: Slider caption background color (when a different body background color is selected).
- Improved: Posts Carousel Lazy Load, now it will not be showed as a warning on GTMetrix.
- Added: Font size for Text Logo (desktop & mobile) in case of using large texts as logo (Theme Options -> Header).

v1.1.0 - 19 April 2020
- Fixed: Double title on Video post format on classic posts.
- Fixed: Double title on Audio post format when no soundcloud url is assigned (classic and grid posts).
- Fixed: Some missing translation strings.
- Fixed: Submenu arrows not working on IOS 6+ on Safari browser.
- Fixed: Incorrect Typography assigned to some elements, when custom typo is selected.
- Improved: Input fields font sizes to (16px), this will disable Auto Zoom In on IOS mobile devices.
- Improved: Code organization on Veen Functions plugin.
- Improved: Main translation file config (veen.pot).
- Improved: Title length on Classic Post style (single).
- Improved: Author box width when the description is too short.
- Improved: Border width on main titles.
- Added: New Theme Options section "Main Effect", with some extra options in case custom fonts are selected.
- Added: Missing translation strings to Spanish.
- Added: French Language, special thanks to Tractebel customer.
- Added: Close button to search lightbox just to improve usability (desktop and mobile).

v1.0.1 - 10 April 2020
- Fixed: Classic with sidebar layout not visible on search page.
- Fixed: Categories carousel module not displayed properly.
- Improved: Image quality for categories carousel.
- Improved: filters for comments fields

v1.0.0 - 09 April 2020
- Initial release.
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