Thông báo: Hotrowordpress sẽ tiến hành cập nhật lại toàn bộ plugin-themes hiện có trên blog. Thời gian hỗ trợ cập nhật từ ngày 30.03.2024, nếu cần gấp bản mới nhất vui lòng gửi mail về cho admin để nhận link download ưu tiên!

Soledad v8.2.2 NULLED – Multi-Concept Blog Magazine WordPress Theme


Soledad theme là chủ đề WordPress cao cấp về tin tức, blog, tạp chí.

Theme có một bộ hơn 200 slide, danh mục Mega Menu, tùy chỉnh trực tiếp WordPress với hơn 250 tùy chọn, thiết kế đáp ứng 100% – trông tuyệt vời trên tất cả các thiết bị, Thư viện Real Awesome với nhiều kiểu dáng và hơn thế nữa.

– Soledad mạnh mẽ & linh hoạt và dễ dàng tùy chỉnh. Nó giúp bạn tạo các trang web độc đáo và chuyên nghiệp trong vài phút.
– Soledad WordPress Theme hỗ trợ AMP, tương thích với WooCommerce, BBPress, BuddyPress plugin.
– Dưới đây là một số bản demo bạn có thể xây dựng với Soledad. Bạn có thể dễ dàng nhập bản demo vào trang web của mình chỉ bằng một cú nhấp chuột.
Tất cả các yếu tố được trình bày, bố cục & phong cách có thể được kết hợp tự do. Tất cả mọi thứ bao gồm trong một chủ đề.


Tính năng nổi bật Soledad – Multi-Concept Blog Magazine WordPress Theme

Tính năng Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog Magazine WordPress Theme

  • Hơn 5000 bản demo trang chủ cho nhiều mục đích
  • Tương thích với Trình tạo trang Elementor.
  • Tương thích với WPBakery Page Builder.
  • Hơn 30+ yếu tố tùy chỉnh cho Trình tạo trang Elementor & WPBakery.
  • Tương thích với chính sách GDPR của EU
  • Schema Markup & Google Structured Data Support
  • Tối ưu hóa cho tốc độ trang web
  • Hơn 1000 slides và kết hợp blog
  • Hỗ trợ AMP
  • Giao diện dark mode
  • Nhiều không gian quảng cáo – Quảng cáo bên trong bài viết có hỗ trợ nội dung
  • Tương thích với BBPress & BuddyPress
  • Danh mục Mega Menu
  • Tùy chỉnh trực tiếp WordPress với hơn 600 tùy chọn
  • Thiết kế đáp ứng 100% – Nhìn tuyệt vời trên tất cả các thiết bị
  • Phòng trưng bày thực sự tuyệt vời với rất nhiều phong cách
  • Nút bấm vô hạn Tải thêm bài viết (ajax)
  • Cuộn vô hạn Tải thêm bài viết
  • Hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ RTL, WPML Multilingual CMS
  • Menu Topbar
  • 9 kiểu tiêu đề
  • 4 Kiểu thanh bên cho tất cả các trang, bài viết
  • Thanh trượt nổi bật đẹp với 36 kiểu
  • Nhiều mẫu bài đăng cho các Câu chuyện khác nhau, mỗi Mẫu có 3 định dạng:
  • Tương thích thương mại điện tử WooCommerce
  • Tải lên phông chữ tùy chỉnh & hơn 750 phông chữ Google, phông chữ Typekit bao gồm
  • Thanh bên dính
  • Thanh bên tùy chỉnh cho bài viết & trang
  • Màu sắc không giới hạn
  • 11 Widget tùy chỉnh nâng cao
  • Công cụ tìm kiếm được tối ưu hóa SEO
  • Contact Form 7 & MailChimp để được hỗ trợ
  • Diễn đàn hỗ trợ & tài liệu chuyên dụng
Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine/News AMP WordPress Theme Nulled Free Changelog

Update Soledad Version 8.2.2
Featured Added: 2 new great demos:
Art Personal Blog
Cypto NFT Personal
Featured Added: Many new Blocks for Elementor Cloud Template Library & Templates from 2 new demos already added.
Featured Added: Google Web stories supported – you can use it for your site by install the plugin Web Stories from Google.
Featured Added: New widget “Web Stories” for Elementor & WPBakery Page Builder – required plugin “Web Stories” installed & activated to get it appears.
Featured Added: New widget “Web Stories” via Appearance > Widgets – required plugin “Web Stories” installed & activated to get it appears
Featured Added: Support for Breadcrumbs from Rank Math plugin – to enable it, you just need go to rank math settings and enable the breadcrumbs from Rank Math and it will be appears on the site.
Improve: The install plugins page – we recommend some other plugins there.
Improve: Improve widget “Penci Mailchimp” with new styles & options.
Improve: Some minor issues.
Update Soledad v8.1.4
Feature Added: We’ve added heading ajax filter for categories/tags/authors for Elementor widgets: “Penci Latest Posts”, “Penci Featured Cat”, “Penci Small List”, “Penci Big Grid” – now it’s easy to add ajax filter for your blocks.
You can see some examples for ajax filter via this demo
Feature Added: Added Next/Prev Ajax buttons beside the ajax filter categories/tags/authors. You can see some examples for next/previous ajax buttons via this demo also.
Feature Added: Adjust vertical align/text align/ content padding/ margin /elements spacing for Elementor widget: “Penci Featured Slider”. Now, more customization for the sliders.
Improve: Some minor issues.
Big Update Soledad Version 8.1.3
Feature Added:5 new great demos:
New Modern Tech
World Wide News
Live News
Pop News
Elegance News
Please update the plugin “Penci Soledad Demo Importer” to the latest version to get it. All templates & blocks from those demos added to Cloud Template Library also.
Feature Added: Archive Template Builder supports now. You can create your own Category, Tags, Author, Search or Archive Pages by using Elementor now. Check more guide here
Feature Added: Single Post Template Builder supports now. You can create your own Single Posts Pages by using Elementor now. Check more guide here
Feature Added: The “Table of Content” is available inside the theme now. You can check options for it via Customize > Table of Content
Feature Added: Add more 20 social sharing styles for posts/pages. You can check option for it via Customize > Single Posts > General > Share Box Style
Feature Added: Spacing options for widgets “Penci Latest Posts” from Elementor. You can adjust all the spacing from this element now.
Feature Added: Spacing options for widgets “Penci Featured Cat” from Elementor. You can adjust all the spacing from this element now.
Feature Added: More Styles for “Search icon”, “Menu Hamburger”, “Cart icon”, “Compare Icon”, “Wishlist Icon”, “Mobile Menu Icon” from the Header Builder
Feature Added: One more option for showing the search overlay. If you’re not using the header builder, check option via Customize > Logo & Header > Main Bar & Primary Menu > Header Search Style
Feature Added: Option to disable the delay icons when you using the optimize speed modules from the theme.
Improve: Some minor issues.

Update Soledad Version 8.1.2
Improve: Improve the loading of Critical CSS files. It will loads faster than before when you using our optimize speed modules. Please update the theme & update the plugin “Penci Shortcodes & Performance” to the latest version to get it.
Feature Added: We have separated the option that allows you to disable lazyload iframe only in case you don’t want to lazyload iframe. Check options for it via Customize > Speed Optimization > General & Lazyload.
Feature Added: Option to disable lazyload specificts images/iframes based on classes or a part from the URL. Check options for it via Customize > Speed Optimization > General & Lazyload.
Improve: Some minor issues.
Update Soledad Version 8.1.1
Feature Added:5 new great demos:
Daily News
Modern Tech
Graph Newspaper
Citylight Magazine
Central News
Please update the theme to the latest version & the plugin “Penci Soledad Demo Importer” to get those demos.
We’ve added those demo templates to our Template Cloud Library – so you can find them inside the Template Cloud Library also. There blocks from those demos will be added to our Template Cloud Library soon.
Improve: We’ve added the cached for critical files for similar posts/pages to make it faster to load when you use our optimised speed modules. We’ve improved the loading time of lazy load images to make them load faster. Please update the plugin “Penci Shortcodes & Performance” to the latest version.
Improve: Some minor issues.

Update Soledad Version 8.1.0
Improve: We continue to optimize speed in this version. Reduce some resource doesn’t needed. Please update the theme & plugin “Penci Shortcodes & Performance” to get it.
Improve: New option from Speed Optimization – delay google fonts to loads. It can helps you reduce more the FCP & FID values from Core Web Vitals.
Feature Added: Custom Width for Container 1170px and 1400px. Default container width of 1170px is 1170px, same as container 1400px. Now you can adjust it as the way you want via Customize > General > General Settings. You also can change it for single post pages only via Customize > Single Posts > General.
Feature Added: Option to fixed sidebar width in pixel via Customize > Sidebar > General. It can helps in case you’re using the ads on the sidebar and don’t want responsive reduce the width of the sidebar.
Improve: AMP issues with the latest version of Yoast SEO – Please update the AMP plugin to version 4.6 to get it.
Improve: Some issues with Customizer loading are not correct return preview on static homepage.
Improve: Some minor issues.
Update Soledad v8.0.9
Feature Added: We’ve improved the interface & loading speed of Customize from the theme in this version. Now, the Customizer / Header Builder loads faster much than before and looks nicer much..
Feature Added: We’ve improved the interface of Posts/Pages meta boxes also to make it looks better.
Feature Added: New element “Penci FullWidth Hero Overlay” for Elementor
Feature Added: New layout “Creative List” added for element “Penci Small List”
Improve: Some small issues
Update Soledad Version 8.0.8
Feature Added: Popup Builder – You can load a popup by using custom HTML/shortcodes or from a Penci Blocks created by Elementor or WPBakery Page Builder. Check more options for it via Customize > Promo Popup
Feature Added: Age Verify Popup – an age verify popup to help you can verify the age of customers before access to your website. Check options for it via Customize > General > Age Verify Popup
Feature Added: New widget ( from Appearance > Widgets ): “Soledad Products List” – a widget to help you can filter more the products and display it on a list layout.
Feature Added: New element for Elementor: “Penci Products List” – an element with many options to help you can showing the products in a list/carousel or even a grid.
Feature Added: New element for Elementor: “Penci Button PopUp” – it helps you can create a button like “Penci Button”, but when you click on it – a nice popup will be showing.
Feature Added: We’ve added a new option inside “Query” of posts widgets from Elementor to avoid duplicate posts. Now, if you want to avoid duplicate posts, just need to enable this option for all posts blocks and no duplicate posts appear anymore.
Improve: We’ve improve the element “Google Map” from Elementor & WPBakery Page Builder. An option to help you can showing the map without to fill Google Map API key.
Improve: Some small problems with our new speed optimization modules – please update the plugin “Penci Shortcodes & Performance” to the latest version after updating the theme to get it.
Update Soledad Version 8.0.7 – focus more on speed optimization
Feature Added: Our new optimize speed module – it’s easy to setup & better than before. No need Critical CSS Tool and plugin “Penci PageSpeed Optimizer” anymore. Please check new guide here to know how to get it works with the new optimize speed tool. Please update the plugin “Penci Shortcodes & Performance” to the latest version to get it works correctly.
Improve: Some minor issues
Update Soledad Version 8.0.6
Added: Video tutorial for how to create a mega menu builder – you can check here.
Added: Some blocks to Cloud Templates Library uses for create Mega Menu Builder.
Improve: Displays of mega menu builder when using element “Penci Advanced Lists” & other lists.
Improve: Issues with Uninstall a demo – please update the plugin “Penci Soledad Demo Importer” to fix it.
Update Soledad Version 8.0.5
Feature Added: Mega Menu Builder – We will release a new video tutorial soon for this feature to help you can understand how it works. Please follow new video on our Soledad Videos Tutorial Playlist. You can see new features by go to Appearance > Menus > edit a menu item > and you can load a Penci Block appears as dropdown menu.
Feature Added: Show Featured Posts as a Big Grid for Category & Tags Pages. It’s a new feature to help you can make your category, tags pages more interesting. Please check options for it via Customize > General > Category, Tags, Search, Archive Pages
Improve: Improve some javascript on Penci Header Builder to get it to work smooth more.
Improve: Some minor issues
Big Update Soledad Version 8.0.4
Feature Added: 5 new great demos:
Times New/Magazine
Modern News/Magazine
Personal Food Blog
Home Decor Design Magazine
Skincare Blog & Shop
Please update the theme & plugin “Penci Soledad Demo Importer” to get it. We’ve updated those templates inside Cloud Library Templates also.
Feature Added: Highlight features: Header Builder & Footer Builder – now you can easy to design your header & footer as the way you want. You can check more on this video tutorial to know how to config it.
Feature Added: new element “Penci Small List” for Elementor. You have more many ways to design your post blocks now.
Feature Added: new element “Penci Footer Nav Menu” for Elementor – it helps you can easy to create a footer menu when you use the Footer Builder.
Feature Added: option to adjust the display style for categories of posts, you can check options for it via Customize > General > General Settings > Style for Post Categories Listing.
Feature Added: option to change the date format data to “Time ago” format – check option for it Customize > General > General Settings > Select Date Format.
Improve: We’ve re-make “Social Counter” widget to make it look better & more options than before. Social Counter added support for Tiktok now also.
Improve: We’ve fixed the Instagram problem. To get it fixed for your site, please update the theme and go to Dashboard > Soledad > Connect Instagram > and connect to your Instagram account. After that, drag again the Instagram widget to your sidebar & config it the way you want then check it. It should work fine now.
Improve: Some small issues.
Update Soledad Version 8.0.2
Feature Added: 5 new great demos for Online Shop:
Minimal Shop
Fashion Accessories Store
Electronic Accessories Store
Glasses Store
Watch Store
Please update the theme & plugin “Penci Soledad Demo Importer” to get it.
Feature Added: Improve & Add more many features for element “Penci Info Box” from Elementor & WPBakery
Feature Added: Improve & Add more many features for element “Penci Advanced Carousel” from Elementor & WPBakery
Improve: Some CLS issues
Improve: Some minor issues

Update Soledad v8.0.1
Fix: Select multiple categories/tags doesn’t save on Block Widgets ( Appearance > Widgets ) for widgets “Soledad Popular Posts”, “Soledad Recent Posts”, “Soledad Posts Slider”
Improve: Some minor issues with CSS for Woocommerce

Big Update Soledad Version 8.0.0
Feature Added: New 10 demos include 5 new demos for Online Shop:
General Magazine
General Online Shop
Women Fashion Shop
Electronics Store
Men Fashion Shop
Personal Blog and Shop
Massage Multipurpose
Chinese Restaurant Multipurpose
Online Food Delivery
Fashion Personal Blog
Please update the theme & plugin “Penci Soledad Demo Importer” to get it.
Feature Added: We’ve added & imporove many features for Woocommerce – helps you can create a beautiful online store in a short-time. Check more on our documentation here
Feature Added: Penci Cloud Library for Elementor – You can get it by edit a page using elementor > scroll down at the bottom of the page and see the “Green” button to add a Template/Block from our Cloud Library.
It’s very easy to import any template and copy elements from Page/Post to Page/Post.
Improve: We’ve improve the Penci Portfolio plugins with many new features. Let update the plugin “Penci Portfolio” and enjoy it.
Improve: Some other issues.

Soledad Version 7.9.6
Feature Added: Options for filter widgets: Soledad Recent Posts, Soledad Popular Posts, Soledad Posts Slider – you can select to filter multiple categories, tags now.
Let go to Appearance > Widgets > edit a widget “Soledad Recent Posts”, “Soledad Popular Posts”, “Soledad Posts Slider” and you will see it.
We also added supports for filter Custom Post Type & some other query for it in this version.
Feature Added: Option to display the Sub-title. You can see sub-title field on the edit post screen now. And options for it via Customize > Single Posts.
Improve: We’ve improve the widget “Penci Pricing Table” for Elementor – added more options & styles to help you can customize many things.
Improve: Some other minor issues.

Soledad Version 7.9.5
Feature Added: Add new 6 styles for sidebar widget heading title, home title box & block heading title. You can preview to see new styles via Customize > Sidebar > General > Sidebar Widget Heading Style.
Feature Added: Add new 3 layouts for latest posts: Small List Post, Mixed Post Style 3 and Mixed Post Style 4 & options relate to those layouts.
If you’re using Customize to config the homepage, check new layout via Customize > Homepage > General > Homepage Layout
If you’re using Elementor or WPBakery Page Builder to config the homepage/page, check new layout on element “Penci Latest Posts”.
Feature Added: Add new 2 styles for sidebar – check more about this via Customize > Sidebar > General
Feature Added: Add new style 15 for featured categories.
It’s available for 3 ways to set up the homepage also.
Feature Added: Custom Separator icon between posts datas – check more about this via Customize > General > General Settings > “Select Separator Icon Between Posts Datas” & “Select Separator Icon Between Categories”.
Feature Added: Add new 2 styles ( 19 & 20 ) for “Penci Big Grid” element ( for both Elementor & WPBakery )
Feature Added: Add new options for Latest Posts/Popular Posts widgets, more options to adjust how it displays.
Feature Added: Option for adjust row gap for latest posts.
If you’re using Customize to config the homepage, check it via Customize > Posts Layouts > Rows Gap
If you’re using Elementor or WPBakery Page Builder to config the homepage/page, check new layout on element “Penci Latest Posts” and you can see this option.
Improve: Some markup for AMP plugin to get it more optimize.
Improve: Some minor issues with WordPress version 5.8.
Improve: Some other minor issues.

Soledad Version 7.9.4
Feature Added: Options to showing “Inline Related Posts” automatically for all your posts, it can be showing before or end the post content or inside post content ( after X paragraphs ). You can check option for it via Customize > Single Posts > Inline Related Posts
Feature Added: “Inline related posts” shortcodes – in case you want to manage to show inline related posts manually. Check this image to know where to find it.
Feature Added: Options to display Outline Social Icons Instead of Filled Social Icons for Your Social Media & Social Sharing. You can check options for it via Customize > General > General Settings > “Use Outline Social Icons Instead of Filled Social Icons for Your Social Media?” and “Use Outline Social Icons for Social Sharing?”
Feature Added: Add more some styles for Author Box( Author Bio ) – you can check options for it via Customize > Single Posts > General > Author Box Style.
Feature Added: Add support element “Penci Big Grid” for WPBakery Page Builder.
Feature Added: Add social media icons for: Dailymotion, Blogger, Delicious, Deviantart, Digg, Evernote, Forrst, Grooveshark, Lastfm, Myspace, Paypal, Skype, Window, WordPress, Yahoo, Yandex.
Improve: Optimized the CLS for logo image for some header styles by default.
Improve: Some minor issues.

= Soledad Version 7.9.3 =
Feature Added: New element “Penci Big Grid” for Elementor – it brings you many options to help you can build the latest posts, featured categories or featured posts in another way better and looks nicer. You also can put custom content inside the Penci Big Grid – everything is custom able. We will add this element for WPBakery soon.
Improve: We’ve improve the Query Section from Elementor, fix some small issues.
Improve: Optimize the plugin “Penci Page Speed Optimizer” plugin – let’s update it to version 2.0.6
Improve: Optimize the Critical CSS Tool, if you need to generate critical CSS for your site, let’s re-download the tool by use the same link as before.

= Soledad Version 7.9.2 =
Feature Added: Option to disable the delay loading Google Analytics Javascript for Penci Page Speed Optimizer – please update the plugin “Penci PageSpeed Optimizer” to version 2.0.4 and read more detail on Customize > Speed Optimization > PageSpeed Optimizer. The javascript from Google Analytics will delay to load by default.
Improve: Group all Elementor elements from the theme to category “[PenciDesign] Elements” on Elementor editor mode – it helps you can easy to find elements from the theme itself..
Improve: Issues with default fonts from “Penci Text Block” from Elementor

= Soledad Version 7.9.1 =
Feature Added: Add more Douban & QQ to Social Media Icons
Improve: Some minor issues with Penci PageSpeed Optimizer plugin. Remember go to Dashboard > Settings > PageSpeed Optimizer > click to “Purge All” button to re-build the merge files then clear all the caches after that to get everything updated.
Improve: Add new options for Penci PageSpeed Optimizer plugin, check more via Customize > Speed Optimization > Page Speed Optimizer > PageSpeed Optimizer.
Improve: Some redirects from Penci Soledad AMP plugin. Now, by default, we set end point ( /amp/ will display at the end of URL ) is the default settings for AMP pages URL

= BIG UPDATE: Soledad Version 7.9.0 – An update focus to help you can optimize more the site speed..
Feature Added: Optimize more your website speed/Web Vitals with plugin Penci Speed Optimizer & Critical CSS Tool – you can check more how to do that on the documentation here:
Feature Added: Add more VK, OK, Pocket, Skype, Viber to social sharing. You can enable it via Customize > General > Show/Hide Social Sharing
Feature Added: Infinite scroll load more posts for Single Posts Pages. You can check options for it via Customize > Single Post > Infinity Scrolling Load Posts
Feature Added: Option to re-order sections on the Footer. You can check options for it via Customize > Footer > General
Feature Added: Select image size for desktop & mobile for the Slider. If you’re using Customize to config the homepage, you can check option for it via Customize > Featured Slider > General. If you’re using Elementor/WPBakery Page Builder to config the homepage, you can edit the element “Penci Featured Slider” and you will see those options.
Feature Added: Max-width for Footer Logo via Customize > Footer.
Feature Added: Multiple other small options
Improve: The option from Customize > Single Posts > General > “Enable Caption on Featured Image” – now works for all post templates.
Improve: Some minor issues.
Update Plugins:

Update: Update Penci Soledad AMP to version 3.9. We’ve removed option from “Customizer AMP > Homepage Options > Disable Auto Ads”. Now the AMP Auto Ads Javascript by default is not loads. If you want to load it, you can enable it via “Customizer AMP > Header > Load AMP Auto Ads Javascript”
Improve: The Section name & Options name from AMP plugin.
Improve: AMP plugin now compatible better with “Rank Math” & “All In One SEO” plugins.
Update: Slider Revolution to latest version in the theme package.

= Soledad Version 7.8.0 =
Feature Added: In-feed Ads for “Latest Posts” – works fine with ajax also.
Feature Added: Reading time meta for posts – will be showing on the post feed layouts
Feature Added: Option to custom the meta key for post views via Customize > General. It uses when you need to get post views from a plugin or your old theme.
Feature Added: Showing the post views data ( all time, weekly, monthly ) inside edit post screen now, you can check your post views data or edit it as weel there.
Feature Added: “News Ticker” element for Elementor & WPBakery Page Builder
Feature Added: More adjust for “Top Posts” on the topbar. Check more via Customize > TopBar > General
Feature Added: Fix some issues with AMP, please update AMP to version 3.7
Improve: Some minor issues.

= Soledad Version 7.7.1 =
* IMPROVE: Some minor issues with custom fonts/ white label.
* IMPROVE: Option to disable the weather font icons if you don't use weather font icons via Customize > Speed Optimization > General & Lazyload

= Soledad Version 7.7.0 =
* FEATURE ADDED: Improve the Topbar with more elements: Current date, custom text, login/register popup and you can re-order the elements display on the top bar now also. Please check options for it via Customize > Topbar
* IMPROVE: CLS for sliders
* IMPROVE: Some issues with javascript on Firefox, ready to update the theme to the future versions of WordPress without issues with Javascript.
* IMPROVE: Lazyload images from the theme - only load images inside viewing screen
* IMPROVE: Some minor issues.

= Soledad Version 7.6.1 =
* FIX: Some small issues with Javascript on Firefox & colour picker on edit page screen.
* IMPROVE: Speed Optimization - exclude the CSS from login page to preload when you check on "Preload all other stylesheets" - let's update plugin "Penci Shortcodes & Performance" to get it after updating the theme.

= Soledad Version 7.6.0 =
A new version focus to help you optimize your site speed.
* FEATURE ADDED: Options to speed optimization via Customize > Speed Optimization - remember update plugin "Penci Shortcodes & Performance" to latest version to get this section appears.
We also moved all the lazyload images options to Customize > Speed Optimization > General & Lazyload to help you can control it better.
And check the guide to understand options there here:
* FEATURE ADDED: Option to show categories for most of the slider styles.
If you're using Customizer to config the homepage, check option via Customize > Featured Slider > General > Display Categories for all Posts on Slider
If you're using Elementor or WPBakery Page Builder, let's edit element "Penci Featured Slider" and you will see this option.
* FEATURE ADDED: Option to hide "Website", "Name" or "Email" fields on WordPress Comment Forms. Check options for it via Customize > Single Posts > Comments Form
* FEATURE ADDED: Option to enable click on parent menu items to open child menu items for Vertical Mobile Navigation and Menu Hamburger. Check options for it via:
Customize > Logo & Header > Vertical Mobile Navigation > Enable click on Parent Menu Item to open Child Menu Items
Customize > Vertical Navigation & Hamburger Menu > Enable click on Parent Menu Item to open Child Menu Items
* IMPROVE: Some issues with RTL and others.

Soledad Version 7.5.1
*IMPROVE: Remove option from "Customize > General > Extra Options > Use Sticky Javascript from Elementor Pro" - we've fixed all the problems related with this option, so it's not needed anymore, you still can keep use Sticky Javascript from Elementor to works without any conflict with the theme.
*IMPROVE: Replace option from "Customize > General > Extra Options > Preload Font Icons" to a new option "Disable Preload for Icons & Google Fonts from the theme" - that means, the preload will be set as the default to optimize the speed. And if you don't want to use preload, let's disable it by use this new option.

Soledad Version 7.5.0:
A new update to change the look of Customize - improve it much to help you can easy to find options for each section.
* FEATURE ADDED: Improve Customize section - make it's easy to use more - even with beginner people.
* FEATURE ADDED: Fully options to Customize font size & colors for each section.
* FEATURE ADDED: Optimize speed by reduce the DOM number and give you an option from Customize > General > Extra Options > Preload Font Icons
* FEATURE ADDED: Option to select rel attr type for social media & social share via Customize > General > Extra Options
* FEATURE ADDED: Options for adjust the font size for widgets "Soledad Recent Posts", "Soledad Popular Posts", "Soledad Related Posts"
* FEATURE ADDED: Option for select Order & Order by for "Soledad Recent Post" widget.
* IMPROVE: Some minor issues.

Soledad Version 7.4.2
* QUICK FIX: The issue with javascript from sticky sidebar.
* FEATURE ADDED: New update focus to improve & add more features to the Penci Recipe plugin. Please update the theme and update the Penci Recipe plugin to get it. And check more options for Penci Recipe from Customize > Recipe Options.
* FEATURE ADDED: Option to custom menu for mobile vertical navigation via Customize > Logo and Header Options.
* IMPROVE: Fixed all the issues about javascript between the theme & deprecations functions from jQuery.
* IMPROVE: Some minor issues.

Update new 20 demos:
Soledad – Wedding Catering – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Food Tour Travel – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Market Intelligence Firm – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Medical Consulting Business – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Food Truck Multipurpose – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Swimming Class Multipurpose – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Loan Business Multipurpose – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Salad Club Business – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Astrology Club – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Mechanics Shop – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – IT Service Business – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Seafood Restaurant – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – City Delivery Service – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Plastic Surgery Business – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Mobile Payment – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Bubble Tea Shop – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Food Photography Studio – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Copywriters Business – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Italian Restaurant – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
Soledad – Car Racing – Multi-purpose WordPress Themes site
To get it, please update plugin "Penci Soledad Demo Importer".
  • Xem thêm: kho chủ đề Themeforest được chia sẻ miễn phí, cập nhật hàng ngày
  • Soledad v8.2.2 NULLED – Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine/News AMP WordPress Theme (fix update 21-07-2022): SOLEDAD-V8.2.2.RAR

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18 bình luận
  1. Học đã bình luận

    Theme này an toàn sử dụng không ad, có sợ bị cài backlink hay virut ko ạ. Thấy nhiều theme share bị cài mã độc nguy hiểm hãi quá.

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      Sợ thì cài wordfence vào nhé

  2. đã bình luận

    Check theme có cài nhiều code mã hóa. Mọi người lưu ý nhed

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      Nói 1 câu đầy súc tích, am hiểu tường tận. Đỉnh cao thật sự. Sang chấn tâm lý

  3. Abc đã bình luận

    ad mới có bản mới r 7.9.5

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      mai nhé

  4. Hưng đã bình luận

    Pass bị sai ads ơi

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      đợi fix tất cả link khoảng 2 – 3 ngày ban nhé

  5. Long đã bình luận

    Theme em tải từ mình hiện đang bị bắt mua key. Có cách nào fix dc k ạ. Giờ vô admin nó cứ bắt mua thôi ạ. Em biết crack sẽ có tình trạng như này. K phải ăn vạ mà là em nhờ admin trợ giúp vì index cũng khá nhiều r ạ. Em cảm ơn admin

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      gửi teamview qua zalo or skype

  6. Quốc Thắng đã bình luận

    Cho em xin key active v7.7.1 được không ạ ?

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      nulled ko cần key nha

  7. Hòa đã bình luận

    ad ơi, mình tải về nó lại là bản 7.5.0. ad xem lại giùm với ạ. cảm ơn ad

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      mình quên update link. Sr nhé

  8. Patrick đã bình luận

    import được admin nhé. Cảm ơn admin đã share nhiều tài nguyên

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      Ok nhé

  9. Patrick đã bình luận

    Xin chào, mình lần đầu tiên truy cập. Quản trị viên cho mình hỏi bản này mình có import demo được không ạ? Trân trọng cảm ơn và mong sớm nhận hồi đáp

    1. HoTroWordpress đã bình luận

      Các version trước đó vẫn import bthuong nhé. Bản này mình ko test nên chưa rõ. Bạn cứ thử xem xao nhé

Để lại bình luận

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